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July Bandsters....lets Here You....

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Has anyone else noticed how we all sound like "Weight Watchers" members? I am worst of all...worrying about my "weigh-in" - and here at home, I strip down to the skin to weigh. No sense adding insult to injury! ha...

If I let myself think about it, it can seem a bit depressing. This whole "diet" thing was really what I was trying to get away from...but its still a stone around my neck (or my waistline). I wanted to NOT be hungry (like I often was on WW, or any other diet)...I wanted to FEEL FULL after eating only a LITTLE bit...

NOW, I DO understand that this is not JUST about food itself. It IS about the whole thing - food, emotions, timing, social settings/situations, etc...I get all that. But right now, its more about the FOOD (for me) than anything else. I don't want to feel hungry. I don't want to feel unsatisfied w/ a smoothie, or 1c of food. I want to be comfortable and relaxed...something I NEVER was on any diet.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Where is your BRAIN in all this??

I wanted to find THE TOOL that would help me rely less on what I "felt" and more on the "truth" about my eating habits - both in food choices and the timing of making those choices.

Certainly, EVERYONE is going to eat more than their body needs, at times when they shouldn't eat, THINGS that are "bad" for them...it is never going to be a perfect, low-fat, low-carb, high-protein, plenty-of-water, no-sweets, kind of world...at least where I live. BUT I am learning what this all means. SLOWLY, I'm learning.

I just am already weary of worrying about it all all the time. Know what I mean? I mean, there's Melissa...who hosted a grand gathering and was worried about over-enjoying the wonderful food...I just think there's got to be more to all this than that worry. I'd love for you, Melissa, to have been able to enjoy exactly what you wanted, in a portion that was satisfying and to be able to NOT WORRY about what the scale will say this morning. That's what "I" signed up for...

So, sorry to be Debbie Downer today, girls....I'm just reflecting on this today thinking about what I expected and what I am feeling (both physically and emotionally/mentally).

I hope each of you are finding your rhythm with your band...please share your thoughts on this. It would really help me to know how you are processing the expectations with the realities...the joys and the disappointments...I KNOW that my walking every day is good - no doubt...but I just wonder how this band is REALLY helping me do more than just "DIET" - considering that's exactly what it feels like. That just means this has been THE MOST EXPENSIVE diet I've ever been on!! Ugh.

Here's hoping you find JOY in your Friday...enjoy what you eat today...naturally, be mindful of what your body SHOULD be saying and what your mind knows is right! I promise to do the same...oh, and DRINK YOUR WATER! (Linda! lol)


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Kim you just said exactly what I've been feeling since the start of the month!!!

I don’t want to think that this is a waste of money and the most expensive diet ever!!! But at times this is what I feel, this feeling of “I did not signed up for this”, I eat small portions my house is full of healthy and expensive foods, here in Mexico nothing is organic or light so the few things that I can find are way too expensive, I’m running around like crazy everyday, I’m going to zumba classes starting next week, but the friking scale does NOT MOVE!!!! I just want to throw it out of the window but I know I will go outside and pick it up lol

I was so excited with my progress but this month has been really hard, all the pressure, the stress, the non-eating, uuuuggg it’s driving me crazy, not because I’m hungry or I’m craving foods that I can not longer tolerate, but because of the f&%$ing scale!!!

Sorry I sound like a crazy person but I’m just exhausted and not losing weight is not helping yeah yeah I know it’s not only about the weight loss it’s more about being healthy yeah I KNOW THAT but I don’t wanna hear it today, I’m having one of those days and no I’m not PMSing LOL

OK enough with my frustration… Linda I carry mi 1Lt bottle of Water everywhere I go, it’s always with me and it help me drink from 3 to 4 Lts. a day, or you can buy those crystal light on the go packs.

Yesterday was a good day for Breakfast I have a 4oz. yogurt, for lunch “caldo de pollo” and for dinner a spinach salad w/cherry tomatoes and onions, I think my choices were good, what do you guys think? Today I started my day with a smoothie let’s see how it ends :P

Do you guys have FB pages this is mine if you want to Friend Me, just don’t mention my band LOL


Lucía A. Juárez

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Lucy....I found your page on FB but there is no button to send a FRIEND request. You can try going to mine: Kim Hamel Driver Thomas. See what happens with that.

I think it sounds like you've made some awesome choices today. I'm just flat not eating much...and right now, I'm feeling it.

I would suggest that if you don't throw that scale out the window, you at least stay away from it for a while. That's what I've decided to do. Its too defeating. And it isn't worth the Headache and worry in it. So, hide it for at least a week, and watch for other signs. We have to focus on EVERYTHING good, right??

