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Good morning everyone...have a fantastic day!


Definitely GO SAINTS!!! I will be glued to my tv at 5:30ish.:cursing:

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Normally Rick and I would be watching the games....normally! But a couple of the guys showed up a short while ago, they had been working out of town, and they are all out in the shop, one brought his bike, wanting Rick to help change the tranny oil. So I told Rick to hang out, watch the game out there, drink some beer, it was fine. I have a pot of chili cooked, going to sit out the fixings for a frito pie-and let them each do their own thing to it. I made my weeks menu, and grocery list, and think while they get loud, I am going to go shop for the week.

I don't have a lot to buy, but can kinda shop around as I please. Rick is a get in and get what you NEED, and get the hell out of the store kinda guy! I want to look at a couple of things, so now would be the perfect time!

I am really glad the guys showed up. Son was supposed to come over, and help Rick with a lift he installed, and DIL has a fit everytime he wants to come over here, she has plans. So he is going to look at open houses today and left Rick hanging, so was a good thing someone come over, and helped him, both physically, and got his mind off the fact that our son is being a CHIT! I have some nice get even plans in mind. She has already ask me to babysit this week, and I want the boys---I really do, but I am not playing her game----I am playing my own! LOL Ridiculous! It wasn't like she wasn't invited over too, when he ask for his help. But she is hell bent on getting a new house, whether it is financially a good move or not, she is determined! I think it is a bad move, but keeping my mouth shut, I said it once or twice, and made a couple of suggestions.....now I am staying out of it.

We have not had any new snow now in 24 hours. Sun is shining, and it is so bright with all that white out there as to be blinding! I have dishes of birdseed all over the back porch, because they were starving, and hunting all over! So I looked out at them while I was cooking Breakfast, and then looked back at my pans, and everything was in technicolor--my eyes were totally freaked out from the bright!!

Well I am off to the grocery store, maybe Walmart. Wish one of you were here to go with me!!!

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Hello everyone

just checking in. been a lazy day. My stomach is a huge mess and can't keep anything in me for 3 days now. Since my gall bladder came out, whenever i am stressed, i mean severly stressed, everything goes right though me. Funny, stress caused me to gain over 100lbs, now It is helping me get to my goal

Ironic isn't it?

going have leftovers for dinner, so guess i should see what i have going on.

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Well I bet Tracy partied all night long. lol. Go Saints.

I had the laziest day yesterday. I at least did get dressed. Went to church and than came home and put my flannel pants on and my Harley hoody. Made a beef stew in the crock pot and the house smelt wonderful all day. We put a fire in the fireplace but it was so windy that we finally just let the fire burnout.

Day one of my get my A$$ back on track, so far so good.

Have a great day and I will check in later.

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Good Morning

58 and rain today. and back to 17 by friday. unreal!

Suzanne - I'm there with you, this guy i've been kind of dating came over last night, he is a potential keeper.

We were wide awake at 1am, and he said, who would have thought when we were 14 that we would be where we are now.

His best friend, who I also went to school with told him to stop screwing around and marry me, or date me forever because he has always like me and to get his shit together.

But it is all one day at a time, and it is ok, the first time in a long time I'm content with the way things are.

well, off to get kids on the bus

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Cindy-Wasn't that the greatest game ever?!

Jenn-sorry you aren't able to keep anything in your system but I wish I could catch a virus right about now...lol. Sad right?!

Kat-how was your shopping trip? I would have loved to go with you but I HAD to watch the games. lol What great games they both were! I am glad you are doing things on your own terms as far as dil and ds are concerned. Good for you!

Suzanne-I am right there with you on this day one thing. And so far so good for me too. But then again, I just woke up. LMAO

Have a great day everyone! Gotta get off here because my kids are about to be here. Drink your Water and get in your protein!

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I'm still holding my own at 180, but did bad on the Water yesterday so today i'm going to focus on it

I'm off to get ready to go, I'm suddenly exhausted and I slept last night, i think the warm temps is causing my allergies to be nuts

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Well, I didn't go shopping yesterday! LOL I was going to, then got hung up on a discussion with one of Rick's co workers in regards to the Haiti thing. Then my brother showed up. By the time he left, the guys headed out after the first game, and so Rick and I actually watched the 2nd game together!

