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Janet, thanks for the good feed back, It helps to know that others had the same symptoms and that it goes away quickly. It has been a challenge getting in all the Protein and Water.....I have no hunger...weird, but good weird! Keep in touch, Becky


My stepmom had family in chico :thumbdown: stockon area - McDonald's

Enjoy the no hunger while it last - my never returned like it use to be but it did increase some...

I added alot of Protein powders to my foods to begin with - it's hard to remember - it seems like a life time ago...

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Hi girls, Well here we go. My paperwork was sent to Insurance Company last week. I called today and my surgery has been approved!!!!! I am excited and scared at the same time. You guys need to tell me now what to start stocking up on and what kind of Protein powder, drinks, etc that I need to take so my hair won't fall out. What should I do now to start getting ready for this. The surgeon is booking about 4-6 weeks out so it wont be long. I will see a nutrionsnist about two weeks before surgery. Don't know what they will say except probably what you all say. I will find out this week when my surgery date is and it might be sooner than expected. Will I be able to eat at all. I hope I don't have to starve like some of you do. I have got Euphoria big time. Janet, you and I are the same age and I weigh 248. My goal weight is 140 but I am 5'3". I hope I can do this as fast as you have. Anyway I will be on alot now so we need to get names straight. You all can call me Beckyo since there are other Beckys on this thread. Can't wait to hear from anyone. I will start getting my Protein stuff in as soon as someone tells me what is good.


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Oh and by the way Indio Girl, Trace is coming to Illinois State Fair in August. Just got tickets to see him and also got tickets to see Brooks and Dunn along with ZZ Top. Can't wait.:party:


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Hey Beckyo, congrats.

I am also 5'3", started at 248# and I am 54 years old. Surgery was 3/19/088, I have lost 39#, 9# of that was before surgery. I have lost on the average of 2# a week after the first 2 weeks after surgery.

I had 2 days of liquids before surgery. So not anything drastic.

I enjoy the Unjury chocolate Protein Powder, and GNC has some great Protein powder flavors. It pretty much depends on your own taste buds as to what flavors you may like. I do find that the GNC are best really cold. I never cared for the soups: cream of mushroom or cream of brocoli, tastes a bit pastey and blah!! hot chocolate is wonderful :party: Some peopple enjoy the Isopure liquid, again I need it really cold!!

You will hear different favorites from each of us...So have to decide for yourself what to try..

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Hello all! 10 days into my pre-op and so far I have lost 14lbs. My surgery is scheduled for Monday, May 19, 2008. Not nervous yet, but I probably will be on Sunday. Problem is I have never had surgery before, so I am not sure how I will respond to everything. By the way, I am 54 yrs old and I have one grandson who just took his first steps this week all by himself.

Any words of wisdom from those of you who have already gone through the surgery, I would appreciate.:party:

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Hi, hows it going?


Good to hear from you again!

I'm doing fine. Weight loss is slow but steady!

Just wish we'd get some sunshine up here in WA!!

New home in Montana!! Exciting!!


We also love Branson and we stay at the RV resort you are referring to, it's called Treasure Lake RV Resort. We actually have a membership there and we are able to stay for $3 per nite. When we first jointed 4 or 5 years ago, we could stay for $1 per nite. It's only a 3 to 3 1/2 hour drive for us so we are usually in Branson 2-3 times a year. This year we haven't been yet so I'm looking forward to it. We have to be back to work on Monday, so we'll just be there Thursday thru Sunday and then it's back home. But, in a couple of weeks we'll be off in the RV again to Nashville for a little over a week for the CMA Fest, love that country music.. Costs of diesel scares me, but don't want to waste money on a hotel when we've spent so much money for the RV so have to bite the bullet and just go and buy the fuel and roll on. :thumbup: Someday, after my DH and I retire, maybe we'll be able to meet up with you somewhere in our travels. I'm hoping to retire from AT&T in February of next year. (LAUGHING) I told DH he can't retire from the Fire Department til I retire!!

Yeah, with the price of fuel these days... we decided to take our summer trip on the train!!

Have a great time in Branson! Yes, Treasure Lake... we love it, too!

Hi girls, Well here we go. My paperwork was sent to Insurance Company last week. I called today and my surgery has been approved!!!!! I am excited and scared at the same time.Beckyo:rolleyes2::party::rolleyes2::smile::rolleyes2:


You're going to do fine!

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So sorry to hear about your DIL. Please send her best wishes from a new bandster thinking good thoughts for her and you.


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I am only 5'2" so my bmi is still considered overweight at 145. I couldn't care less though. My trainer says 10 lbs of it is muscle and

I am thrilled to have muscle in my thighs instead of fat. That is one

of the best parts off all of this. I have become addicted to exercise

and do it now because it feels good. All the benefits are just a bonus.

