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May Chat for NJ!!!!

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Patty, I agree about the Jello, it was a God send. I ate jello, and egg drop Soup without the eggs. When you call ask if you can have cream Soups (the healthy ones). I also ate pureed wendy's chili. I was on soft food by day 7. ~Mandy

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Hi girlies,

Patty---glad to see you up and wondering about the food, all is well and normal that tells me!!! They will do Rick's surgery the 13th of June. He is ready, concerned, but ready. He continues to detiorate fairly quickly right now it seems. Each day another issue comes up, today he is swelling. A sign of congestive heart failure. If the meds do not counteract that, we may end up bumping the surgery up. He says they have already helped though---so that is good. I would like to wait, not have it be an emergency procedure, and be sure we get the surgeon we chose. Thanks for all the concern. Cindy I had to get a kleenex when reading about your neighbor. Different job, but for all intents and purposes, I am married to that man! When he was in for surgery, the sheer number of people, coworkers, former ball team players, old classmates....was staggering. I guess until then, I knew he was important to me and the kids, never realizing how many lives he has touched! He coached baseball for over 20 years---kids love him! I know exactly the type of man you describe. I ache for his wife and family...and for the rest of you losing your friend.

I did a no no today. I have had this headache that would not go away. I tried chewable Tylenol, liquid Tylenol---nothing. Finally I chewed up several (8 worked out to be = to 2 adult) baby aspirin....blessed relief! I won't make a habit out of it, but needed something!

Well guess I should go figure out some dinner. Y'all take care, I'll check back. I need to update my ticker, I really am walking still. I have even been pulling a wagon with 2 kids some of the time...that wears me out!



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Kat, you are truly blessed then. What a guy! When that many people care that much, it speaks quite clearly about the character of the man. His wife and I are really the friends...I met him, of course, through her. We became friends because she did my nails, and you know how you talk and talk...then we built our house two doors down from them, right after they finished building theirs. They were married one month after us(both had been married before). They would host the parties for all the kids in the neighborhood at Halloween...decorate the neighborhood float for the town Christmas parade...he would coach the Little League teams...exactly like you desribe, Kat. I hope Rick hangs tough and you don't need emergency surgery. More prayers coming your way.

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Good Morning Everyone !!

Cindy, I'm so sorry to read about your friends passing :mad: what a sad sad thing to say the least. Bravo to him for being a doner...what a brave soul.

Kat, my stars... I pray Rick has some easy days before his surgery. When it rains it pours huh. They can do some amazing things these days for sure... thank God for research.

Patty, girl, I'm so glad your feeling better every day. Welcome WELCOME WELCOME to bandland. One little bit of advice I would give is DO NOT lift anything or do any exercise until your doc says so (6 weeks I believe) you don't want to break anything inside or create scar tissue. 6 weeks is nothing and will go fast... Make the boys vaccum and what ever else you need done... just heal. Also stick to your doc's diet for the first few weeks, its soooo important in the healing process and you'll love the weight melting off.

Sherry how are you feeling hon since your unfil? Glad your Mom's day was good.

Betty, glad your testing came out good.... now you have me scared LOLOL Yow are you feeling love? how's those lovely flowers in your yard?

Deb, how goes your WL ??? things okay?

Its going to rain here this weekend so I'll be doing a lot of cleaning. I need to clean the house b/c in 2 weeks we're gonna head on off to Hershey Park for a few days and my friend is staying at the house....don't want her seeing what a slob I really am LOLOL So I'll start cleaning today (since the weekend is all the time I have to clean oy).

We had a tornado hit our street on Wednesday...it did damage to the neighborhood but missed my house THANK YOU LORD !!!! We had a tree just miss our picture window in the front of the house, it cracked the siding instead pheeeeeeeew......Sitting here looking out my front window, all I see is a massive tree busted in half laying in the road. It took down my neighbors chimney, rooted up trees, wires were on fire in the streets...look like a war zone that day coming home and the storm was a quick 1/2 hr long MAYBE. I think the rest of the folks in town have power now.

God Is Good !!!!!!!

Pat, Darcy, Beanie oh Beanie I miss you..... Chrispy Girl, Mandy...anyone else I'm sorry if I missed you *WAVE*

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Ohh... I'm getting a fill on the 23rd.... Boy can I eat alot of food and its time to CHIT or get off the pot so to speak. I need to start losing weight again. I was to comfortable with the amount of food I was / am able to eat... I was enjoying it but its time to break away from that feeling or I'm doomed. My last fill was over 6 months ago so I should be okay.

