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Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

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HAHAHA!! Thanks Terry... but I'm eating them as I type. 1 egg omelete with a slice of provolone cheese inside and a tsp. of mango jam on the top. I'm chewing s l o w l y and so far so good. Lots of time in between bites too. But thanks for the shout out!! :rofl:

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Oh and BTW Terry.. did I mention that I'm ummmmm pregnant? (no, that won't work) ummmmmmmmm celebrating an early birthday? (nope she knows the date) ahhhhhhhhhh getting married again, yeah that's it, and would LOVE for you to make my jewelry. la la la la I think I'll need a couple of necklaces, three pairs of earrings and about 4 bracelets. That should do it for the ceremony. I'll let you know about the reception jewelry later. Is it a deal????

The date?.. ummmmm, errrrrrrrrrrrr oh I think next week would be good, yeah, that's what we've been planning. Next week. (dont mention wedding to the Bobster, cause ummmmmmm it's a surprise for him, yeah that's it.. a surprise!! Dang, I'm good.) And SEE Kat.. I said DANG, not what you thought I was going to say.. hehehe

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Patty: HIYA lapdancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I often go check up on you over on Dr. K's thread... you have done so great... we've come a long way baby! This time last year... well I don't have to remind YOU of the insurance crapola.

Ms_Jen & Gina: Good to see you ladies!!!!!!!

I am amazed that I haven't bounced back up to 200.... today is going to be a Water day..... :rofl:

Busy day at work, so I'll check in later.

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Tracy - WOW, you look lovely in your dress. I agree, hair up. You have a gorgeous jaw line and you need to show it off.

TracyK - yes please share what you eat with us. I haven't tracked my food in months but I want to get back on the horse and start losing again.

Kat - please share your recipe for green chile Soup? I think? I read it about 200 posts ago... I too also just got a crock pot for christmas and I want to get some tried and true recipes. Laura, share your baby back ribs one with me again please.

Terry - love love love that circle charm. How did you stamp the names on it? Could it be done with a gold circle? I'm gonna look into it to see if I can make one for my mom for mother's day this year.

Laura - i know what you're going through with your hubby. I feel like I'm the adult in the relashionship sometimes and I really hate that. I want an equal partner and we get into it sometimes because of that. Lots of fighting and arguing lately. We just can't communicate without each of us getting defensive. Sigh....

Denise - Sorry you won't be joining us in May. I would have loved to meet you in real life. We'll all be thinking about you and your new grandbaby!

Jane - Sorry I missed the tip of the day sign up. Thank you so much for coming up with that. I loved reading them so far.

Pam - Chica, tu y tu novia estan tan hermosas! Tu sonrisa es como un rayo del sol!

Cindy - I'm so jealous of your trip to Isreal!! Take lots of pictures and share!

Suzie - I love love love your quote. I've got that on my screensaver at work now. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Jenn - 16's? Woohoo!! Take a picture of you in your new sexy jeans. Can't wait to see it!

Michelle - Oh my gosh, you looked stunning in your new year's dress. So many compliments fill up my head but they're all so cliche and you were beyond that. Curves and sass everywhere... I'm sure your hubby just couldn't keep his hands off of you!

Judy - Congrats on the angel charm!!! How many are on your Bracelet now? I've got seven pounds before I get my next one.

I'm sure I missed tons of you but I read so much last night that I didn't have a chance to respond to everything that happened while I was gone.

I'm glad to be home but I did enjoy spending time with my grandparents. I haven't spent that much time with them since I think junior high. We used to go spend our summers with them but when you're a teenager the last place you want to be is away from your friends so we stopped going.

I'm gonna get to work now. Almost 9:45 here in Houston.

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Haydee- Exactly. I hate feeling like a parent in my relationship.. something to do with men take FOREVER to mature, right?

Yay Pam on the scale!! That puts us even, right??

I've been at 251.2, 251.4, as high as 251.8 the other day. But 251 is the number of the week. I knew I'd jinx myself if I said something, but I've stopped moving since I mentioned it. I've been eating more than usual (TOM), so I did myplate to see the damage. 1,700 calories yesterday, 1,500 the day before that. I remember early in my band journey trying to stay at 1,600 was impossible. Now on bad days I hit that. Not bad! From 270 to 251, I have not noticed a body difference unfortunately. :rofl: I don't look skinnier.

And I got my size 17 jeans last night (NO STRETCH eek). I can put them on, but the muffin above (which seems to just be skin yuck) sticks out a good 7 inches from the jeans. How gross is that? But I can suck it in and it lays flat with the jeans. My tummy skin is getting nasty. I'm noticing bad puckering of the skin under my belly button, creating a line down to the bottom of my belly. And if I wear any pants, I create dimples on either side of my belly button. Waaah.

