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Happy Early 4th to everyone!

Just a quick note to say hello. I imagine it will be a quiet thread this weekend. I hope everyone is happy and safe and enjoying the weekend. Last year I stayed clear of parties and picnics on these holidays. I finally feel brave enough. : ) Peasout........ Laura

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Hi Laura, nice to see you. I thought you had a very quiet 4th planned. Is DH on call for the holiday?

Cheri...you are doing very nice and interesting writing on the thread lately. It's a good thing.

Joyce, Glad you had a nice visit with your friends. So enjoyable to renew a friendship even briefly.

Charlene, don't float away...I can't believe how much rain you are getting. Hope you are feeling okay during all of this.

Linda, Yep, it's nice not to have to go anywhere for fireworks.

Junibug...congratulations on taking that step in getting your life under control. There is lots of support here usually, however, our thread mistresses are all on vacation this weekend and posting will be very quiet. Hang in there and when everyone gets back, you'll see an explosion of posts.

Lori, wow, new furniture, cool. I bought my first new couch and matching chair about 5 years ago. I was thrilled with it....now not so much. The fabric is ripping at the cushions and we aren't even that hard on it. The cat has done a numbe on it too, but that's my issue not the couches. Also the foam has collapsed much quicker than I expected. So some day, I'll end up either recovering this one and replacing the foam, or getting rid of it and buying something else. I love the big 1 1/2 chair that goes with it, but it too is starting to fail.

Julie, how's it going?

Okay I know I've missed someone...hope you are all having a great weekend.

I went shopping at my sisters. She left a bunch of stuff that she wanted to get rid of and I just couldn't deal with it before, so I went there today. A lot of it is going to the food bank but now I have so much stuff I have to clean out the pantry to figure out where to put stuff. She had almost a case of evaporated milk. She is lactose intolerant...so what's with the evaporated milk? She has tons of Pasta and I don't eat much of that, so it's going to the food bank. Projects and more projects...they never seem to end which is a good thing.

As several other people have posted, as long as I'm busy with projects, I'm not eating.

Okay....off to do some projects and cooking for tomorrow. CBL


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Good morning.

OOPs going red for the 4th. DH is out back working on the backyard, he's been up since about 630 out there. He's crazy, he loves that kind of work. LOL He took a break and we went to Breakfast and Lowes to get some sprinkler parts and I got a Wisteria plant. It was one that said could be trained as a tree so I hope it can. I love wisteria, there were several kinds, who knew?

Joyce, my dog is doing much better with the move now. I think she's finally feeling at home and we've had no more issues. She always has had an excitable bladder they call it but as long as we don't get her excited she's good and we are good about that now. We let her out when someone comes to the door etc. Glad you had a nice surprise visit with a good friend. Good for the soul!

Eva, my last furniture didn't last long either and my tastes I've discovered change over the years so my philosophy now is to buy cheaper furniture that needs replacing every 6 to 8 yrs or so. LOL This stuff was super cheap at costco but already I can tell it's better quality than my last stuff. Plus with as often as we seem to move what I buy to fit one house doesn't always fit well in the next.

Laura, enjoy your 4th. Glad you are feeling braver this year.

Linda, I'm not going any where for fireworks either. I wanted to go to Provo for the Stadium of Fire they call it and Carrie Underwood is performing but DH is too focused on his backyard, so hopefully I will see some from my house. I'm not sure what's around to see since this is new to me, but my last house in Denver from our front porch you could see fireworks from all around the city. Will hope for more of the same. We got hot dogs to grill tonight and hamburgers tomorrow to break in DH's new FAthers' Day grill.

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Hi Janet,

Thank you so much for your message. I,myself and others are thankful there are people like yourself and others like you that are willing to help us newcomers for support! I was banned June 28,2010.My highest weight was 259 and I started this journey in January and lost over 50 pounds on my own and now I have this tool to help me to complete it and people like you that I can come on this website I found today to help me when I feel discouraged! I couldn't stand up to even get myself a drink of Water in January and with the help of so many people I am doing it! God Bless you!....Ronda

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Eva~ Yeah we are around. DH isn't on call until Monday. We are having a cookout Sunday for Nelson and his best friend Nicholas and his parents. (the one whose dog died AND had a housefire last 4th of July). We are just grilling dogs and burgers, potato salad, lettuce/tom/onion, and chips for the kids. Swimming and sparklers. They are bringing dessert. Nick has a tough time with the 4th- b/c of fire. Hates loud noises and our neighborhood is pretty calm. They live in a neighborhood near a hood that is full of rednecks. It seems rednecks are the ones that spend their whole welfare check on $25 rockets!

