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January Bandsters???

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So, I haven't been posting again. Basically I was in the hospital (non lap-band related) and my mom told the doctor's/therapists that I had a lapband and all they gave me was chicken broth :faint: ! So, after checking myself out last night, I got to eat a turkey burger! If you want to know what happened, PM me, it's something I don't want the WHOLE board reading about.

So to bring myself back up, I weighed myself this morning and I lost.....37 lbs since surgery!!! I can't believe it, I think the "yummy" chicken broth helped!

Guys, please please please be careful with depression post-op. I didn't think it would happen to me and it did, really bad. So if you feel glum or blue, don't think it's just a bad day or hormones, please talk to someone. Don't end up in my situation and eating chicken broth in a "special" part of a hospital.

Since my surgery, it's been like a freaking roller coaster, the ups and downs are so crazy! Other than that, it's worth my health, I finally had to buy a new bra and it didn't come from a box (Playtex 18 hours anyone?). Soon I'm going to have to buy some new pants, because my behind is SAGGING (the pants, not my actual rear end lol). I'm working out more and enjoying life for as much as I can. I'm not listening to what people say or feel about it if it's negative. I just let my motto live with me (since it's literally tattooed on my back) "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" or "don't let the bastards grind you down"

37lbs! You are doing so good! I've had bad PMS this month too. I usually have it bad anyway, but I'm trying to tune into my body more and it seemed like I was extremly tense before I started. It stinks that your having such a hard time, but remember you always have your band mates to talk to.

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Thanks Joanne! Hang in there and Im sure you will be fine. One thing I have realized is that Hunger pains dont hurt anymore than being to full. Everything is about balance. For the first time In my life I have realized that I dont have to eat a ton of my favorite foods to be satisfied but rather take my time and enjoy the quantity that I do eat.


This is a such a great way to think....hunger doesn't hurt more than being full. Balance. So true. I'm going to keep it! Thanks for sharing.

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I hit 50lbs on Saturday! I cant believe its coming off so fast!


Congrats Joe, you're doing an awesome job! How much chicken breast do you eat at lunch? A whole breast or half? I can only eat about 2 oz of Protein now, and then I get that full feeling. Today for lunch I tried 2 oz on ground turkey and 2 oz of mushy squash (from the freezer aisle). That made me feel like I ate a lot. I guess that's good.

What do you do for exercise? Are you doing weights now? Is anyone out here doing weights yet?

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So, I haven't been posting again. Basically I was in the hospital (non lap-band related) and my mom told the doctor's/therapists that I had a lapband and all they gave me was chicken broth :faint: ! So, after checking myself out last night, I got to eat a turkey burger! If you want to know what happened, PM me, it's something I don't want the WHOLE board reading about.

So to bring myself back up, I weighed myself this morning and I lost.....37 lbs since surgery!!! I can't believe it, I think the "yummy" chicken broth helped!

Guys, please please please be careful with depression post-op. I didn't think it would happen to me and it did, really bad. So if you feel glum or blue, don't think it's just a bad day or hormones, please talk to someone. Don't end up in my situation and eating chicken broth in a "special" part of a hospital.

Since my surgery, it's been like a freaking roller coaster, the ups and downs are so crazy! Other than that, it's worth my health, I finally had to buy a new bra and it didn't come from a box (Playtex 18 hours anyone?). Soon I'm going to have to buy some new pants, because my behind is SAGGING (the pants, not my actual rear end lol). I'm working out more and enjoying life for as much as I can. I'm not listening to what people say or feel about it if it's negative. I just let my motto live with me (since it's literally tattooed on my back) "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" or "don't let the bastards grind you down"

Wow Shues!!! You are amazing! You've been through alot - yet still come here and encourage us all with your amazing story of triumphing (is that a word??). 37 the hard way, huh? I must say - I am in awe. I know that any depression that I've had in the past, I've dealt with it and GAINED weight. Congrats on that turkey burger, I'm sure you considered it a feast!! I hope you're well on your way to a safe, happy recovery. I hope you can appreciate how much your story has inspired me as well as others. We all have an uphill battle, some of it depression, some negativity, some of it comes in the form of just plain old evil HUNGER. We're all in it together!!!

