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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I'm still sticking today, it must be in the air. Had a protien shake for lunch and don't feel like eating dinner. I got a lot done today, garbage dump run, gravel put in the floor of this cheesy tin shed that came with the property. Had enough gravel left over to put some in the driveway. Planted a tree, moved a pile of wood so that it isn't in the front of the house. Organized the 'garden shed' as it is now called, the tin one that I put gravel in. The light gravel really makes it more useable. The only bad thing was the DD#5's boyfriend shut my hand in the tail gate of the truck. didn't break it, but it hurts like hell. Cleaned up the yard a bit.

I was suppose to go to a school bowling night, but it is clear in Missoula, 30 miles away. I decided to spend the last night with DD#5 before she leaves for the summer. Plus I have to work tomorrow. So I am staying home and being lazy.

Hope you all have a good evening. Phyl, I know it is too late, but I love Red Robin's French Onion Soup. but I bet the tortillia soup is good.

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Candice, GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am proud of you, the day is almost over, you can do it!!

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My tally for today...

Karla; sorry you are still so tight. But it sounds like you are putting the time at home to good use... You accomplished a lot today :redface:

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Phyl; I dont' like the sound of your stomach issues at all. Brown liquid, not good. Reflux that's choking you to wake up at night? Girly that needs some investigation.

You sound like you might need a TAD of saline taken out... just a tiny bit out will make a huge difference. Think about it o.k.??? we worry:blushing:

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Phyl; I dont' like the sound of your stomach issues at all. Brown liquid, not good. Reflux that's choking you to wake up at night? Girly that needs some investigation.

You sound like you might need a TAD of saline taken out... just a tiny bit out will make a huge difference. Think about it o.k.??? we worry:blushing:

Doing much, much better today. Soft omelet this morning.. ate most of it. Out to lunch with granddaughter for her birthday at lunch time.. had tortilla Soup. Went down fine. Had latte between Breakfast and lunch. Then tonight.. a Healthy Choice frozen dinner... 360 calories, meat loaf, potatoes, corn, baked apple dessert... very small amount. Decided to start taking my Nexium at night instead of the morning. Took one before bed last night and I think that helped a lot. Got a good night's sleep, even though I had to sleep in my recliner for 2 hours. I think I''ll be fine tonight. Didn't feel at all uncomfortable after dinner. Ate very slowly!

Had the puppy again today. Tracy & Jim went to Seattle... Teatro Zinzanni.... very pricey dinner & show. They left around 2pm and just got home.. so we went and picked up Gigi around 4pm and kept her. They just picked her up. She is so cute! Gal upstairs was puppy sitting today too.. a little 7 wk old pug and Gigi was scared to death of him! He wanted to play.. I let her loose outside and took my camera thinking how cute to get some pictures of them playing. Well every time the puppy came near her she'd run and hide under my glider!

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Candice you had a good food day, congratulations. Did you get the quilt pieced together? Maybe you should think about sewing the blocks into quarters, then quilting the quarters, machine sewing the tops together with the batting and backing folded back. Baste the batting together then hand sewing the backs together. It is like the 'quilt' as you go process. I can show you in July. I did my quilts that way until I got my midarm quilter. It is way easier on the body. I figure by the time I get to my quilt room, everything will be new to me.

DD#5 leaves today to go spend the summer with DD#2 in Idaho Falls. She has a job with BLM and will live with DD#2. I'll miss her.

You all will be proud of me, DD#4 'told' me that she was bringing a set of twins home to babysit last night. I told her no, that right now the house isn't baby proof and that there was not way I was letting a couple of 2 year olds in that could chock on something that wasn't put away. Her solution...she didn't come home last night. Her choice. School is over for the year and she will either come up with $$ or get busy doing chores. We have had the talk, now I just need to stick by what I say. Yeah right.

Food yesterday was excellent, okay, good. I had blueberries, yogurt & Kashi for breakfast, a protien drink for lunch, and a bowl of low fat ministroni Soup with a sprinkle of cheese. Before bed time I had a small custard sized bowl of Kashi & milk. I really wanted chocolate, but there is none in the house so I settled for the kashi & milk. Not enough fruit & veggies, but I am out. Tonight after work, I'm getting some salad stuff to have for lunch tomorrow and some Tomato Soup. A friend of mine picked me up a watermelon and strawberries so I will have them for this coming week.

Well need more coffee, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang...

