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December Bandsters in February!

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VLYNN.....i am geting the munchies too lately. I take it to mean that I need another fill!! Luckily I've only got 2 more days til I get one!! :)

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hi everybody .. & how is your day

i have a problem in the last week . i feel like i am sinking back in my old food habit . i was able to eat a lot of food .. may be i feel it like a huge amount because i have the band but still i am afraid because i feel hungry all the time .. my previous thought about food is coming back gradually ..

i am miss my liquid stage :think

also this week i have no weight change .. and i feel my body dose not change also ..

my next fill after one week and i am afraid of weighting in front of the doctor ..

i don not no what is going here but i feel its wrong and i don't know what to do..

every morning i decided to make commitment to the food plan , and in the afternoon i change the plan because i am hungry..

i feel like that i can not come back to the right track

any body can understand ??? :) .. any body have an answer??

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ibrahem...I feel your pain and frustration!!! I've been back into a lot of my bad eating habits this past week or so myself...mostly just b/c I can. I am going for my 2nd fill on monday and it can't come soon enough!! So I'm guessing you need a fill too.

Just want you to know you're not alone....and hopefully we'll both get back on track w/our next fill!

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You know they always say that whatever questions YOU have, there may be someone else that has the same questions but are just not sure whether to ask them or not?...

wellllllll....thanks...I am having the same problem...I seem to want to eat a lot more lately...not really at a meal...but like I am craving something and can't quite figure out what it is that I want, so I have to try everything...I usually have more trouble in the evening (from 3 pm on...) It's frustrating, because I don't want to eat and I don't think it's really hunger...but I find myself nibbling on something and thinking, "I don't really need this", but TOO LATE>>>

Something that has helped me stay on track better is a website I found to keep a journal of my meals and what I am eating...It has really motivated me to keep up with it and actually SEE what I am eating and the nutritional values...it is www.my-calorie-counter.com It is FREE, but you can get more access if you pay the fee...it lets you put in what you ate and then will tell you how many calories, carbs, sugars, Protein, etc...that it has and will total up the day for you also...try it!!!

The good thing about having you guys is when we are feeling uneasy or unsure about the band, we can get on here and ask these questions, and usually there is someone else that is or has felt the same things...it helps put us more at ease that what we are doing is normal with everyone and not just ourselves...:rockon:

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Hi Ibrahem....boy do I know how you feel. I do the same thing, wake up with good intentions, drink my Herbalife shake for breakfast.....take along healthy Snacks and a second shake mix for the road....sometimes I am good through lunch, but most of the time I end up eating something else. And well, by dinner time, I am snacking while cooking for my kids. I do believe I am doing much better than before being banded, in that I may snack while cooking but eat much much less for dinner. I have skipped dinner sometimes too, (because I had snacked and filled up already) that, I would never have done before being banded!

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G'day Folks :)

I've been reading your posts and can relate to all of you. I was having major hunger even after 1 week after my first fill. However I have found that eating Protein foods, fish, seafood, chicken, salads, vegies etc are filling me up longer and are far more fullfilling. I spoke with my dr's secretary the other day about the hunger, she said the first fill is just that! aparently after the 2nd fill, we should see a remarkable difference and thats when the weight loss really happens. I havn't slipped back to bad eating habbits YET, but there are days, I feel like I have no restriction at all and could eat a horse. It's sheer will power thats keeping me losing small amounts. I don't feel like I've offered you any solution, but just know, there are more of you and me out here :) The protein foods do help at least curb the hunger longer and are far more satisfying. My nutritionist told me also that protein will curb the carbohydrate cravings - It's worth a try. Thanks for the calorie counter page vlynnfogg :)

Hang in there guys :)

CHEERS to Healthy Happy Eating :)

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I'm hoping someone can answer this question for me :)

Why after a fill, do we need another and another?

  • Does the actual stomache shrink as we lose weight?


  • Do we stretch it as we eat more and more solid foods?

