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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Very low heart rate

    I had idiopathic tachycardia (meaning my heart rate was unusually high for no known reason) for years prior to WLS. My average resting heart rate, was between 90-100bpm, and very often even higher than that. I'm now 8 months post-op and my heart rate has slowly come down to about 70bpm. Similarly, my doctor is not at all concerned and seems to think its an indicator of improved health, so I honestly don't worry about it too much. If you start to have odd symptoms (lethargy, dizziness, shortness of breath, or anything else unexplainable) definitely check in with your Dr again.
  2. 1 point
    Thanks! I was thinking of steaming the green beans until they were super soft. Same with the carrots. I just really miss my vegetables!
  3. 1 point

    Adding Surgery Info to Profile

    I wanted to add my surgery info to my profile since I got approved today! I’m still waiting for the scheduling call but super excited! Any help is appreciated.
  4. 1 point

    2 weeks post op

    So i bought little 1 ounce sauce cups and i would fill it with protein shake and take shots like that. Little by little. Was much easier than drinking from the bottle. As for water. Even 6 weeks post op i struggle to get in the required water unless i just keep drinking and drinking. Big sign that you are dehydrated is the color of your pee. If its yellow or very yellow you need water and mine is most times very yellow. when i see that i am like Oh crap i need to go drink water. So i get my container of water and take as many sips as i can over the course of an hour. As for eggs. If your surgeon says its ok. Then try some scrambled eggs. I typically eat quail eggs because they are much smaller.
  5. 1 point
    Click on your profile name at the top right corner and then click on surgery. You can update there.
  6. 1 point

    sleeve vs bypass

    I went with the bypass because I had GERD, and I didn't want it to get worse with the sleeve. A bonus was that the GERD actually went away after my bypass. It's strange not to carry TUMS in my purse anymore! If you have GERD, definitely get the bypass. If not, then it just comes down to your personal choice. Watch the youtube videos, do your research, and see if your surgeon leans one way or the other. Good luck!!
  7. 1 point

    To count or not to count (calories)

    it really depends on the person. The two dietitians at my clinic are really into "intuitive eating" and hate the fact that I count calories, but counting calories has worked for me and I'm not about to give it up. But some people do much better with things like intuitive eating. I say whatever works!
  8. 1 point

    Blah...my first stall...

    I didnt either but started to record measurements around the 4 month mark and I have noticed reducing numbers on the tape measure but not so much on the scales so it has been good to see that. Tape measures are cheap I encourage you to get one.
  9. 1 point
    Hi Parisshel, it was very painful, scary and I'm just happy it's over and the band is gone and I'm still alive. The way he explained it is that when the lapband first came out, they made two different versions of it. One was made with hooks, where you can turn it easily to put it in and the theory was, if it had not slipped nor eroded, it would be just as easy to take it out. He said I did have the one with these "hooks" -- and I'm not quoting him on WHY it wound up having to be dug out - but I'm assuming because of the slippage that happened. Also, another possible contribution to this issue could be that I was not having it filled consistently because I felt it was already too restrictive and people were commenting on that I was losing too much weight. (I think some might have even questioned if I was "sick" with something). I filled it a few time in the 10 years I had it and towards the end had it loosened/filling taken out and then eventually, unfilled completely in Nov 2021--- and maybe that's when it really started to slip and all that happened to wind me up having it completely removed. My suggestion to anyone that has one -- is, even if you are not going in to get a fill - at least still visit with your doctor and drink the barium so they can check in on the band - ask about slippage, erosion, etc. At the beginning of the big "lap band surge" before they knew a lot of long term reactions --- the doctors and surgeons would say it is "VERY RARE" that it will slip or erode. Now, they are finding out -- it is MORE common than NOT for it to erode and/or slip. So, have it checked - mine was supposed to be checked every three months. But, because I wasn't interested in having it filled, I would not follow those standards. I had a very very reputable doctor too, so, it really was my fault for not having him check in on it time to time, regardless of fills. To address your last part, I am feeling a lot better, thank you! it has been two weeks and 2 days since the removal. I would say I was only "ok" after about a full week. I still have incision tape that needs to fall off, but all in all, worth it knowing now that it's out! I have to say, I have not gained any weight since the removal and do not see myself eating any more than I did with it in (but again, remember I wasn't filling it, and he it completely unfilled last November). Looking back, I think the one benefit I did gain from it - it gave a "kick start" on my weight loss but also forced me to realize and change my eating habits. !! Good luck with everything!
  10. 1 point

    March vsg buddies !!

    Hello 🙂 There's a thread on the forum for those of us having (or who've had) surgery this month - it's called 'March 2022 Surgery Buddies' (I'm not sure how to put a link in, sorry!)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
