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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies!!! I still haven't had a chance to go back and read all the posts I missed. I'm sure there was lots of losing while I was gone. I fortunately did not gain anything while I was on vacation. I got kind of carried away while lounging by the pool or in my cabana on the beach. We would order food all day long! We drank upteen Pina Coladas and strawberry Daquiris. Each night me and my sisters would have midnight sundaes!! I was already dreading the scale on Monday morning but when I saw the same number I was relieved....

I'm dark dark dark. I turned like 10 shades darker! The sun was super hot and even though we tried to stay in the shade the sun reflecting off the Water really did a number on us.

So I'm back to reality now. Drinking my Water, having toast with Peanut Butter for Breakfast. I had to come home and start cutting my dogs hair. It's really getting way too hot in Houston. Even though they are inside dogs I still give them short cuts during the hot months. I left my house sparkling clean before my vacation but I had my cousin come and stay at the house with my dogs while I was gone and my house is a holy mess again. He's a typical 21 year old boy.

Anyhoo, I'm going to come up with my August Excersise challenge this afternoon and I will post it later on. I'm also going to break it down into different categories. Cardio, weights, ect... I'll get back to ya'll on that.

Talk more later... I'm swamped at work!

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Oh, that WAS a great article!....especially because it verified that I am eating the right foods. I do, however, eat whole-milk cottage cheese rather than low-fat....and I'm not big on legumes of any kind. I am liking hummus lately! I was also glad to see that he is busting the myth that you get high cholesterol from eating foods high in cholesterol (like eggs)...which has been shown to be false. I need to eat more oatmeal.

That article has made me hungry...I better go to lunch!

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Chica- Congrats on stayin the same weight, I know how the vacations like that feel! I tried to make good decisions on our honeymoon, but we literally had room service 3x a day for our meals (after everyone else left). I was on a funk and some reason could only eat a bite or two at meals.. but all in all I was still happy I came home and apparently gained no weight!

I just read the Abs Diet article. VERY INTERESTING. I read a lot of people slamming the flavored instant oatmeals, but I don't get it. The ones I have (Peaches & Cream MMMM).. has 120 calories per packet I think. I mix it with Water.. that's not bad for a meal. I plan 300 calories per meal, so I keep seeing articles saying not to get flavored, but I turn my nose up at that, because there's nothing wrong with 120 calories DANG IT! :confused:

But I was glad to see some info on what things do, and the almond recipe. I don't like nuts.. but I know they're good for me, so I've tried to find ways to incorporate them.. If they're uncoated with SOMETHING, I can't stomach them. I have 0 calorie butter cooking spray I am going to coat some almonds and dust some cinnamon on them and see how that works.

Now I'm browsing the Abs Diet recipes. I just got back from lunch, had cajun grill.. had new potatos, and okra.. and then the sugary cajun chicken.. I only ate 1 bite of the chicken, all of the okra, and 1 slice of the potato. That's pretty good, I was STARVING this morning some reason. I thought I would end up eating the whole thing, whew.

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gotta get back to work.. but wanted to welcome Haydee back from vacation!!!!! CONGRATS on staying the same weight! WHOOOOHOOOO

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I'm sitting here having one of those Bumble Bee tuna salad with crackers lunch kit thingies....these are GOOD! And just the right size! Get some to keep on hand! 320 calories. Could be better on Protein, but good for when you're on the run! They have a fat free version I might try...but generally I don't do fat-free anything! LOL

Laura - I think Quaker Oats makes a 'weight control' version that's lower in sugar...made with Splenda. I know you don't like artificial sweeteners (right?) but you should give them a try....they're quite good. But you're right...120 calories is not much. It's the insulin spike caused by the sugar that is the culprit...not necessarily the calories from the sugar. Y'know?

I went to the gym at lunch to make up for the workout I missed last night. :confused: Tonight I'm off.

Back to the grind........

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Evening All :)

Kat I'm real sorry to hear of your concerns about the children, there was a lot of rivalry between my two (3yrs gap) when they were little, the eldest was jealous of the younger one, now they are best of friends! It's a tricky one, I can only think if distraction doesnt work, is sit down with her and talk to her gentally, youve probably tried that though....

Terry...wow....you loser you!! :whoo:in a fantastic way!! in the 180's....CONGRATULATIONS!!

Tracy I hope you have a lovely holiday....you off to the beach somewhere?

Laura...re fills, it takes a while for my Dr to find the port, I have to lie on a pillow and arch my back, it is weird though on the amounts, I had 6mls in last time I went, (which didnt give me a restriction) he pulled the Fluid out and there was only 5mls, so I know what you mean re confusion? I now have 7.5mls in and it works!! Yaaaaa!!

Judy, I hope you get a restriction at your next fill, its weird you do notice that your just not hungry? I know its now working I got on the scales today, and for the first time in a long time Ive lost a few lbs, so I'll weigh on Saturday for the total amount lost after a restriction.

