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March 2007 Bandsters

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To everyone who was banded today / will be banded tomorrow ... good luck and congratulations and I'm thinking of you, and all that.

I'm am SO unprepared. Tomorrow morning I need to go into work and somehow get everything ready to be gone for the next week. Then I'm hoping to leave work by noon at the latest, at which point I need to drive approximately 3 hours to the Phoenix area, get to my boyfriend's house and pick up my dog's crate and some other stuff. Then I have to drive another hour (that's 1 hour if there's no traffic) to my sister's house to drop off my dog and spend a little time with her. I'll then get a ride to the airport around 1am ... my flight leaves at 2:50 am. I have something like a three-hour layover in Houston before I continue my flight to Monterrey. I'll have surgery the same day I get to Mexico (Saturday).

1 - I'm just not prepared to leave work. I suppose I'll never really feel ready to leave work for a week, but I'm really not prepared.

2 - I haven't packed anything yet. I took all the food and what not that I'll need to my bf's last weekend, and he bought more for me today, but I have no laundry done and no clothes packed.

3 - I just realized I haven't printed my flight info or my prep list or my instructions or anything else yet.

4 - I don't have a clue what I'm going to wear ... I have no bra that will work for this, I don't believe.

5 - My house is a mess

I should be doing any number of things right now, but I'm exhausted and I've been sick all week and I'm refusing to accept that it's really here so I'm not dealing with it (very mature of me, huh?) Instead I'm sitting on my couch, reading this site and watching Jeopardy.

I feel naseous and I'm literally shaking (though I think that most of the shaking is because it's FREEZING in my little house).

To think logically ... there's nothing I can do about work right now. And they'll survive without me. I'm not the only capable person in the building.

I can take my clothes as they are - my dear lovely bf will launder them for me over the weekend while I'm gone. And I can run by Walmart in the morning or hit Target in Phoenix to get something.

I can print all the pertinent data tomorrow morning as soon as I get in. And even if I were to forget to print it, I'll always have my computer with me, and it's all stored on my harddrive.

I can take out the trash in the morning, besides that, the house can wait. I'm staying with my bf for a week after the surgery so I won't have to deal with it immediately.

And besides all this, I don't actually fly out until almost 3 am, so even if I leave home later than I want to, there's really no chance of missing my flight.

I really just want this to be done and over with. Anticipation has never sat well with me.

Oh girl, throw those dirty clothes in a bag and get going. You are Ready!!!! :)

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Good a.m.wb_sun.gif

Feeling slightly better today. This a.m. instead of flailing wildly for 10 minutes trying to get out of bed it only took me 9 minutes of flailing wildly. I'm starting to suspect some of my innards were stolen during surgery and sold on the black market.

My ci_cat.giffurkids ci_cat.gifseem to think that the big a$$ pillow I keep on my tummy is JUST for their entertainment and like to take a running leap from the ground and land... RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE... which of course results in my jerking up and screaming bloody murder, spazzing the cats out which causes them to AGAIN run across said pillow that I'm using for 'protection'. hmmmm I may have just figured out the whole pack of wild drunkcj_monkey.gif monkey cj_monkey.giffeeling from yesterday.....

My tummy is still swollen larger than a baboons a$$ in heat but not as pretty. I know it's only friday, but I'm like.. how on EARTH am I going to drive my truck to work on Monday. I may end up bartering with DHubbyxa_heart.gif to take me. I can't wait to get to work to show off my new Cave man posture and walk.

I also have this weird numb but itchy feeling on the surface of my tummy. Itching is a good sign I reckon but it's very surreal to be running my finger over the surface of my tummy and not really be able to feel it.

I am VERY happy to report that my auntie flow has packed her bags and left the buildingxl_thumbsup.gif. I asked Dr. Morton if he could just to ahead and remove my uterus while he was in there and he just looked at me like I was a goof ball. aj_confused.gif Oh well.. never no unless you ask.

OK.. having major gas painan_angry.gif.. must go kick something.



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Thank you for sharing your experience with you SynicalChick!

Happy Banding Day to all the 3/2 bandsters!

How are our 3/1 bandsters feeling today?

Today I'm officially in the teens! 19 days (2 weeks 5 days) to go for me now!

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March Bandster Babes!

This is the list that I will be keeping up to date for us.. PM me if you want to be added or just post a message on the end of this thread....

HERE WE GO........... Current as of 03/01

CarolynB - 03/01

dec0578 - 03/01

Pam~bander 2/22 - 03/01

Tea Time - 03/02

hlayne - 03/02

Mommakitty3 - 03/02

wilma - 03/02

analee - 03/02

laralynn86 - 03/03

Sophie248 - 03/05

GloGirl - 03/05 @ 9:00 a.m.

