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Well gals...i am trying to get back to basics....eating things like I did in the beginning...to see if I can get back on track. I MUST get back to exercising everyday & I MUST stop getting those hazelnut mochas at McDonald's!

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Hi Chrissy- I am with you- the "newness" has worn off, I can eat around the band, it's harder....but I am still worth it! I can still reach my goals! I will do it!!

Yesterday was day 1 without ice cream, and I'm not going to lie, it was hard. DD took my car to get me some gas and some groceries, and I was totally going to call her to tell her to get me some ice cream- but I had left my phone in the car! Is that a sign or what?!? So I did it. And I'll do it again today.

I am still sore from Saturday's muscle conditioning class. Not sure what I'm going to do exercise wise today. I had major issues with breakfast- as in, 2 spills! Duh! But lunch planned out, have some errands to run, so will get all that done!

Everyone have a great day and post- we're in this for the long haul, right?

Oh, and I just got an invite to my 25th!! reunion. Unfortunately I can't go- it's July 5th and 6th in Iowa, about 18 hour drive from NC, and my kids first day of school is July 8th (year round school)- and it's DS's first day of kindergarten, so we really can't miss. I just don't think I could do that drive in 1 day then get up to get kids to school. Too bad, as it would have been a motivator, but it still can be, right???


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I am trying to wean from chocolate and lattes. Logged part of the day yesterday. Have logged everything so far today. Have already hit 1300 calories and over 100g of Protein. Technically, I shouldn't eat dinner tonight. Guess I'll have some lettuce. LOL. I did walk almost a mile on my lunch break yesterday. I went to the gym this morning and did a little over a mile on the treadmill, a mile on the bike plus some weight machines. Gotta get back to going every day. That and eating mostly protein was what I was doing when I had my biggest losses. I've got to get those carbs in check. JDI...I might check out that book you were talking about. Is it difficult to stay on track with the carb cycling?

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Hello everyone! I'm back! I totally fell off the wagon and have been dragging since! I got a nasty cold and yes in less than a month of getting over pneumonia, so I got pretty depressed. Also even though I am eager to get my divorce rolling and start my new life I have to admit it still hurts he broke my heart. So I have been just really emotional lately and Cookies just taste so much better when you are depresses! I have still been going to counseling and to the gym 3-4 days a week, but I've eaten like 4 dozen cookies in the last 2 weeks and I have not logged anything so I have not been "owning it" until now. The true confessions of a cookieholic!! LOL

Wow what a weight off my shoulders to finally tell someone!! So tomorrow will be a new day for me and a fresh start. I promise to weigh in & log all my food & go to the gym!!

Talk to all of you tomorrow!!

Hey how are the newbies? Haven't seen many posts!

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Hi there-

Nicole- hang in there, divorce is hard no matter what the situation. It is the owning it, right? I know I sure didn't log my ice cream binges!! I'm so sorry to hear about your getting sick again, glad you're on the mend (again)- hang in there!!!

Chrissy- there sure are slider foods, aren't there? Things so easy to eat that are what got me fat in the first place, and don't make me feel full at all, so I eat more....this band is still work, we knew that, right? Not magic, just a tool that we have to use...and I was using it in the beginning, just have to get back to it. The good thing is, it's not like it goes away...

Yesterday was day 2 without ice cream. DH hasn't been eating a lot lately (part of just not feeling well) and wanted me to bring him home a frosty yesterday. Talk about a test! But I passed :). I also went to zumba last night, man I love it! I brought my workout clothes today to go to the Y- it's totally raining, but we'll see. Working on getting DH"s disability reinstated- they denied it because he just didn't turn in any paperwork (talk about me being mad when I found out!) and so now it's to a second level review and could stay denied- so that's a stress. Getting the other car fixed, so there's a ton of $$. Seriously, the hits, they just keep on coming! But I know I can get through them.

Where is everyone! Otaknam, Horsegirl, NJ2NC, Ladybandido, all of y'all! Post!


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Hi Everyone! I wanted to check in and say that I have joined the ranks and joined my Fitness Pal. I have started logging my food and exercise. My name is Mish1908 on there as well. I can kick my self in the rear because I should have done this from the start. I cant say that I have put forth the best effort in really getting to know my band, but better late than never. I really want to be successful and realize that I have got to put in the effort.

