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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Part Two Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hello Frank and Welcome to the Dr K group... Congratulations on your band date... Are you coming from Washington with someone?? Hopefully you will not be traveling alone... We are happy to have you joining us and keep posting and let us know how you are doing...

want2bme..... Good to see you back posting again.... I have been lurking but not posting much lately either.... Time is drawing near for our trip to Arizona, we will be leaving Monday... It was so good to be able to get together with you while we were here...

munchkin..... At least now you can pack more shoes since you only need one...... That sure is funny that you break your foot every year at the same time..... I think next year this time I would stay home and hide out for a couple of weeks... :girl_hug:

lafs..... That's great on your first fill.. Mine is doing ok too and I'm eating less, but it is more than a couple of spoonsful.. :)

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How's everybody doing? It's been quiet around here and I wanted to check in and see if my bandbuddies are doing well...please post and let us know!

I think I am FINALLY learning how to eat better...I have been having real problems with pbing...usually only mucous (I know, TMI, but part of the learning curve), and bad....I just figured out the signal to stop eating before the next bite is too much...and, it's funny, I will feel like I am eating like a pig (because it takes so long!), but even at 4 or so oz. of fish, there is a last bite!

How is everyone's fill going? I am sorry,Rosey, that you had a hard time. I think my second fill was a snap compared to the first....I think they do get better!

Lafs...wish I needed only a couple of spoonfuls! Lucky girl!


Munchkin...glad you weighed first! If I could strip down in the office for my weigh in, I would just to shave off a few (yeah, I know, what a lovely thought!


Drews, how have you been?


all our other bandsters?

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Well there was a mix up, and my surgery is the 12th not the 13th, not that I am complaining!! I start my pre-op diet today and have stocked up on frozen veggies and lots of chicken and fish! ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS ON THIS?!?! I am a carb junkie and will be starving by tonight! I know myself and this is how it will be!!

Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!






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Well everyone, after my flight being cancelled and rescheduled, I finally arrived here Denver last night around 2 am. I see Dr.K today at 4 and my surgery is tomorrow!! I'm starting to get nervous!!

It doesn't sound like we have many takers on RR, so I think I am going to go shopping tonight instead. Nothing to take my mind off things like some retail therapy (my other addiction)!

I will update everyone tomorrow night when I am back at my hotel. Hope everyone is having a great week.

Want2BMeAgain, you never fail to crack me up!! Grin!

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WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO Munchkin!!! I am so excited for you! Are you staying at the hotel at the Parker surgery center, or are you going to be in Aurora? you seem calmer than me...I was a frickin nervous wreck and spent an inordinate amount of time running to the hotel computer to read and post...Please let me know how you are doing!

Gotta crack you up more: When I had my surgery, I was just going to roll over on the recovery recliner chair thingy...I wanted to sleep so bad for a few minutes. As soon as I roll to my side, I hear a nurse say "Oh, it looks like you are ready to go home now". I was thinking "you have GOT to be kidding me"...I wasn't even totally coherent yet. I doubt that is common, but maybe I was talking so much before that, that they thought I was all spunky and ready to go..NOT. I don't even know if i could have peed and hit the toilet. They told me to go ahead and get changed back into my clothes and they would go over the discharge notes with me. Here's the funny part (looking back..it was NOT funny then). I REFUSED to change into my clothes (I know I would have fallen into my head trying to get my leg into my sweats, especially when my fat stomach was swollen with the surgery gas!), and I know I caught them off guard when I asked (then begged) to wear my gowns (thank god they covered front and back ;) ) back to the hotel...And I did. I absolutely was not going to change. I didn't even give a rat's a** if anyone saw me at the hotel lobby. All I wanted to do was get to the room and sleep!

Gawd, what a dork I am!If you read this before your surgery, we are rooting for you!

Brandy mom! I am so excited for you! Please post if pre op is driving you crazy..we are all here to help. I lived off bacon, eggs, sausage, veggies and other meats. With the Atkins diet, we really don't have to obsess about calories. The bread addict I was, I didn't touch one piece, or potatoes, Pasta or rice. When you are hungry, eat. You will get kind of sick of the same ole stuff, but it sure beats a liquid diet! Oh, you can have cheese too. Keep us up on your progress.

