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July 2006 Band Crew

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Ok I know I have totally dropped the ball when it comes to bingo but I have just been so busy.. MY DH IS IN BANDLAND... heheh he just had surgery yesterday and did great. He is very sore but in good spirts.

Ok so am I the ONLY one who is NOT dieting? I do eat what I want but in moderation. I am not a sweets person so Sweets have never been an issue. Like today for Breakfast I had a breakfast bar, snack, I had a cup or so of popcorn, lunch I had a burger on ww toast (no crust) and dinner a homemade turkey wrap (small) on ff sundried Tomato tortillia. I am not saying I eat this everyday but If I am out of my home I eat what I want. I know that a hamburger is not the greatest choice but I must look back on what I would have eaten before the band. I am convienced that anything less than 1000 cals. a day is not healthy. I do think I am ready for a fill but I am not in a huge hurry because I am not gaining. I guess All I am saying is I have been on a diet for 28 years, it is time for me to enjoy life and not to obsess over food. I am letting my band work for me.

I have my first fill on sept 11th.. I am nervous!!!

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Good luck!

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I think I need to make an appointment for some cortisone myself - in my heels. I had pretty bad heel spurs and got the shots for the first time back in March, and then went in for a second dose a week later. The pain definitely went away. I would feel strange feelings in my heels, but no pain. I also had ordered special inserts for my shoes to help prevent them in the future. I really didn't have any problems until a few weeks after surgery - I wasn't up and about very much for that time and then it seemed when I started back at things, it was pretty full speed. That's when my left heel started hurting again. It finally dawned on me yesterday that I'm acting like it's just going to go away, but why would it? I think I'm just afraid to go back for the shots again. I need to be a "big girl" and get in there and do it, and then hopefully, as I lose more of this weight, then I won't need them anymore! I'm such a wimp sometimes!

Stephanie - I bet your shots will last longer now! I hope you're feeling great soon!

I hope they last longer, too! It's funny you mention the plantar's fascitis in your heel. I just mentioned to my orthopedist today that I was starting to feel my spur in my left heel again. I had cortisone shot into the side of my foot right into the spur over a year so so ago and it's now just starting to wear off. He said if it gets too bad we'll do more cortisone in it. I have to do stretching exercises for my arch and he said to continue to do the exercises...that's the only thing that helps heal the heel!! When I get shorts I just breathe like I'm in labor, blowing out slowly, and tell him to go slow with the injection. It's a piece of cake then!

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Ok I know I have totally dropped the ball when it comes to bingo but I have just been so busy.. MY DH IS IN BANDLAND... heheh he just had surgery yesterday and did great. He is very sore but in good spirts.

Ok so am I the ONLY one who is NOT dieting? I do eat what I want but in moderation. I am not a sweets person so Sweets have never been an issue. Like today for breakfast I had a breakfast bar, snack, I had a cup or so of popcorn, lunch I had a burger on ww toast (no crust) and dinner a homemade turkey wrap (small) on ff sundried Tomato tortillia. I am not saying I eat this everyday but If I am out of my home I eat what I want. I know that a hamburger is not the greatest choice but I must look back on what I would have eaten before the band. I am convienced that anything less than 1000 cals. a day is not healthy. I do think I am ready for a fill but I am not in a huge hurry because I am not gaining. I guess All I am saying is I have been on a diet for 28 years, it is time for me to enjoy life and not to obsess over food. I am letting my band work for me.

I have my first fill on sept 11th.. I am nervous!!!

Congrats to your DH on entering bandland! Glad to hear he's doing okay. As far as being on a "diet", I'm trying not to think of it that way. I haven't tried popcorn or salad yet - how are those going down for you? I just had a fill, so I suppose they would have gone down better before the fill. I'm tending to eat the same things, but then again, I've been home all summer. I go back to school (I'm a principal's secretary) this coming Monday and then I'll have to plan Snacks and lunch. I think I'll stick with Lean Quisines. The portions are good and you can find them all on FitDay.com. I really like my Slim Fast with added Protein Shakes in the mornings, so I'll have one before I go to work. If I have string cheese or a SF pudding cup for a snack and a LQ for lunch, I can have dinner with my family or a shake again. I also like cottage cheese with diced peaches, too. It's more a new routine I'm trying to establish instead of having the mindset of a "diet".

