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Any MAY sleevers???

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1 hour ago, DippedInChocolate said:

Well surgery is done and over with. The chest pain wasn't too bad but it was uncomfortable and i had nausea. Ive been in my bed since 11:30 am sleeping off and on. Will check back later

Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

Glad to hear everything went well. Keep us updated on your progress.

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Welcome to the losers bench new sleevers! I remember very little of my op day beyond getting some pre-anaesthetic meds (anti nausea, calmative, morphine) and then going in and having the anaesthetist start the cannula in my arm. Beyond that, just my husband and my mum visiting and me being awake for a few minutes talking with them.

I accepted plenty of pain relief and was happy to experience only managable pain so I could focus on getting sips of Water in and walking more.

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Update: everything still hurts but I’m a little more upbeat about it haha. The two times I’ve tried to stand, I’ve nearly passed out so I’m on bed rest for now. About 5 minutes after my family got here for a visit, I started vomiting and peed myself lol. I’m taking toradol right now and I can take scheduled Tylenol but honestly the pain I’m in is from gas I think, so Idk how much that would help.

My mantra: this won’t last forever, this won’t last forever...

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Had my pre op appointment today! I am extremely surprised that my surgeon has me on a liquid diet only 24 hours before surgery. Thoughts???

Mine is on the 15th as well and I only have a 24 hour liquid diet to flush out my system. No formal pre op diet but surgeon did want me to lose weight in the month and a half wait I had until surgery as that will help shrink liver. I have been following a high Protein, low carb diet to get in practice for after surgery. Also these last 2 weeks I have been doing a modified version of what other surgeons recommend just to boost the weight loss. Figure it can’t hurt!

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5 hours ago, CleaClo said:

Update: everything still hurts but I’m a little more upbeat about it haha. The two times I’ve tried to stand, I’ve nearly passed out so I’m on bed rest for now. About 5 minutes after my family got here for a visit, I started vomiting and peed myself lol. I’m taking toradol right now and I can take scheduled Tylenol but honestly the pain I’m in is from gas I think, so Idk how much that would help.

My mantra: this won’t last forever, this won’t last forever...

I'm sorry you are having a painful start. Ask if you can have addition pain medications and nausea medication if you need it! For the first few days my support team kept me mostly pain free with sufficient medication, morphine and then endone when I was able to swallow the tablets. But everyone's body will respond to the surgery differently.

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11 minutes ago, Taoz said:

I'm sorry you are having a painful start. Ask if you can have addition pain medications and nausea medication if you need it! For the first few days my support team kept me mostly pain free with sufficient medication, morphine and then endone when I was able to swallow the tablets. But everyone's body will respond to the surgery differently.

Thanks Taoz, you have been really motivational for me. The pains are due to gas, so I don’t think meds other than gas-x will really help. I want to get up and walk around but my body is soooo not ready! I’m feeling better right now, so I’m pretty happy!

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CleaClo I hope you get better. We are in this together. My nausea comes and goes, if i talk to much i feel it so i have to talk quick, lol. Im on Oxycodone every 4 hrs or as needed. Do they have the pads on your legs to circulate your blood? It should help so you can walk. Get better soon.

Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

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11 hours ago, dede1118 said:

Had my pre op appointment today! I am extremely surprised that my surgeon has me on a liquid diet only 24 hours before surgery. Thoughts???

Mine has done this as well. He said I was doing so well on my Paleo/Whole 30 diet for the past 3 months, he didn't think I needed to do the week or two pre-op liquid diet. Just Clear Liquids the day before.

I'm scheduled for a 5/23 date, and I have decided to do a more Keto diet for the week before the surgery just to be safe.

I'm having the last of my planned "food funerals" this weekend. I had Pasta with homemade pesto with 2 slices of really, really good sourdough bread last Friday night, 1 glass of Bailey's on ice last night, and this Friday I'm having homemade pimento cheese on Wonder bread with BBQ kettle chips. Weird choices, I know, but that's what I came up with when I thought about what I truly wanted to have that I may not be able to have again (or for a very long time).

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Hey everyone,

I haven’t posted much but have been reading. I was sleeved on the 7th, 2 days ago. Been having a hard time with pain and being so sleepy! Also, I don’t want to eat or drink anything. Just getting my liquid pain med down is a huge effort. Anyone else feel this way?