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Oh and BTW Terry.. did I mention that I'm ummmmm pregnant? (no, that won't work) ummmmmmmmm celebrating an early birthday? (nope she knows the date) ahhhhhhhhhh getting married again, yeah that's it, and would LOVE for you to make my jewelry. la la la la I think I'll need a couple of necklaces, three pairs of earrings and about 4 bracelets. That should do it for the ceremony. I'll let you know about the reception jewelry later. Is it a deal????

The date?.. ummmmm, errrrrrrrrrrrr oh I think next week would be good, yeah, that's what we've been planning. Next week. (dont mention wedding to the Bobster, cause ummmmmmm it's a surprise for him, yeah that's it.. a surprise!! Dang, I'm good.) And SEE Kat.. I said DANG, not what you thought I was going to say.. hehehe

Judy! I'd be happy to make anything you like, anytime you like. Well, within my abilities, of course! Ahem. You are a jewelry-aholic, aren't you!? You are so hysterically funny. I love having you here.

Terry - love love love that circle charm. How did you stamp the names on it? Could it be done with a gold circle? I'm gonna look into it to see if I can make one for my mom for mother's day this year.

Haydee - Yes, you can make it in gold. The 'blanks' might be kinda hard to find, but it could be done. I know for sure you can get gold-filled blanks at Beaducation: Jewelry Classes When You Want, Where You Want which is where I get my stamping supplies. You could come over one day and just use my tools....otherwise you'd have to spend $75 just for those! Then, if you like it (and you will), you can buy your own set. That website is great....has online lessons for all kinds of things beady.

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Will hunt up a tip for the day and post it here in a few minutes.

I don't know if it is the Mom in me, or the divorced woman in me, but there is so much in my heart and head I want to tell you girls! I do not mean to lecture in any fashion, and anything and everything is said with love, it is the same exact things I tell my own daughters, and I love them more than life itself!

Men do mature more slowly---that is a proven fact, and due to that, when we go from being a young couple to a married couple-we as more mature of the 2, often find ourselves telling them how to do things, or correcting them--and WHAM there they go, right back to being boys and letting us handle it all!

In order for a man to act like a man he has to be made feel like a man. By that I do not mean to diminish yourself in order to pump him up---just keep it in mind. Even simple things--opening a jar, or lifting something heavy gives them the ego boost they seem to require to feel "manly". On a good note, they do seem to grow out of the constant need to be ego lifted into their own manhood!!!

The best way I can relate it....and tried to explain this to my DIL and failed---------so---is that it is like us still wanting to be seen as sexual women when we were at our heaviest. We were often insecure, and needed the little compliments, and comments from them to feel that way. He is now floundering somewhat in the new situation of being married.....maybe he thought he would be the big breadwinner and you would defer to him, or maybe he secretly hates the way you decorated the bathroom--he for one reason or another is feeling less in charge and therefore less manly. Young men seem to equate being in charge with being a man. Keep in mind I am using my own son as I say this. I am not belittling your husbands----I see it in my own DS.

All of that said-----if it is emotional speed bumps--then center yourself and ease over them. Find an activity involving the 2 of you, that you did prior to be an old married couple, and go do it----find something you can concentrate on one another.

If however, it has or does progress from emotional speed bumps to emotional cruelty---and then on to physical cruelty--GET THE HELL OUT! Divorce is not pretty, it is not easy, it is hard, it hurts, and it leaves scars-----but once a person hits you----it won't quit. The line has been crossed.

I thought I could fix what was wrong, and it almost cost me my life! No one should ever....EVER.....hurt you that way.

****off my soap box now****

I am going to go ride my 8 minutes, and think of what tip I need to add!!!!



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*******Get your moo juice. When women consumed low-fat dairy (such as skim milk, nonfat yogurt, and low-fat cheese) three to four times a day, they reduced their body fat by up to 70 percent, shows a study at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. "Calcium serves as a switch that tells your body to burn excess fat faster," explains study author Michael Zemel, Ph.D., director of the university's Nutrition Institute. And no, you won't get the same results if you drink calcium-fortified beverages such as orange juice: Research shows that you get the best results from dairy.*******

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Well said, Kat!

Well I'm up & at the computer. Haven't eaten anything yet & Pam, you crack me up because all the while I'm hanging out on the potty that's exactly what I'm thinking -- how it'll play well on the scale! HA HA! Great minds & all...

I have GOT to get some work done!! Bye for now!

