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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Just updating my blog. I weighed on 12/11 and lost 5 lbs, weighed in at 168. I am not weighing again until 1/1/10. I still have not measured again, but will do that on my next weigh in.   I'm on my 4th week of my exercise plan. I was up at 4:45 am this morning, and let me tell you, its still not easy to get up and get to the gym. But I've got a buddy and I don't want to let her down, so I'm a firm believer in the buddy system!   Eating has been GREAT! I have been doing very good, lots of fish and chicken. I've had a few days that I splurged, but they were planned splurges, so I don't feel guilty.   Will check back later...............





Well tomorrow makes my 17 month Band Anniversary. I am still struggling with my weight, however, I need to stay focussed. I don't know what is wrong with me? I seem to fall off the wagon so easy these days.   Anyhow, I will continue to try and hopefully soon I will win and will get my mind right!   Todays menu   Doing a cleanse so drinking some lemonade /maple syrup - its called the master cleanse.   Exercise - I did go exercise last night, and plan on doing it again tonight!   Wt 178





I have been sick since Saturday and so I haven't worked out since Friday. I am feeling better today so I will go to the gym tonight!   My menu   Bfast - coffee w/cream, handful of nuts   Lunch low carb tortilla, 3 oz of chicken, no skin, 2 tbs salsa, 1 oz cheese. 1/2 cup cilantro - (chicken taco - yum) (320 cal)   snack - sugar free low cal chocolate pudding (60 cal)   Dinner 1/2 pork chop, salsa, low carb tortilla (330 cal)   Workout Upper body - biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, chest   45 min on elliptical machine





NO am workout this morning, however, I was planning on going tonight because I will be doing lower body workout. I just cannot do weights in the morning, I need to be awake and have my strength.   I should have got up anyhow and did my cardio. But not going to beat myself up over it, UNLESS I don't go tonight, but thats not going to happen, I WILL GO TONITE!   Wt 170.7 - grrrrrrr





Yay - its my Friday at work - I'm off tomorrow.   I plan on going to the gym tonight and tomorrow when I'm off, I'll go during the day.   I have had very very good restriction lately, its been about 2 weeks since my fill, and I have another appointment in September for another fill, but at this point I might cancel it if I still have this good restriction.   Menu today   Bfast weight wise oatmeal   Lunch smoked turkey, green beans   Dinner Grilled Talapia topped with homemade salsa and a spoonful of brown rice.   Wt - Didn't weigh this morning, was running way behind in getting ready for work and simply "forgot" - wow?





Wt this morning 174 lbs - I'm down a total of 74 lbs still, not gaining, not losing. But I'm really okay with it for now. I'm going to try and mantain until my fill.   8 more days until my cruise!!!!!! I'm excited and ready to get away from my job!   Last night I had a great workout, I did circuit training and workout out for about an hour:   2 min on Elliptical (really fast) 10 shoulder press 10 chest press 2 min on elliptical 10 bicep curls 10 triceps 2 min on elliptical 10 pec flys 10 rear deltoids 2 min on elliptical 10 lat pull downs 10 triceps push downs 2 min on elliptical Then repeated 2 more times.   I finished off with another 6 min on elliptical making it a total of 30 min that I was on the Elliptical and a total of about 30 min on weights. Doing the training this way was also an aerobic exercise, so I burned fat and built muscle.   I will begin my new BFL challenge on August 13th, so until then, I'm going to do the circuit training.   Menu today - doing a cleanse again, the lemonade cleanse. I'm only doing it during the day, then I eat baked fish and salad at night. No preservatives, no additives. I also drink a herbal tea in the evenings. I'm doing the cleanse until August 2nd or 3rd - If I can make it that long.   The cleanse says no eating anything else but the drink, but I just can't do that, so I eat healthy stuff in the evenings with my family. It seems to be working so I'm not too worried about it.   I know I will probably gain some weight on the cruise, but I'm going to try and workout too so I don't, or I don't gain but a pound or two.





