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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Morning Violets~

Judy...you look amazing!!!

Everyone else, I had to speed read through the thread this morning. I am trucking along, and yes, for the first time following the rules (except last night at dinner). Since we are eating out a lot I am saving lots of money not ordering ice teas w/ my meals, lol.

I will pop in later...today we start at 8 and out at 9pm...tomorrow as well:faint:. BUT IT IS MY LAST SEMINAR!!!!!!!!!!! So we are having a bit of fun here and there too (3 in a hotel room, lots of giggles).

Sara~ where are you?????

Laura~ If I don't get a chance...congrats, have fun...may God bless your union!!!xoxox

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Terry, maybe the girl that wears a size 12 only wears stretchy clothes compared to your fitted, non-elastic wardrobe. I too was surprised to hear that women who weighed the same as me were wearing size 28-30 clothes when I was in a 24-26 clothes. But all my clothes were very stretchy, lots of lycra and elastic, none of them were form-fitting. That's how I got away with wearing a "smaller" size. That is probably what this girl is doing!

So I went and got a second fill on Saturday. All went well, absolutely no pain this time. I told her it hurt last time so she was extra gentle! She put in an additional 2.5 cc and now I have a total of 4.3 or something like that. That sounds like alot, huh? I hope I get good restriction this time. She asked me to do two days of liquids and one day of mushies because she was so aggresive with the fill. So far everything is ok. No reflux or anything like that. My Water does gurgle when it goes down. Today is my first day of mushies and I am having cottage cheese and it's going down very hard... I've been burping non stop since Saturday, and this is gross but the burps taste like carbonation. Like when you have a Coke and then you burp, that's how my burps taste. Weird huh? All i've had is Water and chicken broth.

Today is storming again in Houston. It hasn't really stopped raining for about 2 weeks now. Really putting a damper on my lunch time walks. I'll have to do an extra 30 minutes on the threadmill tonight.

Have an awesome day today everyone!

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Morning everyone

Terry - you are cracking me up, but I hear you. I have friends shorter than I am who weigh the same as me but wear the same size. That I don't get either. I have 6 inches on some of myfriends, I am now in a Large top and 16-18 bottom. I hope to change that to a 16 easy soon. But I guess going to the gym every day should help

Judy, you just look amazing

I am off for coffee with my friend, that is the one thing i was suppose to give up that I just couldn't. No alcohol, no bread, even no sugar added icecream... but coffee......... no way. I do use skim milk in cold coffee and have fat free Creamer stuff in hot coffee. so i guess that is a big difference from my old ways.

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I'm back from TN after a girls weekend and I had my second fill today!

I had GAINED a pound, (but I know that it was Water retention because my feet and hands are swollen from all the drinking and eating I did over the weekend) but STILL ... a GAIN! Because of this and because my portion sizes are to large the doctor gave me an additional 1.25 cc's on top of the 1.5cc's I already had. (I have the small band).......... soooooo.. I believe that my ass will be clamped down now! 2.75cc in a 4cc band.. OH MY! I'm drinkin a Protein Shake right now......... I plan to knock his socks off when I go back on July 30th.

Terri: at 240-247ish that I am right now, I can wear some of my old size 16's when I last weighed 174-198.. I was in most size 12 pants.... and some even stretcy size 10's.......... but from looking at your body pics I know one of the reasons why my size would differ from yours....

Alot of my weight is carried in my ARMS and BOOBS......... you already have tank toppable arms and the only way I will EVER have them is surgery. Also like Haydee my clothes in question are stretch versions.

I am a hair under 5'5" and pretty balanced in my proportions (except my arms and breasts)

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This is driving me crazy! I've had the hiccups for the past few hours. Each time I hiccup I feel like I want to throw up. Did this happen to anyone right after a fill? I had them yesterday too but not this bad. They are making my whole chest area and my upper back hurt. I tried holding my breath, drinking Water. NOTHING is helping...

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Our home remedy for hiccups is either a tsp of sugar or to eat a banana! The banana trick we just learned about recently...and it works!

Sorry Haydee :eek: That would drive me nuts too!

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Thanks for the recipes, I am going to try them both. I always do a lot of pecans, and peanuts in either the glazed like your recipe Gina or spicy for the peanuts, and DH gives them to his guys at Christmas. This will be awesome---in the crockpot!!!! The salad may be my contribution the 4th of July cookout, that I just found out is going to be at my inlaws.

Terry---I am very oddly built as well. I carried the vast majority of my weight in the top part of my body. I have thin hips and legs, and no butt to speak of. If this belly were gone, I could easily do a 10 or 12 max. I wear a 14 now, and the thighs are always baggy. I have lost lots of inches on top, but I remain top heavy. I am down 8 inches--or 4 sizes in the band of my bra, from a 48 to a 40....but the cup has only changed in the fact that now it fits, loosely instead of me bulging out of it. I was a DDD to start and am still a DD. But I lost weight all over, my shoes are too big! I went from a size 10 ring to a 7.5. Even my reading glasses, had to be adjusted, I would bend over and they would come off, my face had slimmed down so much!

