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Hi everyone, I only have a minute... My baby doesn't like it when I'm on the computer so I have to type fast... Just wanted you to know I got my test results and I do have gall stones and my doc says I must see a surgeon today... On my way out quick... drop baby at the sitter and stop at bank and head for Bismarck.. Don't know if I go straight to hospital or make an appointment or what.. will try to keep in touch... Everyone stay healthy... I'll be back when I can... Julie

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Good luck Julie, will be thinking and praying for you. Linda

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What a relief to know. Praying for you.

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Hey gang,

So I went for my 1 year check up yesterday and my Dr said I gained 7 pounds.:) I actually said what the crap what are you talking about.:smile2:

I keep track of my weight on the ticker website and I think I have only flucuated 3 lbs this whole time and my scale is like a pound less than his. That whould have meant that at one time I weighed 222 and I would be jumping up and down if I did. Anyways he decided or should I say we decided to give me a tiny fill basically I have 7.34 cc in my band at least I think that is right. Anyways it is really only day two and everything I eat and drink is hanging in my throat. I do not have the tightness in my chest when I am full it is all in my throat. He said 1 day of liquids which meant yesterday and i could start putting foods back in today which I am but it seems no matter what it is it just feels like it is hanging there. I am concern I have reflux cause it feels like a stinging feeling. And all my liquids make a bubbly sound going down which they didn't really before. i don't think I like this fill very much how long should I give for it to settle do you guys think? I can eat Soup and stuff so i know it is working but still.

1 Day - I can't speak to the issue of that stuck feeling, except to say you should consider checking back with the doctor about it if it does not ease up. I do know I have swelling with every fill and it takes a few days for it to go down. Maybe that's what is happening with you.

and bubbling? Since the first day of my banding I have had gurgling, bubbling and all kinds of interesting noises, including a few weeks of the most outrageous burping. I think my son would have been proud! I continue to have gurgling noises with liquids and sometimes with my foods. I've asked and been told that is not unusual and not a problem. Maybe you are just tight enough to cause that to happen with this last fill. (thank goodness the burping period is over...)

PJ - As Cheri said, I think you have to listen to your own body to make your decision. July 15 is a week away, and reflux can be damaging to your esophagus and to your band's stability. Could your doc check you with a barium swallow or something? I don't know if that would even help figure out what's going on, but what you are dealing with is best left to the professionals. The timing has to be up to you - I just worry that it will become worse, and therefore harder to treat.

Julie - it's good to know what this pain is! I hope you are having a successful day and getting this treated as quickly as possible.

Hugs to all of you,

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Well, I'm home again.... Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00 am.....have to be in Bismarck by 7:00. So I'll be getting up early.... Dr. says I have one very large stone and a bunch of little ones... Normally this would be a laproscopic procedure with an overnite stay in the hospital, but because of all my other surgeries and all the scar tissue that probably won't happen.. I'll need a full incision... However this will be in a new location... under the right breast area... Of course my port is on the right side so that's in the way, too... Anyway, he says there are risks because of all this... Don't exactly know how to take that.. I know they have to tell you what CAN happen, but he laid it on pretty thick.... So, anyway, here I go again... Probably more like 3 days in the hospital... And a longer recovery period... I'm getting tired of all this recovery time... takes away from my losing time.. I lost so much in 7 months and now can't stay healthy enough to go after the rest.... I guess I'm a little nervous... I'm asking you all to keep a good thought for me tomorrow... I'll need all the good thoughts I can get... I'd better go get some things done.. Have to pretend I'm Apples and put some food in the fridge for DH while I'm gone.... The laundry is pretty much caught up, so my only concern is my granddaughter.. Need a sitter early tomorrow and then not again til Monday afternoon.. I'm hoping to be home by then and at least be able to monitor her some... Hope you all are fine and doing great... I'll be back when I get home.. Don't think I'm taking a computer this time for only 3 days.... By now... Julie

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Julie, I will be praying for you and your surgeon. Please keep us informed on your recovery. I am so sorry you have to go through all of this.

