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Guy's Room - Just some dude talking sh_t!

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I know there are tons of threads on this site dedicated to poop, bowel movements, diarrhea, Constipation, and all things crap related. But I wanted a thread where we men can discuss it. You want to make a joke? Go for it. Want to talk serious, I'm all for it. If you are a woman that wants to chime in for a female point of view, sorry - I posted it in the Guy's Room on purpose. I'm really wanting to make the Guy Room more active and also more relevant to just us men.

I have always had "issues" when it comes to #2. I was hoping that the surgery would somehow magically cure everything, but alas it has not. But I believe I may have actually discovered something that helps me. Let me reiterate that. It helps me. It may not help anyone else, but I can now say with confidence that it has helped me.

A little backstory. Since I was a teenager, I have always taken an inordinate amount of time to go #2. When I was finally done and I start finishing up, lo and behold round two would start. It was not unusual for me to spend 30-45 minutes on the toilet. I have always just accepted that was the way I was built since my dad is almost the same way. I thought it was because of our diets. But since surgery I can honestly say that I have never eaten healthier. Measured either by nutrition or by portions, this is as good as I can be about my diet.

I have seen people on here talking about the Squatty Potty and thought it was stupid. I mean borderline ridiculous. But there comes a time when one will entertain the idea if they are desperate enough. So I started reading up on it. Reviews are overwhelmingly positive, but there are some that are decidedly "meh". I found a two pack on ebay for $35 delivered and I figured I might as well try it for that price.

I also started using an app on my phone called "Everybody Poops!" to track how often and how long I go. I know, it sounds stupid, but my BM's have become so infrequent that I was becoming concerned. I had the app about a week before the Squatty Potty came. I figured that would be a good baseline to measure the effectiveness of the stool. The first couple times I used it, I felt clumsy and foolish. But I continued to use it since I paid good money for it. I can now use it properly and not feel like a moron. I was lucky if I went 3 times a week before, but now I am going about every other day, and a couple times I have gone twice in one day!

At first, I did not think anything was really that different. I still took a long time in the bathroom and nothing was really any easier. But as I got better at positioning myself, so did the results. According to the app, I am down to about 15-20 minutes. I am also no longer straining on the toilet. I think the first couple tries I was just really constipated still. Now I getting to be pretty regular. And on top of that, what I am leaving behind is of much smaller volume than before. I believe that means that I am fully evacuating finally. I don't like to be graphic, but this is for everyone's benefit so I guess it will be OK. I am no longer leaving huge logs. These are longer but more narrow and tapered. I no longer have to use exorbitant amount of toilet paper either. But the best thing is the general feeling of "emptiness" that I have afterwards.

Guys, I know we all like to joke about taking a crap and being manly about it. But if you are truly deep down concerned about it, I heartily recommend you try out the Squatty Potty. I am not affiliated nor am I being prompted by anyone to post this information. I'm just a guy who has had an issue with BM's for a long time and I believe this has helped me. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.

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I know there are tons of threads on this site dedicated to poop, bowel movements, diarrhea, Constipation, and all things crap related. But I wanted a thread where we men can discuss it. You want to make a joke? Go for it. Want to talk serious, I'm all for it. If you are a woman that wants to chime in for a female point of view, sorry - I posted it in the Guy's Room on purpose. I'm really wanting to make the Guy Room more active and also more relevant to just us men.

I have always had "issues" when it comes to #2. I was hoping that the surgery would somehow magically cure everything, but alas it has not. But I believe I may have actually discovered something that helps me. Let me reiterate that. It helps me. It may not help anyone else, but I can now say with confidence that it has helped me.

A little backstory. Since I was a teenager, I have always taken an inordinate amount of time to go #2. When I was finally done and I start finishing up, lo and behold round two would start. It was not unusual for me to spend 30-45 minutes on the toilet. I have always just accepted that was the way I was built since my dad is almost the same way. I thought it was because of our diets. But since surgery I can honestly say that I have never eaten healthier. Measured either by nutrition or by portions, this is as good as I can be about my diet.

