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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hello everyone I'm just getting in from work. Man I am glad this week is over... I have tomorrow off and then work straight to next Monday.

So here is my new plan. My contractor whom I love, has put his busines on hold because he got so busy and couldn't find good help, so he put the extra time into his 7-3 job to compensate for the money he was making on the side. Well he is getting laid off in the next few months. We both knew this was going to happen, but he is going to get his business up and running strong. Well, I am going to talk to him tomorrow, so I'm not on 'payroll" I am going to offer to go into business with him but get my own DBA and do a Construction Management company and do his leg work, some labor, find good help for him, advertisement, find subs for jobs he can't do. I think this is going to get me the experience, my name out there and help him out too. I can work a full time job for the first year and then i will be right where I need to be for my 5 year plan. I am so excited and hope he is too. That way he can include me in his cost but write me a check like he is paying a company and not payroll. Doesn't that sound perfect. It came to me at church!!!!!!!

Terry - you look awesome!!!!! there is hope for me yet, I am 3-4 lbs more than your starting weight. It is funny, because since I've been very agressive about going to the gym, I feel like I am taller, but I know it is because I'm lighter and carry myself different. I am standing up tall and proud instead of slumping and trying to carry those 41 extra inches and 60lbs.

Judy - so glad church went well and DH was surprised. my church presented our pastor with a gift at father's day and it was very emotional so I am sure there was not a dry eye in the house.

Well, I'm off to bed, I'm so very tired, but so very excited about wat I think I'm going to do. Actually I know I'm going to do it. This is my in to a Man's world!!!

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Good Monday morning violets!

My DH was actually OFF most of the day yesterday. It was so nice to have him home with me. He never gets any time off so it was a real treat :)

Well, here it is so long to the rain but hello humidity and heat!! YIKES!

Oh well, I guess that is better than swimming to work.

Everyone have a great day and remember WWJD?!

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Hi All,

Im actually typing this from work, so Im nervously looking over my shoulder make sure no ones gonna catch me out!! :eyebrows:

Judy, Kat, Tracy and Terry, thanks for the encouraging words re Dave and my outlaws, Ive actually felt a lot calmer since theyve gone, or either the chill pills have kicked in I'm not sure?

Well, its really weird having a restriction isnt it, I mean you just dont want to eat after 8 or so mouthfuls. To tell you the truth I was a bit worried my band wasnt ever going to work, but now I know how much fliud I need in it (7.5mls) to make it work Im so relived.

Terry...wow....knock em dead honey you have lost loads of weight, and boy does it show in the pics, youve really toned up heaps!! :clap2:

So have you Tracy, your face is so slim now, wow !!!!!!!!

I am so much more motivated again now, keep up the fantastic weight loss guys, we rock!

Lots of love

Sara xxxxxxx

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm on my way out the door to VBS, but wanted to stop in and check messages before I left. I know, I know, I'm addicted to this site, but it's not a bad addiction to have!!

Jennifur.. you sound like your plan is well thought out! I hope it all works out for you!!! Keep us informed!

Sara... glad to know your restriction is working. Mine isn't quite there yet, but maybe after the next one the end of this month. I follow the bandster rules, but I am not full when I am done with a meal. And I've never had the "I can't eat another bite" feeling in the middle of a meal either. BUT.. things are going well so I won't rock the boat!

TracyK... we are getting the heat and humidity here and we desperately need rain. My lawn is brown. We've been watering it for a week now and it still isn't back to the nice green color.

Gotta run!!

Everyone have a great day!! And remember to follow those bandster rules!!!

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Jennifur: I think your plan sounds GREAT!

Not unexpectedly I bounced this morning... no Water on Saturday and yesterday's splurge..... plus TOM is expected ANY minute... my face completely broke out in 4 places over the weekend... this is my week to get into the 220's! I DID however drag my butt out of bed and hit the gym ON A MONDAY!!!

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Good Morning my purple pals!

Terry the picture looks awesome!!!! You will be sharing clothes with DD before you know it. Maybe not her size 2's (which btw, have changed over the years, they proved it on one of the evening news shows!) But lots of things you will be able to share soon. My DD is the same height I am (5'9"), but she weighs in the 150 -155 range, and we can share some things now. I know all you Moms will find this hard to believe, but so far it has only worked out that she has borrowed from me!!!! She has offered things, I just don't see me in them! I look at her and cannot imagine that I will ever look like that size wise again....and yet, my clothes look ok on her. It literally makes my heart pound to see that and realize that it IS possible!

