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Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

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Georgia Girl,

The way I look at it, we are on a life's journey. We will not get skinny overnight, nor will we magically keep it off when we finally loose all our extra weight. It is called maintenance for a reason. Is it realistic to think you'll never have slip-ups on your journey? No, it isn't. But the difference is that a slip-up now doesn't mean that you will say to hell with dieting and gain back all the you've lost. A brownie isn't the death knell of your diet now. It is an occasional treat, or an occasional slip-up depending how you look at it. And you pick yourself up and you move on.

The band is your tool, and you will work it. Personally, I don't want a life that doesn't include the occasional brownie. But the difference for me will be the word occasional. Just because I eat one doesn't mean I have to eat the whole pan....lol. The reason I have failed on every diet is because I haven't been able to go the distance. I'm good for months at a time and then I just say to hell with it for some reason because I'm tired of feeling deprived. That is the absolute worse thing you can do. I need a diet plan that I can live with long term, and the band will give me that. Don't beat yourself up about faltering lately. Maybe you just need a fill or you need to commit to an exercise plan.


Girl, I think the lack of real food is getting to you. I can certainly understand that! Just because your friend had a lot of loose skin doesn't mean you will. I can tell you that I lost about 70 lbs. a few years ago,and the only place I had loose skin was my lower tummy. My arms, thighs...everything else did fine because I was exercising and doing weight training as I lost. That is soooo important! I'm starting to walk for exercise right now and I hope to add the weights in after I'm cleared for that by Dr. Bagnato. I don't want to go through another surgery again either. But if it comes down to it, I think loose skin is much better than skin bursting with fat. Hang in there!

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Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I am feeling better today. I've decided to do sort of a "detox". I am going to do low carb Protein shakes for a couple of days. I am in no way suggesting this is the way to eat, but I did this a few months ago and it really helped me get past the cravings.

Bamboobabe, you are right. I know I am a bit of a perfectionist, but I can say it has gotten a lot better than it used to be. I honestly don't know what I would do without the support of everyone here. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I am feeling better today. I've decided to do sort of a "detox". I am going to do low carb Protein shakes for a couple of days. I am in no way suggesting this is the way to eat, but I did this a few months ago and it really helped me get past the cravings.

Bamboobabe, you are right. I know I am a bit of a perfectionist, but I can say it has gotten a lot better than it used to be. I honestly don't know what I would do without the support of everyone here. Thanks again!

Glad you are feeling better about everything pamela! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner- I think I have the flu- And as usual when I am sick and bored i eat everything in sight- I've eaten icecream AND chips and dip this weekend. I can't even taste them very well but I was shovelling them in just the same- I usually relied on my mom to baby me anytime I got sick (even at 29 years old) and this is the first time I've been sick since she died in November. It's been a tough time and I'm on the verge of tears just missing her so I'm emotional eating- I know I'll get back on plan when I'm well and you know what- I'm not stressing it. I'm not beating myself up (just yet) I thank God that I got this band and even when I do it totally horrible for me foods- I dont eat AS MUCH as I used to. I might gain a few pounds- but I will never go back to 376- ever- When I fall off- the important thing is to get back on and put my head down and give it all I've got- Keep your chin up- You look great! I can't wait to be where you are girl, so keep your head up high!

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Glad you are feeling better about everything pamela! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner- I think I have the flu- And as usual when I am sick and bored i eat everything in sight- I've eaten icecream AND chips and dip this weekend. I can't even taste them very well but I was shovelling them in just the same- I usually relied on my mom to baby me anytime I got sick (even at 29 years old) and this is the first time I've been sick since she died in November. It's been a tough time and I'm on the verge of tears just missing her so I'm emotional eating- I know I'll get back on plan when I'm well and you know what- I'm not stressing it. I'm not beating myself up (just yet) I thank God that I got this band and even when I do it totally horrible for me foods- I dont eat AS MUCH as I used to. I might gain a few pounds- but I will never go back to 376- ever- When I fall off- the important thing is to get back on and put my head down and give it all I've got- Keep your chin up- You look great! I can't wait to be where you are girl, so keep your head up high!