Fur Ellie - 03/05

Magnolia - 03/05

ThickChickTexas - 03/05

Char - 03/06

HeatherPA - 03/07

Sugarbear - 03/07

gailannr - 03/07

Sue in Russia - 03/07

planoltxgirl - 03/08

bronnie70 - 03/09

Mommy202 - 03/12 in spirit:girl_hug:

Sharon67 - 03/12

Hotpink Bubbles 03/13

Kyethra - 03/14

Charlif761 - 03/14

x-ray chic - 03/14

demsvmejm - 03/14

TammyJ - 03/15

Scarlett - 03/15

ohiobluegal - 03/15

Rosi - 03/15

Machele - 03/16

RowdyReptile - 03/16

WendyJ - 03/19

vcarozzolo - 03/19

ebony868 - 03/19

Janine - 03/19

SueA - 03/19

demmemoon - 03/19

momlambert - 03/19

ladybug390 - 03/19

kuebel j - 03/20

TRANAM1955 - 03/20

CrazyCran - 03/21

Mrs Husker - 03/21

lilnena - 03/21

blondylocks - 03/21

chatgirl6 - 03/22

Desiree1970 - 03/23

slikchik10 - 03/28

Fenton - pending

Good&Ready - pending

tootsiepop - pending

alaverde - pending

ClickerSister - pending

Reesh - pending for early March

Sara Mos - Bumped to April 2nd

ginabobeana - pending

mdicurn - pending

Laurend - pending

SusaninKC - pending (tentative date 03/19)

TracyinKS - Bumped to April 26, 2007 (insurance approved 1/30!)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Thank you Tammy!

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I have found Muscle Milk Light at GNC ($34.99 for 1.65 lbs.)

It ws on sale last week 20% off. Ebay sells it for around $28, some with no shipping.

My local Rite Aid (drug store) sells the Muscle Milk regular but the cals and fat and carbs are really, really high. I asked if they can order the "light" She said they'd have to see.

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ok so i see my name on the list for Monday so I guess this is really happening:) They won't let me know until Sunday what time my surgery will be (not that it really matters) The best news is that I called today and found out that my insurance will cover everything. I was scheduled for the band two years ago (and then I chickened out) and would have had to pay about 17K. I have been a bit emotional and teary today so I guess I am scared, although rationally I know I will be ok (mostly because of the great people on this site)

I must say I thought I would lose more weight from this pre-op diet, I have only lost about 5 lbs...I have always been a very slow loser, so I am worried that this is indicative of the progress I will make after being banded.

Let's all keep in touch ..thanks to all..esp Tammy for keeping the record of everyone's surgical dates...


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Well I am home and have gas pains, just as everybody else, no big deal as long as I move move move and make somebody massage my back.

I am going for a chair massage later today to move the muscles etc.

I drank a Protein Drink for Breakfast, did not want to take the time to slowly eat cream of wheat, waht a lazy a$$ huh, but at least I made a good choice.

So I am on my way! On the way home I got really excited and happy, you know kinda gitty about being able to finally get what I want with my health.

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I know my surgery is still two wks away but I'm so anxious and stressed.

I won't know what time I have to be at the hospital on the 14th until after 2pm on the 13th!

I have a daughter to get on the bus at 7:40 and my son to daycare, usually I drop him off around 8am. It is a 45 min drive to the hospital. DH will be driving. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my kids!

I'm counting on the support of my sister, she's already picking up DD off the bus on 14th, 15th, 16th and son from daycare and taking care of them until my DH gets out of work.

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I just ate a small prune yogurt (sounds gross but is actually quite DEEELISHag_tongue.gif) and a small sf pudding. I went to Target and bought these cute little plastic toddler spoons and forks plus some classic pooh plates and bowls and though I haven't been able to use the bowls and plates yet, the small spoons have been great. I feel at this point I am actualy taking a turn for the better. Basically I'm just sore, gasey, itchy and restless. Great combo huh?

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I think I got ahead of myself this a.m. I have 4 more days before surgery not 3. Surgery 5th day. Guess I'm getting a little anxious. This is my 10th day on pre-op. 4 more days of Sfast. ugh! I will make it....

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Awww synicalchick, you sound like your having fun ...toddler spoons, and pooh plates, lol, pleased your feeling better.

Good luck sugarbear :) re 4 your op

Good luck magnolia for Monday...wow thats exciting you and sugarbear will both be banded by next week!!

Pam bander..Im gonna tell my hubby I'll need a massage every day after reading your post! :)

