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Banded in mexico

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Hi Pampi. First of all' date=' congratulations on being banded. To address your original question, unfortunately you do have to wait a few weeks before you can return to solid foods. You should stay on liquids for the allotted time your doctor has told you as well as soft mushie foods. We all have gone through this process. Yes, it is hard and is an adjustment, but in time you will make it through. You are already doing well. 16 pounds in two weeks is great. That's more than I did. You ROCK!!! Congratulations again.[/quote']

Thanks, I will be more patient and continue with the liquid and bland diet im sure this will all pay off soon .. Thanks again

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I actually think Mis has been very respectful in all her posts to you before you attacked her. Perhaps you were feeling attacked yourself and therefore can't see that she was trying to help you. When I read her posts I see genuine concern for you. I don't agree that she has attacked you or criticised you' date=' though I do think she's criticised how responsible your surgeon may have been if he really put a non-adjustable band in you. I won't lie, I actually think it was irresponsible as well if it's true.

Having said that, if he's saying you can adjust it without further surgery, I don't think you have a non-adjustable band at all, and all this kerfuffle is for nothing. When you next speak to him you really need to find out.[/quote']

And yes I did feel attacked by them I was just asking for support and kind words now that ive just been thru a surgery that im new to and pain I understand and appreciate genuine concern but their was a point when I was scared and they knew it but they kept going and ofending me calling me ignorant doesnt help so please i do respect you and your opinion but dont play her out as the victim because she clearly wasnt she could of stopped but kept going being mean and hurtful

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If the shoe FITS ;)

Oh my god you too? Please leave me alone this argument is over if you dont see my point of view I respect your opinion, dont start another argument

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Actually, they are not sold or used in the United States and are seen as outdated. The reason they're no longer used is because of the high complication rate. The reason why many of the Mexican tourism doctors use them is because they can get them dirt cheap because the US won't use/buy them.

As far as the non-adjustable band- that is entirely different altogether. By comparison, the "old" adjustable 4cc bands are like state of the art compared to the non-adjustable bands. The adjustable 4cc bands were just used a couple years ago still. The non-adjustable bands haven't been used in over 25 years.


You've been very polite with this poster, I am more direct, but honest, I sometimes have to be direct because I've seen so many things on these boards over the years and sometimes trolls will try to peddle or advertise on the sly and hopefully she is not trying to resurrect the "non-adjustable band"

I am not sure if this poster is REAL or not, because as you mentioned anyone who cares about themselves and their body, would NOT have gotten a non-adjustable band if they've done proper research.

And you are correct, the 4cc band DOES NOT COMPARE with a non-adjustable band. The non-adjustable band was NEVER FDA approved in the US. The 4cc band was, even though it causes issues for many long term, it was still better than the non-adjustable band.

I lived with a 4cc band for 7 years, and there IS a difference with a 4cc band and AP band. The 4cc band was MUCH harder on my body, I had constant burning from day one of my surgery and reflux and had to be on PPis all the time.

With my new AP band, I've never had any burning (so far), or reflux or had to take PPis, also I developed a large hernia with that old 4cc band that had to be repaired, reason I had to get the old band removed, also the 4cc band could not be unbuckled to repair the hernia, the new AP bands can be unbuckled to fix pouch dilations and hernia without removing the entire band.

However, most lost weight quicker with the older 4cc bands because they were high pressured and many got restriction very quick with the older bands, but they are NOT safe long term, for many people, some still have them long term, but probably not without reflux and acid issues.

If this poster is not a troll, she needs support, but she should not be rude and attack people who are trying to help her, support is not about roses all the time.

I find it offensive for anyone to lie to this poster (and sugar coat) and tell her everything is going to be OK, when it's probably NOT, she needs to prepare for complications and have a rainy day fund in the event complications occur, she needs to UNDERSTAND clearly that if her non-adjustable band erodes in her body, it will take a SKILLED bariatric surgeon to help her, whether in the US or Mexico and she will have to pay out of pocket if complications happen, and if she goes to the ER in the USA they will NOT know how to help her with a non-adjustable band.

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Thank you sooo much for this,you put my mind at ease, ever since these ladies bombarded me I've been crying scared in my room this was like a fresh drink of Water thank you so so much!!

Why are you thanking this poster? You DO NOT have a 4cc band, you have a non-adjustable band, that has not been used for over 20 in the USA (it was only done under clinical trials), the non-adjustable band has NEVER been FDA approved in the US.

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Missy I appreciate your opinion in most cases but I really don't think you are correct on this one. The older model is still available from Allergan and can be purchased from them by any U.S. surgeon that cares to buy them. Because most choose not to doesn't mean they can't.

Sorry but you are not correct, the 4cc band IS NO LONGER SOLD in the USA, even IF surgeons wanted them, if you got a 4cc band in 2012, IT WAS NOT IN THE USA.

I lived with a 4cc band for over 7 years, I lost 130 pounds with it, I got restriction very quick with it, but NOT without problems, I had acid issues from day one of surgery, it was hard on my body, I had it removed last year due to chronic back pain, reflux, gastritis, inflamed esophagitis.

I've not had to take any PPis' or acid reducers since my 4cc band was removed and hernia repaired with my new AP band.