Warm Regards.

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Congrats Joe!

Shues, I'm glad to see you're feeling better and back posting.

As for me, today is my fill day. My appointments later on in the day, so I'll have to let you know how it goes tomorrow.

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Hello everyone, just doing a quick swing by. I had some kind of stomach bug on Thursday, sicker than anything Thursday & Friday, then Thursday afternoon my great aunt died, so I was out of town at her funeral on Saturday.

I come into work today and a co-worker I've worked with for 10 years died in his sleep. I'm just so emotional drained. He leaves behind a 10 & 5 year old boys and a wife. We found out he had coronary artery desease (sp), so basically, he had blockage and a heart attack. He was not overweight at all, and 49 years old.

I weighed this morning and I've gained 2 lbs from last week. I find myself snacking a bit more than usual, not too much, but I can tell I'm eating more than 1/2 cup now, so Ithink my restriction has finally left me and I'm ready for a fill.

Well, I gotta run, lots of work to get done here at work. I will try and check in later.

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Congrats Joe, you're doing an awesome job! How much chicken breast do you eat at lunch? A whole breast or half? I can only eat about 2 oz of Protein now, and then I get that full feeling. Today for lunch I tried 2 oz on ground turkey and 2 oz of mushy squash (from the freezer aisle). That made me feel like I ate a lot. I guess that's good.

What do you do for exercise? Are you doing weights now? Is anyone out here doing weights yet?

I can eat an whole chicken breat (4-5 oz) I do walk but no weights yet.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


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Hello everyone, just doing a quick swing by. I had some kind of stomach bug on Thursday, sicker than anything Thursday & Friday, then Thursday afternoon my great aunt died, so I was out of town at her funeral on Saturday.

I come into work today and a co-worker I've worked with for 10 years died in his sleep. I'm just so emotional drained. He leaves behind a 10 & 5 year old boys and a wife. We found out he had coronary artery desease (sp), so basically, he had blockage and a heart attack. He was not overweight at all, and 49 years old.

I weighed this morning and I've gained 2 lbs from last week. I find myself snacking a bit more than usual, not too much, but I can tell I'm eating more than 1/2 cup now, so Ithink my restriction has finally left me and I'm ready for a fill.

Well, I gotta run, lots of work to get done here at work. I will try and check in later.

Hi Sunshine ,

You have had a rough week so do not be to hard on yourself ! It could have been a lot worse for all you have had to deal with.

I usually weigh on Mondays BUT I chose not to today. I did not want to derail myself. I to have been snacking, I'm trying to make good food choices but I know I am eating more than I was.

You are doing great do not be discouraged !


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Hi Sunshine ,

You have had a rough week so do not be to hard on yourself ! It could have been a lot worse for all you have had to deal with.

I usually weigh on Mondays BUT I chose not to today. I did not want to derail myself. I to have been snacking, I'm trying to make good food choices but I know I am eating more than I was.

You are doing great do not be discouraged !


Hi Joanne,

I know how you feel. I have this weird thing where I feel restricted when I am eating but I get hungry about every 2 or 3 hours. I saw my doctor today but I won't have a fill until March 26th. I was very swollen after surgery and became very dehydrated so now they want to make sure I'm getting in all the liquids and Protein before I have a fill. So that will be 8 weeks out for me:cry

I've lost about 19 1/2 lbs since surgery 4 weeks ago. I just hope I don't gain before my fill date!

So much to learn....

Take care everyone.


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Hey guys,

I remember we were talking about this earlier this month, but are we going to get some sort of exercise challenge going? I think it would be really motivational for all of us. I would organize it, but I don't even know where to start lol! I mean, I guess we could make a goal to do 20 mins of exercise 4-5X a week. Any suggestions?????

PS-I ate 2 oz of ground turkey for dinner and I'm still stuffed, this is so weird but in a good way!

