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5 years out not losing weight

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I'm having some huge issues with my weight and could really do with some help and advice please.
In December 2018 I had a gastric bypass and on the day of the surgery I was 24 stone (336 lb).
Over the next year I got down to 15 stone ( 210lb).
All my friends and family was concerned I wasn't eating enough and said I looked ill due to the rapid weight loss so I started eating a it more.
Fro. 2019 to 2023 my portion sized grow and I was no longer eating the correct foods resulting in me being 21 stone (294lb).
I'm currently on the path to getting my health back on track but I don't seem to be losing weight.
Im one of them people that will eat the same meals every days and this is my current meals all eaten on a bariactric plate.
Breakfast = 2 hard boiled eggs.
lunch = hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella.
Dinner= hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella.
I'm also walking on average 6 miles (9.6km).
In the past 6 months of eating like this my weight has hardly changed, 1 week might be 1lb loss then next week will be 1.5lb gain then 2lb loss ect.
Over 6 moths my weight has only gone down 7lb and I don't know what's going on and I'm starting to get very depressed and I seem to be eating well and being active but the weight scales don't reflect that.
Am I missing something that's preventing me from losing weight?
Thank you

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I would remove the cheese and mushroom. The onion and mushrooms aren't helping. Where are the ounce cups? How much is 1/2 a steamed breast? Pepper = peper? That's also not really nutrious. Can you try broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber?

What are you drinking?

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That isn't measuring the amount of food so you know the breakdown of the calories in it. I still don't see where the veggies on this plate are. My dietician wouldn't go for this. Too much Protein, too much cheese, and not the nutritious veggies. Even then, there is no 1 ounce of fruit or so on here.

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When i last had a hospital appointment they said the mushrooms peppers and onions are all good for nutrition and the mozzarella is also good for Protein providing its in small amounts like 40grams

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Posted (edited)

Personally I would think cheese only once a day (if even) and no need for both chicken and fish on the same plate/meal in those portion sizes anyway for twice a day. I would think the size of the chicken breast alone would be sufficient with just some veg and a carb. Having the same for lunch and dinner of that style plate is just repeating too much of things that are not necessarily doing you any good.

Also maybe vary it a bit with possibly a high Protein yogurt and some fruit for Breakfast?

Chicken or fish, maybe with some green Beans or cauliflower and no eggs other than at breakfast?

If this is how your plates are looking - size and mix of food I think maybe you should reach out to a local dietician to go on a reset, back to the basics for a while if you can stomach it.

Also, don't always listen to what others tell you about how you look - you didn't do the operation for them, you did it for you and you need to be happy with yourself.

Edited by FifiLux

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I was told 80 grams of mozzarella a day was OK that's why I split it over 2 meals and I was having home made air fryed chips instead of the seafood sticks but I suffer from reactive hypoglycemia so I tent to avoid potato as much as I can and switched to seafood sticks and the advice I was given from the hospital also was a boiled egg is a perfect snack between meals

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19 minutes ago, Tazrok said:

When i last had a hospital appointment they said the mushrooms peppers and onions are all good for nutrition and the mozzarella is also good for Protein providing its in small amounts like 40grams

Mine never would. None of those are as good as broccoli or cauliflower, cucumbers, when it comes to nutrition. The amount of Protein, the reason why I said measure it is because you'd see a lot of calories in there. The chicken isn't plain, so there's calories in what it is cooked in. Mozzarella is never ever recommended for us because its a lot of fat. That's another reason why I said measure in 1 ounce cups. You need 60-70 grams of protein a day. 2 eggs in the am is 14 grams. 1 ounce chicken is 47 calories if boneless, skinless. 8 grams protein. 3 ounces or even 4 ounces is about 150-200 calories and 24 grams of protein. 30 at the most at one time. So there's where your calories are coming from. That doesn't include anything else on the plate. This is why I said measure your food. The calories are coming in there and I bet those sticks are also contributing to potential fat and the like.

I have carbmaster yogurt. Don't see that and it is 3-5 grams fat, lots of protein, w/no carbs. That's another low calorie option - 70 calories that works too.

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5 minutes ago, Tazrok said:

I was told 80 grams of mozzarella a day was OK that's why I split it over 2 meals and I was having home made air fryed chips instead of the seafood sticks but I suffer from reactive hypoglycemia so I tent to avoid potato as much as I can and switched to seafood sticks and the advice I was given from the hospital also was a boiled egg is a perfect snack between meals

We have zero Snacks. Zero. There is no potato, so there's where some extra was coming from.

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Posted (edited)

15 minutes ago, Tazrok said:

I was told 80 grams of mozzarella a day was OK that's why I split it over 2 meals and I was having home made air fryed chips instead of the seafood sticks but I suffer from reactive hypoglycemia so I tent to avoid potato as much as I can and switched to seafood sticks and the advice I was given from the hospital also was a boiled egg is a perfect snack between meals

I think you have enough food on the plate without having to 'switch' from potato to the fish sticks. I don't eat fish so not sure how that works as a carb replacement if that is what you meant to do by going from the chips to sticks.

For a complex carb maybe some quinoa, brown rice, or sweet potato (if you can take it without reacting).

A boiled egg can be fine for a snack between meals but based on the above you have them in two meals not as a snack. For a snack I usually have a few almonds or a banana.

When was your last hospital appointment, would it help to ask for another with them soon so you can get the support you want?

Edited by FifiLux

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57 minutes ago, swimbikerun said:

We have zero Snacks. Zero. There is no potato, so there's where some extra was coming from.

I will say every program is different and every body is different. My plan accounts for Snacks of some kind, albeit healthy ones - providing usually around 5 "meals" a day. The main goals are Protein and Water and typically carbs and fats work themselves out.