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Obviously you havent continued reading all the posts this argument got boring and its over you just wanna keep on arguing about something that honestly doesnt concern you It was my money and my body if i did wrong or not its already done And dont turn things on me yall were the ones who got rude first or may i remind you that you called it a mexican voodoo concoction? If yall had genuine concern yall would of been nicer to someone who got her surgery two weeks ago and not bombarded her with negativity scaring me to the point i was scared crying in my room or are you proud of that? I came here seeking support and information from nice compassionate fellow bandsters not a know it all who just wont quit.... Maybe you are very informed but to tell you the truth because of the way you conducted your self im honestly not interested in your opinion so please keep it to your self and leave me alone!

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Whom ever i decide to thank or not thank definitely doesnt concern you... You wernt at my surgery you didnt pay for it and you dont have x ray vision to know what is or isnt inside my body so just drop it... Be a kady and know when to walk away

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Obviously you havent continued reading all the posts this argument got boring and its over you just wanna keep on arguing about something that honestly doesnt concern you It was my money and my body if i did wrong or not its already done And dont turn things on me yall were the ones who got rude first or may i remind you that you called it a mexican voodoo concoction? If yall had genuine concern yall would of been nicer to someone who got her surgery two weeks ago and not bombarded her with negativity scaring me to the point i was scared crying in my room or are you proud of that? I came here seeking support and information from nice compassionate fellow bandsters not a know it all who just wont quit.... Maybe you are very informed but to tell you the truth because of the way you conducted your self im honestly not interested in your opinion so please keep it to your self and leave me alone!

You got support, it may not have been rosey, but you got support, I did not yell or scream at you or call you names, I was just being honest, I've never heard of any surgeon in the last 15 years in the USA or Mexican performing any non-adjustable bands, so as concerned lap banders we had to call you out on this and let you know of the possible consequences.

Also in the US most insurance companies make people undergo a psych exam to make sure they are responsible to take care of themselves after weight loss surgery.

There are no rules in Mexico, I am sure they will perform weight loss surgery on anyone who have cash on hand, also it is your responsibility as an adult to know what was done to your body, most people who have surgery in Mexico are given some type of post operative report indicating what was done to them.

I can't believe you left Mexico without a pre operative report, you should know if you got a non-adjustable or a 4cc band, hopefully you are not that irresponsible.

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You got support' date=' it may not have been rosey, but you got support, I did not yell or scream at you or call you names, I was just being honest, I've never heard of any surgeon in the last 15 years in the USA or Mexican performing any non-adjustable bands, so as concerned lap banders we had to call you out on this and let you know of the possible consequences.

Also in the US most insurance companies make people undergo a psych exam to make sure they are responsible to take care of themselves after weight loss surgery.

There are no rules in Mexico, I am sure they will perform weight loss surgery on anyone who have cash on hand, also it is your responsibility as an adult to know what was done to your body, most people who have surgery in Mexico are given some type of post operative report indicating what was done to them.

I can't believe you left Mexico without a pre operative report, you should know if you got a non-adjustable or a 4cc band, hopefully you are not that irresponsible.[/quote']

Well if I am or if im not it has nothing to do with you just drop it...

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Just on the point of psych evals, most doctors in Australia don't require you to do them. Nor attend information classes, or see a nutritionist, do a supervised diet or anything in order to qualify for the band. These are not pre-requisites for success with the band, as I obviously am testament to.

I also didn't get a pre-operative report when I left hospital both times, with two different surgeons, and my first surgeon had been banding for 15 years and my 2nd surgeon for almost 2 decades. I didn't know what band I had until my first visit to my doctor both times (when I asked about it) and I don't think I've been at all irresponsible.

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Just on the point of psych evals, most doctors in Australia don't require you to do them. Nor attend information classes, or see a nutritionist, do a supervised diet or anything in order to qualify for the band. These are not pre-requisites for success with the band, as I obviously am testament to.

I also didn't get a pre-operative report when I left hospital both times, with two different surgeons, and my first surgeon had been banding for 15 years and my 2nd surgeon for almost 2 decades. I didn't know what band I had until my first visit to my doctor both times (when I asked about it) and I don't think I've been at all irresponsible.

Most insurance require them in the US, they want to make sure the patient is full aware of what they are getting into and responsible, I guess they want to make sure they are getting a bang for their buck...

Surgeons don't care, they will gladly take anyone's money that are self pay, psych exams are not required with most self pays in the US.

Most surgeons in the USA don't tell the patient what band they have until AFTER the surgery, but usually the patient WILL KNOW in the hospital or during their first post op appointment.

My point to this poster was SHE SHOULD have gotten a post operative report BEFORE she left Mexico, many others do that have surgery in Mexico.

I've known a few people that had surgery in Mexico with reputable surgeons, and got their post operative report BEFORE leaving Mexico and they had a US surgeon lined up for their aftercare, THERE IS a BIG DIFFERENCE IN BEING RESPONSIBLE AND NOT RESPONSIBLE.

Also, this patient was told something, she was told she had a non-adjustable band, if she was not told anything we would not be in this discussion.

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      One faithful day as i was watching a video on you tube i saw a  comment of one MR PAUL HAVERSACK testifying of this great herbal healer doctor Moses Buba,That helped him enlarge his manhood .i was shocked and happy, so i quickly visited his website and emailed him within 30 mins he got back to me and told me all i need to buy and i did so after 4 days i received his herbal medicine ,he gave me instructions on how to use it ,as i am speaking to you people now after using the cream for just two weeks my manhood  size is 10 inches long and 8.0 girth ,,am so happy and grateful for his work in my life thank you so much Doctor Moses buba ,,i also learnt he has cure for LOW SPERM COUNT,PREMATURE EJACULATION,ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION,HIV/AIDS VIRUS,DIABETES 1/2,HERPES DISEASE,CANCER,and lots more
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