  • Why not just one fill and thats that? I understand after the surgery, theres a lot of swelling and they would have to do a fill after all the swelling goes down. BUT why a fill and a fill and a fill? I don't understand how it works??

Can anyone shine any light on my question?

CHEERS to Happy Healthy Eating :)

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Hi Gerbera....good question. The way I understand it....and I could be wrong...is that we all have a "sweet spot". the right amount of restriction to keep food in our pouch long enough, and not too much so that we are pb'ing or getting stuck all the time. Everyone has a different amount of fill that will attain the right amount of restriction. I have read about people losing all their weight with no fill at all, and others that have had up to 6 fills before reaching that sweet spot. Since our band is a tool, if the doctor filled us to that spot right away, we might not keep anything down. Our first fill teaches us to take those small bites, 'chew till it's goo' and wait awhile between each bite. The next fill, we feel even more restriction which makes us stop and say...."hey, I need to eat even slower, take smaller bites, and eat even less." It is a process, and not an exact science. I hope that helps, and anyone can correct me if I am wrong....and I am sure there is more to the story. As for our stomach being able to shrink...I have always thought it did with dieting...eating less. But have read in several places over the past several months that our stomachs do not shrink, but have also read that people with gastric bypass stretch their pouches? I for one would love to have more restriction and less appetite. So far I have discovered that my band does not limit the amount I eat, just how fast I can eat. And, if I am eating with others, I need to stop eating when they do, even if I have only gotten a few bites down.

I am going to take your advice on eating more Protein, I do much better when I eat protein and veggies. I have found myself eating more starches lately with the excuse that it is "just a small amount"...but it keeps me going back for more.

I also need to work on my psychological reasons for eating. I find that if I've had a bad day, and come home hungry, I have less self control, start thinking that it won't hurt to eat these potato chips this one time, or that I deserve to eat something fattening. I really need to work on that, because it is my old mind set, and I don't want to treat myself that way.

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Thanks for the insight, Beth...(One of my favorite names...it's also my daughters name)...

I do the same thing...While I am at school, I don't seem to think about munching or anything...but as soon as I walk in the door at home @ 3pm...I get this feeling of "what can I eat?"...I really think that if I can find something to keep me busy I will be able to shake this feeling...I am ready for spring because I love to plant flowers and work in my yard and my daughter will be starting summer softball soon and my son will be in soccer, so I am hoping this will help...It has also been cold here, so I haven't been walking like I should...I know that has a lot to do with weight loss, because I have lost very little the past couple of weeks (being that is how long I haven't walked)...but, I am not wanting pneumonia either...so....

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Hi Gerbera....good question. The way I understand it....and I could be wrong...is that we all have a "sweet spot". the right amount of restriction to keep food in our pouch long enough, and not too much so that we are pb'ing or getting stuck all the time. Everyone has a different amount of fill that will attain the right amount of restriction. I have read about people losing all their weight with no fill at all, and others that have had up to 6 fills before reaching that sweet spot. Since our band is a tool, if the doctor filled us to that spot right away, we might not keep anything down. Our first fill teaches us to take those small bites, 'chew till it's goo' and wait awhile between each bite. The next fill, we feel even more restriction which makes us stop and say...."hey, I need to eat even slower, take smaller bites, and eat even less." It is a process, and not an exact science. I hope that helps, and anyone can correct me if I am wrong....and I am sure there is more to the story. As for our stomach being able to shrink...I have always thought it did with dieting...eating less. But have read in several places over the past several months that our stomachs do not shrink, but have also read that people with gastric bypass stretch their pouches? I for one would love to have more restriction and less appetite. So far I have discovered that my band does not limit the amount I eat, just how fast I can eat. And, if I am eating with others, I need to stop eating when they do, even if I have only gotten a few bites down.

I am going to take your advice on eating more Protein, I do much better when I eat protein and veggies. I have found myself eating more starches lately with the excuse that it is "just a small amount"...but it keeps me going back for more.

I also need to work on my psychological reasons for eating. I find that if I've had a bad day, and come home hungry, I have less self control, start thinking that it won't hurt to eat these potato chips this one time, or that I deserve to eat something fattening. I really need to work on that, because it is my old mind set, and I don't want to treat myself that way.

