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....says the woman with the dog who has food issues (like there not being enough on God's green earth) :crying:......I love RED!

because i have to limit his sadie snacks...:thumbup:

michelle - i hope you don't think i'm being mean.

while i don't agree w/strangers offering food to your child - i also see no problem w/popcorn if supervised,

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because i have to limit his sadie snacks...:crying:

michelle - i hope you don't think i'm being mean.

while i don't agree w/strangers offering food to your child - i also see no problem w/popcorn if supervised,

You ever give a dog popcorn? :frown:

Holy moly, my husband did one time and I can tell ya, the way it shot through that dog, he never did again. LOL Crap was on the walls halfway up, on the ceiling, all over the floor... hubby about puked cleaning it up. Serves him right. :thumbup:

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You ever give a dog popcorn? :thumbup:

he's probably sneaked some, like he did dragging the turkey day bird off the counter & having a party while us humans were outside swimming.

i try not to give human food - but 2 of mine are trash cans.

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Every dog we have ever owned have been scavengers.

We had a golden growing up named 'RED' and he was so bad that to try and teach him a lesson - my sister baked a batch of Cookies loaded with hot chili peppers, cayenne and jalapenos and left them stacked on a plate on the counter. No shock when we came home - they were all gone and Red just sat there looking at us like ----that all you got?

Red and another dog (my moms little bichon) also proceeded to eat an entire 8 lb solid chocolate 'smoked salmon' - that my now BIL had purchased as a gift - they survived without apparent effects - other than my sister and I losing a couple years off our lives thinking they were going to die.

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hahaha - dogs' named RED,

our red lab stole a smoked briskett off a neighbors picnic table as they were celebrating their daughters graduation. that was a fun call to get.

we're in the country - so no take out / nothing.

DH drove to dallas got take out chinese & delivered........we still laugh @ that one!!!

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I think he's right on target. Also, have you considered getting your % of bodyfat tested? All your exercise could have built lean muscle, which in turn could screw with your "scale" goals. Better email some nude pics to let me better evaluate....my addy is

**edited to add: Holy crap! I randomly tried to come up with a suitably pervy fake email addy to put here. Imagine my surprise when it was a real address!!! I mean, I really tried to go over the top, and some weird bastard actually has that email. People scare me.

Okay, I am creeped out and I don't even want to know what you came up with!!! Good thing I didn't see it and forward my nekkid pictures!!!:thumbup:

I haven't had my %body fat done for about 6 months, good suggestion.

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Gonna do me a 5-day pouch test starting tomorrow. Never done it before (usually didn't have to because I would get a fill once a month), but since coming back from vacation and dealing with a lot of stress, my bad eating that started at my folks' has not completely stopped.

Figured I'd give this a try and see how it goes.

And I'm too afraid to get on the scale. :thumbup:

Let me know how the 5-day pouch test goes. I have toyed with doing it in the past, but I have not taken the leap to actually do it!

At least you can get on the scale!:crying: (stomping foot)

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I am so mad...

That SUCKS!! And he's a liar and a thief!

Michelle....how old is DD? I agree w/you that folks need to ask the parents - even if she was older. I ask parents before anything, and if the kids ask me for stuff while they're visiting my house I say to ask the mom/dad first.

Even with toys, or non-edible things....you always ask the 'rents first!

She's 3. She's funny tho b/c after we talked about it... again, she was role playing like the lady was asking her if she wanted the bottled Water and she says, "just minute." Looks at me and asks if she can have that. I said yes. Then she "looks" back at the lady and she's says, "yes I'd like popcorn too!" All the while with a huge cheshire grin on her face! I just gave her a "look" and she grinned harder! Little sh!t knows better too! LOL!!

I'm with you too, Michelle. Wow.

And I don't recall how old DD is (four?), but we'd be going at it too. My daughter tried that once, shoving stuff in her face that she KNEW I was coming for or that she couldn't have, and she got walloped for it. When I say no, it's NO, damnit, not no-only-when-I-can-reach-you no.

I know I sound like a hard-ass (shock, I know), but my thought always was, what if she was putting poison in her mouth? She has to listen to ME, not do whatever she can get away with until I can get to her.

Not telling you what to do... just relaying my own frustrations with my own DD from when she was young.

She was notorious for finding drinks people had left on the ground outside a building and grabbing them to take a swig. :w00t:

But yes, I would definitely be talking to somebody around there. Nobody should EVER give a child something without checking with the parents. What if she had a life-threatening allergy?? That lady could have killed her.