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Got to the hospital at 9am this morning, a friend of mine went with me. They verified some information from me, then called me back to weigh me, I peed in a cup and then they put the IV thingie in my hand. Now this was the suck part because my veins run deep, the first try they missed the vein and my hand swelled a little, second time they stuck me in a different place and poked all the way through the vein...not so bad cause they had given me shots so I couldn't feel it.....BUT...they went to the other hand and decided the shots might not be helping at all, SO they stuck it in with no numbing and OMG, I cried, it hurt sooo bad. But apparently this doesn't normally happen, it's supposed to be a pretty quick easy thing to go through. After that they brought my friend back to sit with me and nurses came in a couple times to ask some questions, verifying who I was and why I was there...signed some more papers. Sent my friend back out to the waiting room and I was walked to the operating room. Apparently I was the third surgery of the day for Dr Ponce out of four...wow he does a lot of them. Spoke to the anestie...ologist (sp) guy, he asked to look at my teeth? Anyway, they put an oxygen mask over my mouth cause I was getting a little scared and they gave me the meds to knock me out through my IV...I was out seconds later. Woke up before I knew it in a room for phase 1 recovery....basically just where I wake up. The nurse was standing over me, I suppose she had to stand there and watch me til I was awake, but I didn't ask. After I was pretty awake, they wheeled me into phase 2 recovery where my friend was brought in to sit with me. Apparently I was white as a sheet and I was reeeealy tired, so the nurse told me to take a nap for about an hour and she would come wake me back up. Woke up feeling better, but my head hurt a LOT, probably from no food the night before or that day. I was given my pain meds, and a cup of ice and a cup of Water. They had me get up and walk around, this is when I felt the pain...it wasn't much, just pain from the incisions...I felt discomfort from the gas also, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. After walking, I went back to my recliner chair that I was in and while I was sitting I could only feel the gas...and my headache. I walked twice more, went to the bathroom twice and was required to drink my whole cup of water before I could leave. I was WAY happy with the water because my throat was dry and hurt from the tube. I got to leave about 4pm. As of right now, I feel pretty good, my throat is sore as hell, that's the worst part...a little gas, but not much...just takes a little walking to relieve...shoulder feels a little numb every once in a while. Incisions are small, just a tiny bit of bruising around them and they are covered with some sort of glue instead of stitches. I have been sipping water constantly...got out a little cup of Jello about dinner time to eat..it was 3.5 ozs and I only ate about half. Have had a couple Vitamin C drops that have helped my throat a little. I got those instead of throat drops cause the Vitamin c drops are yummy. :) Oh and I have this plastic breather thing that I have to suck on every two hours...something about preventing blood clots, as well as still wearing the really tight socks that are for the same reason. I think that's about it...over all my surgery was less than an hour and right now I feel pretty decent. :) Hope tomorrow isn't too much worse....eek! Anyway, sorry for the novel...just wanted to let everyone know what my surgery day was like. :)

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Today is my third day of my preop diet-- which last two weeks. And I think I just might be able to stick to it today, for the first time :hungry: despite my cravings for actually food (mine is one of them 1000 calorie liquid diets).

Today on campus is also unofficial st. patricks day which means the bars all have specials and drunken students roam campus from morning to the wee hours. Made we think of when I used to go out to pubs with friends.

Now my diet booklet that the nutritionist gave me says low cal and low carb. Hard liquor is both. I figured that maybe a shot or two of tequila might help dull the hunger pangs. And there wasn't anything about liquor and the preop diet that I recalled in the book. But I figured that since the diet was supposed to shrink my liver, and I recall something or other about how liquor doesn't do stuff like that, I figured maybe I wasn't supposed to drink. At least not until I know for sure. And I also figured that maybe it would make me more suceptible to eating-- which is a real threat that makes me worry more than the size of my liver actually at this point.

I took out the scale today and put the piece of laminet floor across it and stepped on it (we need the flooring on it since I broke it before by stepping on it- I cracked the outer casing. The scale is supposed to be able to hold up to 330 pounds and measure it sucessfully. Yet at 286 I broke it. Boo. My husband says he will fix and reinforce at some point but I have to be careful about stepping on it. I told him that its a scale. Its SUPPOSED to be stepped on.) Anyway due the starvation diet (my pet name for the liquid diet) I am already down two pounds. So that means I am only 2 pounds above my ticker weight. Hey, variations happen especially when you are last suppering. So I figure if 1) the scale is reliable and 2) weight loss continues to happen at this rate (it feels like it is but that just might be the hunger pangs) I should be down a good ten pounds by surgery.

I ordered a special t shirt just for the operation (I posted a thread about it in the lounge). If it comes in time and it fits I might wear it for preop too. If it doesn't fit I will have to alter it. I got a serger for christmas and I need a project to learn on. Its a crimson shirt and I have some nice gold fabric that I think will go nicely on the sides and under the arms-- think sporty. Or I could do a baseball style thing but I will probably not.

So I am feeling more positive. I need to make apointment for my preoperative stuff at the hospital. And I am also all nervous:nervous about grad school admissions. One of my letters of recommendation my prof gave to the wrong admission person because was confused about what program I was applying to and I contacted the person who has it and I have to wait until they have another meeting before she gives it to the person who is supposed to have it. And its nerve wrecking cause its my first choice school and :) I tend to be an emotional eater. So I want to curl up with ben and jerry and I can't. I'm thinking of this as a really good chance for me to work on those issues by force because I tend to think I do have them worked out even though I don't necessarily... And yes, rambling on is a way of working them out. Ok I'll shut up now.

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I really really really like Bariatrix Essentials you can get them at


They are required by my doctor, they are in powder form you blend with Water and they taste like really really really good thick chocolate milk.

Check it out

I'm using Six Star whey Protein Powder in vanilla from Walmart. It's the only one I've tried so far. It tastes pretty good and it does the job!

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Clueless_girl

      Losing my hair in clumps and still dealing with "stomach" issues from gallbladder removal surgery. On the positive side I'm doing better about meeting protein and water goals and taking my vitamins, so yay? 🤷‍♀️
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