Take Care!

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1 Day - I can't speak to the issue of that stuck feeling, except to say you should consider checking back with the doctor about it if it does not ease up. I do know I have swelling with every fill and it takes a few days for it to go down. Maybe that's what is happening with you.

and bubbling? Since the first day of my banding I have had gurgling, bubbling and all kinds of interesting noises, including a few weeks of the most outrageous burping. I think my son would have been proud! I continue to have gurgling noises with liquids and sometimes with my foods. I've asked and been told that is not unusual and not a problem. Maybe you are just tight enough to cause that to happen with this last fill. (thank goodness the burping period is over...)

Hugs to all of you,

Maybe you are right and I am just freaking out because I am feeling restriction which I thought I had before I guess not. I just know now I have to drink real slowly and not take big gulps and take my time eating I know I know that is what the rules where for in the beginning. LOL oh well I will hang in there and keep you posted. I think the throat thing is taking in more than I am supposed weather it is food or drink. I think with this feel I can eat a lot less which is good but now I have to pay attention more.


You will be in my prayers. You hang in there and before you know it you will be back on track with your band journey.

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I'm back. I had my folks in town for a week and limited computer time. Just caught up on 3 pages of posts.

Julie, I had my gall bladder out 2 mos after my band, it wasn't too bad but mine was laproscopically and I was home in a couple hours. Your's sounds much more invasive with the big incision. I will tell you I fetl 100% better afterwards though. Good luck to you.

PJ, hard to say what you should do. You could just be swollen from a stuck episode and it could get better??? I'd listen to the professionals though. I know when it happened to me, they took .50cc out of my band and I was freaking out that I would gain. Well I lost that month quite well. I've gotten half that fill back and haven't lost in 2 mos. GRRRR But am very close to goal and not exercising like I was. Sometimes I think I need that other .25cc put back but am afraid of the reflux happening again.

1Day, I gurgle a lot too. LOL Some days more than others.

Arlene, glad DH is cleared for surgery. I hear you on the not losing. maybe we are at our first plateaus??

Can't remember who posted about the sodas and cravings. The best advice I have is to not allow it in the house. Go back to the beginnning, remember why you got banded and what you wanted to accomplish and get your head back in the game. My head is what gets me all the time, I know I am not physically hungry but my head can convince me otherwise and once I give in once it is much easier to give in again and again.

Well gang, guess who is going to get back on the horse so to speak? I am going camping again this weekend, to the same place we had the bear. I am freaking out somewhat but also want to face my fears. It's a large campground at Rocky Mtn Nat'l Park. That dang bear better leave our food alone! There are 'bear boxes' to put your food in, think we will make better use of those this time.

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Does anyone have any advice about this drainage that I am experiencing? It is making me kinda nervous. I cannot stand the tape that I bought, so I must go to the drug store and buy another brand. Also, since I cut hair and start back to work on Thurs, I do not want any hair getting in there so I am hoping that there is a band aid like product that will cover the incision on all four sides so nothing gets in or out!




There are brands like you want - hope you found them -but maybe only 2 sides have tape so just tape up the other sides.

Good luck at work tomorrow !!! I was back at day 6 - but I have a desk job - so it wasn't bad - and heck I'm alot older than you - you should be fine..

Phyl and Lori thanks for the info. I called the nurse today, she wants me to go in tomorrow morning. She said I'm too tight. Couldnt keep lunch down today, ate a bit for dinner but part of itcame up. It is so confusing tho. I did so well with my eating last week up until Monday, yet I've had the problem at night for awhile with the acid reflux. I'm so afraid they will take too much out and I will be starving. Nurse told me stress could cause it, and I'm very stressed right now with AC being out and staying at Moms 45 min away from my job. Hopefully Ac will be fixed this weekend. Plus not being with hubby. He is staying with his sister since she doesnt mind pets in the house. So...should I just stay on liquids and get thru this stressful time, or go on in and get some out?
Forgot to mention I have an appt set up already for July 15th, think I should wait until then and see how I do? I want to make the right choice. I hate taking so much time off from work for this even tho its FMLA and I was told by supervisor that it doesnt count against me.