I know there was a time I was really dropping inches, and the pounds barely moved, but I have awesome tone in my legs. I have muscle definition! So I know I am in better shape, even if the overall size of them didn't change much. Originally I wore a 22/24 stretchy pants, and a 3-4X top. I am now in a size 14 (Misses in some womens in others) jeans, and a 1X top. And I do not do anything really super tight. My belly is still overly big for the rest of me. So I wear bigger tops attempting to keep it all under cover. I am also quite tall---5'9". My SIL who was banded at the same time, was a slow starter, she didn't lose very fast in the beginning, but when she reached a good fill level, she has really dropped it fast, and she passed me up in the amount she lost. She is a lot shorter, 5'4" maybe....and she carried her weight all over, but heavy through the hips and thighs---where I wasn't. I had the belly she didn't....and she is small chested. Now we wear about the same size pants, and she is in regular misses tops. Even years ago when I was thin, I had problems getting tops to fit. We have lost at different paces, we can eat different things, she has a lot of eating problems, where I don't. We have lost similar amounts, and remain differently built now!!! And we were banded the same day by the same Dr. Age, bone size & density, weight distribution all work in different ways----not to mention the way clothing sizes differ from style to style, or store to store. I bet I have 5 different sizes of things, and they all fit me!

PLUS----using vaseline with those tools and wenches could help too!!! Slick it up!!!

Hang in there your size 12 days are a comin'!!!!!

I am home nursing a sick granddaughter today. My DD just got this new job, and it is an awesom opportunity for her, since she totally changed fields. From nursing to oilfield admin/asst. She is finally making some real money---and right off the bat she has a sick little one. She has already told them of the appointment to have her cast checked/removed if ready. so I told her I'd keep her today. Poor baby could not keep anything on her tummy, she threw up, and dry heaved all night, and morning. I took her to her pediatrician, and she gave me 3 hours to get her some Fluid in, or they will admit her and do it via IV. She is pretty small, so dehydrates fast. Her heart rate was already elevated, and she has not urinated all day.....but her tongue was still moist so she gave me 3 hours! So we got the hydrating solution and I used a syringe and gave her 3 cc.'s every 5 minutes for the first hour. She threw up once early on, but kept the last of it down, so we went up to 5cc.'s, and are now about 2 1/2 hours out and I am giving her 10 cc.'s every 5-10 minutes, and am having to wake her to do it. I think it is working. Poor baby. But it has been a couple of hours that it has all stayed down.

Well, she is whining rather than sleeping now between doses of fluid, so I am going to go rock her. TTYL


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that is me... smaller on the bottom than the top, I got a misses x-large 15/16 at Walmart in the regular section and that was even big, I just got my first Large shirt. my belly and hips... YUCK

every day I walk past the mirror and yell at myself , now that i am starting to look better, I think I am harder on myself. to be a fly on my wall, you would hear how mean I am to myself, but hey... it gets me to the gym every day LOL

Sorry to hear about your granddaughter, I went through the same thing last summer with a 2 year old and he refused to drink, we used the medicine dropper to squirt gatorade into him to keep him out of the hospital.

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No time to catch up right now, getting ready for the wedding- yay!

But wanted to let you know how my 2nd fill went.

Went down there.. He jabbed me 6-8 times with the needle, no numbing, with me clenching my body up and trying to balance my legs in the air, and remembering to breath.. oh boy. My body was shaking and since there were so many jabs I was SO sore by the 4th one. It hurt just to touch it lightly, and he was pushing down to locate the port.. so.. by 7th jab, he decides I need to do fluero! I was excited that he'd fill me accurately using it, but I guess that's not how he does it.. he said he just wanted to do it to locate the port :eek:

So I have to go to the hospital, he was to meet me there, but he took an hour to get there.. zzzz.

I was literally falling asleep in the chairs, I am just exhausted today for some reason. So I finally get it done.. they let me watch on the screen too, so that was fun. He numbed me this time, since I was so sore from the previous jabs.. so I got to watch without flinching, I didn't feel the needle go in.. he said I lost 1cc (just disappeared).. so I was at .5cc.. he said he added 1cc.. I said.. since I haven't felt restricted from 1.5cc and there's no tellin when 1cc 'disappeared', is 1.5cc total this time going to do anything? And I have lost 1.5lb since my last fill (june 5).. so 1 month and 1.5lb..argh. He agreed that is not acceptable!

