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January Bandsters???

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ok guys..I havent checked in for awhile, and lately have been feeling guilty because I am eating more now and feeling hungry sooner...then I read and see that almost EVERYONE is having the same issues...misery loves company, eh?? I am down about 15 pounds, and using strictly will power...my first fill is march 16, and my doctor said I may not need it..BS>.I paid seventeen thousand dollars for this thing, and I want to USE it...I am almost tempted not to lose anymore weight so I am sure to get the fill! My favorite thing to eat is chicken or fish tacos..but I really dont have a problem with any foods, except for peanut butter...the only time I am ever uncomfortable is when I dont chew well or eat too fast...so anyways..lets get filled!!!!!

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ok guys..I havent checked in for awhile, and lately have been feeling guilty because I am eating more now and feeling hungry sooner...then I read and see that almost EVERYONE is having the same issues...misery loves company, eh?? I am down about 15 pounds, and using strictly will power...my first fill is march 16, and my doctor said I may not need it..BS>.I paid seventeen thousand dollars for this thing, and I want to USE it...I am almost tempted not to lose anymore weight so I am sure to get the fill! My favorite thing to eat is chicken or fish tacos..but I really dont have a problem with any foods, except for peanut butter...the only time I am ever uncomfortable is when I dont chew well or eat too fast...so anyways..lets get filled!!!!!

We are all in the same boat. And because you are a low BMI you will lose slower than others. I am so envious when I see that some people have lost double what I have. I gain/lose the same 3lbs for the last 3 weeks which is frustrating. I have my fill scheduled for the March 9th and just set a workout goal of 5x a week....just walking, but more than I did before. I was just thinking this morning how good it is going to feel when I hit my sweet spot! Keep faith.

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Tracy - yep, we're all facing the same problem. I was a little bummed because the last 2 weeks, I have not lost. I was losing so fast, and now, notta, nothing, zippo! I have actually GAINED - Even though I am still eating probably around 1000 calories (if that many). But I do feel skinnier, so I'm really not worried.

I go to the doctor today. I am hoping he will say I can have a fill!

Just a remeinder to everyone - we have started a January Bandster Exercise challenge thread - so come join us!

The thing that I am starting to really realize is this is going to be a long journey for me, the losing weight that is. I know that I knew this before, but I don't think it really sunk into my head. I lost really fast the first few weeks, and I think deep in my mind I was thinking - oh, this is going to be easy. But now, after working out, sweating, dealing with head hunger, trying to avoid chocolate, eating slow, chewing well, turning down ice cream (yesterday's NSV), reading everything I can on Lap-Band, I think it has finally sunk in, this is NOT going to be easy. This is going to take a lot of work, and I believe it is going to be a long journey to get to my goal weight. But thats okay, I know I will do it. I believe we all need support and should come back to the thread often, even if we fall off the wagon, we need to fake it until we make it!

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I'm in the same boat. I was loosing like crazy, but then now I can eat ANYTHING and as much of it as I want. I had a fill 2 weeks ago. It was good for about 3 days. I can now eat again like I did before the band. It is so disappointing.

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Hey everyone, I'm glad we got the March exercise challenge started, I set up a small goal, but I want to progressively set up bigger goals through the months. I haven't had a fill yet, I feel like I'm the last one on this board w/out one! I go in March 21st though, so I feel like it's finally here!

Nope, you are not alone. I don't gei my 1st fill until March 19th and I was banded on Jan 22. But lucky for me, I still have restriction. But I am in B-Hell because I want to eat stuff that is bad for me. I do good most of the time, but DH brought home some Reece's P.B. Cups and they go down way to easy. Luck for me DH and my two boys ate them up quickly and now we are out of candy. Thank GOD!:clap2: :hungry:

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Hello Fellow Bandsters,

As I wrote yesterday I found some Zuchinni Patties 70 cal each/2 protiens each.I had 3 for dinner lastnight with a forth of a cup of Cottage cheese and a Morning Star Farms sausage patty 80 cal /4 protiens They were great!! For desert I had a sugar free popsicicle (sp?)The Patties are in the frozen food section and the brand name I bought is Golden. They were $3.99 for 8 patties I'm going to buy 2 more pkgs today !

My goal while I continue to be in Band hell is to find foods that fill me up and are full of flavor with not to many Calories These fill the bill and my stomach too:clap2: I just thought some of you that are in the same boat might enjoy these. You can also put a dollop of Lowfat sour cream or salsa or both on them.