So I get to go in and do my shopping in a little while. It is sooooo cold out right now, I am not going out yet. It is 9:30 AM and 7 degrees, with the wind blowing the wind chill will be even colder, probably below zero----not my kind of weather at all!

Years ago, back in my other life, my ex, broke my index finger on my left hand. The arthritis is getting SO bad in that joint, it is limiting me doing things. I can no longer crochet, even reaching in the fridge and lifting the milk, is impossible with using that finger, so I do everything looking like I am pointing!

As for the games, first one, didn't go the way I wanted it to. I wanted the Jets to win. I don't like Manning, I think he is cocky, and I know he is super popular, I just personally don't care for him.

I like Drew Brees, and I have no issue with Brett Favre. So I did not have a strong opinion one way or another, but leaned to the Saints since they had never won before. Was happy with the game. Now all I can say is they BETTER kick the Colts butt! LOL The really sad thing is, part of the reason I like or do not like some of these players is all because of the stupid announcers. Phil Simms, just makes me mad as hell, he is such a suck up! Whoever is in the lead, he cannot say enough good things about, while he dogs the losing team....then if the score flips, so does he! So, sadly, if he likes someone, I seldom do! Sorry if some of you like him....is just a personal opinion!

My weight is stuck. It has bounced the same 2-3 pounds for months. But I must say, it has bounced them, and stayed there, with zero help from me. I need to work a bit at it, and I have no desire to move lately! Sit here, or in my chair reading, or playing the DSlite! Seriously, I am a slug!

I have done fairly well, I think most days since the 1st, I have managed my Water goal. I have not kept a close count. I have a small cup--one of the kids old ones, and it says 7 oz. on the bottom of the cup. Whenever I walk in the kitchen, or while I am cooking or whatever, I just fill it, and drink it. I do it multiple times a day. Twice a day I do it as I swallow, my Vitamins in the morning---after I chew them, I drink it and then I drink it to swallow my antacid pill at night. I am shooting for 10 of them a day, and most days I know I get them in.

I eat everything. Some things are harder--like Pasta. I still make an effort to get most of my meal from whatever meat we are having. But if I would just cut out the potatoes, it would help, but I love them!!! LOL All in all, I am happy with my restriction level, and diet, I just need to move more, and figure I will as the weather improves. Going to uncover the elliptical this week tho, and try to get a few minutes a day in on it, just to limber up some. This winter has been hard on me!

I better get myself ready to go---or I won't again!

Suzanne, keep your chin up, and don't forget to put you and hubby first. It is going to be hard, but Laura (Violets Laura) and I have been talking about---my Grandma used to say "If you want to change something, then you have to change something" Right now the only thing you can change is how you respond to being the one everything is dumped on. If you change, they are forced to change too. If you don't, they won't. Sad but true. We are here supporting you in this hard time. You do so much for so many! You volunteer, and you pick up slack in everyones shifts at work, and take care of family---it is impressive!! But if only for today---put YOU and hubby first. The world will not come crashing down!!! HUGS

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Hey. Got home from work and hubby and I decided to go to the hospital to check on my cousin. Things sure have gone down hill. I almost didn't recognize her. And besides that, they made me scrub up and wear a gown to go in her room. Hubby stood at the door with some other cousins that showed up. She needs lots of prayers. LOTS.

Came home and took the brownies out of the freezer. I made them last week and while they were in the oven Lori called and told me that class was canceled. So I wrapped them up and froze them for today. The teens will like them at class tonight. I'm really surprised that I never got into them.

It's cold and gray here today. Not as cold as Kat but it's 27 degrees and the winds are howling.

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WE, ARE, THAT'S WHO!!!!:eek:

We have played better, but the ending was AMAZING!!!!!:wink:

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Good Morning.