Tonight we have a SITTER! Our first date night in FOREVER! Going to movie and dinner. The gal who is coming is actually my cleaning girl. Her kids are in Brazil for two months with her mother and she was complaining of missing kids. I can cure that for her! ha.

Figured out the gain and craving for sweets. Duhh. TOM came to visit a week early. I swear, one month he visits 2-3 times a month and then disappears for 3 months! Menopause is around the corner (I hope)! Feeling bloated and MS-ey (can't say PMS), but I will survive. Time to go get dressed for the date!!!!

Love you guys---- wish I could write more. LOL, eva on the evap milk. My friend was helping an old lady move the other day and she had 4 cases of Water and 3 cases of ensure with all the lids loosened b/c of her arthritis! GROSS. I think she was expecting a drought!

peasout... laura

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Laura.....too funny about rednecks. I am so sorry about the family that lost their home. Such a tragedy.

Most of the 4th celebrations have been canceled.......too much Water. We did see the sun today and I did get to walk. I hope to go again tonight. Sorry that a lot of you are getting the remnants of Alex this weekend. It was a wet storm.

Ronda.....congrats on your weight loss! Janet has helped all of us stay on track. I have been posting for almost 2 1/2 years. She is a real cheerleader for all of us.

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DH is making good progress on the backyard. Got a few bushes planted, HD had a sale 4 for $10, just the little guys but they'll grow! I'm trying to convince him to take a break at some point this weekend to go see Toy Story.

No wet here, but at least it cooled down some. I like the 80's. Not a cloud in the sky. A perfect day. Sorry you are having so much wet in Texas and they had to cancel fireworks, Arlene.

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Hi everyone..... I've been quite busy getting ready for the 4th.... My little meal for DD and DF, Mimi, Bailey, his parents and my mother has now turned into 20 people.... My neice that I didn't think would come just called to ask if she could bring her boyfriend.... Oh, well, the more the merrier... I'm keeping it simple so all should be fine.... I have most of the food ready and some are bringing dishes.... It should be a nice day.

I have my house mostly all in order....... Just a couple little things to finish up....and they will wait for next week.....

Arlene, I can't believe all the rain you've had.... do you have hip waders??

Joyce, it was so nice to meet you on the phone.... I'm looking forward to bunking with you in LV....

Laura, enjoy date night.

Junibug, our fearless leader is gone for a few days, but don't worry, she will get you when she gets back..... Just keep posting...... We have a bunch gone for a few days....

Melissa, I'm worried about you.... You aren't posting again.....

Great, it's nice that your DH is getting to the yard... It will be nice not to have dirt anymore.... My DH got our backyard patio done and the furniture and canopy thing up today..... Now we just have to cut a hole from our bedroom for the door.... Not a thing that has to be done right away.... I can wait....

Well, I've been having pain on and off all day, but right now it's off.... Just had a nice bath and hope to get to sleep without that dang pain attack tonight.... My paperwork has not all been turned into my doctor so mayo doesn't even know about me yet.... Monday I must go to Bismarck and sign some release papers.... Why it's taken this long to tell me that is something I can't figure out....

I wish you all a fun and safe 4th.... Hope you are all with those you love..... Watch those fingers with the fireworks...... We have some snaps and some sparklers for our girls, otherwise nothing.... We will sit on the deck and watch others.....Hugs and prayers to all.... Julie

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Lori - good to hear your dog is adjusting to new home. Sounds like DH is really dedicated to getting that lawn in. Please send some pix when complete.

Ronda - welcome. Lots of help and support here as your begin your journey to health.

Laura - a date was just what you were craving. Perfect sitter for Nels. Your cookout tomorrow will be a blessing for the family who have suffered so much stress.

Hello to Arlene and Eva & junibug.

Finished my book today with dog sleeping on my lap. A perfect, quiet, restful day. Tonight out to dinner with DH and friends. Very nice atmosphere, but didn't care for the menu.

Perfect 80 degree weather to enjoy a nice long walk with Gizmo tonight.

Happy 4th of July to everyone.


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The sun stayed out this evening and I got another walk in. It's all good. Yes, there is a lot of Water in the ditches and retention ponds. I am grateful we didn't get tornadoes or high winds. Julie, I don't have waders, but I might put them on my hurricane preparation list.