PJ yes stress will make you tight - the 1st day at myDS house I could barely eat - in fact had a couple of little bp times. Do you have the chewable pecid ac's - those help - also when I get a little heart burn - chewing gum helps me.

The acid reflux isn't good - like they say you can hurt your band - just a tiny out isn't going to hurt you

What are you eating - are you making sure you eat slowly and chew very well. How much time between eating and going to sleep..

I only had one of those middle of the night reflux thingies in the very beginning and only once.

Stick to liquids/soft foods for a couple of days - take the pepcid and see how you do - it could be just stress - but you gotta becareful -

Janet..........just checking in. DH was cleared for surgery.....now he needs a date. As for me, well I am somewhat discouraged. I haven't lost in months. I think I need help. Do you think I would benefit from WW? I can't go to support groups. They are downtown Houston at night, and I don't drive the freeways at night. Got any ideas?

Charlene - Yes I a big big fan of WW - I really count exchanges as that's how I learned ww - I have done the points but you could use all the points on carbs (if I remember correctly) - where as with exchanges you were allowed 2 straches - 3 Protein etc.

IMHO WW teaches you to eat a healthy balanced meals and that's where I learned the lifestyle change - not that I put it into practice back then - cuz I went back to eating normal (and we all know where that leads)- and the tricks of the trades - plus you log your food too and as you know I am REAL BIG on logging your food. Again if I am still hungry to me veggie are free foods.. another WW trick - I use to use garlic salt after WW I switched to garlic powder only..

What are you eating - are you adding just a little to much of this or that .. You have knee or is it back problems that limit your exercise (I know you understand about the forgetfullness issues ;o)...

How's your restriction?? If you do WW don't tell you have had WLS - I have heard alot of pple frown on that in WW - They don't always understand (like most pple) that it's only a tool..

But Yes - I think it may help you get on track have the accountablity issue etc - Plus once your DH does have surgery - you will do better cuz he won't be able to eat junk - or go out to eat for a while etc..

Hey gang,

So I went for my 1 year check up yesterday and my Dr said I gained 7 pounds.:) I actually said what the crap what are you talking about.:smile2:

I keep track of my weight on the ticker website and I think I have only flucuated 3 lbs this whole time and my scale is like a pound less than his. That whould have meant that at one time I weighed 222 and I would be jumping up and down if I did. Anyways he decided or should I say we decided to give me a tiny fill basically I have 7.34 cc in my band at least I think that is right. Anyways it is really only day two and everything I eat and drink is hanging in my throat. I do not have the tightness in my chest when I am full it is all in my throat. He said 1 day of liquids which meant yesterday and i could start putting foods back in today which I am but it seems no matter what it is it just feels like it is hanging there. I am concern I have reflux cause it feels like a stinging feeling. And all my liquids make a bubbly sound going down which they didn't really before. i don't think I like this fill very much how long should I give for it to settle do you guys think? I can eat Soup and stuff so i know it is working but still.

QUOTE=1day at a time;1268771]Maybe you are right and I am just freaking out because I am feeling restriction which I thought I had before I guess not. I just know now I have to drink real slowly and not take big gulps and take my time eating I know I know that is what the rules where for in the beginning. LOL oh well I will hang in there and keep you posted. I think the throat thing is taking in more than I am supposed weather it is food or drink. I think with this feel I can eat a lot less which is good but now I have to pay attention more.


You will be in my prayers. You hang in there and before you know it you will be back on track with your band journey.


I would give it a little time (a day or 2) - and yes no more glupping I think that's one of the biggest clue if you need a fill is if you can gulp Water... When I was too tight I could barely drink my coffee in the morning and could barely eat Soups..