Edit: Sorry, I know this sounds like it's judging you, and I swear that was not my intent. :(

No, no, no judgement. I know what you're saying. We were watching her like a hawk and she really was just taking one at a time a chewing carefully but still. But you are right, I should have just dropped it all and grabbed it out of her hand or had her hand it over. I just think I was so shocked that it even happened that I just didn't think about it.

i think i ate popcorn while running w/scissors @ 4....:eek: KIDDING, well not sure - but it sounds like me.

*****non parent comment - so you ya'll can kill me later*****

if your w/DD while she eats the popcorn i see nothing wrong w/it - same as an apple/watermelon seeds....???

restricting this one food group to her is like telling us we can never have a chip again - we want it that more.

back to my dogs who let me lecture them ALL day long w/out issue:tongue2:

No killing here. It was a long time before I could get DH to let her eat almonds! Don't even get me started with the grapes or the hot dogs! Part of the problem too is that she will stuff her mouth til she's literally holding her food in with her fingers while chewing it!

DH will just very recently give her ONE piece if he gets popcorn at the theater. But he inspects it carefully and watches her like a HAWK!

In all honesty, I think it's a little over the top BUT he's also a 25 year career fireman and has seen a lot of stuff involving kids. He's insistent on it and I'm not going to go behind his back. I've been able to get him to relax on the grapes and hot dogs and almonds and we'll see on the popcorn. He's already kinda budging a smidge on that but still...

Jeez, you shoulda seen him when she was a baby! Yikes! I was waiting for him to come home with a helmet and padding to wrap her up in!

I thought I was going to be the tight-a$$ in the family! Nope! It's DH!! LOL!


I'm with y'all and Michelle. You NEVER give a child something to eat without checking with the parents first - especially when they are RIGHT THERE!

Heck, I don't give kids anything - not a cookie, or a drink, or anything - without checking first. You don't know what their situation is...

We had a family at our church - the little boy had a real sensitivity to wheat and such, so most baked goods were off limits for him. Didn't stop him from asking though...even though he knew it would cause him big-time tummy problems, he still wanted them because he wanted to be like everyone else.

Poor little punkin' - one of our members got good at making gluten-free stuff he could eat, and she always made him something special. Made him feel much better...

My DD is so conditioned to ask first that even at 18 she still double-checks some things with me...:w00t: Guess I brainwashed her but good! :ohmy:

Poor little guy! We are so blessed that DD doesn't have any allergy stuff, food or otherwise! She likes her veggies and loves fruit too! WhooHoo! Doesn't much care for ice cream but watch out with the candy!

because i have to limit his sadie snacks...:frown:

michelle - i hope you don't think i'm being mean.

while i don't agree w/strangers offering food to your child - i also see no problem w/popcorn if supervised,

No, not at all!

I actually wouldn't have a problem with it either (supervised, like you said), at this point, last year, yes. But it's those little, hard kernel things where they open up that can be bad too. I'm always choking on that stuff!

You ever give a dog popcorn? :w00t:

Holy moly, my husband did one time and I can tell ya, the way it shot through that dog, he never did again. LOL Crap was on the walls halfway up, on the ceiling, all over the floor... hubby about puked cleaning it up. Serves him right. :thumbup:

GROSS! Glad you made HIM clean it up! Yikes!

he's probably sneaked some, like he did dragging the turkey day bird off the counter & having a party while us humans were outside swimming.

i try not to give human food - but 2 of mine are trash cans.

LOL! Our last dog was a trash can too!

Every dog we have ever owned have been scavengers.

We had a golden growing up named 'RED' and he was so bad that to try and teach him a lesson - my sister baked a batch of Cookies loaded with hot chili peppers, cayenne and jalapenos and left them stacked on a plate on the counter. No shock when we came home - they were all gone and Red just sat there looking at us like ----that all you got?

Red and another dog (my moms little bichon) also proceeded to eat an entire 8 lb solid chocolate 'smoked salmon' - that my now BIL had purchased as a gift - they survived without apparent effects - other than my sister and I losing a couple years off our lives thinking they were going to die.

Holy moly!!

DH had a lab mix when we met, that ate an entire box of see's candy she "found" on the dining room table. Not sick at all. Now, almost dead? Yes b/c DH's mom wanted to KILL that dog! She (dog) was so funny! Had an Iron gut, would eat all manner of gross and disgusting things but if you gave her left-over stew, when you came to retrieve the bowl, it was licked clean including the green peas! Left intact on the bottom of the bowl! LOL!!

hahaha - dogs' named RED,

our red lab stole a smoked briskett off a neighbors picnic table as they were celebrating their daughters graduation. that was a fun call to get.

we're in the country - so no take out / nothing.

