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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

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Caresa, your post hit as I was writing my earlier one. If you'd like, I can copy it and repost it with your name instead, or you could just pretend I wrote it for both of you. :guess

We will ALL do this...TOGETHER! I officially declare this our "Fat Stonewall!" Where we may have failed alone in the past, now that we're all standing together we will succeed!! <am I channelling a little too much drag queen? :moony:>

Maybe just a little, but it might be what is needed.

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Okay, my turn...

What the fuck?! The other people will be nice to you, but jesus christ, if you think you should be down more than 16 pounds by this point in the game than you are out of your freaking mind. Ouch I know.

But the typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week, 2.5 if you bust your ass and eat right. So remember this is the beginning. This is bandster hell. You will be hungry, you may gain back a few pounds...The reality is you're going to plateau and those 16 pounds will help out your overall average. And get ready for the plateau because those really suck hard.

Go and read what to expect all over again and get your brain in line with reality.

And I am coming from a place of love. I just sound like a royal bitch. Really, the defeatist talk so soon after banding just makes me a little unglued. Either you didn't do your homework, or you forgot.Either way a little education will set your mind at ease and get you thinking positive thoughts.

Hugs and stuff,


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Okay, my turn...

What the fuck?! The other people will be nice to you, but jesus christ, if you think you should be down more than 16 pounds by this point in the game than you are out of your freaking mind. Ouch I know.

But the typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week, 2.5 if you bust your ass and eat right. So remember this is the beginning. This is bandster hell. You will be hungry, you may gain back a few pounds...The reality is you're going to plateau and those 16 pounds will help out your overall average. And get ready for the plateau because those really suck hard.

Go and read what to expect all over again and get your brain in line with reality.

And I am coming from a place of love. I just sound like a royal bitch. Really, the defeatist talk so soon after banding just makes me a little unglued. Either you didn't do your homework, or you forgot.Either way a little education will set your mind at ease and get you thinking positive thoughts.

Hugs and stuff,


Gotta love a honest and feisty woman.

BTW...Stevee, don't lose hope...it is simple math...you can't eat as little as you do and not lose, it just takes our bodies time to figure out how to react to the situation.

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LOL! I guess it's true - a picture really is worth a thousand words!

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Okay, my turn...

What the fuck?! The other people will be nice to you, but jesus christ, if you think you should be down more than 16 pounds by this point in the game than you are out of your freaking mind. Ouch I know.

But the typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week, 2.5 if you bust your ass and eat right. So remember this is the beginning. This is bandster hell. You will be hungry, you may gain back a few pounds...The reality is you're going to plateau and those 16 pounds will help out your overall average. And get ready for the plateau because those really suck hard.

Go and read what to expect all over again and get your brain in line with reality.

And I am coming from a place of love. I just sound like a royal bitch. Really, the defeatist talk so soon after banding just makes me a little unglued. Either you didn't do your homework, or you forgot.Either way a little education will set your mind at ease and get you thinking positive thoughts.

Hugs and stuff,


Damn girl, don't hold back - tell us how you really feel! Yeah, you may sound like a royal bitch, but anyone who's read more than two or three of your posts knows better. And I really do agree with what you're saying, but a lot of people only see what they want to see, including me. It's not necessarily ignorance - in my case it was excitement. I watched Sean's weight come off him like a blowtorch to a stick of butter and thought mine would drop like that too (he's down 95 pounds since Feb 21 and at goal BTW). I have since gotten VERY discouraged many times and wondered if I did the right thing. But like I said in my earlier post, I've finally learned how my body loses and it's not the same as anyone else. I mean damn, I look at Edd's ticker - he's lost almost as much as I have and I have almost a four-month head start on him. I could get discouraged again, but why? I'm consistently losing, even if it's not as quickly as I'd like and I know I will ultimately reach my goal. But Juli, you're so right - the vast majority of bandsters do not lose rapidly. That's a major difference between band vs. bypass and I think a lot of folks get the impression that they will lose like a bypass patient. Again, my DH is very much the exception - our doc has actually referred to him as a freak! I have my own suspicion as to the cause of it though - he has hypothyroidism and I'm very concerned that as he began to lose, his dosage of thyroid medication (which has not been adjusted at all since he was banded) became too high, which would have caused him to lose faster, which would cause his dosage to be even higher, which would cause him to lose even faster, which, well, at this point I think I've made my point.