So.. he said, let's watch barium stuff go down.. First, I was so glad to SEE my band. I don't know about you guys but I've been so paranoid.. since I don't feel restriction I wonder if it's because I slipped, or I made my esophogus into a big stomach (things I've read).. but there it was, he said it was in perfect position, and the stomach looks great! WHEW!!! So then I sip, we watched.. it went right through, with this thin trail behind it.. he said something about that's good that's what he wants-- I don't understand it. I want it to get stuck LOL!

So, he said he's gonna put more in. So jabs me again- don't feel it. Gives me another 1cc. We watch it go down again. Looks the same! He said he didn't want to overfill me before my wedding and have me be sick! Told him we're not doing any fancy dinners or anything, so if I'm too tight, I'll be fine.

I'm at 2.5cc now. Hopefully this works..fingers crossed.. my stomach is sooo bruised right now.

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Hi all, this really has nothing to do with the Band, but this is something that is stressing me. My GS has been diagnosed with ADHD, but without the learning disability, and put on drugs for it. But. My son does absolutely not want him on the drug, and I am wondering if any of you know of maybe a natural way like Vitamins that would work as well as the drug. I am not sure what the drug is called, but arent they all for that about the same?

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Just to be funny, my cure for ADHD remains to be.. beat the child! :eek:

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Hi all, this really has nothing to do with the Band, but this is something that is stressing me. My GS has been diagnosed with ADHD, but without the learning disability, and put on drugs for it. But. My son does absolutely not want him on the drug, and I am wondering if any of you know of maybe a natural way like Vitamins that would work as well as the drug. I am not sure what the drug is called, but arent they all for that about the same?

My bf's daughter has it. She was diagnosed years ago and my bf worked with her for years and did a great job, consistancy and everything was on a schedule, meals, wake up and bed time. She did a great job with her but within the past year, she decided to medicate her. I am not 100% sure what she is on but I will ask her tomorrow. Her medication has helped her focus in school and her grades have actually improved greatly for the first time. In preschool, this same girl would spit on other kids, bite them and could not sit still.

I guess what I'm saying, without knowing the entire situation, they can try setting a schedule, a very strict one and sticking to it. I will ask my friend about the meds and post tomorrow.

Hope that helps

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My 16 year old son was diagnosed last year with 'borderline' ADHD (i.e., he's not a severe case). I went thru all the research looking for any way to avoid putting him on medication (Adderal) but in the end we decided to try it just to see how he did. At the same time he was also diagnosed with depression and was put on medication for that as well. You can imagine how freaked out I was!! I did NOT want my son on these medications!!!!! But the doctor talked at length with us and we were convinced to at least try it for a few months and she assured us she would keep a very close eye on him. I am happy to say that he has done a complete 180 degree turn around. He was failing school, doing drugs and being VERY defiant and combative. Our lives were a living hell for several months. When treatment began we also got him into a drug treatment program for teens based on the 12 steps, so that was good too. He is once again his old self and his second semester grades were a B average. He doesn't do drugs or drink. I can't even imagine what our lives would be like now if he weren't being treated. In hindsight, his drug use turned out to be the catalyst for getting some serious evaluations done and discovering his illness. I think he's gonna be OK. WHEW.

Bottom line about the ADHD drugs.... you can try other methods but if things don't get better don't dilly-dally. Precious time can be wasted as the school year rolls on. As they fail at school their self-esteem gets hammered and starts a cycle that's hard to break.

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I truly have mixed emotions on the subject....... I know I will most likely be fighting the battle in a few years as my sons half brother has it, and after learning a bit about the disease I truly think his father has it also, but not diagnosed........ the one thing that kids with TRUE adhd can do is to have a shot of caffiene in the mornings. Drugs work oposite in ADHD.. ie caffiene = mellow, that is why their medical drugs are all uppers. Also I would limit sugar and processed foods.... many many many studies have shown the ADHD is over diagnosed when in reality is just alergies to certain foods....... (think Red Dye) I will tell you this... I will be fighthing tooth and nail to keep my son off drugs. I know some teachers who swear by them because it does enable the child to learn and to not disrupt the rest of the class........ my son was even evaluted by the special education COOP in October and she told me that the fact that he could sit and play with a single toy (Mr. Potatoe Head) for a good twenty minutes told her that he did NOT have ADD or ADHD.. this was music to my ears.. and now he is in the Special Ed pre-K program so that he can learn to listen, and follow directions.. at 3 he has an IEP....his teacher and I both work with him as a team and it is my hope that we teach him how to be productive in a classroom setting so that he has the best start at school.. BEFORE they DEMAND he goes on DRUGS................. he is so much better behaved when he does not eat sugar... I do let him have a treat, but I do watch it... plus he will have the DNA to be heavy so that is another reason why I have him drink Water and milk and yes my crystal light in leui of pepsi and sugared koolaid as much as possible.

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