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Complications after Sleeve Surgery

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moore in tennesse if you don't mind me asking, I have not had the surgery yet. can you tell me where you had your surgery and who the surgeon was?


mary Jude in st.Louis

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Hi p77tmey, I'm so sorry that you had to go through so much. It must have been very scary! I'm scheduled for surgery Aug 18th and getting a bit frightened. How were you able to increase your Water intake? Are you able to eat at all?

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I had the sleeve 12/18/09. On 1/2/10 I was directly admitted to the ICU with bilateral DVT's and a massive pulmonary embolism.... Four doctors told me that when I passed out at home, it should have been me collapsing because I was DEAD.... Six months later, I'm on blood thinners (for life, because the IVC filter I had put in on 1/2/10 was not able to be retrieved in March due to it growing into my vein wall). If there is ONE THING I can advise to people, is to DRINK, DRINK, DRINK! I went from being overhydrated on IV fluids post-op, to about only 5 oz intake per day at home. I should have seen it coming (as a nurse), but rationalized all my symptoms to make myself think that I was ok..... sunken in eyes, little urine output, pain in the back of my leg, and a fast heartbeat.

To all future sleevers, please take my advice. I'm glad to be alive to give it...


Teri, what a scary miracle. Your post is an eye opener. I never thought dehydration could do such damage post op, but it makes sense. Best wishes on your continued recovery.

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Hi p77tmey, I'm so sorry that you had to go through so much. It must have been very scary! I'm scheduled for surgery Aug 18th and getting a bit frightened. How were you able to increase your Water intake? Are you able to eat at all?

Hi Bonnielass,

It took time for me to be able to drink more. Every day I was able to drink a little more. Looking back, I think I should have been more persistent with making myself drink. I was so focused on getting in my 4 oz Protein shake that that is basically all I drank. It took me an hour to drink two ounces! I was scared to drink any more for fear I would bust something open, I think. Maybe I could have forced myself to drink more, but I'm not sure about that..... I had terrible bouts of nausea for the first few weeks after surgery and what I could get in was, I felt, all I could get in. And my doc was right, the part of my stomach that told me I was hungry was not there any more and therefore I wasn't hungry (or even thirsty for that matter) so I guess I just didn't even think about drinking.

Today I am able to eat anything (is that what you were asking?). Post op I was only on Protein shakes and strained Soups for two weeks. After the two weeks, I was able to eat anything I wanted.... boy it was so weird for me. Literally, I could only eat 5 bites of cream of wheat and I was DONE. I actually was in the ICU the day after I could start eating, and I remember them sending me an entire tray of food and only 3-4 bites got eaten (I'm kind of surprised they didn't realize I didn't need all that food? ). The only things I avoid right now is rice and couscous. I had 2 bad experiences with them... Come to find out the little bit I ate obstructed and I didn't feel better until I threw up. The couscous was the worst; I thought I would need to go to the hospital because even after throwing up the bad pain was still there.

Good luck with your surgery! Ask your doctor what your goal should be for liquid intake, and I hope you do well with meeting/ exceeding that goal! My daughter turns 16 on that day... oh boy.


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I had the sleeve 12/18/09. On 1/2/10 I was directly admitted to the ICU with bilateral DVT's and a massive pulmonary embolism.... Four doctors told me that when I passed out at home, it should have been me collapsing because I was DEAD.... Six months later, I'm on blood thinners (for life, because the IVC filter I had put in on 1/2/10 was not able to be retrieved in March due to it growing into my vein wall). If there is ONE THING I can advise to people, is to DRINK, DRINK, DRINK! I went from being overhydrated on IV fluids post-op, to about only 5 oz intake per day at home. I should have seen it coming (as a nurse), but rationalized all my symptoms to make myself think that I was ok..... sunken in eyes, little urine output, pain in the back of my leg, and a fast heartbeat.

To all future sleevers, please take my advice. I'm glad to be alive to give it...


I became dehydrated a couple of days after coming home. I attribute it to pain when drinking from the hiatal hernia repair, nausea, and lack of desire to eat or drink. In hindsight, for a couple of days I wasn't drinking much of anything at all even though I thought I was sipping all day. It felt like a hot poker every time I drank something so it was discouraging to try. The symptoms I was having were a fast heartrate, feeling like my heart was trying to beat out of my chest, extreme weakness and fatigue, lightheadedness, and nausea. I felt like my body was shutting down. This was really scary for me because my sister had left and gone back home and I was alone with my 4 year old. She needed me to do things for her and everytime I moved I felt my heart thumping in my throat and felt like I was going to pass out.

