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Wasn't sure if now was the best time to make this, but I see others making this kind of thread the month before their surgery date so I thought why not!

It feels surreal even saying I am having surgery next month!

Mine is booked on for 14/05/24 - who else will be having theirs in May?

A few questions just to get us started:

1) Are you nervous about anything? If so, what? - just in the hope that any veterans can give advice or if we can help each other. Anxiety is normal! :)

2) What have you prepared/plan to prepare for your hospital bag?

3) What are you most excited about? :)

I look forward to hearing from you all ❤️

Edited by Bypass2Freedom

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Just bumping this in case there are any May buddies out there 🤨

Thought I'd answer the questions too!

1) I am mostly nervous about the surgery itself, having not had surgery in my adult life. The idea of going under is a bit scary, but I know it is safe. I just need to breathe through the nerves haha. Also a little anxious about the amount of changes that need to be made, so I am trying to take it a step at a time, rather than all at once.

2) Nothing at the moment! But after talking to some others on this forum, lip balm is a must 🤪

3) Pretty much everything! But definitely feeling happier, in less pain, more capable, confident for the first time in my life. This is what will drive me through the bad days.

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I had my surgery on the 3rd April and packing wise the only things i actually used were:

- lip balm
- facial wipes
- face moisturiser
- hand sanitizer
- showers shoes and slippers

My entire face was so so dry and flakey which never happens - i was completely mortified thank god i packed a little skincare it made me feel so much better hahaha

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So my surgery has been rescheduled, I am so glad that this is finally going to happen. Originally was set for March 12th, but had an issue with my kidney, everything is golden, and am now set for surgery on 05/02……

Benn reading posts from everyone, and got a lot of good info, so I don't feel so uninformed and alone on the journey.

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Hi everyone :) My surgery date is 4/30 so close enough to join the May group 🤣

1. I am excited to start this journey! I do have anxiety as well because I had a procedure done years ago that didn't work well. I had a lap band done back in 2005 with NO SUCCESS. The band was nothing but a problem. It flipped twice and the port moved so all of the saline was removed, and it's just been hanging out with me ever since.

2. For my hospital bag, I plan on wearing the same comfy clothes home that I wore in. I'm bring my crocs, chapstick, a long phone charger, a couple Protein Shakes because I was told by my surgeon that their options were not the greatest, and a heating pad.

3. I am excited to finally get some of this weight off of me!! I have lost the 60lbs (and gained the same 60lbs) since 5th grade, I swear. My son is 14 and I'm excited to be able to finally ride amusement park rides with him.

We got this!!

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On 4/12/2024 at 2:51 PM, lily06 said:

I had my surgery on the 3rd April and packing wise the only things i actually used were:

- lip balm
- facial wipes
- face moisturiser
- hand sanitizer
- showers shoes and slippers

My entire face was so so dry and flakey which never happens - i was completely mortified thank god i packed a little skincare it made me feel so much better hahaha

A lot of people have said they didn't actually use half the stuff they packed! I think I shall heed this warning haha.

Moisturizer will be added to my list!

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:47 PM, Livingliferenee… said:

So my surgery has been rescheduled, I am so glad that this is finally going to happen. Originally was set for March 12th, but had an issue with my kidney, everything is golden, and am now set for surgery on 05/02……

Benn reading posts from everyone, and got a lot of good info, so I don't feel so uninformed and alone on the journey.

I am so happy you are finally getting your date!

I agree - this forum has really been amazing in the prep leading up to it, I feel a lot more informed!

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On 4/12/2024 at 10:32 PM, RossMom said:

Hi everyone :) My surgery date is 4/30 so close enough to join the May group 🤣

1. I am excited to start this journey! I do have anxiety as well because I had a procedure done years ago that didn't work well. I had a lap band done back in 2005 with NO SUCCESS. The band was nothing but a problem. It flipped twice and the port moved so all of the saline was removed, and it's just been hanging out with me ever since.