Summer's here (almost) and I need to get into smaller pants :mad:

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One more thing...what the hell is those little things at the bottom of each post ??

Dig a post? Add post to Del.icio.us ? Furl this post ?????

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Eileen....you're right those things at the bottom are weird. If ya click it it brings you to another website to sign into. Odd!

I'm feeling good. Right now things are tight because of TOM but when that passes it's as if I never got a fill. Hate that but, seems I'm out of luck. Doc doesn't want to see me for another 6 months after the last fill episode. He claims there is more in there than when I went for the fill but, I can't feel it. I think he took too much out but, how do you argue when you can't see the needle? I need to get my ARS moving...that's the solution to this plateau from hell! but do I do it? Of course not. Now that mom moved out...I'm hoping to turn her bedroom into an exercise area. We'll see how that goes.

Has anyone see the exercise program Hip Hop Abs? I love the music...just curious if anyone has the program and if they like it.

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Good Morning Ladies!

Congratulations Patty, hope you're feeling better day by day. As for creamy Soups, my doctor told me I could have anything that would go through a straw, (but don't use a straw). My fav was blended sausage gravy from Hardees. All soups, especially that Campbells Hand Soup, just chew up the food at the bottom and spit it out, LOL, but enjoy the broth. I didn't do Protein Shakes then, I thought they were all made with milk, YUK, but now I love Protein shakes from Tropical Cafe. I used the advertised on TV, Magic Bullet Blender. You can make your own smoothie and add yogurt, and fruit. I had the shoulder/neck pain too, massaging it helped the most.

Hope all my other galpals are doing great. WL for me now is none, I need a fill, but I've gotten very comfortable with what I can eat at this point, enjoyably so, which is not a good thing. I plan on a fill middle of June, like Eileenie said, time to get chit or get off the pot.

Sherry, you must have been watching the same infomercial as me this am, LMAO, sure made it look easy and fun.

Crazy new website, can't get use to the ads, but I figured it was coming.

Hugs to you all!

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Hi Pat, Hi Eileen, Hi Sherry! How nice to see you this Saturday morning!

Everyone's getting ready for fills, that's exciting! I probably could use a tweak myself...since my body simply refuses to cross over to Onederland...but, with a Disney trip/cruise right around the corner, I've simply decided to pull a Scarlet on that one for now (I'll think about that tomorrow....) LOLOLOL!

Today, I'm going to a friends' daughter's graduation "tea"...followed directly by a friends' son's wedding and dinner...the fun never stops around here! DD is going to hang out with my sister, and go to the tea also, followed by a barbeque. My sister has the baby cousin, her gbaby, so my DD is ALL about that!

Hey, guess what? We got tickets to go to a concert in August (long wait!)...Don Henley, the Pretenders, and Stray Cats...is that gonna be fun or what??? Or, maybe it's not your cup of tea...but I love all three of them. We are taking our DD...none of these performers are particularly naughty (well, there's that one Pretender song, but I'll prepare her for that). She love performing, so we thought she should start seeing some good ones.

Well, that's about it for today...glad your house was spared major damage, Eileen...thank GOD!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hello Friends,

Day 5 Post-Op. Very lonely. My Mom is is Hawaii and all my other friends are at Disneyland for the World Premiere of Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End. I went to the last 2 Premieres and kinda feel left out of all the festivities. A day without Johnny Depp is like a day without sunshine.....OK that was kinda sappy, but it was fun to type! Anyway, I having been trying to keep busy today, I washed my hair, tried to take a nap and then decided to make homemade French Onion Soup.... anything to keep the hunger at bay. I watched "wedding crashers" and later will be watching "dejaVu". Last night I finally "learned" to sleep on my left side(I think thats where my port is" and I got a good 5 hours in, which has made a world of difference in how I feel. Thank you all with all your suggestions and tips. I know I'm not really alone..... just missing the children and girlfriend (she went out of town yesterday).

Pat: Was that you really posting!! I have missed you EVER SO much. So glad to have you visit!

Eileenie: Thanks for being a mother hen.... I lifted a few groceries and felt very tired -- but OK. I will behave. Super glad that you house is OK.

Sherry:Plateau from Hell? Down, bessie..... you've had alot on you plate, but if its encouragement you need then, go get that fill! :guess

Cindy:Your friends funeral must have been very difficult for you...sad. Glad that you had plans for the graduation tea today. Eat something for me!

OK... it off the have more Jello, popcicles and Protein Shakes. Bye!

