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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Just thinking about you and Rick and wondering how things are going today! Hope all is well! Will be praying for you both (and your family).

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Sounds silly...but jiggle your belly lightly for about five minutes...I did that the first week or so andytime I got any gas pains...It really seemed to break them up! Hubby said it worked for him as well!

Chin up!!!:)

I'll try that!!! Thank you sooooooooo much for the tip!!! I'll let you know if it worked for me! :clap2:

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Pamela - I am so right there with you. I am grazing like I did on my "farewell to food tour" (thanks, Tracy :) ) and I feel fat, too. I also have been in a bad mood for about a week. My patient advocate told me that depression at about 3 weeks was very normal....I guess this is what she was talking about. Which brings me to something I was thinking about earlier...

I think there is some kind of connection between weight loss, hormones, plateaus and grazing. Is anyone with me? When I lost a bunch of weight low-carbing mine (and everyone else's on the forum) periods got all messed up. A year later I hit menopause....at the ripe age of 45!!! Anyway... here I am at a predicted 3 week depression (hormone related?), I'm grazing as if I was PMS'ing, & my weight loss has stalled. Does anyone know any scientific reason that explains this? I know we've got a lot of expert dieters here!

Teri, I know exactly how you're feeling. I was just thinking that today, that I felt like I was PMS'ing. I was grazing all day, not on good stuff either. I was craving chocolate like crazy and I had three of those Snickers minis. I feel like I'm eating just as much as before. After dinner, on the ride home, I started getting emotional with my boyfriend. A simple conversation turned into a fight. I felt just like I do when I'm about to start my period. You're right, there has got to be some sort of correlation between weight loss and hormones....

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I'll try that!!! Thank you sooooooooo much for the tip!!! I'll let you know if it worked for me! :clap2:

I was also just remembering that there were posts (can't remember where - but somewhere on LBT) recommending breathing exercises as well. After surgery, I just made it a point to make sure I was taking deep breaths...A couple of times a day, I would make it a point to breathe deeply and slowly in and out for about 5 minutes at a time...

Have a great evening...I'm gonna head to beddy-bye:notagree

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Laura thanks for the AI tip...It was great that I knew early and told my friend too. Your rock!


Man o Man...I hear you. I told you about the eating, and the totally bitchy attitude (tattling on someone...who am i). Then tonight, whamo...out of nowhere, started crying...and then the topper...a pimple OUT OF THE BLUE. I thought, what date is it? AAAAHHH yes, I know now. Thanks for comiserating (not spelled right) with me. It does help to know I am not alone in this. There is something to the weightloss, and hormones. I am what they call peri menopausal already. Anyway, I guess we will get through this together.:)

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Chica Chula - I feel like a golfball is in my throat, there is some gurgling, burping and FOR SURE I know not to put anything else in. Yucky feeling!

I had two bites of brown rice, really chewing and blam - that was the end of my Thai chicken with peanut sauce dinner. I was lucky that I slowly ate some chicken first. I packed 3/4 of the dinner up and that was all she had for dinner. Two hours later I had a Protein Shake. I know I will lose weight if I feel like this.


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Heads up...this was copied from another thread posted by wasabubblebutt. It is an invaluable piece of information and EVERY aspect of LB. Diet, exercise, food, fills, mental, etc. is all discussed here. I marked this in my LB favorites and will refer to this often. Thanks WABB!

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Well, I've just done my second workout for May :) ! I think my mum and I are going to going swimming tonight so that will be my 3rd one :paranoid. Wooohaaa careful Sara...

Dynamomini - I so hope you meet a wonderful partner in the near future, and you can wow him with your new sexy bod! Ooo by the way I saw you mentioned about eating chicken and rice.....uuugggghhhhh stay away from RICE!! Ive tried it now 3 times since being banded, holy moley, Ive eaten it with sloppy food, on its own, and with hard food, and each time I do I am sick...:cry ...Ive given up on it now! Its weird though, cos 2 days ago I actually managed a brown bread and ham & cucumber sandwhich, fine no problem, then yesterday...I choked on the bread...weird???

Jennifur - Good luck with the job interview today, fingers and toes crossed, I know it means so much to you x btw, your DBF will have a nice surprise too, when he see's ya working there :)

Terry - I'm envious of ya with your hubby!! I agree with you and Pam, that hormones do play a major part in our psyhcological urges for food, I find emotions/frustrations to...infact any mood, lol!!