2. For my hospital bag, I plan on wearing the same comfy clothes home that I wore in. I'm bring my crocs, chapstick, a long phone charger, a couple Protein Shakes because I was told by my surgeon that their options were not the greatest, and a heating pad.

3. I am excited to finally get some of this weight off of me!! I have lost the 60lbs (and gained the same 60lbs) since 5th grade, I swear. My son is 14 and I'm excited to be able to finally ride amusement park rides with him.

We got this!!

Heya! Definitely close enough haha!

I am really happy to hear you are excited, and it seems like this is a big step for you in your journey, I wish you nothing but success with it all ❤️

Ohhh see I was gonna buy some new slippers, but I am thinking crocs will probably be a smarter thing to do! Definitely a lip balm too! Whats the heating pad for if you don't mind me asking?

That is such a lovely NSV to look forward to ❤️

We've definitely got this!

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I am scheduled for surgery on May 7th. I am nervous about my relationship to food afterwards. I am old, and was on fen-phen back in the mid-90s before we found out it would kill you. I loved that drug combo because for the first time in my life I didn't think about eating. My brain would literally skitter away from the thought of food, and my roommate would check in with me everyday to make sure I had eaten. I want that feeling again, and I know that's not how this works, but I get mixed responses about whether that constant gnawing sense of hunger will go away.

I am packing lip balm and a book, and my old PSP in case I can't focus to read.

I am mostly looking forward to ditching a bunch of medication, possibly buying a bike.

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4 hours ago, Zingor said:

I am scheduled for surgery on May 7th. I am nervous about my relationship to food afterwards. I am old, and was on fen-phen back in the mid-90s before we found out it would kill you. I loved that drug combo because for the first time in my life I didn't think about eating. My brain would literally skitter away from the thought of food, and my roommate would check in with me everyday to make sure I had eaten. I want that feeling again, and I know that's not how this works, but I get mixed responses about whether that constant gnawing sense of hunger will go away.

I am packing lip balm and a book, and my old PSP in case I can't focus to read.

I am mostly looking forward to ditching a bunch of medication, possibly buying a bike.

Have you started your LRD yet? I completely get the apprehension around the relationship with food - I am feeling the same. I am definitely an emotional eater, and whilst I am trying to prepare for that, the fear of the unknown is real! I've never had to deal with not having food there as my emotional crutch for the entirety of my life!

I agree with the fact that it does seem to be mixed responses around losing that feeling of hunger - some people who have had the sleeve tend to say that feeling goes more so, if I am remembering correctly.

Lovely to see lip balm is on all our lists haha!

Riding a bike is 100% something I want to be able to do again!

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Hi, I'm Sandra and I am having a gastric sleeve on May 6th! I have been lurking here reading as much as i can of other's posts and have learned a lot. My situation is a little different as this is my second bariatric surgery. I had lap band surgery in 2009 and now am having it converted because my band stopped working for me. I did lose weight but then gained a lot back and recently have lost some again but need to lose more. My reason for surgery is to be healthier and hopefully improve my arthritis pain and mobility.

My emotions are currently all over the place, anxious, worried, happy and excited. I will start my liver prep diet in 1 week. Not looking forward to 2 weeks of shakes only. I really am not too concerned about the surgery itself, as I have had several surgeries, and the pain has not been bad afterwards.

As for my overnight hospital stay, I plan to pack as little as possible. I will plan on wearing home the clothes I arrive in. I think moisturizer and lip balm are good ideas. I may take a light robe. Someone mentioned a heating pad, but I don't think most hospitals allow you to bring them (coming from a retired RN here). They can be a burn hazard if they malfunction. If I am only staying overnight, I may not need reading materials. I will likely watch TV and nap. Slippers to walk in will be needed.

I wish you all the best of luck for an easy surgery and pain free post-op course!