Have a Great Day !


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Has anyone been having really vivid dreams? It seems that since I've been banded I remember most of my dreams. I know it's weird but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the band. I usually don't eat after 6pm. I'm not sure what is going on. I know I'm a freak!

Well I never even thought about connecting my dreams to the surgery ??

But as I think back I have not been a big dreamer for years. All My dreams seemed to just stop ?? when I lost my Mom and step dad with in 8 mo. of each other. It was wierd !! It was odd enough that I mentioned it to my husband and co workers and we all came to the conclusion that losing my parents so close together was pretty traumatic and so that was probably why ?

Now fast forward 11 yrs and suddenly I am dreaming again in detail just as I used to. In fact I had a reacurring dream 3 nights in a row about a friend I had lost touch with. It was so vivid that I searched the internet for her e-mail address and e-mailed her..... I have not heard from her yet I'm wondering if something bad has happened ?

Last night I had another Vivid dream about living back on the farm with my parents again ? So long story shorter just perhaps Jeanette you might be on to something :) OOO-WEE-OOO:eek:

You are not alone !!


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Some other stuff that fills me up too for everyone in BH (I think I'm getting there). What I did was measure out 2 ounce portions of ground turkey and then put them on the pan and cooked them and froze them then in the morning I'll take one out and put it in the fridge so when I get home from work, I have my turkey burger with a slice of white cheese and MUSTARD!!!!! I love mustard. I could just eat that and be happy. Or I also bought those packets of tuna that are in the same aisle as canned tuna, they have different flavors. Each packet is 4 oz so that lasts me two days. Sometimes I'll have some mashed squash with it too, all of these things fill me up.

Hey, have you guys started liking foods that you wouldn't have before? For example, I wouldn't eat any kind of boiled eggs at all, not in salads, sandwiches, etc. Now I love boiled eggs! I'm going to have egg salad for lunch, my mom was laughing because she used to force it down me as a kid because it was cheaper to make that than chicken salad so that I got my Protein in as a kid. I love egg salad. Oh yeah with mustard too. Love mustard.

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Has anyone been having really vivid dreams? It seems that since I've been banded I remember most of my dreams. I know it's weird but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the band. I usually don't eat after 6pm. I'm not sure what is going on. I know I'm a freak!

I've been having really vivid dreams, but a week before I had my surgery, I went on the best vacation ever!!!! Check it out on shipsanddip.com and watch the videos, too much to explain here! So I have dreams about the cruise for next year, that's about it. Oh and work stuff too, but those are usually nightmares! :omg:

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I have been eating some things I shouldnt like chocolate, but I think I am premenstual. I did lose 3 more pounds after not losing for over 2 weeks. So, I want to start exercising to facilitate the weight loss.

I got a fill 1 week ago. I think I feel a little restriction the last couple of days as long as it is a solid Protein. If it is a mushy I can have more so I need to make sure I am having more solid Proteins.< /p>

I am going to give it another week to kick in and them I am going to ask for another fill. He told me to wait 8 weeks, but see what happens.

Today I had coffee with soymilk for Breakfast and feel unconfortably bloated. I am not sure why. I am going to get in my Water and see if I feel better so I can eat lunch. I had shrimp yesterday with potato for lunch and felt bloated like I do today and couldn't eat dinner. I am not sure if that is more restriction or what.

I have heard more restriction kicks in in about a week or two. But it just feels like a stomach ache. :)

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Had my first fill today. Can't tell a lot of difference yet. The Water that I had to drink before I left pretty much filled me up, but by the time I got home my stomach was growling. I ate some yogurt, so will see if that holds me for any length of time. Am supposed to have soft foods for 48 hours. That should not be hard as that is pretty much what I have had for the last four weeks.

Lost 10 lbs since my first consultation, had lost one lb by surgery date. I have been stuck, stuck, stuck at the same weight for about three weeks. So frustrating when I am only eating an average of 1000 cal day. And I am tracking it and being very honest, so I know it is accurate. Guess I am going to have to resign myself that exercise is the only thing that is going to push things along.

Will be jumping over to join the exercise challenge. I really don't like exercise and I know that is a terrible attitude. Got to work on changing that. I will tell myself 10 times every night before I go to sleep "I love exercise, I love exercise, I love exercise.............zzzz"

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Some other stuff that fills me up too for everyone in BH (I think I'm getting there). What I did was measure out 2 ounce portions of ground turkey and then put them on the pan and cooked them and froze them then in the morning I'll take one out and put it in the fridge so when I get home from work, I have my turkey burger with a slice of white cheese and MUSTARD!!!!! I love mustard. I could just eat that and be happy. Or I also bought those packets of tuna that are in the same aisle as canned tuna, they have different flavors. Each packet is 4 oz so that lasts me two days. Sometimes I'll have some mashed squash with it too, all of these things fill me up.