Tracy--glad you got to spend some special time with DS. The big party is something I am sure he will enjoy. Look out 220's here Tracy comes!

Sara--glad things have mellowed, or you have, whichever, I am sure it feels much better. My inlaws, more specifically my MIL is on my S*#t list in a big way right now. She is allowing the kinda sorta niece's half brother to stay with her. #1 that is our rental not hers, and not her place to say! #2 the 1/2 brother is a jail bird, in and out of trouble, in and out of jail, not to mention the prison stint he has already done. #3 He has a history with my DIL ( a mutual friend was her former fiance), and he has taken to driving by my son and DIL's house and mouthing off at her---which has her scared witless. And my inlaws just blow it off! #4 my Son is threatening to move away from the farm because of it....and they don't give him any support at ALL. He works his tail end off for the ungrateful people!

I truly believe my MIL is scared to try to make him leave---and I do understand that---he has a terrible temper, and a con attitude. Note I said a con attitude, not an ex con. I have met people who were ex cons, who deserved to be out, he does not. He is still into drugs, he is a thief, and is currently waiting to go to court on a charge that someone cut him off in traffic, so he jumped out, and put a hatchet through their windshield---with them in the car, on the road! Well he actually went to jail for that, but got out on some technicality....and is waiting for something to go down on it again.

I told her I was going to enforce the rental contract and get them ALL out, and she was pissed! Told me this family did not act like that---so as far as I am concerned at this point in time, they can be her family. Even Rick is not speaking to them---he is furious over their callous treatment of our son who does sooooo much for them.

OK sorry---but man it feels good to say all of that! My best friend is gone on vacation, and to say this to much of anyone is only going to piss off the rest of the family at them, or my family at them---it is better to let it go down however it does, if son moves on, then he did the right thing in my book.

Jenn---keeping my fingers crossed that your business plan falls effortlessly into place!

Judy--I am thrilled for your DH that he was so touched with his gifts. Our former pastor wore robes, and was highly energetic. We now have our first woman as a pastor, and she is very meek in comparison. My Dad was the one I wondered if could accept the female preacher....and he has actually said he appreciates the different perspective she brings to things. I guess it is the old male brain vs. female brain thing. I have yet to really feel anything about her (I know that sounds mean! It isn't meant to!) She just does not evoke strong emotions, in any way. I don't feel challenged to be better by her. Going to give us both time though!

Enjoy VBS---Kinsey was VERY put out that she didn't get to go, but Lindzie did!

Laura, the pictures looked wonderful. Cake looked yummy too!!! My DD had the same squiggly design (I think it was called Cornise lace, or something, made me think of stippling on a quilt!), on her wedding cake, but hers was white on white...with the squiggles being sparkly and the rest not. It looked very similar!! Great minds and all that!!!!

Denise, Michelle, Gina, Haydee----what's up girlies???? I know I am missing some of you---my brain does not go any further back than my page scrolls lately!!!!!

Hope Pamela is having a great time vacationing! Could you believe that "closet"???? I want one!!!

Well the girls and I are off to buy groceries today...fun fun fun!!!

We got the woodshed finished, and man it looks good, it is going to make things so much nicer this winter, to have the wood in a new place, and covered. Well it actually is not finished, we still have concrete to pour---will work on framing this week, and pour it this coming weekend. Let me tell you I am a cement mixing fool!!! We have done so much of it, it is unbelievable. We have to---if there is dirt...it turns into a litter box, my neighbors have 9 cats! So we either plant grass or pour cement! They are such good neighbors, it is hard to say anything....it wasn't this bad when I had Bailey, they respected one anothers turf or something, but since he died, OMG---there are cat piles everywhere---really upsets my DH!

Everyone have a good day, I'll check in on you later.


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Good morning again all

Thanks for the encouragement. As soon as he gets home I'm going to talk to him. I feel like this is the path that god has for me. For those who are not very religious, I don't want to offend. I have not always been. DBF's accident really changed my life and my outlook on life, but the more I give myself, the more I feel like things are just working or going to work....I should be freaking out about the place I'm in but I just feel ok.

