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Dee~I am so happy for you.

Mini~INTERESTING info, thank you for the learning lesson. I too have been on anti depressants, truly need to get back on them. Zoloft works nicely for me.

My weight loss stall really sucks and my fill can't come sooner! I have been losing and gaining the same flippin' 10 pounds for about 3 months now! I am sooo looking forward to my fill on the 25th!

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Dee~I am so happy for you.

Mini~INTERESTING info, thank you for the learning lesson. I too have been on anti depressants, truly need to get back on them. Zoloft works nicely for me.

My weight loss stall really sucks and my fill can't come sooner! I have been losing and gaining the same flippin' 10 pounds for about 3 months now! I am sooo looking forward to my fill on the 25th!

Yes, a fill will be great. Get rid of those pesky 10 lbs! Then get rid of more!!!

We're meeting a new potential furry housemate tomorrow. She's the same sort of doggie as our Keeley - Australian Kelpy mix, same age, foster mom says she's a very sweet, obedient girl. I worry that Keeley would be way too jealous of another doggie though . . . we'll see how she reacts to our initial meeting.

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Shelbi-Aww, more hugs coming your way my sweet friend! I truly know exactly how you feel. I quit taking my antidepressants in Feb and I need to go back on them. My temper is so much worse when I am not on them. Moody, moody, moody! I go to my PCP tomorrow and that is one of the things I was going to talk to him about.

Mini-I read your science lesson, and as always, found it to be very interesting!! Thank you! Way to go on your weight loss, and good luck with the new potential fur baby!

Dee-I am so excited for you!!! (He better not break your heart though or the Munchkin will be dealing with him...) I agree with Brandy, don't pull a Mini because we would miss you far too much!!

Brandy-Hang in there, you are just having a little plateau, which is understandable with all the things you have had going on in your life. You have done AMAZINGLY well, and I think you look absolutely beautiful anyway even without losing any more weight!

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Shelbi-Aww, more hugs coming your way my sweet friend! I truly know exactly how you feel. I quit taking my antidepressants in Feb and I need to go back on them. My temper is so much worse when I am not on them. Moody, moody, moody! I go to my PCP tomorrow and that is one of the things I was going to talk to him about.

Mini-I read your science lesson, and as always, found it to be very interesting!! Thank you! Way to go on your weight loss, and good luck with the new potential fur baby!

Dee-I am so excited for you!!! (He better not break your heart though or the Munchkin will be dealing with him...) I agree with Brandy, don't pull a Mini because we would miss you far too much!!

Brandy-Hang in there, you are just having a little plateau, which is understandable with all the things you have had going on in your life. You have done AMAZINGLY well, and I think you look absolutely beautiful anyway even without losing any more weight!

Thanks Miss Munchkin. I'm looking forward to meeting the potential new fur baby but don't want to get my hopes up. Ya know.

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Mini~I would just love to get another furry friend for my Buster (yeah, right, me too). I took Buster to play with my dad's dog over the weekend and he had such a blast. He is just the social butterfly. I'm a little nervous about taking him to the dog park (we used to go all the time), since he got pnemonia I have become the paranoid mother. And the other day when I was taking Buster for our walk we came accross a dog, it approached us and then started to growl and snap at Buster. Buster is such a goof, he just wanted to play. I had to grab the dog by it's collar and hold Buster by his collar with my other hand and I just had to hold them as far apart as I could until someone walked by to help me out. I didn't know what to do. Thank goodness this lady came by walking her dog and she went to look for the dogs owner (it had the address on it's collar). So now when I walk him I bring an extra leash and make sure I have my cell phone with me and a spray bottle of Water.< /p>

Let us know how the meeting goes tomorrow!

JillyPoo~how did your phone consult go today? I'm sure Dr. K put your mind at ease and now you must be totally excited!

Lotza~Is your surgery on Wednesday???

I have a meeting here in a few minutes better run! then it's off to the gym to work on my Couch to 5K!

Later gals!

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Brandy -- Happy belated BIRTHDAY!!! So glad that your FIL is home and feeling better.

Mini -- Congrats on the weight loss that is awesome. Have you started mushies yet?

Dee -- I am so happy for you, "the guy" sounds wonderful and you so deserve it. I will miss seeing your glowing face at RR, have fun and take lots of pictures. Maybe you can photoshop me in. We are leaving on vacation on Wed so I will take some pics as well and post when we get home.

Lap -- Any baby news?

I am not on anti-depressant but at times I should be. I know that when I work out I do feel better, probably why my treadmill gets so much use. I had to take them for a while after both my mom and dad passed away just to get me over that hump...it worked.