I go to the weight watchers meeting again tonight. I'm switching my meeting nights to Monday. I am going to kick the leader if she tells me I've gained! I swear, they might arrest me if she says I've gained!   By my sclaes, I've lost 3 lbs. So we'll see what they say tonight.   I always weight naked, and after I go pee i the mornings, so I'm at my very lowest weight.   I've stuck to the weight watchers plan pretty good. I've actually stuck to it perfectly, so we'll see how I do tonight.   I'm trying to get back into my morning workout routines this week. So far, I've failed. I set my alarm for 4:45 am, and then I turned it off. grrrr. I will keep trying. I plan on going to the gym tonight and doing 30 minutes on the treadmill. I've got to get back to exercise and I've got to get out of the 170's damn it. I've been in the 170's for a freaken year! I drop down to the 160's then creep right back up to the 170's and I'm sick of it! I don't ever ever ever want to see the 170's again.   Okay, I've had my Monday morning rant, so I will start thinking and typing more positive or it will just put me in a pissy mood the rest of the day.   I get 22 points a day with Weight Watchers and they say I must eat the 22 points. I think it might be too much, but I'm going to do it their way. Gawd only knows that my way hasn't worked. (okay, enougth with the negative talk)   My menu today   Weight wise oatmeal - makde with skim milk - 4 points   1 banana - 2 points   Lunch - ww meal 5 points (smart ones) 1 nectarine - 1 point   Dinner 2 0z of roast beef - 3 points 1/2 cup mashed potatoes w/1 tsp butter - 3 points 2 tsp EVO - 2 points baby carrots - 0 points   late nite snack ww ice cream bar - 2 points   TOTAL POINTS FOR THE DAY = 22   Wt - 171.4   Exercise plans - 30 min at gym on treadmill




3/3/09 - Day 2 of getting up at 4:45 am!

I did it, I did it, I did it. I was up at the gym by 5 am. I really had a hard time this morning though. My legs felt like jello and I had no strength, I noticed I was very week. I am going to eat more protein today and see if that helps. Also, I need to go to bed earlier. I didn't hit the pillow until 11 pm last night and woke up hungry at 3:47 am. I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and got ready to hit the gym.   I weighed in last night at WW and according to their scales, I've lost 3 lbs since last week (making it a total loss of 2.6 lbs since joining ww).   The weightloss is going slow, but it is going. I'm so close to getting to goal and I can taste it. This year I will hit my goal! I know it.   Menu today:   Bfast Egg white omlet, made with turkey sausage, mushrooms, peppers, onions, salsa, WW cheese - 5.5 pts 1/2 whole wheat mini bagel .5 pts Lunch - tossed salad made with lemon dressing and diced tomatoes - 0 pts WW meal - 4 pts Nectarine - 1 pt peaches - 1 pt Dinner - Taco made with lean beef - 5 pts WW dessert - 4 pts   Wt - Naked - 165.4 WW scales with clothes on - 169.0   Exercise - 25 min on elliptical - 5 am




26 days post op

I'm loving the new tool. I do have a few concerns, I'm not eating much, I'm struggling to get my protein in, and working hard on drinking enough water - its tough!   I just cannot eat more without getting sick! This morning, I made an 8 oz protein shake, could only drink 1/2 - I was about to vomit even thinking about drinking more - protein taken in about 10!   My menu yesterday -   Bfast 1 fried egg with cheese - ate about 3/4 lunch 1/2 cup of cottage cheese dinner 1/2 cup of refried beans (these seem to work best for me)   Exercise needs to pick up for me. I've been slacking on my walking.   My goals for the rest of the week 1) Focus on getting my water in 2) Increase my walking - make it a priority 3) Work on my protein!   PS - another NSV - good-bye to my size 18's forever, they are just too big now, and hello to my comfortable 16's! I am wearing a pair of 16 jeans today that look darn good on me, I feel very slim & sexy in them. I haven't worn them in a while - probably 2 years? DH also can't keep his hands off me either, he keeps telling me how good I look. I love the new me! My kids keep telling us "get a room" LOL.





Okay, its Tuesday and a lot better day today!   Went to WW meeting last night and lost 1.4 lbs since last week. Making it a total loss since joing WW of 4 lbs. I told myself that if I could lose just 1 lbs a week, I would be happy. So losing a total of 4 lbs averages out to 1 lb a week. Its been 4 weeks since joining.   I made a great low point/low cal pizza last night and I will be having it for lunch.   Whole wheat with Flax Flat-out bread - 100 cal - 1 pt   3 oz of baked chicken breast (diced up) - 3 pts   Rago, no added sugar pasta sauce - 50 cal - 0 pts   2 tbs of olives - 27 cal - 1 pt   handfull of mushrooms - 0 pts   diced onion - 0 pts   1/3 cup of WW Mexican Cheese - 2 pts   Total point value 7 pts   Lay out the flat bread, spread 1/2 cup of the pasta sauce over it. Place the chicken, olives,mushrooms, onions on the pizza then cover with the cheese.   Bake in preheated oven at 425 (I bake it on my stone pan from pampered chef) for 5 to 7 min or until cheese is melted.   It was very very filling and healthy. I had a craving for pizza so I just made my own. :confused:   Todays menu   Breakfast fiber bar - 2 pts coffee with cream - 1 pt   snack orange - 1 pt   Lunch Pizza - 7 pts   snack yogurt - 1 pt   Grapes - 1 pt   Dinner meatloaf (made with 1/2 turkey breast and lean beef)- 4 pts green beans - 0 pts   Snack (while watching the Biggest Loser) WW dessert - 4 pts   Wt - naked first thing in am 165.1 WW weigh in weight (evening time fully clothed) - 167.6