What are you doing for exercise?? The ZUMBA class will do wonders. I need to get back to that, but just dread the thought of feeling like a whale in a class full of sticks. LOL I'm just walking for now.

Great idea about packing along that Water bottle. I need to do better with that, too.

Hang in there, Lucia! I feel pretty certain that one of these days, all the good will catch up and you'll see a 5lb loss on that scale! We gotta believe that!


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One thing that has helped me with hunger is listening to my dietician's advice. First, I will say, because we are all newly banded we probably don't have the restriction and are nowhere near our "green zone" yet. That is part of the initial frustration because we feel like we should be feeling it but it takes most people several fills to get there and then we will be "satiated" with our meals. :)

As for my dietician, I told her I was hungry in between meals. We discussed what I am eating and she told me to try eating differently (which I am doing) and it has HELPED. Essentially, I was getting by on Soups and Protein Drinks. She told me to focus on more "solid" Protein in my meals and not liquid meals that will not keep me full as long. So, for Breakfast, I have had an egg and that helps or a low cal Protein Bar. For lunch, no more Soups for me.. I have tuna salad (low fat mayo) or chicken, etc. and same for dinner. Perhaps focusing on some more solid Proteins to start your meals may help with the hunger issue. :)

I still have my moments but it has helped! :)

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Just called my clinic to reschedule my appt because I'm going to be out of town....UGH...cannot get in until OCTOBER 29!! That's too far out!! Oh my word...

I'm on the CALL LIST for cancellations - HOPEFULLY someone else will need to reschedule and I can move up the road a bit. In the meantime, this means DIET.

Oh man...I'm so disappointed.

The office is moving the whole first-week of October so they are cramming everyone in next week and the week after the move. Ugh. So so disappointed.

Oh well. Nothing I can do about it. I won't change what I'm doing. Just really bummed.


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I am so sorry to hear that! it is frustrating when you are ready for the next step and you have to wait. UGH. I didn't weigh myself this morning because I need a little break from the constant thought of the scale. And i know if I am not down I would have an unhappy day. Instead I am just going to eat healthy and not stress.

I am taking the day off of work today to just get caught up on house stuff and make a nice dinner for my kiddos. Its been a rough week!

Keep up the good work everyone. This really is a process and some days will be great and others more challening. You can do it!

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It seems we are all having issues with that scale. I did real good up until about 2 weeks ago, now I am stuck on this one weight! I think i will get my husband to hide the scale for a week and not worry about it.

When I eat my small portion I am satisfied, but when I see chips I still want to eat them. So I just try not to have them in the house. Thats the only way i can deal with it.


Look me up on FB - Marie Istre- Elton, La

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Good Morning!!!

The scale was generous with me this weekend, and moved 5lbs. I noticed on Friday but I wanted to keep it off at least 3 days to call it a victory. And I fit in my old jeans ;) size XL regular non plus size, yesterday I wore a pair of capris that still had the labels on, so I’m starting really positive this week.

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FANTASTIC!! Wow...that is just great!! I applaud your success!!

I'm afraid to get on the scale...but will, tomorrow. I've sort of made Tuesdays my weigh-in day.

Keep on going! That is just amazing!!


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I didn't weigh myself either today. I did on Saturday and all was well. But yesterday I ate too much. I'm back on track today and writing down all I eat. That really does help me keep track of what I am eating. I hope to buckle down and get the next 5 lbs done. Thanks for the inspiration, Lucy. And a big contrats. That is fabulous news!!!

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Thank you ladies!!! I can wait to be where you are ;)

I'm starting my zumba class today and thinking of cutting my hair, I have really long hair it was my "security blanket", what do you think? should I do it?

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yes!! I vote for a new hairstyle. Maybe not too short so you don't feel naked. But just enough to start the transition to a new you. Very best of luck. What a great way for you to start Monday.

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I am going to have to try the more solid stuff also, between meals I find I'm so hungry. Went to church Sun (1st time in a while :/) all I could really hear was my stomach grolling, I know the woman next to me could hear it. Anyway I feel stuck and I flutuate on my weight dailey. Went to the dr last Wed and was down again but on mine shows me being up then down the next day. Frustrating is the word here. I have to quit looking at that scale but I want to get below that 1st number being a 2 and I'm so close but soooooo far away. I have to make some changes because this week has not been good at all. It doesn't help that it's that time of the year when we go to the cc and sit at the barstools watching football for hours on end and I end up saying yea go ahead I do want a margarita or Dt. coke & rum! Fun can be expensive for me plus it's also birthday season for us. Lots of birthdays comeing up and my ext family likes eating esp unhealthy eating. I'm going to have to have a special dish at each party!