Pam - I have NO restriction either, I'm dieting now, I try and keep under 1250 cals a day (trying is the word alright!) I dont get a fill till the 12th (just over 6 weeks after my op).

Laura - wow your new house looks fabulous!!!!!! you lucky duck, I bet you cant wait for it to be finished and you can get in there and decorate it, and buy all gorgeous furniture! We had our house built 12 yrs ago now, the old house was over 40+ years old, and it was falling down, and we didnt want to move (as my mum n dad live down the feild from us) so we went for it, its one of the biggest acheivements that Dave and I have done. You and Teach are soooooo lucky to have hot tubs too, its too cold here in the UK, I mean you could have one here, but I think it would need to be indoors, or only used in the summer. Mind you it is getting hotter here, and spring came a month earlier than normal.

Haydee - thank you so much for reminding me of the tell tell signs of the band again. Im ashamed to say I get that quite often. Yesterday I had a low fat califlower cheese bake, and it sat in my throat, but I still wanted to eat! I'm going to seriously take more notice from now on. Trouble is, sometimes I get so hungry, and I want to eat fast like I used too, and i cant (which is a good thing!) but its remembering that I cant!! lol

Christy - good luck today at the Docs, I hope every things ok, let us know xx

Pam, thanks for that link, its fantastic on the do's and dont's and all about banding, Ive saved it on my computer, so I can re read it again every now and again.

Have a great day xxxx

Love sara xx

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Hi Gurls!!

I'm so sorry..another major post..I just can't help it..I think it's part of the healing proccess (verbal diarohea?)

Laura...Congratulations on the house!! I remember you saying you hope to be in by July. We're building too and hope to be in if not July then August. I must take some photos too. It's sooo exciting. Where I live now we can hear EVERYTHING through the walls...And to all of us who are sexstarved let me tell you that my neighbours aren't up to much in that dept either!!

LOL... KITY...is that tattling too?

Seriously though, have you ever had a fight with DH where you whisper abuse coz the neighbours are home!!!

KITY...about the M&M's...try to imagine they're actually made from rabbitt shit..in a crispy coated shell...LOL (I don't know what else to say)

AND SPEAKING OF RABBITT's...SARA!!!! (Me too!!) :):D

Girls, let's try to perk up about our lives.. there's great sense of humour & so much support & honesty here but there's also a lot of fear & disbelief.

Some of you fear your "old" selves are creeping back & that's a totally justified fear, it's your nightmare after all you've been through.

I just want to be honest with those of you who need it and suggest that you actually don't believe you're gonna make it. Take a good honest stock of your core beliefs & selves and you will find a core belief that has convinced you you will always struggle with food & your weight. It really doesn't have to be like that. If you truly BELIEVE in your ability, the chocolate & ice cream may just stop calling your name...not always but it will stop haunting you.

This is not any easy thing to change. here is just a very simple example. For a long long time I believed I was spoilt, because people use to tell me I was. So I carried on like a spoilt person. This was all subconsciously.

Once I recognised that belief I took a different perspective on it & realised I was not spoilt I was Loved, very much. That had an enormous effect on my life, I began to feel loved instead because I had changed a core belief about my self. I became different in my attitudes too, becuase I had nothing to be ashamed about. If people were jealous of me, it was not that I was priveledged or above them, they just stuck to their one perspective.

Maybe it was that they were lacking in something I so obviously was getting. It stopped becoming my problem that they were so bitter toward me. I still meet this type of person every day.

One of my parents is famous here in Ireland and I've always had to deal with people having pre conceived notions about me.

I've had my circle of true friends for a long time & yes I've been lucky in life but people sometimes can't handle that. They choose not to see your struggles but only what you have and they look for weakness in you to make themselves feel better.

but I've never stood on anyone and I've never belittled anyone or rubbed anything in anyone's face..I'm a modest & sensitive person & couldn't understand all this bitterness towards me.

Is it not amazing how all our lives can be so similiar in areas? You see here we can be more honest because in a sense we're anonymous and free from judgement. Whereas in our everyday lives we mask ALL this stuff and go around thinking we're the only ones who eat in the dark or cry at night or have no intimate relations at home. But The people you meet everyday are masking their problems too & we all portray an "image" of togetherness, satisfaction & security. Does it really exist though? Of course it does, but not as much around you as you think!