Had a pretty good day today, started off eating a little bad, but then I snapped out of it and ate my protein.   Went to the gym and had a GREAT workout. I ended up doing the elliptical machine yesterday for a solid hour and burned over 500 calories.   Today, I even did better, started off with 30 min on the elliptical machine, switched to weight training and worked my lower part of my body. Ended up lift weights for about 45 min, then jumped back on the elliptical machine and did another 30 min. I figured I burned about 700 or more calories, over 500 alone on the elliptcial machine. Yay me!   Came home, grilled my some Salmon on my George Foreman grill, steamed some brocoli, and had a great dinner.   Got hungry again, so I ate 3 oz of chicken, it did the trick!   I know I am not tight enough, but I can deal with this restriciton, at least I have some. I am going to see my surgeon in January, but I might schedule one more fill before then.   Okay, off to bed - - - planning on hitting the gym again tomorrow! I can tell I will be sore tomorrow, my rear end is already hurting (worked my hamstrings)   Wt - 171.5   Exercise - 2 hours at the gym   Menu   Bfast piece of cheesecake   Lunch turkey breast green beans   Dinner grilled salmon steamed broccoli   Snack 3 oz of chicken breast





I went to my WW meeting last night and didn't lose anything. The good news, I didn't gain anything either. I went over my points for the week and I did bad for three days in a row. So I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't gain anything, and so happy about it too.   This week is going to be better! I'm already down a bit according to my scales.   This week, I'm focussing on exercise! Oh - its on this week! I'm going to kick some butt in the exercise department! Oh yes, next week, I can't wait to step on the scales because I'm going to see a 2 lb loss. Thats right, 2 lbs! Me and the scale, we are going head to head and I'm going to win! Its on baby!   Wt - my scales, naked in the am 164.9   WW scales - fully clothed in the afternoon - 167.6




I'm losing ........

I weighed this morning, yes I know, I said I wasn't going to, but I felt thinner so I thought I would hop on the scales. I was shocked when it said 229.6, I was 234 3 days ago.   I think I will reach my goal of weighing 215 by my surgery date.





staying on my plan today, I have done pretty good with my eating this week, however, my exercise SUCKS.   I've had so much going on, my remodel of my house is ongoing, almost finished but not quite. My mother went into the hospital last night for pneumonia and she is being kept because her EKG showed she had a mild heart attack at some point. Then, my mother in law was also taken to the hospital for chest pains and she is having a heart cath done right now. Needless to say, with all the hospital visits, my eating has not been planned, but I've eaten very little. I feel a little more restriction now, must be stress.




Fill #16 - yes, another fill!

Okay, I got fill #15 and had GREAT restriction, then all of a sudden I felt like I had NO restriction, I was eating anything and everything, hungry all the time. Stepped on the scales and was up to 170! What the heck? So I went in for yet another fill. I explained the situation to my fill doc and he usually takes a small bit of fill out before he adds some in. He believes an air bubble was in the tubing on the last fill so this time he did not take any out at all, he just added 2/10ths of a cc and I immediately felt a huge huge huge difference. I think this was the first time I actually hurt when he made me eat the peaches.   I noticed how much restriction I had when we went out for dinner, I stuck to some mashed potatoes and I was full all night long. I was a little nausiated this morning, but still felt that tight restriction.   I know I get my hopes up high and hoping that this restricition will last, and then I get disappointed when it doesnt. But for some reason, this fill really fills different. So we will see.   I am mordified to be back up to 170 again. What in the world? I feel so fat today, bloated and just miserable. My feet are very swollen too.   I will keep my blog updated on my progress. Below is my fill history so far.     Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION -   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.   Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.   FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!   FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.   FILL #16 - 8/31/09 - My last fill lasted 2 weeks then I felt wide open. Went in for another fill, this time he did not take any out and just added 2/10th's of a cc. I think I'm just a little more than 4.1 cc's in a 4.0 cc band. I feel great restriction so far. I'm hoping this last. I'm sick of fills. lol. - I could tell my fill was wide open, I was starving all the time, wt at the time of fill was 170! grrrrrrr





EAting has been okay, not too bad, but not 100% perfect either. My exercise has been BAD. I am planning on making it to the gym tonight, so we'll see.   I didn't weigh, I was supposed to weigh this morning, but completly forgot. I was running late this morning to work, so just didn't think about it.   Will update later on whether I made it to the gym or not.





