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Forks over Knives

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I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

So enjoy your journey towards health.

I watched the Forks Over Knives movie yesterday.....and then watched the Engine2 movie....both on Netflix.

Very compelling stuff.

I'd like to learn more about it and how I can meet my Protein goals with this. I'm getting the Engine2 book and will read it. Once I'm done....I'm thinking that I may try the Engine2 28 day challenge. What have I got to lose, right ?

My concerns are will the diet be sleeve friendly and will I get enough Protein. I'm certain that I'll learn more in the time ahead. I'm intrigued by this. That is a big deal, too, by the way.....as I've been a tremendous fan of grilled meats for as long as I can remember. I'm not saying that I'll totally give up the meats.......but then again who knows. I think I may even go see my PCP and have bloodwork done prior to any diet change and then if I do the 28 day challenge and stay on it....I'll go back and have it checked again.

Nothing to lose, right ?

Look up how much protein is in Plants. It is a lot more than meat & milk, plus plant protein will not cause cancer. Remember where do animal's get protein? Yep PLANTS! The protein is not a problem. Ever meet anyone sick from not enough protein. They marketed this to get us to eat meat & milk. It worked. Somehow the rest of the world get there protein with no issues.


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I was sleeved almost 5 years ago. I love it. But I my weight was climbing back up. I was up to 203 from 172. I was having nightmares about my weight coming back. I notice some people would look at my belly before making eye contact, like before. Well my wife came back from her check up in Feb and was told her cholesterol was 345. Her Cardiologist ( from India ) told her she was a heart beat away from a heart attack or stroke & needed to go on a vegetarian diet. Well our daughter told us to watch "FORKS over KNIVES" made in 2011. It saved her friends life. So we watched it on Netflix. We were stunned. First thing you think of is "why is this information not getting out to us?"

You are taught If you put good stuff in your body, the body will fix itself. The problem was we did not know what the good stuff was.

My wife got up & we cleaned everything bad out of our kitchen & went to the store. ( No gimmicks to buy.)

We went back to the Cardiologist 2 months later. He told my wife was in STAGE #2 of Heart disease. We told him we were following the Forks over Knives way of eating. He stated this, "THERE IS NOTHING I COULD DO BETTER THAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU WILL CURE YOURSELF." Then he wanted to take blood work to see the changes.

RESULTS: Wife Numbers WAS 345 New 171 Cholesterol, Her BAD cholesterol was 233 New 71, Lost 25 pounds.

Mine: 190 old New 134 weight was 203 now 175.

If your cholesterol is below 150 you are heart attack & stroke proof. The doctor took my wife off her meds!

Two friends are doing this after I gave them the movie to watch. The are losing weight & both were taken off there diabetic meds. IT CURED THERE DIABETIC PROBLEM. There blood work will be done this month.

This is a healthy lifestyle to eat. You eat all you want. No counting. No worrying about anything. Just eat the healthy stuff as much as you want.

​There is a second DVD on Netflix "PlantPure Nation". The doctors go to a town in NC and put volunteers on the Whole Plant Base food for 20 days. The results of blood work in 20 days will surprise you. The body fixes itself fast. This is information that should be taught in school.

So enjoy your journey towards health.

I watched the Forks Over Knives movie yesterday.....and then watched the Engine2 movie....both on Netflix.

Very compelling stuff.

I'd like to learn more about it and how I can meet my Protein goals with this. I'm getting the Engine2 book and will read it. Once I'm done....I'm thinking that I may try the Engine2 28 day challenge. What have I got to lose, right ?

My concerns are will the diet be sleeve friendly and will I get enough Protein. I'm certain that I'll learn more in the time ahead. I'm intrigued by this. That is a big deal, too, by the way.....as I've been a tremendous fan of grilled meats for as long as I can remember. I'm not saying that I'll totally give up the meats.......but then again who knows. I think I may even go see my PCP and have bloodwork done prior to any diet change and then if I do the 28 day challenge and stay on it....I'll go back and have it checked again.

Nothing to lose, right ?

Look up how much protein is in Plants. It is a lot more than meat & milk, plus plant protein will not cause cancer. Remember where do animal's get protein? Yep PLANTS! The protein is not a problem. Ever meet anyone sick from not enough protein. They marketed this to get us to eat meat & milk. It worked. Somehow the rest of the world get there protein with no issues.


There are some very valid points you make. But if you look at the teeth of humans, we evolved to be omnivores. Animals have specialized teeth. Look at what cows and horses eat, and how they eat and chew. Humans have teeth for grinding up food but also for ripping and tearing flesh. Millions of years of evolution can't be wrong.