Had fun at EWF concert - didn't get drunk ;0) really didn't drink - since I hadn't slept the night before - I had one of my allergy pills - (pesudoaphemrine) and a lite mocha frapp w/3 shots - so Friday nite didn't' go to sleep til 3 - then slept til 9:30-10 yesterday - photo shopped the wrinkles out of the pic I am going to try and post :) - I love photo shop - it makes me look like I think I look (no wrinkles)

Then had the funeral to go to yesterday after noon - it was good to see some old friends..

Got home around 6ish - and photoshopped some more (it's very time consuming) farmed then hit the hay around 10 - up at 6:30 - have read the paper - cut my roses (dehead) cleaned up and am washing - it's almost 9

Oh ya talked to my GF Candice on the phone last night and my gf Ann who's having man problems (she the one I went to the concert with) She should have left along time ago but she putting her head in the sand..

Karla - being a teacher - I would end up in Jail.... I would have said Ya so what at least I'm a good one :0)

Hows the hand this morning???? Ya aren't we all great at giving advice on our kids but sticking to it or practicing what we preach can be hard - I find if I am pissed off I can - so stay pissed off - I sure wouldn't have her home sitting on her butt all day doing nothing and coming and going as she pleased... I know that kind of thing would totally piss me off - especially after working all day coming home and nothings been done - dinner not ready. I know jobs are hard to come my now a days - but... Either you get out and work somewhere if not then keeping the house up is your work..

DD#5 you didn't see that much of her before did you?? But I know what you mean - even if you don't see them much but they are close by - but when they move away it's awful..

Well have eye appointment at noon - need to go fold clothes and put another load in.

oh food - good - 137 this a.m. so I'm happy :0)

Phyl - Glad you are feeling better and had a good time w/GD loved the pic's on fb - she's a beauty... Love the dog sitting - is Earl getting any closer to wanting a dog - or is the dog sitting enough for him??

Candice WTG on your food - one day at a time. You gotta find other outlets for your stress - computer is mine I guess - photoshop - like I said takes alot of time to get the wrinkles out and fb farming - it's mindless work but keeps me occupied - I find if I sit in front of the t.v. or even reading I want to eat..

Ok attaching pic #1 is photo shopped - #2 isn't - #3 is photo shopped #4 side ways isn't - see the diff in Ann(white blouse/jeans - we've been friends since 8th grad) and Debbie (brown - been friends since 9th grade)





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Karla; thanks for the Kudos on ysterday... Yup its ONE DAY AT A TIME... especially for me right now.... I have to remember to LIVE in the MOMENT and NOT look for issues to worry about.... that is disaster for me...

So today, I`ve had cereal/milk and a coffee/ milk.. Think I`ll have a shake for lunch and then dinner will be meat/vegies. Oh I forgot to ask, how is SIMON doing? Is his drain out and all healed up?

Janet: Loved talking to you, you always reiterate something to me that I NEED to HEAR... Thanks for being `you``!!

Oh and the photoshopping, YES I can see the diff. it took the SHINE off of everyones faces... Great job.

Phyl; I am so glad you are enjoying your puppy time... that little one is such a doll... can`t help but love her.I am so happy the omelet went down o.k. that is a step in the right direction,. Maybe you just irritated your band somehow and it was too tight temporarily.. all is well YEAH

WOw those gals on the mentor thread sure like to talk... lots of reading for me each day... which is good right now as then my HANDS are busy!!!

Linda: Hey girl, thinking of you.

Stpehanie: let us know how your weekend went???

Denise`: How are you and is Hubby getting better?

Edited by peaches9

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Well I officially have the time off to go on the July trip, whowhowho.

dinner was good tonight, had 1/2 c of spaghetti sauce, no Pasta, big salad, 1 slice of rosemary bread. I wanted the bread, so went without the pasta. I also splurged and has a small glass of wine. I usually don't have wine, but today at work it was crazy. We actually sold more today than we did over all of Mother's Day weekend and we only had 3 people working.

I also took a hard look at ice cream. I love ice cream and not willing to live totally without it, so instead bought some sorbet. Calorie wise, 1/4th the amount. I KNOW I should live without it, but right now I can't.

Phyl, you need to email me your address and the amount I need to send.

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Candice you had a good food day, congratulations. Did you get the quilt pieced together? Maybe you should think about sewing the blocks into quarters, then quilting the quarters, machine sewing the tops together with the batting and backing folded back. Baste the batting together then hand sewing the backs together. It is like the 'quilt' as you go process. I can show you in July. I did my quilts that way until I got my midarm quilter. It is way easier on the body. I figure by the time I get to my quilt room, everything will be new to me.