PPS-Keep up the good work and thanks for all your support guys! :)

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:) warning- this might sound whiny to those of you having a better experience or maybe more self control...


I was banded 1/31 and I was doing so awesome for the first 2 weeks- port pain but no vomiting or anything... then all of a sudden last Monday (2.5 weeks out) I was so hungry I swear it was like I never had surgery. I had lost 20 pounds since surgery and now I am gaining it all back- I feel very little restriction and am not even making good choices. My port hurts quite a bit still, all incisions are doing well

Anyhow, I called last week and tried to talk them into giving me a fill. I know, I am supposed to be healing but I waited so long for a weight loss tool that worked and now I feel like I am losing the bit of progress that I made. Anyhow, they (of course) said not until I am 6 weeks out. 6 weeks! That didn't seem so long before but now that I am hungry and not getting restriction until I've eaten too much. Does every doctor make you wait 6 weeks?

What do I do? I am getting so depressed, it feels like another failed diet. Please don't hammer me <ducks> I know I need to make good choices when I eat and I am trying but I feel like a failure already.

Is any of this normal? I read some posts that talk about being hungry but then again some of you have lost a lot already. Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Hi Sherilynn,

I'm Just curious as to what day you were banded ? Since you and I have an appt.for our 1st fill about the same time !

I feel Like I am at a real stand still w/o a fill.:) My Dr. insists on waiting 6 full wks before the first fill. I was banded on 1/29 the absolute earliest I could get in was 3/8. On 3/9 we are having house guests from out of town for the whole weekend and a big Bar B que with about 10 people:eek: I decided to go ahead and get mine on the 8th anyway but the nurse talked me out of it since it is my first fill and I do not know how I will react. I guess with Guests in the house I do not want to be trying to deal with any issues in case there is any ?:sick

Hope everyone is having a restful weekend,


Hey- I was banded 1/31 and My surgeon says that 3/14 is 6 weeks out, yours counts 6 weeks out as one week earlier... I am so lost. Am I (or is my surgeon) counting wrong? <crossed fingers>

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:) warning- this might sound whiny to those of you having a better experience or maybe more self control...


I was banded 1/31 and I was doing so awesome for the first 2 weeks- port pain but no vomiting or anything... then all of a sudden last Monday (2.5 weeks out) I was so hungry I swear it was like I never had surgery. I had lost 20 pounds since surgery and now I am gaining it all back- I feel very little restriction and am not even making good choices. My port hurts quite a bit still, all incisions are doing well

Anyhow, I called last week and tried to talk them into giving me a fill. I know, I am supposed to be healing but I waited so long for a weight loss tool that worked and now I feel like I am losing the bit of progress that I made. Anyhow, they (of course) said not until I am 6 weeks out. 6 weeks! That didn't seem so long before but now that I am hungry and not getting restriction until I've eaten too much. Does every doctor make you wait 6 weeks?

What do I do? I am getting so depressed, it feels like another failed diet. Please don't hammer me <DUCKS>I know I need to make good choices when I eat and I am trying but I feel like a failure already.

Is any of this normal? I read some posts that talk about being hungry but then again some of you have lost a lot already. Thanks in advance for any advice.

I think that so many of us are struggling with this same issue right now. I go for my first fill on Thursday, but am not getting my hopes up for much restriction as from what I can tell most don't on the first fill.

I have been trying to limit the carbs and concentrate on the Protein. If I can get a good amount of protein in and stay away from the carbs for a couple of days, I seem to lose that terrible craving to eat all of the time.

I am also frustrated right now, as I guess I was not prepared to have to deal with my hunger and appetite for another couple of months after surgery. I had read it on the posts, but somehow it just didn't really sink in. Just trying to be patient right now AND IT IS HARD!!!

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I Love Lentils and I am wondering If you have ever cooked them in chicken broth ? I have never cooked them from scratch before I always open a can ! But it sounds just like split peas and I cook those in chicken broth instead of Water :-) Since the broth is salty I guess you would need to be careful when adding extra salt.

Anyway thanks for the receipe.


Cooking them in broth tastes great!!

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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