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Hi Everyone,

I was sleeved 5/3/18 about 5PM. I want to share my experiences so far, both pre and post op.


Pre surgery I went through what (I think) pretty much everyone else goes through...anxiety. I worked so hard to get insured and then approved and was focused on that and the need to get the surgery done. Once I was approved and it was really going to happen, it finally occurred to me that I was going to have surgery for the first time in my life (I'm 65) and I got VERY scared. I wrote about it many times here. It was actually a roller coaster for me cuz I kept fluctuating between "This is going to happen." and "I don't have to go through with this." My husband, God Bless him, told me he was ok with whatever my final decision was. The day of surgery when he left me with the nurse he said "I have my phone, all you have to do is call and we're out of here." His attitude definitely helped me deal with this. Many people on this forum kept reassuring me that the risks for the surgery are very low. I researched this and it's true. I have a specific medical condition that had me particularly concerned. I had to advocate for myself and not give up and be a pain in the axx until I got my questions answered to my satisfaction. I kept saying "This is something I know I need to do, but I'm doing to so I have better quality of life and longer life, the last thing I want is to die on the table." There were times I was in a panic. I was afraid of general anesthesia as much as the surgery. The truth is, there's actually an extremely low risk of death from this surgery. Ultimately, I had my wonderful husband's support, either way, and I made the decision to ask God to watch over me and keep me safe throughout my journey. I'm not religious, but consider myself spiritual. Meaning I pray everyday and I do trust and believe God loves me and cares about me and will take care of me. I was rolled into the operating room and I swear, I had no anxiety and hadn't been given any anxiety meds. Once in there, while everyone was gathering in the room and setting up, I said loudly "Can I please have everyone's attention?" they stopped and looked at me in surprise and I said " I know I probably won't ever see any of you again after this so I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for taking such good care of me." Everyone came to me at the table, very surprised, and each assured me they'd take good care of me. I felt completely at ease. Soon after the anesthesiologist asked me to breathe into a mask and the next thing I knew, I woke up in my hospital room.


Husband was waiting in the room for me when I got there. I was out cold. He asked how I was & I told him it hurt but I just wanted to sleep and to go away. Nice, huh? After all his support? He stayed another 45 minutes until he realized all he could do was watch me sleep. Again, my surgery ended around 6:30-7PM, so it's now like 10:30PM. I slept through the night and have vague memories of people coming to take my vital signs, test blood, etc. throughout the night. I was VERY sleepy the next day. The call buttons in my room (2, me & roommate) were malfunctioning and kept going off without being pushed. The nurse would ask what we want and we'd say we didn't touch it. They'd have to come in to check on us anyway and were getting annoyed after a few hours that it kept happening. I'm thinking "You're annoyed???" I would just fall to sleep and one would go off again. I had been told it's possible to just stay one night and decided I needed to do whatever I had to do to get out of there and I thought it was just another barium swallow to check for leaks and started reminding them this needed to be done. I nagged and dozed until they brought be down for the test. I felt weak and wasn't even sure if I could stand, but had to. Good news, I didn't have to drink barium or a big quantity of anything. I was afraid I'd have to do exact same test as before surgery, nope. They gave me an 8-10 oz? cup, half filled with some clear liquid in it. I got it down and no leaks. YAY! Back upstairs I'm asking when I'll be released and was told I had to drink, and keep down, 4 cups of Water or crystal light before I could go. They were 10-12 oz. cups. I panicked. It was like 2:30 and I really just wanted to sleep. I remembered to SIP VERY SLOWLY. I was fine. I just paced myself. Slept a bit, more vitals, etc. Then was reminded I also had to be up and walking around by myself before I could be released. So I did that, making sure to walk by the nurses station so someone would see. Eventually (around 4:30?) I threw one of the cups of water into the toilet because I knew I couldn't do it fast enough. Talked my husband into drinking another 1/2 of the other cups, then he refused. He said "If you really need to do this before you're released, then you have to do it." He had a good point. If they'd told me earlier in the day it was a requirement and I had started earlier, it would have been easier to do. By 5:30 I had finished what was left at the same time my doctor came in to check on me and tell me I could go. YAY! Truth be told, if it weren't for the malfunctioning call buttons going off practically nonstop, I would have been very happy to stay and rest and spend another night. We live a couple hours from the hospital, so was home and in bed by 9PM by the time they got my release papers together, the wheelchair and me downstairs and plus, it was rush hour in Boston. Soon after I got home I did vomit. It's the Oxycontin. I took once before and the same thing happened. All that came up was clear liquid and what looked like shards of dried blood. Because I really wanted my tummy to heal, I chose to stop taking it that night and haven't vomited since.