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Linda...YES, you must ignore that scale!!! Put it in the BACK of your closet or something - out of sight, out of mind! It is also tempting for me to hop on it daily...but I just don't. It is THE ONE THING that can set me back (mentally!) so easily...that number IS important, YES, but it cannot rule the day (or week!).

So, let's make a pact that we WILL NOT weigh ourselves more than ONCE EACH WEEK!! C'mon...you CAN do that! Obviously that doesn't mean it'll tell you what you want to hear, but at least you won't be obsessing about it all day long.

Those social settings CAN be trecherous. The worst! But I guess we have to have a RESOLVE that we'll do what we know is right for this new 'thing' and then stick to it.

I'm getting a fill today!! Really ready for this. Feeling little-to-no restriction. And as I've said before, evening is my worst time of day. I do pretty good all day long - maybe just a Protein Bar in between, but supper time...oh my. And yesterday was not a great day, either.

I had lunch out with a couple friends. We had chinese (one of my faves)...I did eat only 1/2 of my lunch portion (and really, I could have eaten it all!)...but brought it home.

Then last night I took my boys out for a "Groupon" deal that included playtime in an arcade and pizza...I had one slice of the pizza...but could have eaten two.

That seems to be the problem...room for MORE. And if I am not careful, MORE goes down the hatch. Certainly I feel icky later, but the "now" seems to drown out the "you'll pay for this later" later. Make sense??

In that regard, as I said in a previous post, most of the time this just feels like a diet. I'm ready to feel the BRICKWALL when it comes to portion. I NEED to feel that brickwall...or I just keep going.

We ate out on Friday last week...I had ribs and some fries. The fries got stuck and boy did that hurt. I didn't eat many...and did leave 3 ribs (my son had one and I brought 2 home and ate them the next day).

Needless-to-say, the scale has gone NO WHERE. I kinda dread getting on it at the clinic today b/c I know it hasn't moved much...and its like this guilt trip that I'm not doing my part...which I'm not....so I feel like a child who's gonna get in trouble. Know what I mean? (KWIM?)

But I need this fill so I'm ready. 1:45 today (eastern time).

I will shout out, tho, that I bought a new pk of undies yesterday - A SIZE SMALLER than last time!! Took a chance that they would be fine, and they are! LOL Funny, I know, but I know you all KWIM! haha And today, I'm wearing a shirt that I have not worn for a couple years - too snug. Today, it fits nicely. Not baggy (which I don't want), but "nicely" = comfortable. Its one of my favorite shirts, so that's a plus.

I'm still walking 2m/day...but think its time to take it a little farther. So tonight I might aim for 2.5 or so, keeping the same pace. Time to ratchet-it-up a bit.

Anyway, LINDA, hide the scale!

LUCY - did you cut your hair??

MELISSA - How is your week going? Any more big social events to prepare for!?

MARIE - How's it going out your way??

ANYONE I'VE FORGOTTEN (please forgive me!) - WHAT CAN YOU SHARE THAT'LL HELP YOU, HELP US, or just need to VENT???

Have a good Thursday, girls. Here's hoping for better progress for all of us. MAKE GOOD CHOICES. It'll pay off, and that's what we want, RIGHT???


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Well, I got my wish. Hit that brick wall - like a locomotive! And it was totally my fault and I thought I was going to die...

Got that fill yesterday. Doc says this should move me forward at a good clip. My set-back -- having Fluid removed at the beginning, just made things slower out the chute. SO, this, he said, should get things moving.

Well, I didn't stick to clears yesterday like I should've...had a liitle " stuck" issue at supper, but not paralyzing.

Today did okay until late afternoon/evening....then ate a few chips (what is it with me & chips). Then for some reason, I turned off my brain and stood in my kitchen and ate a HOTDOG BUN... OH.MY.WORD. It stuck like a HUGE dough-ball. I choked and gagged and spit, and wanted to die-but was truly afraid I WAS going to. I have never had that kind of pain...and it would not go away...ultimately, I was able to puke and got immediate relief, but it took nearly 30 mins to get there.

NEVER AGAIN. 3hours later I had some sherbet in a cone...went down fine.

Boy did I ever learn a lesson...and now I KNOW the band is fuller and is working, so in that I am glad, stupid way to find out, but now I feel hopeful that it will do what it is supposed to be doing.

Ugh. Dumb dumb dumb.

And how was YOUR day???

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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