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Judy you are so funny!!! I think we should have a jewelry making class in Maryland!!! We can give Terry the cost of the stuff and then she can teach us to make some pretty earrings to match our bracelet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let see, Laura is showing off how to dress sexy, Michelle is hopefully doing our aquasize class, Judy is showing us about cyrstal light slush, and a jewelry making class!!!!!!! I can also bring scissors is anyone wants a trim or the proper way of cutting bangs!!! (There really isn't a proper way.)

I am fighting a pounding pounding side splitting headache!!! Kept me awake off and on all night. It is still around but not as bad. As least I am not throwing up now. Didn't go to my meeting this morning. I am the secretary and take minutes, and get paid!!! Oh well, I called and emailed and hope they got the message, if not they figured out I wasn't coming and had someone else do the notes. I had someone else take notes a few years ago and had 6 pages of typed notes!!!! Oh my gosh how was I supposed to get that into one page!?!? Hopefully they were not chatty today. Okay I am rambling....

Have a nice one and talk to you all later!!! I am glad today is

CTC DAY!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you Kat! Your words of wisdom are always appreciated :eek:

It's not abusive in any way, I get verbally abusive because I get mad at how his immaturity makes me feel overtime, and I always regret it. If he ever even tried to hit me, I got a lot of redneck uncles that have guns and are prepared hah hah.

I am going to go buy my plane ticket for the trip, is it 100% locked in on dates & times?

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You DO all know that I will be charging for my Crystal Light expertise, right?? It's not everyone that can stick a bottle of Water with some powder in it in a freezer and make it come out frozen. ta da!!

I'm trying to get some tuna to go down right now. I'm supposed to be at a PMS luncheon (Pastor's Main Squeeze), but I didn't write it on the calendar and the Bobster called me at 11:58 to see if I was going to be there at noon. Kat.. I won't repeat what I said, k? but I'm here at the computer instead of at the Chinese restaurant. @#$%... ooooops. yup, that's what I said. I had to email everyone with a mybad story. That'll teach me not to write stuff down!!

Terry... jewerlyholic?? MOI?? Whatevah gave you that idea?? Just because the bobster says one of my arms hangs lower than the other cause of all the bracelets and rings on it means nothing. If you're so inclined to make jewelry for me, might I request something medium sized and diamond encrusted???? (stop laughing!)

Speaking of DH's. I just have to give kudos to mine. I am so blessed to have the very, very best DH in the world. There is not a day that goes by that he doesn't tell me how nice I look or how much he loves me. He and I are a team. He has the brains and I have the common sense! I can't tell you how smart this man is.. he reads two or three books at the same time and remembers what he's read!! However, when it comes to finding his checkbook... that's where I come in handy. I gotta tell you, I never, ever dated in high school. I was the very shy, smart one and really geeky looking. The Bobster was my first date ever. We met in college and he said to me "I'm going to marry you someday" the first day we met. Yeah right.... But here we are 38 and a half years, 4 kids and 4 grandkids later and he's still my knight in shining armor.. when he remembers where he put the dang (notice that Kat) sword.

He'll be home in a little bit and then we're headed out to take pics of the boat.

Catch ya all later!!

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Laura -- No! I mean, we haven't actually reserved a place yet... but I'm certain that there'll be SOMEthing avail, if not the ones we've been looking at. I still need to have a final head count before booking.

But the dates, yeah.

& what about trying to coordinate all the folks flying in to the same airport & general arrival time??

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Well I am off on the ice to take my Kinsey to the Dr. She has massive congestion, probably nothing more than a cold, but with all the new warnings about kids and cold medicine, Manda made her an appointment, and now cannot get into her car, it is iced in. So Super Granny has a van, that has been parked on the street in the sun. My car may be iced, but either way, I have something that will get us there. She also has Lindzie home----saying she does not feel good either. Could be a fun day for me!!!

Will check in when I get back.

Judy--not often to I have to disagree with you--but I have the bestest ever husband!!!

OK OK OK----you have the best for you, I have the best for me! Like you I am thankful every day for him. Not to say we don't have our battles occasionally! They are rare, and seldom heated! More of a rolling of the eyes, and it is over!!! He may not be the smartest---in his own eyes---I find him much more so than he does himself! He very well may be the most mechanically inclined! But he owns my heart, and he tends to it daily. He has never said hurtful things to me, he is super cautious about hurting me due to my past I am sure. He never lets a day go by without telling me loves me many times-every phone call ends with I love you, regardless of who is around. He does the same with our kids, son as well. He is a kind, caring man....I am lucky to have him.

And he has a REALLY cute butt!!!!



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I was just going with your invitation post.. the 16-19, and noon for 16th, evening for 19th. I guess I'll wait. But the farther out we get the tickets, the cheaper they are.. :eek:

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