I slept like a baby that night. Out cold. I remember feeling pain throughout the night but not enough to wake me up. 40 hours post op, I switched to Tylenol only 1000mg. 3 X a day. I had some nausea that day as I figured out what to drink and how much. Trial and error. I drank 2 sips and waited. Fine. So, 4 sips and after the third went down, the 4th was in my mouth but I knew it wouldn't go down. It sat in my mouth for a few minutes, then went down, but I could feel it in my esophagus. So I stayed with 2 sips at a time with 10 minutes in between for a couple of days. Then 3 sips, yesterday I got up to 4 at a time with no problem. The first day home, I did not get all 60 ounces of fluids down. Second day I got close, probably 45 oz. Third day I got the full 60 oz. down comfortably and have stayed that way. I want to be sure to allow my new stomach proper healing and not do anything to aggravate it. By Monday night, I actually forgot to take nightly Tylenol. Took just one dose yesterday and probably won't take any today or from here. As far as my pain goes, I would describe it more as tenderness on the skin where the incisions are and I've had some internal pain that I'd really describe as spasms or cramping. Everyday it gets better. I did rest a lot the first three days wanting to heal and because I was weak and tired. I noticed I couldn't take a deep breathe. Like my breathing was restricted and I posted about it on here. An Angel answered me and told me to use the Spirometer they sent me home from the hospital with. My husband did pack up everything that was on the table, which included this weird blue thing. I didn't remember anything about it or any instruction on it's use. Once I was told what it was and how to use it and how often, my breathing got better, my alertness and energy got better and I was up and walking around more. I can't emphasize enough how important the Spirometer is! It's made a bid difference in my general overall feelings of wellness. My husband was able to "walk me" (he's been walking our dogs, but now also walks me! LOL!) the day after first using Spirometer for 10 minutes with 2 rests. Next day 20 minute walk with one rest. We'll see what today brings. I still feel somewhat unsteady on my feet at times because I'm somewhat dizzy. I have a problem with dizziness even without surgery, but it's worse now. I hold onto railings, my husbands hand and other stationary objects to make sure I don't fall. I move slowly on purpose. Plus I'm still a little mentally foggy. That part comes and goes. Surgery last Thursday night, it's now noon the following Wednesday and I can say all my panic and anxiety has proven to be for nothing. Not in pain today, just sporadic, temporary internal spasms that are getting better and fewer. Likely no pain meds today or after. I was very afraid I'd be STARVED, but no. I haven't found that at all. My husband has been eating his dinners in a different room and they do smell good but, so far, I have no interest in eating anything. So far. This was a huge worry for me ahead of the surgery. I was really afraid I'd need to eat something and not be able to and I'd hurt myself or make myself sick. This hasn't happened. I'm still concentrating on getting my 60 oz. of liquids down. I have noticed a bit of gas. Is it I'm now lactose intolerant? Is it cuz I'm making my Protein drinks in a blender so they're like a milk shake with lots of air in them? Is this my intestines adjusting? Time will tell. I also didn't have a bowel movement 4 days post op and didn't think much of it until I was reading posts on here. I thought I hadn't actually eaten anything for 6 days so there was nothing to pass. Turns out there was. My doctor said to take 2 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia and that worked within 2 hours and I haven't had a problem since. It's possible we all need something to get started.

Bottom Line at this point: No complications or problems up to 6 days out from surgery. A few minor aggravations or inconveniences. Feeling pretty good and better every day.

