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Steady losers ;-)

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hey girlies,

well the scale is stuck yet again! hopefully this soccer thing will help push it along.

i still want to go in for another fill, but i haven't had a chance yet. long long drive to frankfurt to see dr. weiner. lol.


have a great monday!!

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Hey Ladies!

Boo...glad to hear your daughter is doing better! I just got an email from my older son saying his Dad has grounded him for exercising too much! Gimme a break! He says he's depressed and can't wait to come back to my place. I feel helpless, but am also grateful that he can share his feelings w/me....*sigh*...being a parent is rough!

Just got back from my trip to CA...we got bumped off our flight last night (and got free round trip tickets and hotel stay last night), so got home later than expected. It was a nice weekend, we went to a lot of wineries and a very cute small town that had a lot of tasting rooms. He told me he was glad I went, and of course even though he was texting the other chick and calling her most of the weekend, he was also very lovey dovey to me on Sat. night, so he messed w/my head, but I know that now it's over. I'm home and back in the "real world" and he can have her and I'm done w/him. Time for me to move onwards and upwards! I'm ok for the most part, although still a bit hurt and sad, but I guess time heals...right?? Anyways...I'll write more later, need to go catch up on stuff!

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Welcome Back Kirsten. I am glad you had a nice weekend and sorry if you are feeling confused. You know you deserve someone to want only you. Be done. You got a nice weekend and used him all up..on to better things (men) :wacko:

I am doing well. Sticking to my detox diet. I am in week 2 and have lost my cravings for junk for the most part. I will probably always have the occasional head hunger, but as of right now, it is not gnawing at me as it sometimes does. I am eating healthier than I have since all this started. Now to get some time to pick up the exercise again!!!! Back to school cannot come fast enough.

:::I refuse to sing manic monday Steph..you can't make me::::::

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Hi friends - I feel in control .. FINALLY!... I just feel so good, I walked 3 times yesterday, a mile in the morning, a mile right after work and then 2 more in the evening with my neice. I kept my cals around 1100 yesterday and feel like I'm on the road to losing again. I even feel pretty. Pretty in pink today, I'm wearing a blouse that is fitted and I haven't worn it in ... geesh like 5 years!!! I hope its not out of style.:omg: But how out can a short sleeved button up blouse get? It just feels so good to be wearing it!

Va -I'm glad your back and that you had a good time. Ya know even tho it didn't work out the way you really wanted it to, it was still a good time and the extra attention always feels good. His loss and we all know it! Is your ex insane? Whats up with grounding a kid for exercising?! Unless he's anorexic or something it sounds nuts to me. Cool about the free tickets and hotel room! That stuff never happens to me.

Kay - Keep up the good work, are you able to go for walks in the evening? Exercise doesn't have to be a strenous workout, a little extra movement each day will help, then when school start you'll be in the habit of it.

Sweethot - I know how that darn scale likes to stick to one spot. But I'm sure the soccer will get it going again. I've been re-reading about weight loss, just cutting back 500 calories a day (thats like 300 cal and burning 200 extra) is a pound a week. I'm trying to double that, I'd like to lose 2 lbs a week but hey a pound a week is 52 lbs a year.

Has anyone been on yahoo lately? I'm going to post there.

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LOL Steph about yahoo..I am going to look and see if I remember my name.

As far as exercising, I am doing a lot more walking, I ALWAYS take the stairs, park far away etc, but I am not keeping up with my strenuous workouts. I know I am getting activity, but not the planned 1.5hrs in the gym as I was before. I will be back to that soon.....

BTW, I saw 211.5 this am in the scale. OMG..never thought that would happen. I am waiting to see if it sticks. :wacko:

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SweetHot....very cool that you joined a soccer league! I haven't played since I was in School...hope it helps that scale start moving again!

Steph...I sent you a PM w/your yahoo name, so you should have it now. Yep...its his loss, but mine too, but I'm not going to dwell on it. Hopefully the right guy is out there and I'll find him some day sooner rather than later! ;-) Cause I'm really sick and tired of these duds LOL. And I have no idea what is up w/my Ex grounding my son for exercising. It may just be jealousy that he doesn't have nearly the body that my son has! lmao! Who knows....now you have an idea as to why we're divorced!