Hey, have you guys started liking foods that you wouldn't have before? For example, I wouldn't eat any kind of boiled eggs at all, not in salads, sandwiches, etc. Now I love boiled eggs! I'm going to have egg salad for lunch, my mom was laughing because she used to force it down me as a kid because it was cheaper to make that than chicken salad so that I got my Protein in as a kid. I love egg salad. Oh yeah with mustard too. Love mustard.

Hey Shues,

I would say that the thing I didn't 'like', or have much of before surgery was milk. But I've been having at least ONE glass of 'Plus' skim each day. I'll either have it with my protein mix, or even have it as a treat for myself with the Hershey's Light Syrup in the evening...warm - to help me sleep.< /p>

I've also got on this kick with tuna salad with pickle relish. Don't ask why. lol

I did try the Bumble Bee Tuna Sensations; Sundried tomatoe and basil....NEVER again. I like the 'small packaging' of items like that; portion controlled for me! But that flavor...UGH...disgusting - IMHO.

As for eating chocolates now, with the PMS thing going on....I've gone over to the dark side. Been buying the 65% cacao chocolate. Milk chocolate I can eat forever. The dark satisfies me sooner.

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Had my first fill today. Can't tell a lot of difference yet. The Water that I had to drink before I left pretty much filled me up, but by the time I got home my stomach was growling. I ate some yogurt, so will see if that holds me for any length of time. Am supposed to have soft foods for 48 hours. That should not be hard as that is pretty much what I have had for the last four weeks.

Lost 10 lbs since my first consultation, had lost one lb by surgery date. I have been stuck, stuck, stuck at the same weight for about three weeks. So frustrating when I am only eating an average of 1000 cal day. And I am tracking it and being very honest, so I know it is accurate. Guess I am going to have to resign myself that exercise is the only thing that is going to push things along.

Will be jumping over to join the exercise challenge. I really don't like exercise and I know that is a terrible attitude. Got to work on changing that. I will tell myself 10 times every night before I go to sleep "I love exercise, I love exercise, I love exercise.............zzzz"

I have a little trick I do to get the weight moving. I alternate calories. One day I may eat 1000-1200 calories, then another day I have high calorie day always followed by a low calorie day. It keeps the body guessing.

See ya on the exercise thread!!!

I am just going to put my Ipod on, get my tennis shoes on and walk out the front door. See how far I get and where I go!

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Well I never even thought about connecting my dreams to the surgery ??

But as I think back I have not been a big dreamer for years. All My dreams seemed to just stop ?? when I lost my Mom and step dad with in 8 mo. of each other. It was wierd !! It was odd enough that I mentioned it to my husband and co workers and we all came to the conclusion that losing my parents so close together was pretty traumatic and so that was probably why ?

Now fast forward 11 yrs and suddenly I am dreaming again in detail just as I used to. In fact I had a reacurring dream 3 nights in a row about a friend I had lost touch with. It was so vivid that I searched the internet for her e-mail address and e-mailed her..... I have not heard from her yet I'm wondering if something bad has happened ?

Last night I had another Vivid dream about living back on the farm with my parents again ? So long story shorter just perhaps Jeanette you might be on to something :) OOO-WEE-OOO:eek:

You are not alone !!


I'm so glad you replied and I'm not alone. Cool. Thanks!

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Hey Shues,

I did try the Bumble Bee tuna Sensations; Sundried tomatoe and basil....NEVER again. I like the 'small packaging' of items like that; portion controlled for me! But that flavor...UGH...disgusting - IMHO.

As for eating chocolates now, with the PMS thing going on....I've gone over to the dark side. Been buying the 65% cacao chocolate. Milk chocolate I can eat forever. The dark satisfies me sooner.

I hear you about the tuna. I also tried the Bumble Bee tuna, Thai flavor and it was nasty. I also have a can of the Sundried Tomato and basil that I have not opened. I might give it to the cat, but she probably wouldn't eat it either. How can they sell that stuff?

I love dark choc. but so far have managed to stay away. I am afraid I just won't be able to stop if I start eating it.

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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