Sorry you are feeling bad, Mia. You sound like me in the food dept. this past weekend. I only gave the brownie & ice cream as an example. I've had something terrible every night for the past 4-5 days. Pop tarts, dip and chips, you name it, I've probably ate it, lol.

I'm so sorry about your mother. I think your mother would be very proud of you for the decision you've made to become healthy. Again, sorry you are feeling bad and I hope you feel better soon. Get rested and take care.

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Sorry to hear that you're under the weather. Hope you feel better soon. My heart goes out to you about your Mom. I lost my mom about six years ago and feels like yesterday to me. Though I know she would be so proud of me for taking this step, as I'm sure yours would be. I know it's nowhere near the same, but I'm sending you a big cyber hug with chicken noodle Soup and kleenex w/lotion!!!:blushing:

I know what you mean about grazing. I don't feel any restriction right now, and I'm going in for my 2nd fill 2morrow. Hope this one is the 'sweet one'.

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Thanks guys! I have jury duty this morning- I was so sure I would call and then they would tell me they didn't need me but sure enough- don't I have all the luck- and feeling like death warmed over- Maybe when I get in there coughing and they can see I can barely talk they will let me go.I shouldve went to the DR. yesterday and got an excuse.

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I am soooo excited this morning, I weighed and I lost the 2 lbs I had gained! I am going to stick to the Protein Shakes for a few more days and hopefully it will help me get past these awful cravings. Thank you everyone for the support!

Mia- Sorry to hear about the jury duty. I got lucky last time because when I called, they didn't need me anymore. Hope you day isn't too bad, let us know how it goes.

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I am soooo excited this morning, I weighed and I lost the 2 lbs I had gained! I am going to stick to the Protein Shakes for a few more days and hopefully it will help me get past these awful cravings. Thank you everyone for the support!

Mia- Sorry to hear about the jury duty. I got lucky last time because when I called, they didn't need me anymore. Hope you day isn't too bad, let us know how it goes.

Yay! Thank goodness for bias AND my mom! The case was a domestic violence case and since my mom was executive director of a domestic violence shelter before she died, I'm BIASED- YAY! So I don't have to do jury duty anymore! WHOOHOOOO and congrats Georgia girl!

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Yay! Thank goodness for bias AND my mom! The case was a domestic violence case and since my mom was executive director of a domestic violence shelter before she died, I'm BIASED- YAY! So I don't have to do jury duty anymore! WHOOHOOOO and congrats Georgia girl!

Yay!!! It pays to be bias sometimes I guess, lol. I'm glad you don't have to sit through that all week, especially since you are feeling sick. Are you feeling any better?

Georgia Girl;

Are you doing Protein Shakes only? Slim-fast? How many per day? Going for my fill today and will be on liquids for three days, may join you in the Protein shakes only journey.

Yesterday I only did 2 low carb slim fasts and A LOT of Water. I did have a cup of chai tea last night, but it has no calories, no carbs, no nothing really. I don't know how many I will do today, I have vowed to myself that I will only have one if I am truly hungry. I have to eat chili tonight because some friends of ours invited us the their house and they are cooking chili, so I think it would be rude to decline the food. So I am going to do water and shakes today and have a very small bowl of chili tonight. Then tomorrow, it's back to shakes and water only.

Since you are getting a fill, this is the perfect time for you to do this, since you can't eat anyway. I don't do this very often, this is my second time in the 6 months I've been banded. It just helps me with the cravings and it also helps me control my food. Last time, it showed me that most of the time, I eat just to eat, I'm not actually hungry most of the time. It's not a bad thing to do every 4-5 months. I don't recommend doing this often because a liquid diet is not good for us on a regular basis, of course. A successful bandster on this website recommended doing this (I can't remember who it was now), anyway, it really did help me the first time around. Good luck.