I have seen people on here talking about the Squatty Potty and thought it was stupid. I mean borderline ridiculous. But there comes a time when one will entertain the idea if they are desperate enough. So I started reading up on it. Reviews are overwhelmingly positive, but there are some that are decidedly "meh". I found a two pack on ebay for $35 delivered and I figured I might as well try it for that price.

I also started using an app on my phone called "Everybody Poops!" to track how often and how long I go. I know, it sounds stupid, but my BM's have become so infrequent that I was becoming concerned. I had the app about a week before the Squatty Potty came. I figured that would be a good baseline to measure the effectiveness of the stool. The first couple times I used it, I felt clumsy and foolish. But I continued to use it since I paid good money for it. I can now use it properly and not feel like a moron. I was lucky if I went 3 times a week before, but now I am going about every other day, and a couple times I have gone twice in one day!

At first, I did not think anything was really that different. I still took a long time in the bathroom and nothing was really any easier. But as I got better at positioning myself, so did the results. According to the app, I am down to about 15-20 minutes. I am also no longer straining on the toilet. I think the first couple tries I was just really constipated still. Now I getting to be pretty regular. And on top of that, what I am leaving behind is of much smaller volume than before. I believe that means that I am fully evacuating finally. I don't like to be graphic, but this is for everyone's benefit so I guess it will be OK. I am no longer leaving huge logs. These are longer but more narrow and tapered. I no longer have to use exorbitant amount of toilet paper either. But the best thing is the general feeling of "emptiness" that I have afterwards.

Guys, I know we all like to joke about taking a crap and being manly about it. But if you are truly deep down concerned about it, I heartily recommend you try out the Squatty Potty. I am not affiliated nor am I being prompted by anyone to post this information. I'm just a guy who has had an issue with BM's for a long time and I believe this has helped me. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.

I've been a fan for a while. Since before surgery.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

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Never heard of the squatty potty, but, doing research on it now. I've had issues all my life. I've had roids (aka froggies) banded 3 times, however, since WLS I'm doing much better, but, must take a daily Fiber supplement. Thanks for posting this. The product is reasonably priced and I will be ordering one of these soon. The squatting position -vs- sitting makes much sense! I'm sure cavemen never had these issues nor did they need Metamucil. ha ha

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I just got back from the gym and my weekly weigh in. Down 5 lbs. I don't know if my stall has broken or if I have finally evacuated old stool like some reviewers have mentioned, but either way I'll take the victory.

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Man, this thread is right "up my ally". I have been having a rough "go" of it for some time post-op. I have been trying to get more Fiber, I feel like I am drinking enough liquids, but most of the time its a struggle. Pre-Op I would go once a day, maybe skip a day here or there. Since the Sleeve, I have been going about once every 4 days. And it's a struggle to push that sh!t out sometimes. I seriously think I'm going to explode a pipe in the wall if it hits a bend at the wrong angle. I have started drinking diet ocean spray to get some cranberry juice in to help. Seems to be making it a little easier. I may have to check out this device.

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@@dlappjr dude, that is me to a tee. I was a 10 o'clock RR break almost like clockwork. Maybe miss a day here and there. I am not back to that, but at least I am not stopped up for 4 days. There were days very recently that I felt like I was trying to pass a boulder. I can confidently say that for a week now I have been pretty comfortable doing my business.

Here is a listing on ebay that is the same as I bought:


For that price, you get to decide if the 7" or the 9" is right for you. Or put on in each bathroom if you have two.

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These men's threads are Crazy! I love it!

I have been suffering because no one is hitting my problem head on. Man, I've been having this problem wondering if something was wrong with me.

I thought no one else was having my problem. And you know what, anytime I do get regular the weight drops off quickly. I feel like food passes right through my body like it should and with that I have to pee a lot.