Luckily, I knew something was wrong fairly early on and took myself to the doctor's office. I just knew I was going to have to go somewhere and get hooked up to an IV or get another leak test. But, they knew from looking at me that I wasn't bad off enough to be admitted and did some retraining with me on Fluid intake. I feel now that they should have given me something for the esophageal spasms so that I could drink easier, but there's not much to be done about it now. I discussed it with the nurse at my 2 week followup.

I did go have an EKG that day just to be sure there wasn't a problem with my heart and it was normal, other than an increased heartrate. The experience shook me up enough to make me start forcing fluids. I stopped thinking about Protein and food and focused on any kind of fluids. Within a couple of days of basically walking around with something to drink in my hands at all times (because I could only sip small amounts slowly), I started to feel better.

I was lucky to not go through what Teri went through. I'm sure there are a lot of different factors that determine how severe dehydration gets. I'm thankful that I was able to get it under control without having to go back in the hospital. Now, my ability to drink has improved significantly and I have no problem getting my fluids in. But, I do still have to think about it because it's easy to forget when you're not thirsty. I mentally track my drinking thoughout the day to make sure I'm not too far off the mark of the recommended Fluid intake (64oz).


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just don't do anything stupid after surgery, do what your surgeon said, drink, drink, drink..follow the diet correctly..my surgery went great, great doc, great hosp, and I was walking for exercise within days of coming home, and never felt better in my life. Also, you can see how hydrated you are by the color of your urine, the darker it is, the less hydrated you are..and when you are allow to eat again, chewing is vital, as it keeping portions to what your doctor tells you, for us it was no more than 1/4 of mushies at first, all Protein. You should be fine, but complications are something that can happen to anybody, including infections from the hospitalization it self, they are dirty places full of sick people & serious germs everywhere, even at the best of the best..it can happen, so you just have to be aware of to look for and when to call.

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I thought once you eroded, they didn't want to put another band in you because, most likely, you'd just erode again??

I have noticed this posted many times, there is a big difference between erosion and the band eroding through stomach, the 2 are mutually exclusive. The band eroding through is the big bad guy. There is actually a lot of controversy about this, australian docs, clean this up, resew and put in another band, they are starting to go away from that now, but you would NEVER have a sleeve done when there is a band that has eroded into the stomach, iwithout first removing the band and allowing that area to heal. as a revisional surgery patient it is not to be taken lightly, it is inherently higher risk than for first time bariatric procedures-leaks at about 30% rate, take longer, more infection and blood loss. the higher leak rate is thought to be a result of microscopic changes in blood flow to the stomach, induced by the band. I had my band removed Monday, i will have to wait a few months (probably 6)to see if i heal enough to some day to have a revision to a sleeve, the damage may be permanent and I may not ever be able to.


Edited by mila1013

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It sounds like you are doing well. I hope you are better


I had the sleeve 12/18/09. On 1/2/10 I was directly admitted to the ICU with bilateral DVT's and a massive pulmonary embolism.... Four doctors told me that when I passed out at home, it should have been me collapsing because I was DEAD.... Six months later, I'm on blood thinners (for life, because the IVC filter I had put in on 1/2/10 was not able to be retrieved in March due to it growing into my vein wall). If there is ONE THING I can advise to people, is to DRINK, DRINK, DRINK! I went from being overhydrated on IV fluids post-op, to about only 5 oz intake per day at home. I should have seen it coming (as a nurse), but rationalized all my symptoms to make myself think that I was ok..... sunken in eyes, little urine output, pain in the back of my leg, and a fast heartbeat.

To all future sleevers, please take my advice. I'm glad to be alive to give it...


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Hi, Could you please tell me how you got tricare to approve you. I also have tricare and I currently weigh 215. I dont think they are going to approve it because im not 100lbs over weight and no secondary problems. Thats why ive been researching mexico because I figured I would be turned down with Tricare.

Ps... Im happy everything is ok with you now.

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Hi - I am not the one who was approved by tricare:( I was selfpay in Dallas. I was approved by UHC but they said I had to go to docs who had not done many sleeves so I self paid. I paid $11,700 in Dallas by a doc who has done hundreds sleeves and had a lot of experience with revisions. If you want his info let me know :crying: The facility was awesome and I was taken care of like a queen.