I took my measurements again today and have lost another 10 inches...2 from breasts, 2 from waist, 3 from hips, 3 from thigh. That makes a total of 27 inches lost since 1/2/08. I need to go clothes shopping again as most of my clothes don't fit. I am in a 10, can still wear a 12 but all my 14's just fit the floor. I have to go get a few pairs of shorts for my trip. Will I better go help hubby pack the trailer.

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Good evening, all. Lots happening here in the last few days. Whew..tough to keep up with it all:smile:Mini: glad to hear you aren't suffering too badly and are losing pounds, too! helps my nerves to read those good things!

I have been on paxil for about 7 years. Went from teaching at a school for 23 years and having seniority to a new school in a temporary position. The job was GREAT, so I couldn't figure out why i felt as if i had pressure on my chest, couldn't breathe or sleep. Dr. told me it was anxiety. I couldn't figure out why since life was going great. He explained any kind of change can do it. When I inquired about how long I would have to take it, he said forever. I have found that to be true. If I don't refill a prescription for a few days, I find my body starts to react oddly, my head feels buzzy, start to shake. True, such drugs do impact the libido, but I wonder if our weight doesn't have some impact on that also.

My two cents:unsure:

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Does the red-headed woman on top of home page remind anyone else of the comedian Kathi Griffin?:confused_smile:

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Hi All,

It's not often I am willing to get this vulnerable publicly, but today is not a great day and I feel like if I want to break the cycle of emotional eating I should probably try and circumvent it with another activity....like talking.

Today I have been emotionally eating I think for a variety of reasons. I had a really bad hour and a half screaming session with my estranged father last week. It opened up a lot of old wounds that I thought were healed....or at least burried. My job is so overwhelming right now. I was recently promoted and put in charge of the biggest trainwreck in my company. It's a total crisis right now and we are in danger of losing national certifications that would result in millions of dollars of lost sales. All of this lands firmly in my lap....although I didn't create it, I am responsible for it now. It's a new product that I don't know anything about so I don't even know where to begin. My xboyfriend (whom I still care about very much) and I have agreed to have coffee to catch up. It's been a year and a half since we broke up and I haven't seen him and havent really spoken to him since. We are meeting up in a couple weeks but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so worried about feeling rejected by him again. I still love him so much and I want him in my life. Of course, he doesn't know this and I'm imaginging both the worst and the best outcomes. I can't stop thinking about it and worrying about what he will think of me. ON top of it all, I just found out that my house taxes are being raised almost $400/month which I just cannot afford. This may force me into a forclosure. I've always had good credit and been very financially responsible, however I'm in a situation right now that I can't financially manage. I have a house in colorado Springs that is empty and I can't find renters, my roommate in Denver moved out, my taxes have gone up...way up, and I just can't figure out how to make it. I put the lap band surgery on my credit card (lower interest rate than the loan options) and that is looming over me also. I am humiliated that I have gotten myself into this situation. I don't have any family or friends I can rely on to help me out...there's just me. I wanted to leave work today and just go home and eat, and eat, and eat. However, I'm so worried that I will start an evil downward spiral that I have decided to do everything in my power right now to do something different. Not since my surgery have I had such a pull to emotionally eat. I know what foods I could get down right now that are very high calorie and would not make me pb....I want to sabotage myself so bad right now. The only thing that is going well for me right now is my weight loss progress and health. Interesting that it's the only thing I have left that can be sabotaged....and that's exactly what I feel compelled to do. I know that in order to get through all of the other icky stuff, my health, both physically and mentally, has to continue to be the #1 priority. Although I dont want to, here is what I am going to do instead of eating tonight:

1) go to the gym - work out for 1 hour----HARD

2)Call a friend and cry....(did that a few ago....)

3) Get a massage...luckily i have a free one saved up and Massage Envy and they are open late

4) Post on LBT and ask for support. (doing that now)

Thanks for listening guys. I'm going to the gym now.

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Hi All,

It's not often I am willing to get this vulnerable publicly, but today is not a great day and I feel like if I want to break the cycle of emotional eating I should probably try and circumvent it with another activity....like talking.