Hi Beth :)

Thankyou sooooooooo much for your reply, you answered it perfectly Thankyou :( I too would like to be less hungry and hope with everything that my 2nd fill sorts it out. I would hate to feel this hungry again after my 2nd fill and then have to wait another 6 weeks before my 3rd. I pretty well have the phycholigical/emotional/comfort eating under wraps (with continual self talk and monitoring) and I'm eating all healthy low fat, low carb, high protein foods. I'm convinced Carbs along with sugar and fat are addictive, the more you have the more you want NASTY NASTY hahaa. I wont even start on potato chips or the likes. Speaking of wraps, I've been making roll up wraps. I wonder if you have them there? They are about the only carbohydrate I'm eating. For my work lunches, I pack a small can of tuna, or chicken, or some seafood some salad and make a healthy wrap YUMMO! I've even toasted them if I'm wanting something warmer to eat.

Thanks again for your wonderful explanation :)

CHEERS to Happy Healthy Eating :)

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Hey is anyone in touch with OkieFamily?

I havn't seen any posts from her in a while, I hope she is doing ok.

OkieFamily if your reading this, I was just wondering how you were going.

I think we had our surgery at similar times and I would love to hear how your going :) Pop in and drop us a post to bring us upto date :(

CHEERS to all and Happy Healthy Eating :)

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Hey Friends in December Lap band World,

I just had my second fill last Tuesday, Feb. 13th, and I can definitely tell the difference! I have to eat really slowly and take really small bites! It has been great for me since I had begun to over eat again after the first fill. I think the 2nd fill is a good wake up reminder that things are going to have to change in order to continue losing weight ! I had only lost 1 pound from the first fill to the 2nd fill, but in the last week I have lost 6 more pounds! I am eating less and that is a good thing.

I went to the gym today and walked 30 minutes and then worked out. So exercise is now a 3 day a week routine. I wish I could go to the gym everyday but I can't find the time yet. I will try to walk in the neighborhood since it is warm here!

Everyone keep up the good work! Spring is right around the corner!:clap2:

Kathy B.

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Hi, Kathyb...Thanks for the insight...I am hoping that I get another fill (2nd) that I will get more weight loss...I have gotten discouraged the past couple of weeks because my loss has gotten so slim...I know I have lost quite a bit so far, but I think losing fast can be discouraging when you don't meet the expectations you have put on yourself afterwards...I am feeling more hungrier and it seems that I can eat more than before (I really have to monitor the amount, or I would probably eat way too much) so you have given me hope that my next fill will be a big difference

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Hey Friends in December Lap band World,

I just had my second fill last Tuesday, Feb. 13th, and I can definitely tell the difference! I have to eat really slowly and take really small bites! It has been great for me since I had begun to over eat again after the first fill. I think the 2nd fill is a good wake up reminder that things are going to have to change in order to continue losing weight ! I had only lost 1 pound from the first fill to the 2nd fill, but in the last week I have lost 6 more pounds! I am eating less and that is a good thing.

I went to the gym today and walked 30 minutes and then worked out. So exercise is now a 3 day a week routine. I wish I could go to the gym everyday but I can't find the time yet. I will try to walk in the neighborhood since it is warm here!

Everyone keep up the good work! Spring is right around the corner!:clap2:

Kathy B.

CONGRATS kathy, I'm sooooo looking forward to getting my 2nd fill and looking forward to the changes CHEERS

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Kathy, I just got my 2nd fill too and can definitely feel a difference and am Soo happy about that! :mad: Its still been less than 24 hrs and I've only done liquids/mushies, but that "Hunger" feeling is gone and I'm thrilled!

I also found out that according to my Dr. I'm down 11 pounds since my last visit so YEAH ME!!!!! THAT made me feel good!!

So now I'm hoping to see the scales move again since they had stopped the last 3 weeks......hopefully you will too! I agree...its good to get back to the 'bandster way' :)

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