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Just take it one little hour at a time, Patty! Sure, you're gonna have to miss something now, but just THINK about all the great stuff you're gonna get to do later, that you might be missing now, due to being tired/unhealthy/etc...I mean, it's true what they say... you can't get something for nothing. So, you're investing quite a bit now, and you'll get a great payoff! Keep your chin up, girlfriend! I sure appreciate your kind words regarding my friend's funeral...yes, it's difficult, but not nearly as much as it is for the kids over there...I know they are grateful for all prayers on their behalf. ((HUGS))

DD's recital went very well...we all had a good time going out afterwards. Tomorrow is relatively "slow"...I'm looking forward to catching up on some household "cleaning"...which might be called "crisis management"!

Have a great evening!


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Howdy folks...quiet here today

Patty..mmmm homemade French Onion Soup? Do send the recipe. It's my favorite soup and one of my favorites since banding. Most of my favorite foods preband...my band can't tolerate anymore so I can't say much suits my fancy anymore. But...French Onion Soup yummmy :)

Cindy - a quiet day tomorrow for you? shhh don't say that too loud you might be making snow cones again hee hee. Cleaning...my goodness that's all I did today in the apartment downstairs. Mom moved out and man that place needed a cleanin. Washed the counters, cabinets, freezer, fridge, stove, kitchen floor, bathroom, livingroom rug. Scrubbed the marks off the walls, vacuumed twice and got all the dust bunnies out of the corners. Man...I'm pooped. Tomorrow I have to scrub the baseboards, couldn't do that today because the rug was wet from washing it. Then it will be clean clean!

I set up an exercise area in what used to be my mom's bedroom. TV, VCR, DVD players, treadmill, exercise bike and lots of exercise tapes/cds. Now...just gotta get my butt down there and as Nike says JUST DO IT! Then maybe I can get this sassafrassin scale moving.

All that was done after a Reiki Seminar this weekend. I got my Reiki Level IV certification so I'm now a Reiki Master. I can teach it to others now. That's what I'm planning on doing with the apartment downstairs. I'll have my Reiki Practice down there as well as my exercise room. It will be great for those "girl" parties too heh heh. Plus if anyone were to visit Massachusetts they'll have their own kitchen, bathroom and bedroom down there :) Mom is happy in her new place with her "friend" too so it's all working out.

Well....I should be getting some work work done so I better get going. Seems never enough time in a day and weekends just go by way too fast.

Hugs to you all...hope you're doing well.

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Hi everyone---Rick got tired of me dragging my feet, so he went and bought a new computer.........I HATE it!!!!!

He is a man....bigger is better. The monitor hurts my eyes, it is too bright, and way the heck to big, seems to me it distorts things. On the bright side---I sure as heck don't need my glasses!!!

Trying to relearn everything they changed just irritates me!! Guess I am just a grouch about it all!!!

I want him to network my old one in so I can still use it, problems and all!

At the very least....my old monitor, it was 17" and I liked it---this one is too danged bright, and I cannot find controls yet. You can touch the monitor to do things, without the keyboard......hmmmmmm

Patty, hang in there!!! It will shock you the speed the weight comes off in the next month I bet!

OK, head hurts from this bright movie screen a foot away from me..........check in tomorrow!!!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh, I don't know where the weekend went! I had so much planned to do and didn't get anything done! Well, I got a little done but not much. I had company all day yesterday so that set me back! I did get to go to the Farmer's Market and get some great veggies/fruits. I just love going there!

It looks like it's going to rain all week here, I won't complain, let it rain every weekday and give me the weekends! My flower beds needs the weeds pulled so bad!

Anybody got plans for the long weekend? We usually go away on the long weekend with family, but this year we are staying home. I don't know what we are going to do yet though. They might all come here and have a bbq, we'll see!

Well, going to go jump in the shower and get dressed. I'll check out the rest of the board and do some personals later!

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Morning all, I spent the weekend painting. My living room is done. I did 3 walls almond and one dark chocolate. It looks sooo cool. The walls were hospital white when we moved in and we haven't painted because the window needed replacing and we knew that was going to happen this spring. I didn't want to have to paint twice. I also painted a room in my entry way dark chocolate, the other walls in the entryway and hall will BA almond, I'll do those this week. My next project will be the kitchen...I bought a fun bright orange (think tangerine) for the kitchen. I can't wait. Abi's room was painted right after we moved in, she hated living here so we let her pick paint and we painted her room bright yellow and rose pink, it looks nice but I'm sure she will outgrow it quickly. The window looks great with the new paint. I will take pictures when all the paint supplies are out of the way. I have a dentist appt today, just a cleaning, but I am sure he will find something else to do. I take care of my teeth but it's been a while, so I'm sure I'm due for an issue. I'll check in later. ~Mandysxdz

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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