I am not saying you are wrong, it is probably not a bad thing to reduce the amount of animal Proteins in our diet. But (I am not going to look this up) are there other benefits to a omnivore vs a herbivore diet that humans need such as certain amino acids, etc. that maybe a balanced plant based diet might not be able to replicate?

This will probably light a fire under the backsides of some vegetarians. I am not criticizing your lifestyle, that is your choice. I just will remain an omnivore but maybe with less animal based protein.

Edited by 4MRB4PHOTO

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It would take a lot for me to ever completely give up meat.

I'm intrigued by many aspects of this way of eating, though.

For instance, the author makes a Breakfast Cereal mix for a couple who are trying it out. He put all sorts of stuff in their bowls and it really looked great. They seemed pleased with the flavor and the crunch. He said each bowl has 30+ grams of Protien and 25+ grams of Fiber in addition to many nutrients.

I could use such a Breakfast idea.

I'm sure there are other high Protien meal ideas to be found, too.

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Forks Over Knives is a business!

They sell books, videos, teeshirts and FOOD!

For $209/week (actually, just 5 days a week -- so that's $41.80 a day), the folks at Foods Over Forks will prepare and deliver to you a gourmet breakfast, lunch and dinner.


And for only $575 you can attend a two-day weekend retreat learning all about how to become a vegan.

And for $3,700 per person, double occupancy, you can attend a week-long immersion retreat in Sedona, Arizona, as you unplug, get screened, receive consultations, star-gaze, do yoga, hike, listen to live music, etc.


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Forks Over Knives is a business!

They sell books, videos, teeshirts and FOOD!

For $209/week (actually, just 5 days a week -- so that's $41.80 a day), the folks at Foods Over Forks will prepare and deliver to you a gourmet Breakfast, lunch and dinner.


And for only $575 you can attend a two-day weekend retreat learning all about how to become a vegan.

And for $3,700 per person, double occupancy, you can attend a week-long immersion retreat in Sedona, Arizona, as you unplug, get screened, receive consultations, star-gaze, do yoga, hike, listen to live music, etc.



I couldn't see enjoying much of any of that stuff......but a can see a recipe book or two being a nice addition to the arsenal.

I'd never be able to eat the volume of food these plant folks live off.......but I could see making a vegetable juice drink to perhaps improve my nutrition. Hell, in my case.....I could substitute it for one or two of the cups of coffee I eat everyday.

I can see how folks jump into the ring and dive headfirst into the "movement". We are, on average, a society of unhealthy folks....and joiners. We love to be in groups that we identify with.

The only group I'm trying to exclude myself from is the folks in the graveyard. I'd like to stall that occurrence for a long time.

A homemade V-8 type drink seems reasonable for me.....as well as adding in green crunchy, leafy vegetables to my normal Proteins.

Just for shyts and grins I'd like to get my blood work done soon and then give one of the modified versions of the Engine2 28-day challenges a try and then more blood work after. It'll be fun. I've got the time and not scared to experiment. We'll see.

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I like nuts. But I'm allergic to cults. I'll sit this one out.

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I like nuts. But I'm allergic to cults. I'll sit this one out.

LMAO !!!

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This lifestlye is not about being a vegan or not. From Dr. Ornish, To Dr Campbell & Dr McDougall & others, they have been reversing heart disease, stopping & healing Cancers, reversing diabetes, etc for 40 years. Dr. Ornish methods has been approved by the government to be covered by insurance. A local hospital has his clinic at there location. He's in a lot of locations. What is a shame is we do not know about this way of eating.

We are on this site because or eating problems. Just because something is different from our belief system does not make it wrong. Turns out what you put in your body does count. BUT if you put the right stuff in your body, it fixes itself. It's that simple. Your body will get to it's natural size while eating & no calorie counting & eating as much as you want. If you look at my other post you will see my wife's story. Now for a update on my wife.

Wife saw her family Dr for a follow-up from her check up in Feb when her cholesterol was found to be 345. The Dr was very pleased she was on the Plant Based food and very pleased with her results of since Feb. The Dr stated our diet has a lot to do with our illnesses.
Nancy's body weight is now in the normal range and cholesterol keeps falling. The Dr told her to stay off the statin drug. She doesn't need it. This lifestyle has saved her life. Also her Tachycardia is gone. She's been taking med's for it since age 13.

Her body fixed it.

Watch these Doctors on YouTube. Find something you can do try for just one month, then decide.

Here's to your health.

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@@Papa Jack

Great news on your wife. Powerful results.

You've peeked an interest with me. I have been reading and dusting up a bit on this. Interesting.

I'm gonna try a 28 day challenge soon. I will be employing the use of some type blender/juicer/mixer as I don't see how I have enough stomach capacity to eat the amounts this diet suggests......but I could drink them in concentrated form.