Good luck to all the new people joining us. I will talk to everyone more when I get home to my own computer. I never know whenI am going to lose the signal on this wireless connection.

My best advice to anyone just starting out is learn to enjoy exercising. I am sure I would look a lot flabbier if I hadn't gained all this muscle from weight training.

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I may not be addicted, but I feel lousy if I cannot get my walk in every day. Next is joinhinh the YMCA. Have a lapband buddy to exercise with. Have a whole plan set for our routine. And of course my grandson will love going to the pool there.

Will be tough to keep up with my walking this weekend. But I am going to try. 2 days in a car driving 9+ hours each day, sucks!!!! but going to a nephew's wedding to that makes it all worth it.

Take care al. Enjoy the wekend ahead..

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Hi girls, Well here we go. My paperwork was sent to Insurance Company last week. I called today and my surgery has been approved!!!!! I am excited and scared at the same time. You guys need to tell me now what to start stocking up on and what kind of Protein powder, drinks, etc that I need to take so my hair won't fall out. What should I do now to start getting ready for this. The surgeon is booking about 4-6 weeks out so it wont be long. I will see a nutrionsnist about two weeks before surgery. Don't know what they will say except probably what you all say. I will find out this week when my surgery date is and it might be sooner than expected. Will I be able to eat at all. I hope I don't have to starve like some of you do. I have got Euphoria big time. Janet, you and I are the same age and I weigh 248. My goal weight is 140 but I am 5'3". I hope I can do this as fast as you have. Anyway I will be on alot now so we need to get names straight. You all can call me Beckyo since there are other Beckys on this thread. Can't wait to hear from anyone. I will start getting my Protein stuff in as soon as someone tells me what is good.


Beckyo - Congrats !!! I used the unjury choc & unflavored protein powders - choc for shakes and the unflavored I put in my food & coffee but you gotta let it cool some or it will crudel - I also like Jay Robb vanilla egg white protein - it's for shakes only - add it to lite OJ and it taste like an Orange Julis -(i ordered all mine off the internet - plus my doc's office sells protein stuff too) My doc office gave me list of foods to eat - how many grams of protein etc - when you see the nutristionist and at your pre-op they should have this for you - if they don't - I can go look for my folder and scan and email to you - but your doc instruction could be diff than mind - hair issues - I know pple who take the Biotin - get their protein and still have lost their hair - but it does grow back - I took boitin before surgery and for the 1st few weeks maybe months but I think it's just the luck of the draw and I have been lucky and haven't lost any (thank God cuz I have fine hair to begin with)

Oh and by the way Indio Girl, Trace is coming to Illinois State Fair in August. Just got tickets to see him and also got tickets to see Brooks and Dunn along with ZZ Top. Can't wait.:eek:



OMW - He can move for such a big man.. You are going to love his show..

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Hello all! 10 days into my pre-op and so far I have lost 14lbs. My surgery is scheduled for Monday, May 19, 2008. Not nervous yet, but I probably will be on Sunday. Problem is I have never had surgery before, so I am not sure how I will respond to everything. By the way, I am 54 yrs old and I have one grandson who just took his first steps this week all by himself.

Any words of wisdom from those of you who have already gone through the surgery, I would appreciate.:biggrin:

Welcome Sherilyn - Yep Sunday you will be a little nervous but it's all worth it - The only surgery I had prior to this was my gallbladder back in 85. The surgery hurts (for me) for the 1st day - but I was in the hospital overnight so had good pain meds - and once I got home not even Tylenol - there is pain but not that bad and I am a big baby...

Words of wisdom follow your doctors orders to a tee - know that this is only a tools - and I mean really know this - in the back of our minds we think this is the answer to our prayers - it is in a way once you get proper restriction but it's still requires work on your part - you make the food choices not the band - you exercise not the band and these items are key - when you have time - go to the 50 + thread on the main 50's page - it's locked now - but read through that - that is where I started my journey a yr ago (yesterday infact) it's locked so you can't post there but you can read - it's full of info - Denise, Phly and I seem to be the only ones left from when I started a year ago...

When you have a question ask - and we will try and help you


P.S. I have 17 yr GS - 13 GD and 4 yr GD and a 37 yr DS

So sorry to hear about your DIL. Please send her best wishes from a new bandster thinking good thoughts for her and you.


Thanks Tessa - It's much appreciated !!!!