The Dr phoned me this evening to see if the fill was working (otherwise I was going to have to go back on Saturday) and I said it was, I asked him when I should go back again, but he said to see how it goes, Id heard somewhere that every 3 stone (42lbs) I may need a fill, so in a weird way Im looking forward to that next goal!

Ok, I'm going to do some exercise tomorrow......:faint:

Lots of love

Sara xxxxxxxx

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Thanks for the words of encouragement, and the hope that we are not alone in this problem. I intend on letting Manda read that too, she is heart broke. When she broke down talking to me about it, she kept saying she loved Ryan and Lindzie so much, but how can she take her happiness and ignore a child--and as wierd as it is, Lindzie idolizes her! They spent a couple of hours with my Mom & Dad this morning, and she recited her complaint list, that no one treats her fair, that they only love Kinsey, because they never make Kinsey make her bed, and they always cut up her food for her!! Girls these are some serious complaints here!!! It would be humorous if it was not so constant, and the whining so damn annoying!!!!

Terry-----you have done a wonderful job! I am waiting out my ticker, my scale is doing the bounce, down 2 pounds, up a pound, down a pound...back up another....so I am ignoring it for awhile! I hope the 180's are a quicker pass through for you than they are being for me!!!

Tracy--back to the kids thing. Her Daddy is very strict, but has recently had issues with his parents and their divorce, and making THEM follow his rules, which they are not. I honestly feel that is where the problem lies. She is old enough to see marriages break up. Her parents were never married. She was born when her Mom was a senior in HS. Dad was in his first year of college. They had already broke up when she found out she was pregnant. He quit school, got a job, paid for the baby, was there for the birth, went to see her every day when she went home. Not long into it, he went by one night, and she wasn't there, so he went home to find her at his place (he lived back with his parents..well MOm & step Dad), and she told him she just couldn't do it, she was not ready to be a Mom. She left the baby. She come and saw her sporadically, for a couple of years, then when Lindzie got to be 3-4 years old she got pregnant again, and had a son. Then she decided she wanted Lindzie back. They went to court, and full custody was awarded to Dad. He was even awarded child support, but she does not work. Anyway, for 2 years they lived with the parents, and she is extremely close to them, same as I am with Kinsey.

Now she sees them going separate ways---and is in a panic that something like that can happen! I think she is being as rotten as she can just to see if anyone leaves her. I don't know it is just a "psychiatrist Lucy" thing. Probably worth about the nickel she charges in the comic strip! I am glad to know that she is not the only one who acts out like that---and is in a loving environment! I have never encountered this before! Sorry you too have it to deal with....but you aren't alone either!!!!

TracyK---lotsa compliments heading your way---go you!

Haydee--vacation sounds awesome, I want a beach with fruity drinks.....Where IS that box of Calgon???? Thanks for the informative link!

Laura---I love the cinnamon roll oatmeal, it is high in sugar---but I use it as a treat on occasion!!! I really like it sprinkled over fresh peaches and baked---it makes like a crispy crust......mmmm I can only eat a few bites, but it is yummy!

Sara---I love that your Dr. checked on you! You hear of so many who just blow off patients, that is way cool!

Jennifer-- I thought the same thing about the book from the article---wonder if the library has it!!! I so much prefer to preview them to see if I want to go out and buy it!

Judy--how was VBS today?

Gina, Michelle, Denise----everyone else---I am going to have to catch up after my laundry is put away---I better get my behind in gear~


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I pushed mowed part of our back yard tonight even though we are under a heat warning............ and my face turned the color of a beet! So then I turned the hose on me and my little guy.... my feet are swollen because I had crackers with lunch and dinner and I have a blister on my hand.......... woooooooooooohoooooooooooooo! two workouts in one day am I rocking or what???? :) (note the previouse statement was typed in a sarcastic tone.)

I'm gettng ready to hit the bed cause I am pooped

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Yes the library has the ABs Diet but they had to order it for me. I'll have it on Friday(?).

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Judy? Did the kids tie you up and set you afire?

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I forgot to give you the details about the aniversary party I went to on Sunday. Everyone was asked to wear casual white. I got there real late because I had to work and the store stayed open and extra hour becauase of the tax-free back to school weekend. Anyway, It was going full swing. They had every kind of food one could think of. AND 'CAKE', chocolate cake, coconut cake, pound cake, white cake, carrot cake... bananna pudding. You name it, they had it!!! I won't tell you all about the wonderful dishes they had (too much food porn).

I saved my calories and carbs for the day and had cake, and yes I did, I had 2 pieces and they were wonderful. :hungry:

There was a DJ from one of the local radio stations and the music was jammin'. And I danced, danced and danced some more. Even showed the young ones how the old folks do it!!! We did the electirc slide, jungle slide, Cuban slide and all the old school dances. We danced the young ones right off the dance floor. I danced for and hour easy!

It may be a big deal for some, but I hardly ever dance more than once or twice when I'm out, but with my weight lost I actually felt cute, light and not out of breath.