My son who has a band ......and gained 120lbs back is going to start Quick Weight Loss Cntr next week. The price is not bad. It was 400 to join and 6 dollars a week. They want him to weigh 3 times a week. He is ready. I think this time he will keep it off. Whatever works!

Julie, when are you going to the mayo Clinic?

Lori, I bet your yard will be beautiful.

Joyce, I hope you enjoyed your walk.

Later Peeps!

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Happy 4th of July!!!!!

It's a cloudy and cooler day out today. Perfect for DH out working in the yard. We were cooler yesterday too in the 70's. He is getting lots done. It's going to look really nice. He's so talented in that type of stuff.

Not much planned for today other than him working out there. Depending on his progress or if it rains we may go see a movie this afternoon. I've been wanting to see Toy Story. Silly? w/o kids? Heck I went and saw Marmaduke last.

I was sitting here yesterday and realized something. I am not hating Utah as much as I thought I would. LOL I am getting to see my kids quite a bit this summer and shhhhhhh don't tell anyone, at least for the short term I am not missing the rest of the family that much. LOL I was feeling so burdened with Grandma, my sisters and what not and making everyone happy. Now I just go back and see Grandma when I can and don't worry about the rest. LOL We will be going back there in 3 weeks for a long weekend. DH has to testify in court in his carjacking trial and will use that as an opportunity to visit with the rest of the clan.

Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th. I watched lots of fireworks from my backyard yesterday (most of them were last night seeing as how this is Utah and the 4th is on a Sunday).

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Arlene - sending good thoughts for your son as he begins Quick Weight Loss program. I'm hoping the band will do it for me. It requires such permanent changes, hard to believe the weight can come back, but I know it can.

Lori - wonderful weather to work on yard project. Interesting that Utah displays fireworks on the 3rd of July.

Very cloudy here today. 90% chance of showers tonight, so I bet our fireworks will be canceled.

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Hi Peeps! I started at 6am with a walk before church. Yea! no rain, but for some reason I was so stiff this morning. The walk cured it.

I am going to my DH's for hamburgers tonight. Well, probably a half of a patty......it's not the food.....it is the fellowship. We are not going to fireworks because I just don't like the traffic. I will watch the City of Houston fireworks on TV.

Joyce, thanks for the well wishes for my son. Poor baby got the fat gene from both of us. He definitely has to change his food lifestyle. They eat out entirely too much. Even my GD is a little thick for her age.

Great, I am glad you are starting to enjoy Utah. I think I would love it in the summer. Yeah, family can really keep the drama going. So far this year our drama has been minimal. Ah, the quiet......love it!!!!

I hope everyone has a great day!!! Don't forget to fly our stars and stripes!

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It's really nice here...it's been getting humid the last few days, but last night the humidity dropped and it cooled off. So this morning we got out early (6am) and did some yard work. I moved rocks and picked up dog doo (and many rocks with that too) and got a place ready for a new Water tank that we bought yesterday.

I live in the desert and it just kills me to throw lots of Water down the drain. I use biodegradable soap in the laundry so we want to harvest that water. We moved the washing machine outside yesterday and bought a 140 gallon culvert set in concrete and plumbed for water recycling. Now we just ave to get the tank out of the truck and set and I should be able to do laundry. We experimented and pumped out about 1/3 of the washer to see how much water it actually was and it's too much for a 33 gallon trash can, hence the culvert. Eventually we'll move the washer to it's new location in the "cave" but that can't happen until I get a storage shed.

Wow, I've been working on this post for more than an hour....forgot I didn't hit the enter key. Okay off to more projects.


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Good afternoon. Sadly, Arlene, I don't have any stars and stripes to fly today. I have the flag but left the mount for the pole mounted to the house in Denver, didn't realize it til today. Next holiday it will be fixed.

Yep, Joyce, some holidays on Sundays get moved in these parts. I know from living here in the past if Halloween falls on a Sunday they will trick or treat on Sat. night.

Eva, do you have one of those new high efficiency washers? I never did til this move as I had to leave my last washer and dryer with the house in Denver. I can't believe how much less Water it uses and my dryer how quick it is. In fact it is done drying before the washer is done washing, used to be the other way around by a long shot.

All the rock is now moved to the back yard. Now he has to level for sod and also work on getting the sprinkler pipes hooked up to the valves, but he doesn't like where they put the valve box so is going to move that whole thing. Sometimes I think the man thinks of things to do. LOL He loves to 'putz'.

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