As far as your fill goes, I'm sure it will be fine! I had mine last week and it made quite a difference :)

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JMO- didn't we already have the words slime and slippage? Just wondering. Well I will write and tell ya'll all about my fill when I get home tonight. TTFN

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I think I need to make an appointment for some cortisone myself - in my heels. I had pretty bad heel spurs and got the shots for the first time back in March, and then went in for a second dose a week later. The pain definitely went away. I would feel strange feelings in my heels, but no pain. I also had ordered special inserts for my shoes to help prevent them in the future. I really didn't have any problems until a few weeks after surgery - I wasn't up and about very much for that time and then it seemed when I started back at things, it was pretty full speed. That's when my left heel started hurting again. It finally dawned on me yesterday that I'm acting like it's just going to go away, but why would it? I think I'm just afraid to go back for the shots again. I need to be a "big girl" and get in there and do it, and then hopefully, as I lose more of this weight, then I won't need them anymore! I'm such a wimp sometimes!

Regarding the heel spurts... my mom used to get them all the time, then she thought she had another one so she went to the doc this week and he said she had a stress fracture! So make sure you have a heel spurt before dealing with that huge needle!

Btw, I'm in NYC now at school and its hard... everyone wants to go out for a drink or dinner and then I explain why I'm eating sooo little. Which is fine, I don't mind telling people who I eat with, I just want to advertise it.

But its hard because I keep forgetting to eat, I've just been drinking a LOT of Water because its so hot, and then not really wanting to eat. I haven't weighed myself, but I'm sure I've lost a lot because of my clothes. So thats the only benefit of running around so much! I'm walking sooooo much and up and down stairs on the subway like there is NO tomorrow! I even drug my 90 lb luggage up 3 flights of stairs... that was fun lol NOT! So I think I'm doing pretty good, but that's why you guys haven't heard from me in a while! Talk soon :confused:

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I had 5 injections in my right heel and each one lasted a shorter amount of time. Finally they went from lasting 8 months to lasting 1 month. I did the strecting, bands, exercises, eveything, I finally had surgery 2 years ago on it and never, ever, anymore problems. One week after banding, I was walking out to the garage, with no shoes, stepped on a pebble and now have one on my left heal. Go figure.


We had surgery about the same time and don't be afraid of your fill. I had my 2nd one Tuesday with Dr. Curry and under fluro he hit it first time and within 4 seconds was done. It didn't hurt at all. It sprays that freezing numbing spray as he's inserting the needle and no pain at all. I got 1.5 the first fill and .75 2nd, so now I'm at 2.25 and boy is it working. 2 days and 2 pounds down and I can only hold 1/2 cup, tops. That's where I wanted it at, no pbing yet, thank the good Lord, but can't eat much either. Perfect.

Yours will go great and it is not worth worrying over. Tell your hubby I'm so proud for him. You 2 will loose so fast doing it together.

Good going everybody.

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Hello all-I went for my 4 wk follow-up today. I've lost 17.5lbs since surgery, my bmi has dropped 3 points so why do I feel so crappy?? The nurse (who is overweight also) kind of tsk tsk'd me. "What are you eating?-You have only lost 2.5lbs in the last 2 wks.?" Oh wait maybe that's why I feel badly.

I about to be a big baby here so bear with me-I did not pay all this money to have surgery to be lectured I mean if I need it then yeah but thats just over 4 lbs a week. Has everyone else lost alot more during the 1st month?

The doctor came in and said he thought I was doing great. I told him I didn't feel like I had much restriction at all (no fill yet) and he said alright lets go ahead and schedule a fill. He was very nice and supportive so what the hell is wrong with his nurse?