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Hello my operation is on 31st May

1: Not really nervous more excited. I have done my research. I am a little nervous about head hunger

2: Bag will have slippers, change of clothes, charger, headphones, toothbrush. Reading others will put in lip balm

3: Most excited to fit in my old clothes and be more active with my son. Just better health overall

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On 4/16/2024 at 4:50 AM, SandyT said:

Hi, I'm Sandra and I am having a gastric sleeve on May 6th! I have been lurking here reading as much as i can of other's posts and have learned a lot. My situation is a little different as this is my second bariatric surgery. I had lap band surgery in 2009 and now am having it converted because my band stopped working for me. I did lose weight but then gained a lot back and recently have lost some again but need to lose more. My reason for surgery is to be healthier and hopefully improve my arthritis pain and mobility.

My emotions are currently all over the place, anxious, worried, happy and excited. I will start my liver prep diet in 1 week. Not looking forward to 2 weeks of shakes only. I really am not too concerned about the surgery itself, as I have had several surgeries, and the pain has not been bad afterwards.

As for my overnight hospital stay, I plan to pack as little as possible. I will plan on wearing home the clothes I arrive in. I think moisturizer and lip balm are good ideas. I may take a light robe. Someone mentioned a heating pad, but I don't think most hospitals allow you to bring them (coming from a retired RN here). They can be a burn hazard if they malfunction. If I am only staying overnight, I may not need reading materials. I will likely watch TV and nap. Slippers to walk in will be needed.

I wish you all the best of luck for an easy surgery and pain free post-op course!

Hey Sandra! Lovely to virtually meet you :)

It is amazing to me the changes in WLS such as the band not really being used these days! My dad had a band and it has been awful for him, I really do feel for you. I am so glad that you are able to now have this option so that you can feel healthier and in less pain.

I am feeling much the same! One minute I am really excited, and then I am anxious - it is a weird rollercoaster haha. Which shakes have you chosen? :) I have shakes and packet meals, all of which sound very unappealing but entirely necessary haha.

I definitely need to get a robe I think! I wanna feel comfy 😂 My surgeon has booked me for 1-2 nights, so I am hoping it is just the one!

Thank you so much - you too! Keep in touch!

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7 hours ago, SR2024 said:

Hello my operation is on 31st May

1: Not really nervous more excited. I have done my research. I am a little nervous about head hunger

2: Bag will have slippers, change of clothes, charger, headphones, toothbrush. Reading others will put in lip balm

3: Most excited to fit in my old clothes and be more active with my son. Just better health overall

Not too long! I am glad you aren't feeling too nervous - I completely get that feeling of excitement, it kind of overrides any anxieties most of the time haha. Head hunger is definitely a concern for me too - I am thinking of doing a mindfulness eating journal to combat that, but we shall see.

All good ideas! :)

I am so excited for you - I wish you all the luck.

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12 hours ago, Bypass2Freedom said:

Hey Sandra! Lovely to virtually meet you :)

It is amazing to me the changes in WLS such as the band not really being used these days! My dad had a band and it has been awful for him, I really do feel for you. I am so glad that you are able to now have this option so that you can feel healthier and in less pain.

I am feeling much the same! One minute I am really excited, and then I am anxious - it is a weird rollercoaster haha. Which shakes have you chosen? :) I have shakes and packet meals, all of which sound very unappealing but entirely necessary haha.

I definitely need to get a robe I think! I wanna feel comfy 😂 My surgeon has booked me for 1-2 nights, so I am hoping it is just the one!

Thank you so much - you too! Keep in touch!

Hello! Nice to meet you! I see you're in the UK. We have some wonderful friends who live in Leeds. We met them on a cruise several years ago. We hit it off immediately. We took a tour to Ireland and Scotland last year and spent one day in Liverpool and they drove over to see us. It was so special! Love the UK.