ANYhoo, Stevee and Caresa, no one here (well, I mean Juli but I was trying to be generic :heh:) is trying to discourage you. Quite the contrary, you guys are family to us and we just don't want you to have unrealistic expectations that could set you up for failure later. Stevee, 16 pounds in two weeks is damned incredible! That's around 1 1/4 pounds per day!! In contrast, I have averaged less than 1/3 pound per day and I don't really consider myself a slow loser. Plus, if you read back through my early post-op posts, I stopped losing for a week or two, then all of a sudden it started moving along again. Again, take a few deep breaths. Neither of you made a bad decision, and this is NOT like any other time before. It WILL happen, you've just got to do like Juli said and get your brain in line with reality.

Now, can I get off topic and pack my own pity picnic basket for a minute? It's now official - I HATE my fucking job!! :angry I've worked for this bank for almost 8 1/2 years and used to love it. The longest I had ever worked for the same company before was just over three years. Now it's not enough that we feel like we're whoring ourselves out to try and persuade people to open accounts. The latest thing just started: we now have to create a "rolling top 20" list of our friends, family and acquaintances and call at least five of them a week to try and sell them accounts. It's bad enough that we're pissing off total strangers, now we're going to be alienating the people we care about as well. Oh, and as we call folks and get them off the list, we have to add more to replace them, hence the "rolling top 20." GRRRR!!! I get three weeks of vacation, more sick days than I could ever take and really good domestic partner benefits, not to mention the 401(k) contribution match and retirement plan. I don't want to leave, but I just can't take this shit anymore. Sean and I own a business, but it's just not to the point where I can quit working an outside job yet. I have a former co-worker who just left to go to a new bank that's opening next spring and she's trying to get me in there as well, but there's no guarantee. So now I don't know if I should look for another new job anyway and then make a decision if the other one comes through or if I should just try to hang in there a little longer. I'm not really asking for advice (although it would be welcomed), I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening guys...

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I am not trying to discourage anyone. Shame on me if I were.

My point and it's been made a few different ways so far and by the fellas too, is that you are doing fine and being hungry before getting a fill is typical.

On a spritiual or philosphical (sp) note, you get what you put out into the universe. [so I'm going to get a real ass chewing soon] but if you think your band isn't going to work for you, it won't. We manifest our desitinies.

So stay positive. The negative stuff is happening in your head because you have unreal expectations or forgot what to expect or something like that.

I've stomped my foot and pouted too along this journey and I'm sure I'll do it again. Please feel free to tell me what for. K?

Eddie- Hating your job is a horrible place to be. Ugh. Sorry. Do you want to put me on list of 20? :rolleyes:

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I don't think Juli's word of wisdom are discouraging in any way. Sometimes we need that strong voice to snap us back to reality.

So I say "thank you". I need to stop being a brat....I want what I want and I want it NOW!!! So I have stopped kicking my feet and got up off the floor. Moving on......


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I too can be a Varuka Salt (sp)...I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!!! I want to lose this weight...but it is a journey. I am a slow loser (just 30 to date), but I've never been healthier in my life. I quit smoking (yeah me), haven't had fast food or a soda of ANY kind since March 21. I am doing Jazzercise (kicks my ass and I love it) as often as possible. I'm about 3 sizes down. I feel great about myself. So, yeah, I love my band. It will happen! And yes, I sometimes eat something naughty! Hey, it took me 39 years to put this weight on...should take me a while to lose it! Heads up...cheer up...go back and read some good threads...we will get there. AT OUR OWN PACE. THIS IS NOT A RACE!

Back to bad (good) 70's music...