A better question would be why am I letting this bother me so much.

The other thing that blows my mind is just now I supposed to be eating soft foods (up from pureed) No salad for at least 3 months but maybe six.

I know every doc is different but 6 months? Anyway I just about done whining. Sorry you had to witness this.

JMO-I love what you said about not obsessing about food. I was trying really hard not to. I do not want to be on another diet. I am trying to make good choices and it's a struggle everyday.

Hey whats that recipe for salmon and mashed potatoes?

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One of the main reasons I'm staying in Tennessee instead of going home is I want my fills with the dr. that did my surgery. He knows exactly where he placed the port, and he always uses fluoro anyway. Somehow I feel I'll get jumped on for this, but have you considered using a radiologist who does use fluoro instead of the dr. that is doing your fills. A lot of hospitals have radiologists that do fills. It would be horrible to think about being poked all those times. My port is very close to the surface, and needless to say I can't keep me hands off the darned thing. I hope you have much better luck the next time and I hope you can find someone that uses fluoro for fills.

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JMO - Ok so am I the ONLY one who is NOT dieting? I do eat what I want but in moderation.

I am not on a diet either. I eat what a like in moderation while trying to be sensible. This is a new way of life for us. I bought a a high quality belgian dark chocolate bar (no sugar added) and have one or 3 squares a day, but it is all I want.

I do use fat free half and half in my coffee and skim milk, just sensible stuff like that. Oh and we have an Oberweis ice cream shop within walking distace www.oberweisdairy.com/web/default.asp I do get teh fat free sugar free soft serve, it is pretty good!

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plantar fascitis -

Hey guys, I used to get that all the time, then I bought a pair of Dansko Clogs, now I never get it unless I walk a long time in cheapy flip flops. My Dr. said it all has to do with arch support and Dansko clogs are perfect for that.

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To Heel spur people: I have a history of them too. I use the heel donuts (I buy mine at Harmon Discounts) and it makes all the difference. I buy enough for every pair of shoes. I found these $3/4 jewels after investing in a stupid $125 pair of custom made insert-thingies that did squat.

To recently filled folks: Man, oh man. I cannot wait!!! I am ready to eat everything and anything!!!! I am so frustrated how the hungries (head or real) have come back!!!! Yikes!!!!! I even called the surgeon's office today to see if they would let me go ahead and schedule a fill since the surgeon has been out of town. Patience is NOT one of strengths!!!!

JMO: congrats to your hubby coming on board. What a beautiful gift of life you are both giving to your children!!!

Stephanie: Have a good start of school. Every teacher knows the secretaries run the school!!!!!

To anyone and everyone: Let's fish or cut bait and set a time for chat room. 9 o'clock CST??? Would that work???

Hope to see you in the chat room!!


Banded 7-11-06

Impatiently waiting for a fill:speechles

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Well I just wanted to say hello to all of my fellow JULY peoples. Well things are going well for me so far . I am down just about 30 lbs depending on the day lol and I have set my appointment for my first fill for sept 23rd. I am looking forward to it. I have little restriction .Any ways I just havent posted here for a while So i thought I would stop but and drop you all a few line. Talk to u soon

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Ok so if I gave out duplicate bingo words i am so sorry... I will post more in a few.

I made us our own lapband chat room so we can ALL join.. I will be in there tonight.. If you have other people on the board that want to join in they must be given the password... So here you go.... I hope this works.....

http://www.chatzy.com/78704608<WBR>5317 the password is "lapband"... Have fun and I hope to see you all tonight... Please sign up with the same names so we all know each other... THANKS and remember you must have password to enter......

I am going to get my kids calmed down then I will be back with bingo words.....

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JMO - thanks for the PM with the notice abut the chat tonight. I'm not sure if I can make it yet, but will try.

Ruthie - thanks for the nice comment - I don't think I'll argue the comment about secretaries running the school...after my first year last year, it was proven to me over and over :wacko:

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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