DD#5 leaves today to go spend the summer with DD#2 in Idaho Falls. She has a job with BLM and will live with DD#2. I'll miss her.

You all will be proud of me, DD#4 'told' me that she was bringing a set of twins home to babysit last night. I told her no, that right now the house isn't baby proof and that there was not way I was letting a couple of 2 year olds in that could chock on something that wasn't put away. Her solution...she didn't come home last night. Her choice. School is over for the year and she will either come up with $$ or get busy doing chores. We have had the talk, now I just need to stick by what I say. Yeah right.

Food yesterday was excellent, okay, good. I had blueberries, yogurt & Kashi for breakfast, a protien drink for lunch, and a bowl of low fat ministroni Soup with a sprinkle of cheese. Before bed time I had a small custard sized bowl of Kashi & milk. I really wanted chocolate, but there is none in the house so I settled for the kashi & milk. Not enough fruit & veggies, but I am out. Tonight after work, I'm getting some salad stuff to have for lunch tomorrow and some Tomato Soup. A friend of mine picked me up a watermelon and strawberries so I will have them for this coming week.

Well need more coffee, TTFN

Good Morning Gang...

Had fun at EWF concert - didn't get drunk ;0) really didn't drink - since I hadn't slept the night before - I had one of my allergy pills - (pesudoaphemrine) and a lite mocha frapp w/3 shots - so Friday nite didn't' go to sleep til 3 - then slept til 9:30-10 yesterday - photo shopped the wrinkles out of the pic I am going to try and post :) - I love photo shop - it makes me look like I think I look (no wrinkles)

Then had the funeral to go to yesterday after noon - it was good to see some old friends..

Got home around 6ish - and photoshopped some more (it's very time consuming) farmed then hit the hay around 10 - up at 6:30 - have read the paper - cut my roses (dehead) cleaned up and am washing - it's almost 9

Oh ya talked to my GF Candice on the phone last night and my gf Ann who's having man problems (she the one I went to the concert with) She should have left along time ago but she putting her head in the sand..

Karla - being a teacher - I would end up in Jail.... I would have said Ya so what at least I'm a good one :0)

Hows the hand this morning???? Ya aren't we all great at giving advice on our kids but sticking to it or practicing what we preach can be hard - I find if I am pissed off I can - so stay pissed off - I sure wouldn't have her home sitting on her butt all day doing nothing and coming and going as she pleased... I know that kind of thing would totally piss me off - especially after working all day coming home and nothings been done - dinner not ready. I know jobs are hard to come my now a days - but... Either you get out and work somewhere if not then keeping the house up is your work..

DD#5 you didn't see that much of her before did you?? But I know what you mean - even if you don't see them much but they are close by - but when they move away it's awful..

Well have eye appointment at noon - need to go fold clothes and put another load in.

oh Food - good - 137 this a.m. so I'm happy :0)

Phyl - Glad you are feeling better and had a good time w/GD loved the pic's on fb - she's a beauty... Love the dog sitting - is Earl getting any closer to wanting a dog - or is the dog sitting enough for him??

Candice WTG on your food - one day at a time. You gotta find other outlets for your stress - computer is mine I guess - photoshop - like I said takes alot of time to get the wrinkles out and fb farming - it's mindless work but keeps me occupied - I find if I sit in front of the t.v. or even reading I want to eat..

Ok attaching pic #1 is photo shopped - #2 isn't - #3 is photo shopped #4 side ways isn't - see the diff in Ann(white blouse/jeans - we've been friends since 8th grad) and Debbie (brown - been friends since 9th grade)

Well I officially have the time off to go on the July trip, whowhowho.

Dinner was good tonight, had 1/2 c of spaghetti sauce, no Pasta, big salad, 1 slice of rosemary bread. I wanted the bread, so went without the pasta. I also splurged and has a small glass of wine. I usually don't have wine, but today at work it was crazy. We actually sold more today than we did over all of Mother's Day weekend and we only had 3 people working.

I also took a hard look at ice cream. I love ice cream and not willing to live totally without it, so instead bought some sorbet. Calorie wise, 1/4th the amount. I KNOW I should live without it, but right now I can't.

Phyl, you need to email me your address and the amount I need to send.