DH drove to dallas got take out chinese & delivered........we still laugh @ that one!!!


~I did call the real estate office today to let them know that as nice as that was, it was NOT a good idea! The gal I talked too has an early child development degree and got where I was coming from and understood, or so she said. Anyway, I was very nice and told her in all honesty it pissed me off and now I've got a battle on my hands with my 3 year old. Also mentioned the food allergy thing b/c you NEVER know! She said that they would talk about it b/c really I did bring up a great point about asking PARENTS before asking CHILDREN if they can have something. Who knows if it'll go anywhere. And I could have been talking to the same lady from last night for all I know! LOL! BUT I did make my point and I really DO hope that they will pay attention to it.

AND I really WAS nice about it!! :crying:

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PJTP...Good early morning, Everyone!:w00t:

Just got in from my morning run...yes, RUN! I ran the entire course today, no stopping! :frown::w00t::w00t:

It's just over a mile, and when I started the c25k I NEVER thought I'd be able to run the whole thing. I was huffing and puffing just after a block and everything hurt. :w00t:

This morning I left DDog at home (he doesn't like to run very fast - makes me pull him all the way) and just took off. At the halfway point I was thinking "I might be able to do this"...at the 2/3 point, I was thinking "I can do this!" and I did! :thumbup:

Yeah! I am doing the happy dance for you! :crying: Isn't it an amazing feeling to run a mile for the first time! WTG! Now you will just keep going! Better sign up for your first 5K!!!

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Who would have thought I would like going to the gym? This is my first week though

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Good evening folks! How is everyone doing?

Heartfire-I love the fire truck in your avi. How cute? I completely understand where you are coming from with asking first. I cannot fathom just giving someone else's child anything without talking to the parents. You just never know what you are dealing with (allergies, parents ready to beat you up...). My family was really bad when DS was little. They would give him all manner of things when I wasn't around. One day I came in to him sucking on a chicken leg bone. He wasn't even one! One of my older aunts decided it would be good for him since he was teething. Of course, it did help in some ways because DS is fearless when it comes to food (unless it has cheese on it). He eats everything! He actually has gotten his dad to be a little more open to foods because his dad figures if DS eats it, it must be ok. It is too funny.

KC-glad to know your mouth is doing better.

I went and read the last fight between HH and the other person. He was baited into that one. She for sure knew which of his buttons to push.

Beth-Sorry to hear about DH being in more pain than expected. Hopefully that will clear up as he heals. The situation with the book is awful! Why do people have to try to get over on other people? I hope that you are able to get your money back quickly.

I haven't really had to deal with the dog situation. Well, other than the two days that I had a puppy here for DS. It did get a tummy upset and puked on my kitchen floor. Of course, the woman that is scared of dogs got to clean it up. **gross**

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Ebony-If wearing the older shoes make your legs hurt, you should get rid of them. I have had to do that before. What type of running shoes did you get?

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That SUCKS!! And he's a liar and a thief!

Well, so far I'm waiting to see what he does. I'll wait until he proves that he won't do the right thing before I say that. But for now, I'm just damn mad.

GROSS! Glad you made HIM clean it up! Yikes!

Acutally I didn't even know about it until after the fact. :thumbup:

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Who would have thought I would like going to the gym? This is my first week though

First week or not, it IS half the battle. Good going! :thumbup:

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PJTP...Ebony's Evening Edition!

Hi y'all! Got home a little later than usual (had to sign some papers at the attorney's office for my church) so went to Dairy Queen for dinner. Got a kid's meal - a cheeseburger (only ate half - Buns are tough for me); applesauce (yum) and a small soda (watered it down) plus a kid-size vanilla cone.

I'm good to go - and 6 months ago, that would have been a snack and I'd have been looking for more! I :w00t: my band!

Ebony-If wearing the older shoes make your legs hurt, you should get rid of them. I have had to do that before. What type of running shoes did you get?

I have two pair - both Nike. I find they work for my feet...the expensive pair (bought at sporting goods store) are Nike + (the ones you can get the little do-hickey for that feeds into your iPhone - but only the newest version) :crying: Love the shoes, so I can do without the iPhone thing, especially since I don't have the newest whiz-bang iPhone.

The other pair are Nike Shox - got those on EBay and paid much less than retail for them...gotta LOVE EBay. That's where I'll get my next few pairs - I hate paying retail, but I do it occasionally to help support local businesses and local working folk.

First week or not, it IS half the battle. Good going! :frown:

What Beth said - keep up the good work! :thumbup:

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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