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plant Protein will not cause cancer

Major claim needs major proof. Many people bought into the idea of shark cartridge to stave off cancer because "sharks don't get cancer." Well that was proven not to be true, sharks get the big C too.

I don't object to a vegie diet...(it's not because of my love of animals, I just can't stand plants)...I prefer really good, organic non-processed food and as many plants as I can eat. But that is my preference, not because of a belief that it will do anything good or bad.

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@@Papa Jack

Great news on your wife. Powerful results.

You've peeked an interest with me. I have been reading and dusting up a bit on this. Interesting.

I'm gonna try a 28 day challenge soon. I will be employing the use of some type blender/juicer/mixer as I don't see how I have enough stomach capacity to eat the amounts this diet suggests......but I could drink them in concentrated form.

Great idea on the blending. My daughter had my wife by a vitamix. ( Sam's club was the cheapest one around here. They cost a lot. ) We use that for juicing, and you can make hot soup! & ICE CREAM. ( just by putting in frozen fruit only ) It's like magic. Let us know your progress. If it works for you, then you can pass on your story. Getting folks healthy one story at a time.

Myself I am below my lowest weight with the sleeve. I figured I carried about 10 pounds of extra skin from my fat days. It looks like it is going away. My lowest, I had a 34 inch waist. I am now 32 inch waist.

Watch on Netflix "Conspiracy". Just finished watching it. It is mind blowing the stuff that we do not know.

Here's to your health


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plant Protein will not cause cancer

Major claim needs major proof. Many people bought into the idea of shark cartridge to stave off cancer because "sharks don't get cancer." Well that was proven not to be true, sharks get the big C too.

I don't object to a vegie diet...(it's not because of my love of animals, I just can't stand plants)...I prefer really good, organic non-processed food and as many plants as I can eat. But that is my preference, not because of a belief that it will do anything good or bad.

I agree with you. The proof for this has been well documented since 1930's Look up The Rice House for example. Just have to want to look for it. YouTube, Netflix & internet are wonderful tools. Good health to you.

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I started a vegan lifestyle as soon as i got my surgery. Did not told this to my surgeon. I know he wouldn't approved. It has been a little difficult to keep a good balance.

So far i have learn:

  1. EAT YOUR GREENS...at least 5 times a week!! at least 2 cups of kale or spinach or some other leafy greens
  2. take a vegan Vitamin supplement, I use Deva Tiny Tablets
  3. No isolated oils... I use nut butters, and all sort of seeds and nuts. But totally avoid as much as i can isolated oils. The only one i may use 1 time a week is the coconut oil.
  4. eat whole grains, oats, brown rice, whole wheat you name it! every day!!
  5. fall in luv with all types of potatoes, sweets, yams etc.... I have no limits and eat them as much as i can.
  6. I use only organic soy milk!! it has lots of Protein...
  7. no problem with fruits and veggies... eat them with freedom
  8. no process sugars... instead I mixed some stevia with unprocess brown sugar and use that instead, to use less sugar as possible. But also use lots of dates instead.
  9. follow Dr. Gregers Daily Dozen app! this will safe your life!
  10. dont be afraid of carbs ... they are your friends just keep it whole food, low or no oil or process sugars.
  11. and stay away from process vegan food.. is full with additives, salt, sugars and oils.
  12. follow all this and every thing will be great.

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So I have had gastric bypass and I seen this 'Forks over knives' documentary and wanted to try this new plant based lifestyle. I have researched and those who have done this had weight loss success and overall improvement in health. The lifestyle consist of a purely plant based diet that removes all animal based products. So no eggs, no animal milk (soy milk is used to replace it), no animal fats, and they even say no processed foods. My concern was how I would be able to get in my Protein, I know Beans are a wonder and I love black Beans. Has anyone tried this lifestyle change? I would like to give it a week or two and see if I feel a difference.

A great book to read is Dr. Neal Bernard's book 21 day kick start or breaking the food seduction. And dr. Furhmans book eat to live is good to. Just to clarify vegan is someone who uses no animal products, food,clothing,etc. A plant based diet is centered around plants and means you dint eat animal products. I wasn't a fan of stone odd the recipes so I use happy herbivore and oh she glows. Minimalist baker is good too. She also had vegetarian options. He explains it in a scientific way. Like neal degrasse Tyson says, the thing about science is its true whether you believe it or not. A plant base diet is base in proven scientific research. The leading cardiologists in the country recommend it. You don't hear about it because the meat industry is more profitable, big business. They make hundreds of thousands if not more a week. Why would they want you to stop? Always do heavy research then come to your own conclusion. It's not a cult, lol, when somethings different uneducated people assume the worst. Good luck!

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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