Kay...good for you for doing all that walking!! you go girl!!

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Ladies :-) I'm back!

Vacation was like taking a trip to an alternate plane of existance.

I had two bad moments courtesy of the guy "with potential" -- who also turned out to be a HUGE asshole. The guy went from trying to get me in bed on friday/saturday/sunday ---- to deciding he just wanted to be friends on monday -- Then, Tuesday... he ditched me at a concert all bymyself and I had to call a friend to come get me.

Talk about bi-polar. I almost let it ruin my week. But ERIC (my best friend) to the rescue! He was awesome. I spent the whole week with him at his house. I didn't want to leave. I got home late Sunday night and have talked to him everyday since.

I am actually supposed to go back to Indy for another concert today, but I think my old body took too much of a beating last week. I am catching a cold and feel EXHAUSTED :faint:.

I haven't even stepped on a scale. My eating was atrocious and my DRINKING was even scarier! HA! It was fun though. My old friends seriously had no idea who I was.

I saw this guy that I'd "dated" about 3 or 4 years ago. He was basically a good friend with a few select benefits (back in the day). I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around... looked at me and kind of did the "head turn"/"what-the-heck" kind of look. I said, "It's Brandi." He broke out in this huge smile and gave me a BIG hug.

He was laughing and smiling and said, "something's is missing" I said yes ALOT of something is missing. He and I got reaquainted later that night. :wacko:

I got to go out boating on Sunday on this huge lake. I was inspired to go bathing suit shopping. I actually didnt feel that huge sitting out there on the boat. I had this old bathing suit that I bought "who knows how many years ago." But I think I am actually getting more comfortable with myself.

Or I am learning to just NOT care.

I have some awesome pictures up on my myspace page. Will have more up later today. If you guys want to see the craziness that I was up to.


Brandi needs a RECOVERY period. UGH UGH UGH.

My poor bike! I think I will still need a few days to get back on her. or.... i might die.

LOVE you all!!! I caught up on the posts. Will post more later today!

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Brandi!!! Welcome Back Girl!!! Sounds like you and me are both in the same boat when it comes to Asshole men!! They all suck! But at least you got some attention from some other guys, that rocks!

Can't wait to hear more stories! :girl_hug: Glad you had a good vacation!

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welcome back ladies!! Sounds like you both had some memorable times.

I can't eat Breakfast. I try. Just to get my metabolism going. Nope, can't do it. I ate a egg this morning before work. I was throwing up - pb'ing for 2 hours, miserable for another hour, finally I went home and slept for 2 hours! Maybe it was a touch of the flu, but it felt like I was "stuck". I went home at 11 woke up at 1 and came back to work. I've been drinking hot tea and eating crackers. But I do feel better now. :confused:

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VAband - there was a reason i wasnt looking for a guy! should have just stuck to the game plan. He talked me into THAT one. Glad I stuck to my guns and kept things strictly friends. At least he didn't con me into anything more serious than cuddling. Apparently, I am too pure, innocent and blah blah blah. What a bunch of CRAP! That is the equivilant to its not YOU its ME. aka a BIG bunch of crap. Stupid men.

But like I said, met up with a very good old friend and he reminded me of why I was glad to be young and completely single. so good riddance to a jerk that didnt deserve me. To be honest, I am just about the most perfect woman for him(mr. wrong). It is kind of strange, but he is NOT the guy that would EVER appreciate that, and damn it. I won't stand for NOT being appreciated anymore. So, he is NOT the guy for me!

Stories, well.... i got out all the old hippie skirts and spent the week barefoot and dancin' in the rain!! It was brilliant ladies and the good vibes were flowing like rain water! I got the BEST compliment ever.

One young man told me that I reminded him of a young Janice Joplin! :hippie:

What an awesome compliment! at least it was to me... she was a strong, free, independent woman!

I played volleyball with Eric (the best friend) got sand in some places that it should never be. He and I took his dog to the White River State Park -- and spent the day skipping rocks and climbing vines. While Eric sang, the George of the Junlge theme song (dork).