When I pee non stop all day I get very excited because I know my system is temporarily working right... The Fluid seems to be trapped inside when not regular.

When this happens I will lose 3 to 5 lbs in a few days...

Then its baccckk...

Slow moving and bloated and no matter how little I eat no matter how much I work out my weight will stall...

Funny thing with fiber and such, I can take it religiously daily and nothing will happen until it wants to work. It may work in a day, 4 days or even 7 days latter, then like a thief in the night I'm back constipated...

Please keep the honest conversation coming, I'm starting to think I'm not crazy..

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I'm 4 weeks post op and have had a horrible time going since surgery. Like squeezing golf balls thru a garden hose! I will definitely be checking out this product. Thanks for the info.

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My surgeon suggested using Miralax at the pediatric dose (half dose) every other day along with added fiber. Works great. It works as a stool softener. There us just not much bulk to form stools like before.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

My surgeon suggested using Miralax at the pediatric dose (half dose) every other day along with added fiber. Works great. It works as a stool softener. There us just not much bulk to form stools like before.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Btw, I'm 6 weeks post sleeve.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

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Just Damn.

Glad things are improving for you.

I guess I took a lot of basic stuff for granted up until a year ago....when things began to unravel with my overall health. I take nothing for granted now......not even a good pit stop in the bathroom.

I'm grateful for the hernia repair at the time of the sleeve. Now, there are no fears from any internal pressure. The 'roids are calmed down now and my pit stops are brief......and infrequent due to the greatly reduced food intake.

Life is good.

EDIT: Looking back on the surgery experience......the first two weeks afterward were not fun at all in the #2 department. I was worried I was going to rupture sutures or some other horrid outcome.

I'm 6'4", son is 6'7" and my wife is 5'11".............................and we have standard height toilets in the house. The act of sitting/standing hurt like hell. I kept thinking......we are tall people......why in the hell do we have toilets made for freaking Hobbit folk ????????

I vowed to install at least one supertall toilet in the house really soon.

Edited by Dub

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Please keep the honest conversation coming, I'm starting to think I'm not crazy..

And that is exactly the reason I posted this in the Guy's Room. I know the women can read it, but the illusion that we are a bunch of guys talking amongst ourselves really helps getting the information out there for the rest of us.

I'm 4 weeks post op and have had a horrible time going since surgery. Like squeezing golf balls thru a garden hose! I will definitely be checking out this product. Thanks for the info.

Man, that is the perfect metaphor for the sensation!

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I remember my 2-week pre-op liquid diet, and the terrible diarrhea... I was warned that I would have the reverse problem soon. How true that is. If I'm ever slightly down on my Water intake, I get backed up sometimes for 3-4 days. I used to be a multi-sh_t per day kinda guy, so going days between is very odd.

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Wow, here I thought it was just me! I had no issues pre-op, but during the pre-op liquid diet I thought I was going to die. Seriously, how could something that big come out of something so small? It was unreal. Dr. had me on Miralax and colace - I don't think either worked. I'm only 8 days post op and it's again a concern. I had my first post-surgery bm this morning, although relatively tiny. I know there's more in there. They've got me taking colace daily and supposedly, if I can't go more today they want me to use a suppository to make me go. I hope this gets better as I start eating again.

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i do notice that being regular means im in a losing stage. if i aint poopin i aint losin. and cadio does seem to do a lot for the poopin. i dont use the squatty, yet but i do use a small footstool. lol and yes it does work to a point. i also take stool softener daily and fiber daily as well. i also know that im about to break a stall due to the excessively long and yes i admit it, fun farts. My wife calls em epic. and laughs uncontrollably sometimes. lol just one of those side effects.

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I am using the stool every time, and it is literally tuning into stop, drop, plop. I use about 1/4 of the TP that I used to use as well. At this point I don't care how ridiculous the name is nor how I look on the pot, the thing works. I hope that it works for anyone on here who decides to buy one!

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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