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I may try that, Georgia Girl, when I need the detox. Right now, I'm still on softs and mushies, so it is hard to do any real harm. I will confess to be absolutely STARVING Sunday, so I ate a little snack cake cupcake thingy. I totally hated myself afterwards, but it is much better than some of the damage I've been known to do on a weekend. I mean, I haven't really eaten out since being banded (other than the Applebee's take out for work last week), and we used to go out to eat nearly 2-3 times a week! Today, I did kinda eat out I guess. I didn't bring anything with me for lunch today and DH went to eat Mexican food with his work guys. I told him to pick me up a side of refried Beans with cheese and I picked that up from him later and had it for lunch. It was high in fat I know, but better than scarfing down a burrito or eating half the basket of nachos if I'd have gone!

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Yay!!! It pays to be bias sometimes I guess, lol. I'm glad you don't have to sit through that all week, especially since you are feeling sick. Are you feeling any better?

Not feeling all that much better but I did get my Tamiflu tablets today and got them in me- hopefully after I get a few in me that will help- My boss officially had the flu on thursday of last week and 3 other of my coworkers now have it- so we are all on Tamiflu- Luckily everyone has left my office for the day so even though I have to stay till 4:30 you can bet your next paycheck that I won't be doing a thing but browsing for wedding stuff and LBT'ing it!! How are things coming along for your sister's wedding? There is SOOOO much planning- it is going to drive me insane until I get everything done- My DF is already calling me bridezilla- LOL- I don't feel up to exercising yet- I still have a darn fever =( Hopefully by end of this week Ill be rid of this nasty flu.

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How are things coming along for your sister's wedding? There is SOOOO much planning- it is going to drive me insane until I get everything done- My DF is already calling me bridezilla- LOL- I don't feel up to exercising yet- I still have a darn fever =( Hopefully by end of this week Ill be rid of this nasty flu.

LOL, had to laugh at the Bridezilla comment. My sister's wedding plans are coming along quite nicely. She rented a big beach house for all the family to stay in the whole week before the wedding, so I am really excited to vacation for a week. Your right, there is soooo much planning involved in a wedding. I am singing at her wedding, so I've really got to start practicing my song, lol. How is your planning going?

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. I am singing at her wedding, so I've really got to start practicing my song, lol. How is your planning going?

What songs is she having during the ceremony if you don't mind me asking? I am having a horrible time picking the 'perfect one'. I already have one, but am searching for another. I would have loved to have a beach wedding and we thought of just doing a destination wedding in Jamaica but we have decided to appease the families and have it to where everyone can come. The only major thing I'm waiting on is my dress and bridesmaid dresses to come in- The bridesmaid dresses have shipped and my dress should in a few weeks.

On another note bandsters facing flu- TAMIFLU has made me VERY VERY nauseous and is listed as one of the side effects (Even taking it with food did not help). If you guys have to take it might want to get your dr to go ahead and call in phenegran. I was on the verge of vomiting several times and it scared me to absolute death. I'm feeling more human today, lets hope it lasts!

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What songs is she having during the ceremony if you don't mind me asking? I am having a horrible time picking the 'perfect one'. I already have one, but am searching for another. I would have loved to have a beach wedding and we thought of just doing a destination wedding in Jamaica but we have decided to appease the families and have it to where everyone can come. The only major thing I'm waiting on is my dress and bridesmaid dresses to come in- The bridesmaid dresses have shipped and my dress should in a few weeks.

On another note bandsters facing flu- TAMIFLU has made me VERY VERY nauseous and is listed as one of the side effects (Even taking it with food did not help). If you guys have to take it might want to get your dr to go ahead and call in phenegran. I was on the verge of vomiting several times and it scared me to absolute death. I'm feeling more human today, lets hope it lasts!

Whoa, sorry you've been nauseous! Hope it's better soon!

She is having a very simple ceremony and I'm only singing one song. She chose "God Bless the Broken Road" for me to do. It is very fitting for them. They have been through a lot, in past relationships, to get where they are now. They are the sweetest couple and I am just soooo happy for them. Their wedding is only 2&1/2 weeks away! When is your wedding?

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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