Day one and I made it. And I actually got in almost 100 ounces of Water. Wasn't easy but I did it. I found myself starting to worry about Wed. and Thurs. and had to tell myself to not think about it. That I wasn't going to worry about what I was going to eat till that day and than I would deal with it. It's not easy.

Still not sure who I'm rooting for in the Superbowl. Maybe I should ask Tracy her opinion????????LOL.

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Good Morning.

Day one and I made it. And I actually got in almost 100 ounces of Water. Wasn't easy but I did it. I found myself starting to worry about Wed. and Thurs. and had to tell myself to not think about it. That I wasn't going to worry about what I was going to eat till that day and than I would deal with it. It's not easy.

Still not sure who I'm rooting for in the Superbowl. Maybe I should ask Tracy her opinion????????LOL.

Congrats on making it through day one! :smile2:

No, you do not have to ask me who I am rooting for...I am quite sure I have made no bones about it, right? LMAO....you should jump on the bandwagon!

Good morning! I did not do as good as Suzanne did as far as eating goes. I am going to have to completely retrain myself and psych myself out. I am just SO out of it and I need to get my groove back!

Hope you all have a fantastic day! Take care :confused:

Edited by TracyK

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Hey Tracy! At first I didn't care who won the Superbowl but I'll root for the Saints just for you. :confused:

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We are hoping and rooting Saints---no questions ask. I like Drew Brees, and don't like Manning!!! And you know, it is only partly the brothers fault I don't like them--I am sick to death of hearing about them from the announcers! I think if Phil Simms could marry them, it would have already made the news, to hear him talk no one else is on the field when one of the brothers is playing. Not the rest of their team, and the other team, regardless who it is, is worthless......until, they get ahead, then he comes through with all the praise, he is such a suck-up, it is him I cannot stand, so.......we go Brees!!! Again, hope that does not offend, it is my personal peeve!!!

My DD, has a brother (on her Dads side) that is that way with teams. We bought him a tshirt one year for Christmas, and when I would go to get the same team the next year, he had changed, because they lost! He is still that way! And he changes jobs, always searching for one better....never hanging in and allowing the one he likes to get better!

Going to lunch with Marie today. She has been working for a woman who is handicapped, helping her move, so we haven't got to have lunch in a few weeks, will be good to catch up.

Looks like Rick is taking a crew to Odessa tomorrow, he will probably come back on Sunday. Take them down, show them what to do while they are there----and come home. Of course he will be travelling right through our next big storm! This time of year it is always a problem, but at least he is going South, so the further he gets, the better the chances it will turn to rain.

I responded to a post on FB, from one of Rick's friends former GF. She moved back to Ohio, but we kept in touch. We were never close friends, and could never have been, as there were some serious core value differences in us. But she put a copy and paste post up about 'Shame on Americans for supporting Haiti like we are while Americans are homeless' etc. I responded that I didn't feel guilty, that yes I had sent my $10.00, but I had just finished prepping taxes, and knew that I had also given $340.00 in charitable donations that were documented, and not counting the item donations to ARC that I had receipts on, not counting the donations to the church, it is calculated differently--and not counting the money put in the UNICEF trick or treat boxes, or Salvation Army Kettles at Christmas, and not counting the hats and gloves we bought for that homeless drive, and all those kinds of things. I also buy raffle tickets, and cookie dough, all to help kids raise money to do some of the same things the Haitians need help doing. This is an extraorinarily extreme disaster that struck a place very ill equiped to handle it. If it would have happen here in the USA the outpouring would stagger her I believe. But those hurting, hungry people are unable right now to help themselves....so no I do not feel guilty.

Well she did not respond on the original post, she first sent me a snotty message on FB about how she thinks I still should have spent my $10.00 here at home,and let them take care of their own. I responded in the same way I did the first time,that there are kids who have no family to rescue them, entire generations have been wiped out. So this morning I get up, and there is an email from her, with my statement of generations wiped out quoted, and she wrote "it's a good start!"

I am so livid, and just sickened by her. I am at a loss what to say or whether to say anything.....it has me so angry.

Sorry to go on about it......but that is what is on my mind today!!

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