Had another good workout last night. Woke up this morning and sure felt smaller, I thought I would go ahead and weigh. I was down just a bit from yesterday, but I swear I feel so much smaller. It must be the inches I'm losing.   Wt - 178.6   Tonight, I will workout my upper body and do 30 min of cardio. I am a cardio junkie these days. I love the elliptical because its so easy on my knees. It still hurts a bit, but not as much as the treadmill or even just walking around my house.   Monday will be my 19th month Band Anniversary and I'm hoping to be at 175. I'm hoping I have a 3 lbs loss thru the weekend. I know that is a long shot, but that is what I am hoping anyhow.   I'm so ready to be out of the 170's once and for good. The 160's Here I come!





Well, the weekend was a big bust for me. Not sure how many points I went over, but I know that I blew the WW plan on Saturday night. I was doing good until then.   I was released from the doctor on Friday and I decided that Monday (today) I would start the BFL program again. I am going to modify it a little, but for the most part, I will stick to the plan. I set my alarm for 4:45 am to hit the gym, well, I almost didn't go, but finally I forced myself up and headed to the gym. I'm so glad I did!   My menu today:   Bfast - weight wise oatmeal, WW yogurt = 3 pts   Snack a few pistachios - 2 pt   Lunch Green salad with all kinds of vegies, and 3 oz of baked chicken breast - 3 pts Homemade salad dressing with EVO and lemon and vininger - 2 pts FF pudding - 2 pts   Dinner 1 baked potatoe with lean ground beef and side salad - 5 pts   WW dessert - 4 pts   Exercise - :smile: 35 min on elliptical 5:00 am   45 min with strength training UBWO - 11:30 am   Wt - didn't weigh this morning, but will be weighed tonight at the WW meeting. Hopefully I'm down at least 1 lb!




12/3/09 - my day

5:15 am - Hit the elliptical machine for 45 min   7:50 am - protein shake made with Jillian Michaels Protein powder, 1 cup skim milk, 1 TBSP peanut butter, 1 banana (383 cal)   8:35 - coffee with cream (60 cal) - I need to work on giving up the cream!   11:00 - nonfat yogurt mixed with 1/4 cup of raw oats - (203 cal)   2:00 pm - 10 baby carrots & 1/4 cup of hummus (175 cal)   6:00 pm - 2.5 oz of canned white meat chicken (70 cal)   Okay, my neighbor brought me over an ENTIRE PIE tonight - thanking me for taking care of her house while she was out. My husband, who doesn't think at times, cut all of us a piece, so I ate a VERY small piece. 1/2 of a piece. BUT............ when I went to fitday.com, it was still about 350 calories! Glad I only ate a small piece. I warned my husband that if it is not hidden, or eaten when I wake up tomorrow, he is dead meat! hahaha.   7:30 pm - 1/2 of a piece of chocolate peanut pie - 350 cal. OUCH   TOTAL CALORIES - 1250 cal - about that. Its my best estimate - the pie thru me off a bit because it was homemade. So I had somewhere between 1250 to 1350.   Even thouigh I had a little sugar fix, I still don't feel too bad. My calories are not out of control, I exercised today, so I don't think it will ruin me. The beauty of the band is, just becuase I had a piece of pie doesn't mean I "give up". I just brush it off and move on. Tomorrow morning, back to the gym!




12/3/09 - I'm doing it!