All the concerts were amazing. I made some incredbile new acquaintances. Spent the day free, independent and jumping around mosh pits with the BOYS! haha. It was liberating and reminded me of the basic things in life that made me happy!

my Music and my Freedom... :clap2:

two things that I've been allowing to slip away over the last two years.

Booboo--- I feel for ya on the cysts. I've had them like that for years. They don't always burst every month... but when they do OUCH! I never took perscription pain meds for mine BUT only because the doc wouldnt give them to me I used to pop 1600+ milligrams of ibuprofen though and I was still in pain. I still have flare ups from time to time. I am hoping it goes away altogether. I also dont want my ovaries removed. I may want a little Brandi running around someday.

Steph -- Congrats on the control girl! keep riding that wave. I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I gave my body a beating last week and wasnt sleeping at all. So, Ive been recovering since monday -- had the day off work today and have been sleepig and trying to pump my body full of nutrient rich foods to repair the damage I did. ha. I will be back on the bike full time by the end of the week. and things will be back in motion.

KayDot -- hey honey!! keep on coming back here. It is amazing how things out of control when you dont check in. (at least that is how is goes for me) -- I hope the weight loss stuck from the other day!! it will fluctuate but as long as it fluctuates (with a trend) down. then you are doing things exactly right :-) so happy to see you girl!

Sweethot -- just stick with it! I sometimes get stuck for 2 or 3 weeks at a time then will drop 5 or 6 lbs.... with the exercise I think it tends to run like that. Just keep on moving! Find something you love and stick with it... look forward to playing soccer becuase you love playing NOT becuase you are playing to lose weight. and THEN you will see the real results. :-)

BKwal, Nat, Banannie, Claud, nikki, Maurdan

hello ladies!! so glad to be back... hope all is going well! write soon :-)

Isabella, faith, kuebel

Welcome ladies, glad to see your new faces :-)

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ok, i just got back from my second soccer practice. The coach was even harder than last week! I am so so sore. but its good.

I don't know that I love to play yet, since i've never played before. So i'm going to give it 6 months or so and see how I'm doing. These girls are dang good. Like professionals.

Kirsten- i'm happy you had fun on your trip. If you like wineries and stuff, you'd love the area i live in Germany. Starting at the end of this month are all of the wine fests. I brought my sister home 6 bottles of different reds and whites and she said she has never had wine so yummy. It's mosel wine or something like that, i don't drink so i've never tasted it, but from what I hear, i'm missing out. It's so strong of you to just drop that guy and know that you deserve better. What kind of man is lovey dovey to a woman all the while seeing someone else and texting constantly? I feel bad for the other woman who has to put up with him, at least you were there just for the free trip!

Brandi- what is your myspace? I don't think i have you as a friend.

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Ladies glad everyone is doing good

I too am on track no snacking for a wk now

I too can not eat breakfast steph but I can drink a Protein Drink and it does tide me over well

brandi you live like a rockstar I am so jealous oh and you can afford to take a break from that bike

kirsten all things will come out in the wash don't worry too much or think too much into things

sweethot congrats on soccer my son loves soccer and it burns some serious calories

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Hey girlie girls! Everyone sounds good! Isn't it great that we're all still here? LOVE IT!

I posted on yahoo - just for you - sometimes this forum is just too public.

I feel so much better today - you're right BK - I know I can't do bk so I shouldn't even try. But I also think I had a touch of the flu, my nephew was sick monday so I might have caught a little something. I had the chills and slept for 2 hours which isn't typical of a normal pb'ing episode.

It was thundering and lightening here this am so I didn't get to walk so hopefully I can double up tonight. I didn't get to walk last night bc I took my pooch to the vet for an allergy shot and then stopped at my neices to visit her mom, my ex-sil. She had the bypass in Jan. and has lost over 80 lbs. She looks good but still has about another 80 to lose. She goes in this week to get bone spurs taken off her neck. eewww I guess she had all that fat padding before and now she lost the fat in her neck they really bother her.

Talk to you soon. Hey Claudia - hows everything?

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