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I'm scheduled for 5/30. I have anxiety that I take medication for that controls it really well, but I'm unbelievably terrified about having surgery. I've never been anesthetized and I'm really scared. For me, the prep and post-op diet is totally not an issue. I'm trying to calm myself down, but the closer it gets, the more nervous I am. My mom and brother both had bypasses and neither seems to understand my fearfullness about this. I'm really scared something is going to go wrong and I'm going to die. I want this so bad, but keep seeing myself rolling out of the bed, gown flapping in the wind, butt cheeks on display, IV bag trailing behind me as I stumble down the hallway slurring, "Nope! Not today, you butchers!" as I make my escape. The weird part is, I'm an excellent surgical candidate, my surgeon is very experienced and I'm relatively healthy. Am I the only one who is terrified of the surgery itself, constantly second guessing this decision? But then, the idea of staying this way forever is awful. Just looking for some support[emoji274]

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Dear TeatherMarie,

So many people on this forum understand what you’re going through and felt the same way. With few exceptions, all of them are so glad they had the surgery.

The surgery itself was the easy part since you are not awake. Getting to the surgery will be the hardest part for you. I’ve had 2 back surgeries, 2 C-sections, under anesthesia 2 times for dental, anesthesia for a lumpectomy, etc. After you see the care and professionalism of your medical team in action on the day of surgery, I think you will feel in good hands. Honestly, no stone goes unturned, and all precautions are taken to keep you safe.

If you are still uneasy, talk to your Bariatric team staff and ask all the questions you want.

HW: 225
SW: 214 (5/2/2018)
CW: 208
GW: 145

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Mine has done this as well. He said I was doing so well on my Paleo/Whole 30 diet for the past 3 months, he didn't think I needed to do the week or two pre-op liquid diet. Just clear liquids the day before.
I'm scheduled for a 5/23 date, and I have decided to do a more Keto diet for the week before the surgery just to be safe.
I'm having the last of my planned "food funerals" this weekend. I had Pasta with homemade pesto with 2 slices of really, really good sourdough bread last Friday night, 1 glass of Bailey's on ice last night, and this Friday I'm having homemade pimento cheese on Wonder bread with BBQ kettle chips. Weird choices, I know, but that's what I came up with when I thought about what I truly wanted to have that I may not be able to have again (or for a very long time).

Hi BlondieTex,

I did the same thing pre-surgery. Ate all lean Protein and no carbs rather than the liquid diet. The goal,of the pre-op diet is ketosis and both will get you there.

The funny thing is this faves you’re craving now may not even be in your top 20 after surgery!

HW: 225
SW: 214 (5/2/2018)
CW: 208
GW: 145

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11 hours ago, CleaClo said:

Update: everything still hurts but I’m a little more upbeat about it haha. The two times I’ve tried to stand, I’ve nearly passed out so I’m on bed rest for now. About 5 minutes after my family got here for a visit, I started vomiting and peed myself lol. I’m taking toradol right now and I can take scheduled Tylenol but honestly the pain I’m in is from gas I think, so Idk how much that would help.

My mantra: this won’t last forever, this won’t last forever...

I read somewhere on here to take activated charcoal for the gas in your torso, not intestines. It worked great. I took before bed and at least TWO HOURS AWAY from any other meds. Got mine on Amazon and it's coconut charcoal. Not expensive and it works. Hope this helps.

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36 minutes ago, Gundy said:

Hi BlondieTex,

I did the same thing pre-surgery. Ate all lean Protein and no carbs rather than the liquid diet. The goal,of the pre-op diet is ketosis and both will get you there.

The funny thing is this faves you’re craving now may not even be in your top 20 after surgery!

HW: 225
SW: 214 (5/2/2018)
CW: 208
GW: 145

The funny thing is, I wouldn't have thought they were in my top 20 now. I thought it would be far more sweet treats, but I think when I'm in the healthy eating mode, the need for sweet things always dwindles. My choices are/were more sentimental in nature as these are particular meals I associate with my family.

This is going to be one hell of a summer :)

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6 hours ago, t1018ross said:

Hey everyone,

I haven’t posted much but have been reading. I was sleeved on the 7th, 2 days ago. Been having a hard time with pain and being so sleepy! Also, I don’t want to eat or drink anything. Just getting my liquid pain med down is a huge effort. Anyone else feel this way?

Hi, it definitely hurts to swallow but everyday you persevere drinking becomes more natural again. Start off with baby bird sips but very regularly. Find a position that works whether raising back of bed or even standing. I really liked icy Water myself or you might like apple juice. It is hard but I am a week out and can drink fairly smoothly and quickly now. I know Taoz felt better staying upright after drinking for a while whereas I was good sitting upright in bed. That band of pain that hits after drinking is completely normal and improves the more you drink. Don’t worry, you’ll get there😉

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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