I am going to own this and say that my unsuccess is my totally my fault. But, I feel like I am just now taking my band seriously. Reason being, my hair starting thinning and weight was not coming off like others. My doctor told me that I am not getting the proper nutrients and not eating enough or right foods. I came to terms with it and realized that I didnt know what to eat, when to eat it, or how much to eat.

After a class with my doctor, I think I am starting to get with it. I started last week with clean eating and signed up for Good Measure Meals. I am learning that planning is the key to success. My doctor told me that I had to make myself eat even when I am tight in the mornings. Because I was waiting to eat around 10:30am or 11am and that was the first no-no that was pointed out.

I have said all of this to say that I have lost 8 pounds since my doctor visit on Feb 4th. I have kicked up my exercising. Honestly speaking, FOOD has been my challenge. Eating and eating the right things is where I feel like I am so far behind in the game compared to others. So I am paying for it literally, I needed to see what the correct portions looked like. I am a visual learner, so purchasing the meals are teaching me what I need to eat daily. Thank God for doctors who really care about their patients and their success.


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Nick, good for you with the ice cream! Keep it up! The exercise will really help with the need for sweets.

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Kenisha, I am Brinksm on MyFitnessPal. I love it and log everyday.


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Hi Sue, thank you and I have added you to my friends on my fitness pal.


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Hi everyone, I am still here!

Nicki, so proud of you with the ice cream! Even with all your stressors, you're doing it! And all the way home with a Frostie by your side... That's a success to remember often

Sound like we are all hitting some rough Patches now that we are a year out. It's understandable, really, since our new eating habits are our way of life and not just a short term diet anymore.

Nicole, my thoughts are with you through the divorce. I was married once before, and even though I sought the divorce, it is still very painful because you are letting go of the dream of how tit could have been. I must say I am so much happier now!

Chrissylu, we're all in the same boat, I think.

For my own weight loss story, you all know I went strictly low carb and was having success with that. I got to 165 pounds and was ecstatic (165 was my first goal, and a weight I feel pretty good at, even though with my small frame I should weigh about 130-140). Anyway... And this makes me think I should look into the counseling Nicole suggests... When I stepped on the scale one morning and it was 163, I got SCARED. Not sure about what, exactly, but just a panicky feeling instead of happy. Weird, huh? Anyway, I went on a carb binge (as much as possible with the band) and zoomed back up to 170 and felt miserable about it. Right now I am at 167 again and working my way down, again. I really need to add more exercise to what I am doing.

Well, that's my situation in brief, wishing you all a great week!

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Hi there everyone!

Mish! That is so true, the band is there whether we work with it or not, so when we're ready we can use it! You have a good plan in place, so what a great thing. I am justdoit130 on myfitnesspal, but don't have any friends on there, not sure how that works? But if you ask me to be a friend on there I will :). I do so much better when I log every day, it keeps me accountable. It is effort, and your doc sounds like a great one, which is important.

SueBee- Thanks for the props, LOL. Now I just have to not replace ice cream with something equally bad.

Ladybandito- it is emotional, isn't it? We kind of freak out when we see ourselves like we've never been before (or for me it's been so long ago I don't remember, LOL). I think that's why I've settled here for so long, it's comfortable. So time to get out of my comfort zone and back into the swing of things. Next time you hit 163, even if you feel panicky, say out loud to yourself, "yay! I'm hitting new goals! Good for me." I think that positive self talk is important in this journey.

I was worried from the beginning just thinking about lapband that ice cream would be a problem- I knew it was a slider food, obviously. My doc's nurse at my last visit said that I should have considered RNY instead of the band because ice cream was a problem (can't eat it with RNY because of dumping I guess)- but I told her that I didn't want my guts rearranged, so I wouldn't have considered it. There is still a lot of will power (want power, I read on here somewhere, a good way to think about it) with lapband, a lot of self discipline, made easier by the band but not a magic button.