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Hi Want2B & Everyone -- I've been sick and gorked out on cold medicine for the last several days. Been thinking about you all, but just couldn't get it together to post.

Munchkin -- Sending you smooth sailing vibes for surgery! Can't wait to hear your surgery story.

Brandy -- I saw this recipe on NC OH board and thought it sounded really good and easy and very low carb. So I stole it. Maybe this will give you a little variety in the pre-op stage.


1 pound ground beef -extra lean

1/2 cup onion

1 egg, beaten

10 ounce package frozen spinach, thawed and drained

4 ounce can mushrooms, drained

4 ounces mozzarella cheese

1/4 cup parmesan cheese, 1 ounce

1 teaspoon garlic powder

Salt and pepper, to taste

1tablespoons butter, melted-- used Smart Balance Margarine and it tasted great.

Brown the ground beef with the onion; drain the fat. Mix all of the ingredients, except the butter, in large casserole. Drizzle with melted butter. Bake, uncovered, at 375º 25-30 minutes.

Makes 4-6 servings

Taynuh-- If you're reading this, give us a Tanner update!!!!

More later. Everyone stay well!!

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ShelbiCallie-I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you're feeling better. Having a cold sucks-I dread them. There was some guy behind me on the plane coughing the whole time and it was making me paranoid! To answer your question, I am feeling pretty darn good-I just wrote a post about it in the other Dr.K thread. I woke up with no gas pain, and no incisional pain except for a bit of soreness from my port incision. I have only taken my pain medicine once. I've mainly just been snoozing because I hardly slept for two days. I was so pooped out that it took them forever to wake me up after surgery!! But the nurse was nice and let me sleep for awhile. Unfortunately, Dee and her friend were waiting for me the whole time, which made me feel bad! But it was soooo awesome to meet them. They are really great gals. If I wasn't terrified of the NICU I'd want to move here and work with them because I think we would have a blast! And they had a good point- that I wouldn't have to look at any funky looking feet in the NICU! LOL!!! Little baby feet are always cute! No hairy toes, ingrown toenails, hammertoes, etc...

Want2bmeagain, I have a sneaking suspicion that we are awfully alike. I was reading your post and cracking up, because I did almost the same thing when I got my gallbladder out. I got dressed, but I absolutely REFUSED to put my shoes on because it hurt to much to bend over!! I acted like a 5 year old! The nurse was this older, motherly nurse, and she was like "Honey, you have to put you shoes on to walk outside, you might cut your feet on something!" And I was like "Yeah, whatever, I don't care, I'm still not doing it!!" This is before I was married, and my poor ex-boyfriend was standing there shaking his head, knowing that she could try to talk me into it all she wanted, but it wasn't going to happen, because once I make my mind up about something, discussing it is pretty much pointless! I LOVE that you came home in your gowns!! I just have this vision of you, regally walking through the hotel lobby, and if anyone looked at you, you were like "Yeah, I"m wearing hospital gowns-what is it to you? Get over it, it's very fashionable!!" Now for the really important question-did you put your shoes on or did you wear your little hospital sockies home?? Enquiring minds want to know!!

I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and doing well! Have a happy Thursday! :biggrin1:

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Taynuh-- If you're reading this, give us a Tanner update!!!!

More later. Everyone stay well!!

Here's what I just posted on the other Dr. K thread... It's late, so pardon the cut and paste job ...Tanner likes to wake up at 6... so I need to go nite nite... he still thinks he is in Guatemala... But on the bright side, he sleeps from 9 to 6, with NO wake-ups... Tessa woke up 2 times a night until 18 mos! lol:

Back from the Land of Eternal Spring... that would be Guatemala! My baby boy, Tanner, and I got in Tuesday nite.. I must say, he is just the sweetest and cutest 9.5 month old ever... and his big sister (2.5 years) is great with him... very excited about him... only seems to get jealous at bed time. She's quite a momma's helper too! I could not be happier. He's just doing awesome no big transition trauma or anxiety issues that I can see. I think it was harder on his foster mom then him. happy.gif

I did okay in Guatemala food-wise. Only threw up (PB sounds nicer, but lets be honest it's barfing!) once (chicken is sooo unpredictable for me...eggs too...hmmm, which came first?)... My scale says I stayed exactly the same... not surprising given my diet there... I ate a lot of the local cuisine... strangely, although I hate bananas (except banana bread, weird, huh?), I apparently love fried plantains! And I love Crema Chapina Soup (black bean soup...served with advocado, cheese and tortilla chips)....okay and I drank a lot of bubbly sodas... I'm hooked on Limenada con soda!!!! But, I think the dietary lapse (heck, staying the same is better than gaining I figure) was well worth the trip to get my son!