That being said, I would say to meet with a dietician/nutritionist to provide better guidance. Maybe weighing/tracking out the food is best not just the plate itself. (You may very well be doing that, i'm just throwing that in). It could be also not actually eating enough to fuel the body as it was used to another way of eating for that stretch of time you were off program. The amount of sodium in what you're eating can play a role. A variety of things could be at play.

I don't see anything wrong with the foods you have shown, however I see there are a lack of greens of some sort. A bit more Fiber could help not only keep you full, but also keep you regular. Don't be afraid of carbs, they aren't all bad, fruits and vegetables add a lot of micronutrients. Just as with all things in moderation.

You did not mention what you drink throughout the day - which may or may not also add to the non budging scale. Back to basics should help (but gosh not an all liquid diet) - protein and water goals and the order of protein, veg, then carb as plate priority.

Best of luck, friend.

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This is true on body types, but Snacks are what encourage grazing and not eating properly at meals. My 'snack' if you want to call it that are cucumber, broccoli, or at most a measured portion of 2 ounces or less of chicken/turkey/low fat, low carb fish. That's it.

Bananas are high carb.

I had suggested the weight/measure of food and drinks earlier. That's a hidden way of getting in calories.

Total agreement on greens. Fiber ditto that also.

fruit we are warned on, we can have an ounce now (7 months out) but that's it. 2x a day, 2 ounces and only low calorie like berry type of things.

The program is pretty tight but very very successful.

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Posted (edited)

@Tazrok you will get lots of different advice here due to the plain fact the we ALL were given different advice as well.

there is no one right way to eat really.

but since you came in here asking if you are possibly missing something, ill dip in :)

first a couple questions:

1) how long have you been eating this way? days? years? months?

based on your descriptions and pictures, im guessing you are probably taking in about 1100-1200 cals a day (so long as there is nothing else u are eating or drinking?)...this leads me to my next question...

2) how tall are you?

3) are u insulin resistant? suffer from hypothyroidism? have PCOS?

depending on your answers the responses to your post may change.

as an aside, for most of my loss phase, i barely had any veggies myself. i had very little stomach real estate and chose to eat Protein forward, up to about 5-6 months post op. (though this changed near the end of weight loss phase when i became a salad junkie ha). while the make up of your intake doesn't matter as much as the amount, the make up (i.e., nutritional value) is important for overall health and well being. same goes for exercise.

p.s. i am also a lifetime grazer. it became necessary after surgery because i just could NOT eat alot at once and it has just become the way i eat now (i am 5+ years post op...and yep i have managed to stay below goal weight this entire time).

Edited by ms.sss

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1. Iv been eating like this for about 6 months now.

2. 5 foot 11inch (180cm) male.

3. The only thing I do suffer from is reactive hypoglycemia which means when I eat cars my body produces to much insulin and my sugar levels drop very low that's why I try to avoid cars.

When I spoke to the hospital last I was talking to them about portion sice and calories ect and there reply was as long as I stick to the bariactric place then calories and portion size will never be an issue


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I have reactive hypoglycemia also. It is true that each surgeon/office will have their own ways of doing things.

You're comment: "portion sice and calories ect and there reply was as long as I stick to the bariactric place then calories and portion size will never be an issue" - I submit there will be an issue. You can pile that plate and still are getting too many ounces of food. I can say right now, we have veggies only rather than fruit (carbs) and veggies and salad. Carbs, we don't have that, we have fruit. There's one issue I can see.

The only carbs we get are in the fruit and we are to go for low calorie fruit (meaning not bananas or grapes). Berries are what they discuss.

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      IMARC Group’s report titled “Alternative Sweeteners Market Report by Product Type (High Fructose Syrup, High-Intensity Sweeteners, Low-Intensity Sweeteners), Source (Natural, Synthetic), Application (Food, Beverages, and Others), and Region 2024-2032”. The global alternative sweeteners market size reached US$ 4.9 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 7.0 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.05% during 2024-2032.
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      Consumer Trends and Preferences: Evolving consumer trends and preferences are playing a significant role in driving the alternative sweeteners market. The growing demand for clean-label products, which are healthier and free from artificial ingredients, is offering a favorable market outlook. Consumers are increasingly seeking natural and plant-based sweeteners, aligning with broader trends toward plant-based diets and veganism. Besides this, there is an increase in the demand for low-calorie and sugar-free alternatives that support weight management and overall wellness. Food and beverage companies are responding to these trends by innovating and expanding their product lines to include options sweetened with alternative sweeteners, thereby catering to changing tastes and health concerns of modern consumers.
      Alternative Sweeteners Market Report Segmentation:
      By Product Type:
      High Fructose Syrup High-Intensity Sweeteners Low-Intensity Sweeteners High-intensity sweeteners represent the largest segment as they require only a fraction of the quantity to achieve the desired sweetness.
      By Source:
      Natural Synthetic On the basis of the source, the market has been bifurcated into natural and synthetic.
      By Application:
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      Global Alternative Sweeteners Market Trends:
      Governing agencies and health organizations of several countries are implementing policies to reduce sugar consumption as they recognize its detrimental health impacts. Various regulatory bodies are approving alternative sweeteners for use, ensuring their safety and efficacy. These approvals provide food and beverage manufacturers with the confidence to incorporate alternative sweeteners into their products. Additionally, initiatives like sugar taxes in several countries are pushing companies to seek healthier alternatives to traditional sugar.   
      Furthermore, advancements in production techniques are making some alternative sweeteners more cost-competitive than traditional sugar. Consumers are becoming more concerned about the environmental impact of traditional sugar production and preferring more sustainable alternative sweeteners.
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