I'm doing it, I'm sticking to my plan, I'm exercising, I'm eating right, and I'm staying off the scales!   Yesterdays menu:   8:00 am - Protein shake made with skim milk and organic peanut butter (290) calories   11:30 am - baby carrots and 1/4 cup of hummus and steamed broccoli = (270 calories)   2:30 - apple with 1 oz of almonds = (235 calories)   6:15 pm - 3.8 oz of griled chicken, 1/2 breaded chicken strip with 1 TBSP of gravy (I made this for my family and I just had to taste it since they were going on and on about how good it was), steamed broccoli = (250 calories)   TOTAL cal for the day 1045 by my calculations, then I put it into fitday.com and below is what it tells me.     Calories 1,068 Fat 37% Carbohydrate 31% Protein 87.9G = 32%     Exercise = 30 min on elliptical HIIT strength trained - biceps triceps shoulders chest back abs Back on the elliptical for another 30 min cardio burn!   TOTAL TIME AT THE GYM - 1 hr 50 min, 1 hour of cardio and 50 minutes strength training.   And, I've got to pat myself on the back, I was up and at 'em this morning at 5am. I was on the elliptical by 5:15 am! Today is my cardio only day.




3/23/09 - I'm Doing It!

Okay, I'm doing it. No more excuses is working. I've been to the gym 6 times!   3/18 - cardio 3/19 - cardio 3/20 - cardio and strength training 3/21 - 1hr and 15 min doing 40 min of cardio and the rest strength training 3/22 - 35 min on recumbant bike 3/23 - Have only done 15 min so far of cardio, but plan on doing another 30 min before I leave work, then hitting the gym tonight!   Eating has been right on! I had a bad night Tuesday (overdosed on girl scout cookies), but since then, I've done GREAT!   Tonight is weigh in at Weight Watchers so we'll see how I've done! My scales show I'm down, but who knows what I will weigh wearing jeans and a sweater like I am today. I wish they had private rooms where I could just strip down naked - that always makes me go down a few pounds. :thumbup:   I started tanning on Friday, got to get me a little color before my Cancun trip next month, I'm so white and pale looking. Got me a new haircut on Friday, cut about 3" off and I feel so much better, the hair looks so much healthier. Got my nails done on Friday too, I had a me day!   My menu today:   Bfast 1 cup of Fiber One Cereal - 3 pts 1 cup of skim milk - 2 pts 1 banana cut up - 2 pts     Lunch 3 oz of chicken breast - baked - 3 pts asparagus 1/2 cup - 0 pts brocoli 1/2 cup - o pts few grape tomatoes - 0 pts FF salsa over my chicken - 0 pts   Snacks 4 large strawberries - 1 pts 1 mandarian orange - 1 pt   Dinner Turkey meatloaf - 4 pts 1/2 baked potatoe - 1 pt green beans - 0 pts   WW ice cream bar - 1 pt   18 pts total - I get 21, but I lowered it down to 20 this week.




Trying not to be down on myself

You know, I know I can't change the past, I know I've come a long way since last year, but sometimes I am just a little disappointed - not in the band, but in myself.   It all began with my cruise last year, after I fell, and had to have surgery, along with my house flooding when we returned home, and my grandmother dying, everything went to H-E - _ _.   I ate whatever I wanted, I couldn't exercise, I was so depressed and just ate. The habits came rushing back in full swing. I'm disappointed in myself because I thought I had changed. Now I look at me 14 months post op and I haven't lost weight since - well, November I think I weighed my lowest, 167. I did so good the first 6 months, but the 2nd 6 months were pure aweful!   I know, there is nothing I can do about it now, I'm just venting. I am now determined to get 'er done! I want to reach or be pretty close to my goal by my 18 month post op anniversary.   I just had to write down my frustration and my disappointment in myself.   Now, I'm ready to kick some butt and ready to lose this weight. I think my mind is finally right!




Fill History

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   11/23/07 - Unfill - Got unfill and because of the swelling and all the PBing, doc took my fill down to 3.0cc's. NO RESTRICTION AGAIN   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital and the Doc had to take me back down to 3.0. grrrr. Now I'm back where I was in November, barely restriction again.   Fill #9 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!:thumbs_up:




I can't wait until Wednesday

The waiting is killing me. I go see the doctor on Wednesday, the 22nd. They will weigh me and send my paper work off too the insurance. I am just praying I get approved. I am so nervous about not getting approved.   I'm so anxious over all this, I hate waiting! But I know there is nothing I can do to rush the process, I just need to learn to be patient - something I am not good at.




Still waiting

I'm still waiting to hear something from my insurance company. I am not sure when it was actually submitted, I hope my letter from the doctor got sent out. I think it probably went out last week, but it might have not gone out until this week because the docs office was closed 2 days due to the snow & ice.   Anyhow, I am getting anxious and nervous.   I didn't weigh this morning, but I know i'm losing. I suspect I weigh around 229 or 228.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