You may have to go back and have a tad taken out - cuz you do have to be able to eat real food.. You can't live on soups..

But my doc wants us to go back to post op diet - 1 week each stage - cuz you are irritated from the fill -

My scale and the doc's scale is diff by like 4 lbs - I only count the weight on my scale..

Congrats on you 1 yr Anniversary !!!

Hi everyone, I only have a minute... My baby doesn't like it when I'm on the computer so I have to type fast... Just wanted you to know I got my test results and I do have gall stones and my doc says I must see a surgeon today... On my way out quick... drop baby at the sitter and stop at bank and head for Bismarck.. Don't know if I go straight to hospital or make an appointment or what.. will try to keep in touch... Everyone stay healthy... I'll be back when I can... Julie
Well, I'm home again.... Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00 am.....have to be in Bismarck by 7:00. So I'll be getting up early.... Dr. says I have one very large stone and a bunch of little ones... Normally this would be a laproscopic procedure with an overnite stay in the hospital, but because of all my other surgeries and all the scar tissue that probably won't happen.. I'll need a full incision... However this will be in a new location... under the right breast area... Of course my port is on the right side so that's in the way, too... Anyway, he says there are risks because of all this... Don't exactly know how to take that.. I know they have to tell you what CAN happen, but he laid it on pretty thick.... So, anyway, here I go again... Probably more like 3 days in the hospital... And a longer recovery period... I'm getting tired of all this recovery time... takes away from my losing time.. I lost so much in 7 months and now can't stay healthy enough to go after the rest.... I guess I'm a little nervous... I'm asking you all to keep a good thought for me tomorrow... I'll need all the good thoughts I can get... I'd better go get some things done.. Have to pretend I'm Apples and put some food in the fridge for DH while I'm gone.... The laundry is pretty much caught up, so my only concern is my granddaughter.. Need a sitter early tomorrow and then not again til Monday afternoon.. I'm hoping to be home by then and at least be able to monitor her some... Hope you all are fine and doing great... I'll be back when I get home.. Don't think I'm taking a computer this time for only 3 days.... By now... Julie

Julie - I am sure glad they have this finally figured out - why didn't they find them when you were in the hospital the last time??? Dumb doctors... I have the cut (back in the 80's when I had mine out they still cut you open) my port is on the left side but that's most likely cuz I have the scar on the right side..

Hugs and prayers for a safe surgery & speedy recovery - you will do fine and with this mystery finally solved you will feel a whole lot better once that darn gall bladder is out..

Hugs & Love Janet

[Q UOTE=Long2bThin;1268808]I'm back. I had my folks in town for a week and limited computer time. Just caught up on 3 pages of posts.

Julie, I had my gall bladder out 2 mos after my band, it wasn't too bad but mine was laproscopically and I was home in a couple hours. Your's sounds much more invasive with the big incision. I will tell you I fetl 100% better afterwards though. Good luck to you.

PJ, hard to say what you should do. You could just be swollen from a stuck episode and it could get better??? I'd listen to the professionals though. I know when it happened to me, they took .50cc out of my band and I was freaking out that I would gain. Well I lost that month quite well. I've gotten half that fill back and haven't lost in 2 mos. GRRRR But am very close to goal and not exercising like I was. Sometimes I think I need that other .25cc put back but am afraid of the reflux happening again.

1Day, I gurgle a lot too. LOL Some days more than others.

Arlene, glad DH is cleared for surgery. I hear you on the not losing. maybe we are at our first plateaus??

Can't remember who posted about the sodas and cravings. The best advice I have is to not allow it in the house. Go back to the beginnning, remember why you got banded and what you wanted to accomplish and get your head back in the game. My head is what gets me all the time, I know I am not physically hungry but my head can convince me otherwise and once I give in once it is much easier to give in again and again.