Today I have been emotionally eating I think for a variety of reasons. I had a really bad hour and a half screaming session with my estranged father last week. It opened up a lot of old wounds that I thought were healed....or at least burried. My job is so overwhelming right now. I was recently promoted and put in charge of the biggest trainwreck in my company. It's a total crisis right now and we are in danger of losing national certifications that would result in millions of dollars of lost sales. All of this lands firmly in my lap....although I didn't create it, I am responsible for it now. It's a new product that I don't know anything about so I don't even know where to begin. My xboyfriend (whom I still care about very much) and I have agreed to have coffee to catch up. It's been a year and a half since we broke up and I haven't seen him and havent really spoken to him since. We are meeting up in a couple weeks but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so worried about feeling rejected by him again. I still love him so much and I want him in my life. Of course, he doesn't know this and I'm imaginging both the worst and the best outcomes. I can't stop thinking about it and worrying about what he will think of me. ON top of it all, I just found out that my house taxes are being raised almost $400/month which I just cannot afford. This may force me into a forclosure. I've always had good credit and been very financially responsible, however I'm in a situation right now that I can't financially manage. I have a house in colorado Springs that is empty and I can't find renters, my roommate in Denver moved out, my taxes have gone up...way up, and I just can't figure out how to make it. I put the lap band surgery on my credit card (lower interest rate than the loan options) and that is looming over me also. I am humiliated that I have gotten myself into this situation. I don't have any family or friends I can rely on to help me out...there's just me. I wanted to leave work today and just go home and eat, and eat, and eat. However, I'm so worried that I will start an evil downward spiral that I have decided to do everything in my power right now to do something different. Not since my surgery have I had such a pull to emotionally eat. I know what foods I could get down right now that are very high calorie and would not make me pb....I want to sabotage myself so bad right now. The only thing that is going well for me right now is my weight loss progress and health. Interesting that it's the only thing I have left that can be sabotaged....and that's exactly what I feel compelled to do. I know that in order to get through all of the other icky stuff, my health, both physically and mentally, has to continue to be the #1 priority. Although I dont want to, here is what I am going to do instead of eating tonight:

1) go to the gym - work out for 1 hour----HARD

2)Call a friend and cry....(did that a few ago....)

3) Get a massage...luckily i have a free one saved up and Massage Envy and they are open late

4) Post on LBT and ask for support. (doing that now)

Thanks for listening guys. I'm going to the gym now.

OMG!! Wow, you deserve about a hundred hugs right now. You have waaayyy too much crap going on for any one person. I wish I had something magic to say to make things better but, of course, I don't. But what an incredible victory for you to realize that you want to self-sabatoge and coming up with ways to stop yourself. That takes an amazing amount of strength.

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Well, I am finishing up my packing!!! I leave at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. I am getting excited. I am leaving one day early so that my daughter and I can see some sights and do a little shopping. If anyone has any ideas on the best things to see on a limited budget, let me know. Also, I know you guys trade clothes some times and I was wondering if anyone has any 4X clothes that they care to pass on, please bring them to the Red Robin on Wed. I just hate to buy anything new now.

Well, better go finish.

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Lifesaver - You have reached out to me so many times through this site. I wish I could take it all away so you would feel better. I see so much strength in what you said. Like Mini mentioned - you are truly looking for ways to stop the crazy cycle of emotional eating and that is the first step in successfully stopping it. The 44+ lbs are proof that you can do this. I'm praying for you and the difficulties you are facing.

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Hi All,

It's not often I am willing to get this vulnerable publicly, but today is not a great day and I feel like if I want to break the cycle of emotional eating I should probably try and circumvent it with another activity....like talking.

Today I have been emotionally eating I think for a variety of reasons. I had a really bad hour and a half screaming session with my estranged father last week. It opened up a lot of old wounds that I thought were healed....or at least burried. My job is so overwhelming right now. I was recently promoted and put in charge of the biggest trainwreck in my company. It's a total crisis right now and we are in danger of losing national certifications that would result in millions of dollars of lost sales. All of this lands firmly in my lap....although I didn't create it, I am responsible for it now. It's a new product that I don't know anything about so I don't even know where to begin. My xboyfriend (whom I still care about very much) and I have agreed to have coffee to catch up. It's been a year and a half since we broke up and I haven't seen him and havent really spoken to him since. We are meeting up in a couple weeks but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so worried about feeling rejected by him again. I still love him so much and I want him in my life. Of course, he doesn't know this and I'm imaginging both the worst and the best outcomes. I can't stop thinking about it and worrying about what he will think of me. ON top of it all, I just found out that my house taxes are being raised almost $400/month which I just cannot afford. This may force me into a forclosure. I've always had good credit and been very financially responsible, however I'm in a situation right now that I can't financially manage. I have a house in colorado Springs that is empty and I can't find renters, my roommate in Denver moved out, my taxes have gone up...way up, and I just can't figure out how to make it. I put the lap band surgery on my credit card (lower interest rate than the loan options) and that is looming over me also. I am humiliated that I have gotten myself into this situation. I don't have any family or friends I can rely on to help me out...there's just me. I wanted to leave work today and just go home and eat, and eat, and eat. However, I'm so worried that I will start an evil downward spiral that I have decided to do everything in my power right now to do something different. Not since my surgery have I had such a pull to emotionally eat. I know what foods I could get down right now that are very high calorie and would not make me pb....I want to sabotage myself so bad right now. The only thing that is going well for me right now is my weight loss progress and health. Interesting that it's the only thing I have left that can be sabotaged....and that's exactly what I feel compelled to do. I know that in order to get through all of the other icky stuff, my health, both physically and mentally, has to continue to be the #1 priority. Although I dont want to, here is what I am going to do instead of eating tonight:

1) go to the gym - work out for 1 hour----HARD

2)Call a friend and cry....(did that a few ago....)