Yeah, glad you got the time off, thtats super news""

Good news for me today as well, I stuk to my plan... food today as follows...


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Well I officially have the time off to go on the July trip, whowhowho.

dinner was good tonight, had 1/2 c of spaghetti sauce, no Pasta, big salad, 1 slice of rosemary bread. I wanted the bread, so went without the pasta. I also splurged and has a small glass of wine. I usually don't have wine, but today at work it was crazy. We actually sold more today than we did over all of Mother's Day weekend and we only had 3 people working.

I also took a hard look at ice cream. I love ice cream and not willing to live totally without it, so instead bought some sorbet. Calorie wise, 1/4th the amount. I KNOW I should live without it, but right now I can't.

Phyl, you need to email me your address and the amount I need to send.


Ice cream is ok if you can control it - I went threw a shebert kick a while back - 1/2 c only 110 cal and you can find Dryers slow churned for 80 (vanilla only is what I have found)

I am pretty good at controlling ice cream - it's candy and Cookies that I have no control over..

Well for the next 2 or 3 days just me angel bear sheba -

Andrew is gone to his mom's to babysit while they are out of town (think they went to San Fran) it's so nice without Ryder !!! Andrew has 3 bros 15/14/13 and lil sis 10 from his mom and stepdad - then 2 sis from DS joseph - you guys know them

Ryder is like the 2 yrs olds ;0)

Karla you did good substituting the bread for the pasta - wtg..

I am having green Beans & tempura shrimp w/wasabe

I can't belive it's 8 already - ugh work tomorrow.. since I didn't go friday - there will be hell to pay - 1 mil emails to respond too.. Well enjoyed the day off :0)

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Morning folks, dealing with email can be a pain. I always have tons to deal with if I take time off.

I appear to have lost my cell phone. I thought it was in my pocket of my work clothes, but now it is nowhere to be seen. So I'll try calling it when I get to work and see if someone answers.

Candice, Simon has healed perfectly. His drain is out and the stitches are out and fur growing back. He has to have a lump removed, not related to the nip and his teeth cleaned. Once school is out I'll schedule him for the surgery. This is the 2nd 'suspicious' lump he has had.

I'm tired today, but no nap for me, my sister is stopping by on their way through from their winter home in Arizona to their summer home in Idaho.

Well cheak back in tonight, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - hopefully it's (cell phone) is at work.. It's a pain to lose your phone.. All those #'s in it..

Andrew called last night to say good nite and make sure I had all the doors locked - lol I guess he does love his LaLa..

Not much to report - watched Lost (dvr) and then caught the very end of Survivor - Glad Sandra won over Russell - he was pissed - gotta watch it tonite - well maybe - since I know who won - who really cares :0) may just delete it..

Well past time to jump in the shower


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Morning folks, dealing with email can be a pain. I always have tons to deal with if I take time off.

I appear to have lost my cell phone. I thought it was in my pocket of my work clothes, but now it is nowhere to be seen. So I'll try calling it when I get to work and see if someone answers.

Oh Shit, I hate when that happns!!!

Candice, Simon has healed perfectly. His drain is out and the stitches are out and fur growing back. He has to have a lump removed, not related to the nip and his teeth cleaned. Once school is out I'll schedule him for the surgery. This is the 2nd 'suspicious' lump he has had

SO happy to hear that SIMON Is recovered from his nip. Those lumps can be a worry, expecially when the doggie is getting up there in years.,

I'm tired today, but no nap for me, my sister is stopping by on their way through from their winter home in Arizona to their summer home in Idaho.

Well cheak back in tonight, TTFN

Have a good visit with your SIssta, make it SHORT and SWEET I always say.

I lovee my SISTER to peices but I can only take her for a day or 2 then we start to press each others buttons:tt1:

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - hopefully it's (cell phone) is at work.. It's a pain to lose your phone.. All those #'s in it..

Andrew called last night to say good nite and make sure I had all the doors locked - lol I guess he does love his LaLa..

Of course he loves his LALA, she is the best and most solid adult in his life!!!

Not much to report - watched Lost (dvr) and then caught the very end of Survivor - Glad Sandra won over Russell - he was pissed - gotta watch it tonite - well maybe - since I know who won - who really cares :0) may just delete it..

Well past time to jump in the shower


Onto a bright and warm day here, shake for breaky and probalby a shake for lunch too... so I dont`have to THINK about food.

Meeting an old friend for coffee this afternoon(thats all, just coffee!!)

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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