Then you retreat & beat yourself up about it in the privacy of your own thoughts battling with emotions!! Its no wonder we're all so emotional & reaching for food / drugs / alcohol!!! We're TIRED of acting..that's hard work!!

I'm gonna nominate myself for an oscar here...in the category of

"best performance of person who doesn't get upset about what you, or anyone else thinks about me"

that's my acting skill, utterly perfected. But of course I do get upset, because I'm caring and sensitive and I like to be nice and I like to be generous, and while those I "don't get upset about" are at home getting dressed to go out on saturday night where am I? At home collecting my reward of a box of pringles, 2 bowls of Cereal, a couple of sandwiches, toast and whatever else I've harvested and SOOO not going out coz nothin fits!!

Eh, no thanks...not anymore, I'll pass on the oscar thanks...

What's your oscar category/ies?

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Hi Gurls!!

I'm so sorry..another major post..I just can't help it..I think it's part of the healing proccess (verbal diarohea?)

Keep it coming!! Lots of insight that I need right now...I'm hazarding a guess here...I bet others need it as well!

My Oscar...hmmmmm...I'll have to think about that one...

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Gr8: Don't worry about the bad choices you are doing great and look at it this way...... YOU DIDN't EAT an ENTIRE BAG!

Denise: Did the jiggling belly thing work?

Judy: I too am amazed at the differences in diets...

Sara: congrats on the exercise!


For me: I did not attemp eggs last night. I did however attempt to make some Lasagna filling (cottage cheese, mozz, leftover spaghetti sauce) blended up and baked....... I took one bite and just freaked out.... I couldn't do it.. not because it didn't go down, but because I had scared myself about it... I did NOT want a repeat of the night before, so I ate a SF popsicle and drank a glass of tea. This morning I woke up to a loss! Yay! My stomach is growling so I will eat my sf pudding and then drink my Isopure (almost out of them) I see my doc tomorrow, and two of my steri strips have fallen off........

DBF says he can tell I've lost some in my butt..... I guess thats good.. at least he's LOOKING right?? :)

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Good job on the inches! i wanted to start working out with my weights as well but I didnt know when we could? All I remember is them telling me not to lift anything heavy but not sure for how long? I am feeling great but dont want to hurt anything on the inside! What are you eating during the day? I was losing a pound a day since surgery but since mushies I have been stuck. I am just happy I am not gaining but would love to keep losing. Let me know what you are doing. =)

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Originally Posted by adorable viewpost.gif

Thank you so much for the reassurance. Here I am an RN and if it were anyone else I'd tell them the same thing, however with myself I am SUCH a worry wart! I've been searching the forums for the past 30 minutes about this nagging pain under my left rib cage every time I take a deep breath. I know that it could be a blood clot, however more than likely it's just trapped gas so I'm going to wait it out LOL...God I feel pathetic sometimes!


I am so happy you posted about the pain under the left rib cage! it is comforting to know we are not alone! I was worried as well since that seems to be the only pain I have! Last night i took a laxative and the pain is now gone. Yippee. You may want to give it a try!

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DBF says he can tell I've lost some in my butt..... I guess thats good.. at least he's LOOKING right?? happy.gif



he is looking at your booty, your booty, your booty!!

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Good morning, fellow Shrink'n Violets!!!

Well, the wonderful idea about the sf pudding had a glitch. Though it tasted absolutely luscious, it gave me really rumbling gas last night. I should have known the sugar alcohol would do that. So it's back to lo fat pudding and Jello with lo fat whipped cream. I'll do the sf once in a while when I want a treat.

I'm babysitting grandson Ethan today. He's napping now so Grammy gets to get on the computer for a little bit. After his nap we'll go "strollin" and Grammy will get in her 30 minutes of walking and Ethan will get outside in the fresh air.

I'm anxious to hear all the fill details from those who will be getting one soon. My port incision is finally calming down as far as redness and pulling. I can even bend over and get up without any problems now. All the other incisions are healed and fading away. That means back to the gardening and pulling all the old stuff out so the new stuff can take hold. (Kinda sounds like our life as bandsters now, doesn't it???)

Everyone have a great day and be true to those bandster rules!!!

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