Let me know if there is anything I can do for you ~ Paula

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I have noticed this posted many times, there is a big difference between erosion and the band eroding through stomach, the 2 are mutually exclusive. The band eroding through is the big bad guy. There is actually a lot of controversy about this, australian docs, clean this up, resew and put in another band, they are starting to go away from that now, but you would NEVER have a sleeve done when there is a band that has eroded into the stomach, iwithout first removing the band and allowing that area to heal. as a revisional surgery patient it is not to be taken lightly, it is inherently higher risk than for first time bariatric procedures-leaks at about 30% rate, take longer, more infection and blood loss. the higher leak rate is thought to be a result of microscopic changes in blood flow to the stomach, induced by the band. I had my band removed Monday, i will have to wait a few months (probably 6)to see if i heal enough to some day to have a revision to a sleeve, the damage may be permanent and I may not ever be able to.


Hi Mila - I had band erosion and I healed for 14 months and when I was ready for the sleeve I did wonderful. I was told to wait 3 - 6 months but I had to have my head ready for it and it took 14 and 65 pounds regain to get me to that place. When the band eroded I was 123 when I had my sleeve done 6/25 I was 193.8 today I am 166.8 and loving my sleeve :crying: Best of luck to you, I just wanted you to know there is a good chance you too can get your sleeve. I had a great surgeon in Dallas and paid $11,700 because I did not want to go to surgeon that my insurace would pay for in FL.

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How do you all get 64 oz of liquids during the day. I am pretty good about keep a bottle next tome a refilling it BUT at most I can get is two 16oz Water bottles a day -- which is only 1/2 of what is recommended. I am not sure how to increase that. Even prior to surgery, I never drank that much water!!

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How do you all get 64 oz of liquids during the day. I am pretty good about keep a bottle next tome a refilling it BUT at most I can get is two 16oz Water bottles a day -- which is only 1/2 of what is recommended. I am not sure how to increase that. Even prior to surgery, I never drank that much water!!

Remember that all fluids count - not just water. I try to only count Clear Liquids and make sure at least 20 of my 64 oz is water, but some days I do better than others. There are some days when my stomach does not tolerate water. It goes down like a brick. Other days, it's no problem. When I'm having trouble with water I used diluted fruit juices, gatorade, and clear Protein Drinks to count for my 64 oz. But, your Protein Shakes and other similar drinks also count toward the 64 oz.

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I'm 4 months out and have had 3 episodes of diarrhea - twice in public! I can't figure this out - anyone have any idea. I'm not eating too much.

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i am currently having complications with my sleeve being to narrow. my dr is considering putting in a stint to stretch the sleeve. i have extreme acid reflux, because of this.

what size bougie did your dr use?

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      IMARC Group’s report titled “Alternative Sweeteners Market Report by Product Type (High Fructose Syrup, High-Intensity Sweeteners, Low-Intensity Sweeteners), Source (Natural, Synthetic), Application (Food, Beverages, and Others), and Region 2024-2032”. The global alternative sweeteners market size reached US$ 4.9 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 7.0 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.05% during 2024-2032.
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      Factors Affecting the Growth of the Alternative Sweeteners Industry:
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      Technological Advancements: Innovations in the production and formulation of alternative sweeteners are impelling the market growth. Advancements in biotechnology and food science are leading to the development of high-intensity sweeteners with improved taste profiles and functional properties. Innovations in fermentation processes enhance the production efficiency and quality of natural sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit. These technological improvements are making alternative sweeteners more appealing to both manufacturers and consumers. Enhanced stability, solubility, and sweetness intensity allow these sweeteners to be used in a wide range of products, ranging from beverages to baked goods.
      Consumer Trends and Preferences: Evolving consumer trends and preferences are playing a significant role in driving the alternative sweeteners market. The growing demand for clean-label products, which are healthier and free from artificial ingredients, is offering a favorable market outlook. Consumers are increasingly seeking natural and plant-based sweeteners, aligning with broader trends toward plant-based diets and veganism. Besides this, there is an increase in the demand for low-calorie and sugar-free alternatives that support weight management and overall wellness. Food and beverage companies are responding to these trends by innovating and expanding their product lines to include options sweetened with alternative sweeteners, thereby catering to changing tastes and health concerns of modern consumers.
      Alternative Sweeteners Market Report Segmentation:
      By Product Type:
      High Fructose Syrup High-Intensity Sweeteners Low-Intensity Sweeteners High-intensity sweeteners represent the largest segment as they require only a fraction of the quantity to achieve the desired sweetness.
      By Source:
      Natural Synthetic On the basis of the source, the market has been bifurcated into natural and synthetic.
      By Application:
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      Global Alternative Sweeteners Market Trends:
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      Furthermore, advancements in production techniques are making some alternative sweeteners more cost-competitive than traditional sugar. Consumers are becoming more concerned about the environmental impact of traditional sugar production and preferring more sustainable alternative sweeteners.
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