Anyway, I'm off to put a floor in mom's room.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

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Good afternoon all. I'm having a great day!!!

I went to a party yesterday evening. There were about 100 people there and I know about 80% of them. Many have not seen me for a while and all were commenting on how good I look. It really made me feel good about myself. I even felt cute! And at work earlier in the day, one of the police officers that does security at the store walked by my office, smiled at me and called me "sweetie," I blushed. Latger on during the day he stopped and we talked for a while, asked if I had cut my hair again (I cut my hair in April so that when I exercise I can wash it and go, so it is very short and curly afro about 1/2 inch long) THEN he said "you sure are pretty." NOw that just made my day. No one but a older lady I know and my mom has said that to me in years. It just made my day, no, my week.

Someone thinks I pretty! :)

Gotta shower and get ready for work.


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Jennifer, I cannot remember ever having seen a picture of you, but in my mind, I KNOW you are pretty! It is something I would never have thought otherwise of!

Congrats on the compliments---you've lost almost 40 pounds of course they are noticing!!!!!

WTG girlie!!!


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Grrrrrrrrr... damm thing just ate my post!

Nutshell version:

Had to take DH to the ER @ 6am -- long story short, he is passing kidney stones, poor guy!

Am leaving for the beach tomorrow a.m.... will be back on Sat... will check in if I can... everyone be well & do well. Laura where are you? Waiting to hear you're update!


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Not sure if it is something he will do, but the Dr. told my Dad to drink a 6 pack of beer!!! He said the increased urination will help as well as something in the beer, breaking down the stones. He lived through it, but said it was HORRIBLE!!! I have heard them compared to childbirth.

Let him whine----it sounds like he deserves to do so!

Enjoy the beach, you lucky duck!!!!!


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Good morning again all

Thanks for the encouragement. As soon as he gets home I'm going to talk to him. I feel like this is the path that god has for me. For those who are not very religious, I don't want to offend.

Jenn-I seriously doubt that you could offend anyone by speaking from your heart.

Good luck in all your efforts and I will keep you in my prayers as well. :)

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Hey guys!

It's been a loooong day for me, so just sharing my news, will catch up on posts tomorrow.

I was so nervous about the weigh in.. all this wedding food, wedding cake, the inches not changing, etc.. I wasn't very hopeful. But low and behold.. 290lb!!!! 8lbs this month. HOORAY! I know it's not amazing, but given the circumstances I am ecstatic. Also keep in mind I only lost ONE pound in the month of June.

So on to the fill :)

They jabbed and jabbed, couldn't get it. So he sent me to the hospital again, to meet me there to do it under fluero. I get there, and some other doctor said he's going to fill me, my doctor called and asked him to. That actually really made me nervous. I don't know this guy from Adam and he looked younger than me (and believe me, that'd be a feat!).

He took 2 jabs, even watching it under the x-ray, which I found weird too.. since my normal doctor could do it in one quick swoop when he's watchin it on the x-ray. But whatever. Fills me, and that's that.

Now, I had 2.5cc. I dunno what they were doing before I went to hospital, but he kept rambling numbers "I got .7cc that time". I assumed coming out, but then why can't they go IN? I don't understand the fill thing as much as I thought I did.

Ok.. so I had 2.5cc... After the fill, I said how much was it? He said 'Your doctor called and said you had 1cc and to give you one more.. so you have 2cc now' ?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?

If I had 2.5cc last month, I needed a fill, now I have 2cc.. anyone else feel my frustration!?

I don't know what's going on.. I don't get it anymore. My husband's alarm clock was going off every 5 minutes, way too early this morning. I kept smacking him and telling him to turn it OFF, but he would just snooze it for 5 min.. was very irritating, so I lost a lot of sleep this morning. Now I'm going to bed. I'm so tired. It was a LONG drive today. Some reason people were exceptionally stupid on the road. We almost got into 8 wrecks today, and none of them our fault.

Good night guys!!

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Thanks, I know what you are saying, people are in different places and I don't like to preach.

I do feel like the power of prayer is amazing, but just finding this and to me it is a non traditional setting, which is even better.

Off to go to a softball game, church has a team and a few friends who play are dragging me out, it is all turnin g around

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