3) Get a massage...luckily i have a free one saved up and Massage Envy and they are open late

4) Post on LBT and ask for support. (doing that now)

Thanks for listening guys. I'm going to the gym now.

Wow, I don't even know where to start, other than reassuring you that you can vent away with us-we all have pretty broad shoulders! (No pun intended) If you need to vent, scream, cry, etc, that's what we are here for!

How can they raise your taxes $400/month? Good God! You all need to move to Iowa or Illinois with me, we don't have tax increases like that (unless you live in a gazillion dollar home). I guess there are some benefits to living amongst the corn! (That sounded wierd, I made it sound like it's Children of the Corn here or something!)

Anyway, I think you are totally on the right track with working out, talking to your friends, and coming here for support.

If there is anything we can do other than let you vent, please let us know.

And if it makes you feel better, I HAVE been emotionally eating a little bit this weekend, so you are already one step ahead of me!

Hang in there!

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Hi All,

It's not often I am willing to get this vulnerable publicly, but today is not a great day and I feel like if I want to break the cycle of emotional eating I should probably try and circumvent it with another activity....like talking.

Today I have been emotionally eating I think for a variety of reasons. I had a really bad hour and a half screaming session with my estranged father last week. It opened up a lot of old wounds that I thought were healed....or at least burried. My job is so overwhelming right now. I was recently promoted and put in charge of the biggest trainwreck in my company. It's a total crisis right now and we are in danger of losing national certifications that would result in millions of dollars of lost sales. All of this lands firmly in my lap....although I didn't create it, I am responsible for it now. It's a new product that I don't know anything about so I don't even know where to begin. My xboyfriend (whom I still care about very much) and I have agreed to have coffee to catch up. It's been a year and a half since we broke up and I haven't seen him and havent really spoken to him since. We are meeting up in a couple weeks but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so worried about feeling rejected by him again. I still love him so much and I want him in my life. Of course, he doesn't know this and I'm imaginging both the worst and the best outcomes. I can't stop thinking about it and worrying about what he will think of me. ON top of it all, I just found out that my house taxes are being raised almost $400/month which I just cannot afford. This may force me into a forclosure. I've always had good credit and been very financially responsible, however I'm in a situation right now that I can't financially manage. I have a house in colorado Springs that is empty and I can't find renters, my roommate in Denver moved out, my taxes have gone up...way up, and I just can't figure out how to make it. I put the lap band surgery on my credit card (lower interest rate than the loan options) and that is looming over me also. I am humiliated that I have gotten myself into this situation. I don't have any family or friends I can rely on to help me out...there's just me. I wanted to leave work today and just go home and eat, and eat, and eat. However, I'm so worried that I will start an evil downward spiral that I have decided to do everything in my power right now to do something different. Not since my surgery have I had such a pull to emotionally eat. I know what foods I could get down right now that are very high calorie and would not make me pb....I want to sabotage myself so bad right now. The only thing that is going well for me right now is my weight loss progress and health. Interesting that it's the only thing I have left that can be sabotaged....and that's exactly what I feel compelled to do. I know that in order to get through all of the other icky stuff, my health, both physically and mentally, has to continue to be the #1 priority. Although I dont want to, here is what I am going to do instead of eating tonight:

1) go to the gym - work out for 1 hour----HARD

2)Call a friend and cry....(did that a few ago....)

3) Get a massage...luckily i have a free one saved up and Massage Envy and they are open late

4) Post on LBT and ask for support. (doing that now)

Thanks for listening guys. I'm going to the gym now.

Day-um, Rene. And bless your heart.

If you could see me right now, you'd see that I just stood up and applauded for you right here in my living room.

You, my dear, are a strong woman.

You just described overwhelming stress in you family, love, work, and financial life and then you ended it by describing a healthy attack plan for dealing with all this stuff you've got going on. Kudos to you for not caving to the emotional eating.

One day at a time; one problem at a time. Break it down and prioritize. It's not worth much, but here's a hug and a vote of faith in you.

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Rene' -- I wish I could do more than just send you big hugs and good thoughts. I feel for you, but you made a great attack plan. I will be saying a few prayers for you and hopefully things will work themselves out. Remember there is a plan and it always doesn't make since to us at the time but in the long run it will. I am available for lunch tomorrow if you would like to meet, I have a bunch of errands to run, but would make time to meet with you if you would like. Let me know, call me if you just want to talk. As for the ex we can go shopping and get one hot outfit to make him droll (sp), I hope I at least got a laugh outta that one... Call me in the morning about lunch.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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