Well gang, guess who is going to get back on the horse so to speak? I am going camping again this weekend, to the same place we had the bear. I am freaking out somewhat but also want to face my fears. It's a large campground at Rocky Mtn Nat'l Park. That dang bear better leave our food alone! There are 'bear boxes' to put your food in, think we will make better use of those this time.


Just make sure the windows are all the way rolled up and yep on the bear box - I would be a little scared too ... I think I would sleep in the car :0) and put the food in the trunk :0)

Head hunger - it will be with us always !! I use popcorn when it strikes - it's my salvation!!!!!

Hey Gang sorry I didn't ck in last night - Had to do a little food shopping (veggies ;0) and then DGS & I went to home depot he needed a new fan and then to staples as he needed a new computer desk too..

Didn't get home til after 6 - then had to call my stepbro to come and install the fan - cuz I have never done it before - I know I could have figured it out but heck - I didn't want to do it and really just wanted to fix dinner and watch tv cuz was still a bit tired from my trip.. Well, bro came w/his gf and I fixed them dinner and then DGS unhooked the wireless and it took a while to get that hooked back up - so I was just too pooped by the time they left (9:30) and today was busy at work and when I get on LBT - I don't get my work done and I will be on vacation again at the end of the month so I gotta keep current (go to Canada for my Lucky #7 2nd Anniversary get together)

Tonite was gym - worked legs - 4 plates (each side 180 lbs each side and then the bar 30 lbs )on the leg press - that's almost 400 lbs !!! Pretty damn good for a 54 grandma if I do say so myself - I was pretty jazzed !!! Next week will be my 2 yr anniversary !!!

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Janet.........I took my friend to her follow up after the Lifestyle lift. She is doing good. It took care of her turkey neck and the lines caused by 122lb weight loss in 10 mos. I think it looks natural. She also had her eyes done too and Lipo in her neck. It was 7100 total. The doctor said it takes three mos. for her to really see the results. I might check into it after I lose the rest of my weight.

Thanks for the WW advice. I am seriously considering joining. That is the only diet I have ever lost on. Yeah, the point system can get out of hand. Last time I went they had a low carb diet too. I just need to be accountable to someone that will weigh me once a week. Also, I have a friend that just joined and she needs a buddy.

Yep, I am eating too many carbs. Dr. Davis called today and said his assistant will be calling with a new surgery date for DH. I am ready to get this journey going for the two of us. We are going to Hawaii in December for our 40th aniversary.

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Hi everyone, I only have a minute... My baby doesn't like it when I'm on the computer so I have to type fast... Just wanted you to know I got my test results and I do have gall stones and my doc says I must see a surgeon today... On my way out quick... drop baby at the sitter and stop at bank and head for Bismarck.. Don't know if I go straight to hospital or make an appointment or what.. will try to keep in touch... Everyone stay healthy... I'll be back when I can... Julie

Sorry to hear that....Good Luck !!!

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Well...I took all of your advice and I went in and had some taken out. I can eat anything now. :smile2: This really makes me nervous. Going to track the calories and exercise. Doc said my band looks great, it is always looked at when I go in. I know this is so much better, eat healthy and keep it down. I had only lost 1 lb since I last saw the Dr. The nurse said my body was in starvation mode, so not much lost.

Thanks again all of you...hugs. !!!

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Well, I'm home again.... Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00 am.....have to be in Bismarck by 7:00. So I'll be getting up early.... Dr. says I have one very large stone and a bunch of little ones... Normally this would be a laproscopic procedure with an overnite stay in the hospital, but because of all my other surgeries and all the scar tissue that probably won't happen.. I'll need a full incision... However this will be in a new location... under the right breast area... Of course my port is on the right side so that's in the way, too... Anyway, he says there are risks because of all this... Don't exactly know how to take that.. I know they have to tell you what CAN happen, but he laid it on pretty thick.... So, anyway, here I go again... Probably more like 3 days in the hospital... And a longer recovery period... I'm getting tired of all this recovery time... takes away from my losing time.. I lost so much in 7 months and now can't stay healthy enough to go after the rest.... I guess I'm a little nervous... I'm asking you all to keep a good thought for me tomorrow... I'll need all the good thoughts I can get... I'd better go get some things done.. Have to pretend I'm Apples and put some food in the fridge for DH while I'm gone.... The laundry is pretty much caught up, so my only concern is my granddaughter.. Need a sitter early tomorrow and then not again til Monday afternoon.. I'm hoping to be home by then and at least be able to monitor her some... Hope you all are fine and doing great... I'll be back when I get home.. Don't think I'm taking a computer this time for only 3 days.... By now... Julie