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Judy? Did the kids tie you up and set you afire?

Terry, as one of my friends says; You're just wrong sick!:)

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WHEW!! I just chewed through the duct tape and jumped into pool to put out the fire!!! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh Terry!!!

VBS went very well today. I had a 3 year old and a 5 year old that made it very interesting with the other 5 kids, but DD was there to help me and we did just fine between the two of us.

I've been on ebay bidding on a boat. We went today to look at a boat and I told DH it was too much boat for us. He agreed, thank goodness, so we are back to the one here that we put an offer on and the one on ebay which I really hope we get as it is perfect for the two of us. I'll know tomorrow at 5 when the bidding is over.

I did have a couple of issues today. We went out for lunch and I was talking and eating again and things got uncomfortable yet again. One of these days, I WILL get the idea that you can't eat bite after bite anymore!!! But the worst part was we stopped for ice cream after looking at the boat. I ate the whole single scoop of icecream.. it had to have been at least a cup of ice cream and after that I was VERY uncomfortable. I felt like I had had a huge Thanksgiving dinner. I just felt awful and told DH that I had learned my lesson. From now on whenever we go out for ice cream, we split a scoop. I am still feeling yucky from it.

So you see, Judy isn't ALWAYS perfect!!! I have to remind myself too of WWJD?? when she used to be perfect.. lol

One of the guys in our singing group has been gone most of the summer and he got back tonight. He said in front of me to my side and I kept catching him staring at me.. lol What a hoot. I'm sure he knows there is something different there, but he can't quite put his finger on it.

Jenn.. isn't it great to be able to do the things you love to do and not have to worry about all that extra weight??? Congrats to you on being cute, light and not out of breath!!!

Terry...... woooo hoooo to yooooou on getting into the 180's. I'm working on the 170's and that will be my lowest weight since I blew up after getting married!!! Hitting 179 will be a huge accomplishment for me. Last time I got down to 180 and that was with pills and of course I went right back up when I couldn't tolerate the side effects of the pills..

TracyinKS.. Yes, you certainly DO rock, woman!!! I didn't get any workouts in today, but definitely will be biking with DH tomorrow and hope to get into the pool too.

That's all for tonight... I'm pooped and have to be up again at 6:30 to get ready for VBS..

Everyone have a great night.. sleep well and smack me upside the head and say... WWJD??!!

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Howdy y'all!

Sorry, I think I am so tired I am a bit goofy!!! I did work out today. I hit Curves, and then did another 15 minutes on the elliptical here at home, and did some weights with DH. He got released to work out again, so guess who is gonna do it right along with him!! I cannot let him lose down below me! He really won't---that would be too low for him, he looks best right at 200...and he fluctuates within 5-6 pounds of that usually. Lucky guy. He can eat ice cream like no one I know----he could probably sit and eat a half gallon at a time if he let himself---and it would not change his weight! Of course he works pretty hard sometimes, he is up and down, and walks a lot in the yard, and checking on his hands---so I guess he works it off.

Things went minimally better with Lindzie today---she is balking at doing her school work, so we are taking a play day tomorrow, and going to the park, and swimming----as long as she behaves, if she acts up, I intend on bringing her home, and seeing about my Mom keeping Kinsey and letting Lindzie think she is off still playing. Let HER actions set the tone....see how it goes.

Down south in NM there was a 15 month old toddler who was having seizures, so they were life flighting her to Albq. to a bigger hospital, but the plane crashed, and killed all aboard. The pilots, the nurses, and the mother and child. They are interviewing the families on TV it is so sad. One of the paramedics was a volunteer referee for Special Olympics, and the Mom of the little girl taught disabled children to ski.

My MIL is sooooooooooo pissed off at us for interfering in her business!!! Telling her who she can rent to. Which is one thing, but the home she is on such a tear over is OURS!!!! When we went to Albq. the other day we went to a tool store my DH likes, and she said to let him pick something out for his birthday, so we did. We come back, he showed her his new chop saw, thanked them---and then we interfered!!! Today I got a postage due envelope in the mail, it was a check from her to cover the money I spent!!! She is mad at our son, because he was disrespectful, and she does not need to be treated like an old lady...she is almost 80! It worries me---she is acting so strangely, but at the same time, it makes me feel spiteful in a way! One minute I worry about her, the next I want son to move, and let them handle it on their own, knowing that will last a week tops! We have hay to buck, I see her deciding to either cut loose with some money to pay someone else, or deciding we can interfere in the work aspect! I REALLY want to say bad things about her----BUT I know she can be just as sweet and loving as she is ignorant right now! So I am trying to behave---cuz that's what Judy would do.....deep, deep sigh!

Terry it is a good thing you made up that exercise session I was gonna have to plant a size 8 to your hind end!!! You will NOT slide!

See I can be mean!!! All ya gotta do is ask Lindzie!!!

Ok, I really am feeling too goofy---guess I'll hit the shower and call it a night!

See y'all in the morning!!!


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