"Kept thinking I could never live w/o you by myside..." (tag Eddie, your it)


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ok ok ok ok.... i'll stop being a brat too. folds arms and pouts one last time. hehehe

i'm not down 16 in two weeks. that would be amazing. i'm down 16 since my pre op. i'm only down 7 lbs in 2 weeks. but thats fine with me. as i posted yesterday i looked at ya'lls tickers and realized i'm pretty much on schedule. so i calmed down. my g/f helped me w/ that as she said she is proud of me and said that i need to just calm down and it will come in time that my body is just not ready yet.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was my sigh of relief yesterday i was just uptight and bitchy!

like you ms dad i FUCKIN HATE MY JOB that i used to LOVE. frown.gif and it blows to hate your job it really fucks up everything in life cuz we spend so much time at our jobs. so my plan.... stay there till i know i dont need the fills paid by insurance anymore i guess then keep it movin and find a new one.

dont know how long this will be but jesus i hope it comes soon. if i get cussed out by one more AARP member i'm gonna go postal. lol not really i think its quite funny actually.

so off the subject how sad was Ellen's plea about the puppy!!! i hate to see funny people cry it tears my heart up!!!!!! i think the owner of the shelter is a beotch! shes lovin the publicity i'm sure... the death threats not so much. lol

anyways... thats enough for me...back to sleep

love you all for the continued support and ass kickin when needed!

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Awe, that's what I'm talking about.

Great visuals by the way, pouting, rolling around having temper tantrums...

I'm the mom who stepped over and walked away bored from her 4 year old daughter who threw herself on the ground. She kicked and screamed to voice her displeasure with my decision making. It only happened once or twice, because it's a lot of energy to spend not to get the desire effect.

Thanks for not handing me my head.

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no problem. i got love and respect for you juli. just know that.

by the way i dont own a scale....which is probably a good thing. i weigh at my moms 1 time a week. i got so frustrated cuz i this weekend i got dressed to go out and my clothes didnt seem to fit much different after losing 16 lbs. i was like what the eff! but today... i just put the same jeans on and they feel different!!!!!!! wooooo hoooooo feeling good today! wha wha!

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Well I wanted to let you all know I got approved by Cigna and they will cover 90% of my surgery! I was so discouraged when they denied me a few weeks ago but I am elated now! I don’t have a surgery date yet as I still have to have a chest x-ray and another psych eval by their chosen doctor. Thanks for all the support! WOO HOO!!

I was also hoping to get invited to Eddie's pity picnic. I have worked at the same company for 8 years and I also used to like it. But now we keep doing these fucking re-organizations where we get all these stupid big-wigs poking their noses into everything. I work in a sales room at a major newspaper in FL and some upper management dumbass got this great idea to merge our sales room with another one in south FL. The guy he put in as our boss has breath that could kill an elephant and he screams at everyone like they are stupid. I alreayd have to manage 12 bitchy ass sales people that complain about everything-and now this?! I would have been out of there long ago if it hadn't been for the benefits. At least now I just got a $20,000 Christmas bonus!

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Thanks for not handing me my head.

I wish someone would hand me some head. Could one of you guys have a chat with my DH? :(

Well I wanted to let you all know I got approved by Cigna and they will cover 90% of my surgery! I was so discouraged when they denied me a few weeks ago but I am elated now! I don’t have a surgery date yet as I still have to have a chest x-ray and another psych eval by their chosen doctor. Thanks for all the support! WOO HOO!!

I was also hoping to get invited to Eddie's pity picnic. I have worked at the same company for 8 years and I also used to like it. But now we keep doing these fucking re-organizations where we get all these stupid big-wigs poking their noses into everything. I work in a sales room at a major newspaper in FL and some upper management dumbass got this great idea to merge our sales room with another one in south FL. The guy he put in as our boss has breath that could kill an elephant and he screams at everyone like they are stupid. I alreayd have to manage 12 bitchy ass sales people that complain about everything-and now this?! I would have been out of there long ago if it hadn't been for the benefits. At least now I just got a $20,000 Christmas bonus!

Wow, do we work for the same company?!? We've got re-orgs and "displacements" going on too. Oh wait, you get a FRIGGIN' $20K CHRISTMAS BONUS!! You know what we get for Christmas? Off three hours early on Christmas Eve. :angry Gee thanks, now I'm really in a great mood... :heh:

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