The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and give you peace.

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Janet.........I took my friend to her follow up after the Lifestyle lift. She is doing good. It took care of her turkey neck and the lines caused by 122lb weight loss in 10 mos. I think it looks natural. She also had her eyes done too and Lipo in her neck. It was 7100 total. The doctor said it takes three mos. for her to really see the results. I might check into it after I lose the rest of my weight.

Thanks for the WW advice. I am seriously considering joining. That is the only diet I have ever lost on. Yeah, the point system can get out of hand. Last time I went they had a low carb diet too. I just need to be accountable to someone that will weigh me once a week. Also, I have a friend that just joined and she needs a buddy.

Yep, I am eating too many carbs. Dr. Davis called today and said his assistant will be calling with a new surgery date for DH. I am ready to get this journey going for the two of us. We are going to Hawaii in December for our 40th aniversary.

Ok Girl now you have a something to work towards Hawaii !!!!

I think you do need the WW - it will help you and your freind to have a buddy system. Yep we all know that normally when the scales aren't moving we are having a bite of this or that more than we should :0)

How long do they think it will be for DH surgery (getting a date - 1 week 2 weeks etc)

$7100 sure in the heck is a good price !!!! Ya I am going look into it eventually..

Well...I took all of your advice and I went in and had some taken out. I can eat anything now. :thumbup: This really makes me nervous. Going to track the calories and exercise. Doc said my band looks great, it is always looked at when I go in. I know this is so much better, eat healthy and keep it down. I had only lost 1 lb since I last saw the Dr. The nurse said my body was in starvation mode, so not much lost.

Thanks again all of you...hugs. !!!

PJ glad you are feeling better - yep log your food and keep the exercise up !!!

Well gang it's 8 and I haven't eaten - so will talk to you all tomorrow

Hugs Janet

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Hey all!

Julie~ WOW! I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I'm sure you will do great, but I understand the nerves!

Janet~ Ya, thanks, I got the tape!!! Apparently it works too well because when I took it off, it practically took half of my skin off with it!

Well, tonight Andrew and I went to our friends house bc one of my gf's is visiting from Arizona. We grew up together and I really miss her, so it was wonderful to see her! There were seven of us there and everyone was hungry, so they ordered pizza. I stuck to my Boost and sf Jello that I brought along with me and really was fine with it. I guess when you haven't had food in 4 weeks it starts to not matter. Right after surgery I told Andrew that he was not even allowed to bring pizza into the house, and tonight I was around a TON of it! It went much better than I had expected it to. My friends are so wonderful and are "careful" about food around me. They are so sweet.

Anyhow, it will be 2 weeks post-op on friday and my incision is still draining! Sick. Everyone keeps telling me that it should start to be coming out more clear, but it's not. Still dark brownish, but coming out much slower than it was before. So, I'm not sure what to think about this. Any thoughts? Half of the incision is healing beautifully and the other half is a scab and draining. Hmmmm. I go back to the doc on Monday. I pray that it doesn't get infected. I let it air out at night time after my shower, and then i cover it for bed and change it in the am. Ok, well, I cannot believe that I am still awake and it is one am!!!! I have to work tomorrow, and I am BUSY!!!! I guess my peeps missed me and need their color bad! Have to get them back to their original color. Hehe!

Ok, enough of me. Sorry. Good night everyone!


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