As far as shakes, the only ones I have stocked up on are Fairlife chocolate shakes. I have tried several other brands, and they are the tastiest. I bought a case at costco, but they are available from Amazon also.

I think we need to try to stay as bust as possible for the next few weeks to keep the anxiety at arms length. :)

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      IMARC Group’s report titled “Alternative Sweeteners Market Report by Product Type (High Fructose Syrup, High-Intensity Sweeteners, Low-Intensity Sweeteners), Source (Natural, Synthetic), Application (Food, Beverages, and Others), and Region 2024-2032”. The global alternative sweeteners market size reached US$ 4.9 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 7.0 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.05% during 2024-2032.
      Grab a sample PDF of this report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/alternative-sweeteners-market/requestsample
      Factors Affecting the Growth of the Alternative Sweeteners Industry:
      Health Consciousness: The increasing awareness among individuals about the health issues linked to high sugar consumption, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, is supporting the market growth. Consumers are becoming more health-conscious and seeking products that can provide sweetness without the negative health effects associated with sugar. This shift in consumer preferences is leading to a greater demand for low-calorie and natural sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol. These sweeteners offer the added benefit of having minimal impact on blood glucose levels, making them suitable for diabetic and health-conscious individuals.
      Technological Advancements: Innovations in the production and formulation of alternative sweeteners are impelling the market growth. Advancements in biotechnology and food science are leading to the development of high-intensity sweeteners with improved taste profiles and functional properties. Innovations in fermentation processes enhance the production efficiency and quality of natural sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit. These technological improvements are making alternative sweeteners more appealing to both manufacturers and consumers. Enhanced stability, solubility, and sweetness intensity allow these sweeteners to be used in a wide range of products, ranging from beverages to baked goods.
      Consumer Trends and Preferences: Evolving consumer trends and preferences are playing a significant role in driving the alternative sweeteners market. The growing demand for clean-label products, which are healthier and free from artificial ingredients, is offering a favorable market outlook. Consumers are increasingly seeking natural and plant-based sweeteners, aligning with broader trends toward plant-based diets and veganism. Besides this, there is an increase in the demand for low-calorie and sugar-free alternatives that support weight management and overall wellness. Food and beverage companies are responding to these trends by innovating and expanding their product lines to include options sweetened with alternative sweeteners, thereby catering to changing tastes and health concerns of modern consumers.
      Alternative Sweeteners Market Report Segmentation:
      By Product Type:
      High Fructose Syrup High-Intensity Sweeteners Low-Intensity Sweeteners High-intensity sweeteners represent the largest segment as they require only a fraction of the quantity to achieve the desired sweetness.
      By Source:
      Natural Synthetic On the basis of the source, the market has been bifurcated into natural and synthetic.
      By Application:
      Food Beverages Others Food accounts for the largest market share due to the rising utilization of sweeteners in a wide variety of food products.  
      Regional Insights:
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      Global Alternative Sweeteners Market Trends:
      Governing agencies and health organizations of several countries are implementing policies to reduce sugar consumption as they recognize its detrimental health impacts. Various regulatory bodies are approving alternative sweeteners for use, ensuring their safety and efficacy. These approvals provide food and beverage manufacturers with the confidence to incorporate alternative sweeteners into their products. Additionally, initiatives like sugar taxes in several countries are pushing companies to seek healthier alternatives to traditional sugar.   
      Furthermore, advancements in production techniques are making some alternative sweeteners more cost-competitive than traditional sugar. Consumers are becoming more concerned about the environmental impact of traditional sugar production and preferring more sustainable alternative sweeteners.
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        I've been a member since 2008, but just now decided to go ahead with surgery. Barely getting started 😁

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        I don't know how to update the ticker, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    • Alisa_S

      I joined BariatricPal in 2008 & I FINALLY made the descision to have WLS!! I'm so excited & not sure what I need to do to get the ball rolling, but I made an appointment with my PCP for 7/19. It's a start I guess.
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