Seriously, he's a cutie patootie..with a mouth full of teeth too! He's sooooo alert and happy.... okay, I'm gonna stop gushing now! happy.gif

Tina whoo.gif

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:clap2: Munchkin -- You did it!!!!! Congratulations!!

:clap2:Tina -- So glad to hear you're back with Tanner! Welcome home, little man! How bout a picture when you get a chance (I realize with 2 kiddos under age 3 now, your chances are few and far between!) All of those teeth at 9 months -- sounds like he's ahead of the game. Doesn't early teether ususally mean early walker? Watch out! :) Sleeps all night -- good little fella. I LOVE to watch a baby sleep -- so snuggly and peaceful and sweet. Enjoy!

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I am going totally crazy with this diet...I have also stopping the whole pop thing as well. So needless to say, I am a little hungry and headachey!!! But this too shall pass!!!

I am going to try the spinach recipe tonight! It sounds yummy!!! I will let you know how it is!

I have been eating lots of scrambled eggs, salmon, shrimp and cheese. Your right though, much better than a liquid diet...still I would kill for some carbs!!!

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Brandymom~ I apologize for not remembering, but how far into the preop diet are you? How long does he have you on it? I wanted to know so that I can think back on my experience and maybe give you more ideas. I was (sounds soooo wierd to say "was") an incredible carb junkie...let me know!

Munchkin~ LOVED your shoe story....maybe we are twins separated at birth!!! I am really glad ( and a tad jealous, if I have to be honest!) that they let you rest...what's up with that!!! Maybe I was talking too much and they wanted to get rid of me! I was more comfy at the hotel, but I didn't want to leave the surg. center to get there. Hmmmm, I probably wore my hospital sockies and my berks, because I ended up with the socks. I was so tired and cranky that they made me go....I guess I could have told them I wasn't leaving :heh: I never thought of that!!!!

When are you going to post a picture?

Shelbi (I am a flippin spaz....tell me your name again...I don't even want to read through all the posts...I hate to even admit I forgot..ugh)

How are you feeling??


where are you??????????????

Hugs all


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It's late and I am tired... but I did post pics... they are on page 176 of the original Dr. Kirshenbaum thread...

Lazy... and Happy,


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Taynuh -- Thanks again for the pix of your sweeties!

Want2B -- I'm Karen (like billions of other women my age! I am my parents 6th girl, so by the time they got to me they had run out of creativity). Shelbi and Callie (guess I have no creativity either. calico cat = callie) are our cats; Barkley is our dog. I'm doing well! I am developing some bad bandgirl habits that I'm trying to get a handle on (Still eating too fast and getting the slimy golf ball -- then make myself PB (puke/barf). I have got to slow down and try harder. I find myself going for the soft foods so that I can still eat faster, bigger, more bites. I've got to make better choices about this!!)

Good Saturday, everyone!

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Well here I am in day 4 of this diet, it is getting easier but I am still dying for some carbs. It took everything in me to not eat the yummy baked potato Soup that I made for my family last night...but I did it!!!

I sent my hubby out for a naked burrito (he was grumbling all the way saying it was like I was pregnant again)...although he can't wait to see me as I was before, I must admit that neither can I!!

I have a hospital story as well, I had to have 3 major knee surgeries in 05'. My last one ended up with my leg having to be broken and my knee cap in a different position. When leaving the surgery center, I refused to put on my shoes. I was in to much pain. It was in October and freezing. I was still hooked up to pain meds in my leg, so I was feeling fine. When we got home I was walking with my crutches and my bad leg was DRAGGING behind me, my big toe was all scratched up and nasty! I know know to always wear shoes and I have the scar to prove it!

4 more days to go!!! I am so excited for my surgery I could burst!!

Happy Saturday everyone, if your here in Colorado stay warm! It is freezing here!!


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