I am only 5'2" so my bmi is still considered overweight at 145. I couldn't care less though. My trainer says 10 lbs of it is muscle and

I am thrilled to have muscle in my thighs instead of fat. That is one

of the best parts off all of this. I have become addicted to exercise

and do it now because it feels good. All the benefits are just a bonus.

Good luck to all the new people joining us. I will talk to everyone more when I get home to my own computer. I never know whenI am going to lose the signal on this wireless connection.

My best advice to anyone just starting out is learn to enjoy exercising. I am sure I would look a lot flabbier if I hadn't gained all this muscle from weight training.

Denise - I am still considered over weight too at 157 - I would have to get to 145 to have the normal bmi - but I am not even thinking of going there - I think my size 8's are just find and if I do get there - that's icing on the cake


I may not be addicted, but I feel lousy if I cannot get my walk in every day. Next is joinhinh the YMCA. Have a lapband buddy to exercise with. Have a whole plan set for our routine. And of course my grandson will love going to the pool there.

Will be tough to keep up with my walking this weekend. But I am going to try. 2 days in a car driving 9+ hours each day, sucks!!!! but going to a nephew's wedding to that makes it all worth it.

Take care al. Enjoy the wekend ahead..

Lynn - Yep I can't say I love it either - but I have come to somewhat enjoy it - especially my work outs with my trainer...

I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I have done my workouts.

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I love working out with my trainer too. Plus I found a weight training class that I absolutely love. Cardio is great but the weight training

is what has made my legs look better than they have in my life.

The classes are fun and make the time go by quickly. I like the weight training classes better than the jazzercise type classes.

Had the first day of my dad's moving sale out of the way. I am so glad

to have one day of it gone. I am not as nervous now. Only ran across one butt head. I listed the furniture on Craig's list. I met a fellow bandster and it was her suggestion. It was a great idea.

I have met several fellow bandsters that live close to my dad's house when I got on the AZ thread. It's so great to actually meet the people we visit with on LBT!

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I have seen a few posts that mention the Wii fitness age. I have been thinking of buying he Wii Fitness program with the balance board, Is this the program you are referring to? Can you tell me what you think of it? I am still going through my process of getting the insurance requirements complete - have two months of my doctor supervised diet and then off for approval. I will admit I think the time I have had to think about this is good to mentally prepare but also gives me too much time to think I read all of this and it's all good but i am very nervous., Plan on going to a support group next week. I was wondering what kind of feedback you can give me on the Wii, Not much for exercise but wanted to try and get started with something now.

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I have seen a few posts that mention the Wii fitness age. I have been thinking of buying he Wii Fitness program with the balance board, Is this the program you are referring to? Can you tell me what you think of it? I am still going through my process of getting the insurance requirements complete - have two months of my doctor supervised diet and then off for approval. I will admit I think the time I have had to think about this is good to mentally prepare but also gives me too much time to think I read all of this and it's all good but i am very nervous., Plan on going to a support group next week. I was wondering what kind of feedback you can give me on the Wii, Not much for exercise but wanted to try and get started with something now.

Wii Fitness Age is a little test you can do each day to "test" your fitness. It randomly gives you three different exercises to do based on what "training" you've been doing in the Wii Sports games. For instance, my favorites are Tennis, Golf and Bowling, so it will typically give me skill tests in those areas. But, sometimes I do boxing or baseball.

The balance board comes with the new Wii Fit program that is not yet released. The only way to get it right now is to pre-order it online and it may be too late to do that, actually. I pre-ordered mine on Wal-Mart.com. They are scheduled to ship on or about May 21. That program is $90 and you have to already have the Wii console ($250 if you can find one!) I am not a very active person and have fairly severe arthritis in both knees, one shoulder, wrists and hands. But I am able to exercise using the Wii 30-50 minutes each day. And, it's a lot of fun!

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Hi, I have been lurking and reading for awhile, I am getting my band on Tues. Great doc and program here in Michigan. I have good support in place and am stocking up on some Protein stuff. I only had three weeks to do pre op diet and he said "Lose Some" I have lost 10 pounds...but now I am nervous, and today been emotional eating. Not good! But tomorrow is a new day.

I have so many pot lucks and feasts to go to in my life, at least two a week. I am a member of an American Indian community...and eating is such a big social thing. I am working with a local nutitionist (who knows the Culture)

and a support group, but it is still hard. Tonight I ate too much and the wrong things for the first time in 10 days (still preop). Oh well, deep breath, I will have a tool soon but need to get some alternatives to these feasts!!

Please pray for me that my surgery goes well and I will stay in touch.

~~ChristyC in Michigan, 58 yrs old Mom & Grandma & Wife, BMI 50 Type II diabetic ready to get healthy and begin anew!! :biggrin: Thanks!!

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