I see B-52 talk a lot about restriction on here, and though I agree with him that many people with band issues are doing it to themselves, it's easier said than done when the thing that made me fat is still something I can eat with my band, even at restriction. I agree with Mish (and B-52), my lack of success is totally due to my own choices- my own fault- but luckily with the band you can keep on keeping on and as I do things right I will lose weight!

Anyway, that's my philosophical rant for the day!

Everyone have a great one!


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Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's day! I will say that I showed up to work today to find five boxes of candy on my desk! Are. People crazy! I walked around and handed out chocolates to everyone and had 2 chocolate covered cherries. Tonite husband and I went to our clubhouse for dinner. It was great. I had baked crab stuffed fish 1/2 of it, a bite of a twice baked potato and two bites of green Beans. Then for dessert they brought us a chocolate lava cake, I had one bite. There was a guy playing a guitar and singing so we ended up staying a little over two hours just talking and listening to music.

Now I am home exercising!

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Hello everyone! Thank you for your support. I think part of my problem is I have stopped reading & posting on here and u guys have been such a huge part of my support team and I let it slide not realizing how important it is. So I really need to go back to some of my old goals.

1. Log log log!

2. Exercise 3-4 times a week

3. Read & post at least every other day. I didn't just let myself down by not posting but I let u guys down too & we gotta stick together!!

4. Stop doing the grocery shopping for awhile so I can get back on track. It is an evil place to go everywhere there are baked goods in single servings!

5. Go liquid for a few days. I might just do it this weekend since it is 3 days home & it will keep me from snacking!

Well that is my plan.

Nicki do you have to avoid the store right now while avoiding ice cream?

Sue- way to go on vday! Only one bite of chocolate lava!! As I was reading and saw a few bites of this & a few of that I figured u were saving for desert!! You must have a very supportive husband. How has your family handled all of the change? My kid are starting to slack off on being careful what they leave out. If I don't know about it I won't eat it. I know not to go in their cabinets but when they leave it on the counter I loose my willpower!

Ok this is lame I forgot your name who just lost 8lbs since the 4th! And I can't go back & see it on the app. Well congrats!! I totally agree with ur dr. It is all about what we do eat not just about what we don't eat. High Protein low carbs & lots of veggies!! I notice I do way better on the weekdays b/c I pack a really healthy lunchbox and only eat what I bring & stay far away from staff lounges!

Here is my weekday meals

Protein Shake in am heated & espresso added (a must)

Yogurt for snack

Either dinner leftovers mainly the protein or a deli chicken wrap

- sometimes have veggie chips too as a treat!

Snack is lite applesauce

A before gym snack is a zone Protein Bar (I go at 7pm but don't want to eat dinner so I have this b4)

Dinner is a protein & veggies after the gym. I cook b4 I leave & eat the leftovers after the gym it works well no seconds left!

Desert if I am feeling denied that day is sugar free pudding or healthy choice 100 cal fudge bar

Then the weekend hits & it all goes out the door!!

What is everyone else's weekly meals like?

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Hey Nicole, glad you are back!

I am the luckiest wife. My husband is awesome. He supports me every minute of every day. I buy the groceries, but we eat out most every day. I order what I want and either bring home leftovers or he eats it. For example today for Breakfast I ordered an omelet made with diced chicken breast, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and cheese with dry wheat toast. I take what I want of it and the rest goes to him and he had a biscuit and gravy with it. It was a fantastic breakfast! I even had a bite of his biscuit and gravy. I have learned not to deprive myself and am managing with the one bite thing.

Best to you too! Keep it up.

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Hi everyone! So I had NO ice cream over the weekend. Unfortunately I had a lot of other crap. A LOT of other crap. So it's a day of liquids for me, then going back to what I used to eat- looking back at myfitnesspal to see what days were like, then eating those same things.

I didn't go to zumba, as it snowed here, quite a bit for us southern folk, so I quickly went to Walmart and then home.

Nicole, was it you who asked if I avoided the grocery store because of the ice cream thing? I can't totally avoid it, but I certainly don't go in the frozen food section!

I have my gym clothes with me and I WILL get to the Y today. I'm back on track, girls. I will JUSTDOIT as my username implies! I am WORTH it!!!

How is everyone doing? What good things are happening? What challenges?



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