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  1. 3 points
    For me, the pain wasn't bad. I needed liquid Tylenol for the first 3 days, a few times per day (tip: look for the ADULT formula because the child formula tastes horrible and is thicker, like gel). I had one incision that would give twinges for about a week, but it passed quickly. I did not experience gas pain. I found a weighted heating pad on my abdomen at night was very soothing. I was very tired and found it difficult to focus. If possible, don't tax yourself.I walked frequently, but not far. So I was moving around but not logging a huge number of steps. By week 3, I felt relatively normal. By the end of month 2, I was pretty much back to my old self with the bonus of quite a bit more energy, and I could navigate eating in restaurants without too much trouble (I went on a weekend trip out of town at around 8 weeks post op).
  2. 3 points

    After gastric sleeve depression

    Bipolar disorder is not something that would be caused by surgery but it usually does not present itself until someone is in their early 20’s. (Of course that’s not always exact- there is also childhood bipolar and people who go undiagnosed so they learn about it later). It’s likely just coincidence time wise but I suppose the hormonal changes may have exacerbated it some If you have bipolar and had one episode of depression you are not cured now, I’m afraid. The episodes just come and go and they can be depression or mania and last different amounts of time from one person to the next. The medication helps lessen the extremes but it can take some trial and error to find the right one and you have to continue to take it, even when you are feeling better. It can be a bit challenging but if you work with your doctor to find the right meds- and again I stress that you must take your meds every day- it should be manageable. Talking to a therapist can help as well.
  3. 3 points

    After gastric sleeve depression

    some people experience hormone-related depression for a few weeks after weight loss surgery, but weight loss surgery would not have caused bipolar disorder.
  4. 2 points
    Grrrrr!!!! I don't like the people at your doctor's office!!!!! As a medical assistant (and former front desk person) that just grinds my gears!!! But at least you're in now. You can bypass all of them and talk directly to your doctor now. I'm so glad you got your answers and feel better. Are you starting to get excited??? I'm excited for you!!!
  5. 2 points
    Hi, just looking for ideas of what might be going on. Side the day after surgery, I've been having issues with vomiting for several hours after eating. Not every meal, not even every day, but usually one a week. I do ok with purees now, but no solid food patterns are appearing. Even I say hours, I mean hours. Like, up to 12 hours is the longest so far. Throwing up food for several of those hours, then water the rest. I can eat or drink during this time - it comes right back up. I've had to get fluids, thiamine, and anti-emetics by iv twice now in 3 weeks. I've had an upper gi/ small bowel study done - liquids only - and everything was fine. My labs are fine, mainly because I'm diligent about my meds on days when I can take them. My surgeon won't do anything else because the gi study came back normal. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? Or any suggestions from anyone? I have an ultrasound scheduled to check my gallbladder, but I dint think it's that since my liver enzymes are perfect. I'm at my wit's end - I can't sleep, can't work, can't lie down, can't do anything except sit there and vomit every 10-20 minutes - literally. Just looking for some kind of hope at this point. Thank you for reading this far.
  6. 1 point

    Struggling with being perceived

    You’re certainly kicking arse sweetie!
  7. 1 point
    Oh you poor thing. Vomiting is the worst. Just throwing some ideas out there for you to consider. It’s not uncommon to develop some food intolerances (usually always temporarily) after surgery - lactose & sugar alcohols in artificial sweeteners being the most common (often in protein shakes). Could this be a possibility? It can be sensitivity to other foods or ingredients too. It’s not uncommon to develop spasming in the stomach & digestive tract after surgery. Again this is usually temporary but the body & mind can be unpredictable. My dad experienced chronic vomiting after chemo & his doctor explained that sometimes the body/mind thinks vomiting is a normal behaviour. It just takes time to break the habit. Don’t let your surgeon or support team brush you aside. Malnutritiion, dehydration are a possibility with vomiting like you’ve been experiencing. This is some information about spasming you may find interesting. https://renewbariatrics.com/stomach-spasms-after-gastric-sleeve-surgery/ Hopefully, it will get even less frequent & it stops for you soon.
  8. 1 point

    Gastric sleeve outfit home

    I wore home what I wore to the hospital: a loose thigh length top & pull on trousers with elastine. The pants fit snuggly (not tight) a little above my wound line & I actually found them supportive around/against the wound line. Also knew they’d be easy to fold down if they did put too much pressure on the wounds & the top was long enough to cover the folded waist. My wounds were in line with my belly button but some sit below the belly button - you never know where they’ll be exactly. If you’re worried I’d go the dress route. All the best with your surgery.
  9. 1 point
    I’m literally coming out of it. I was so lost. It hit me heavy. I was informed that losing weight so fast releases certain hormones and/or fluctuates them to the point where we FEEL it even psychologically. Ive never really been a depressed person but since my surgery in june, some days i feel it. Like i said last week was hard for me. But im feeling better this week so im celebrating a small win! You’ll have a good week too! Be encouraged. Youre not alone
  10. 1 point

    pre-op: one last binge

    I have contemplated eating what I want too while getting all my pre op stuff done. But then my blood work came back saying that, instead of still being borderline, I was now in fact Type 2 Diabetic. Luckily I had already started Keto weeks previous before that test came back (to get me used to no sugars or bad carbs). But yeah before that I most definitely felt like saying eff it, I'm gonna eat what I want while I can. But nope, figured I'd take this time now to prepare myself for what needs to become the norm for me anyway once this surgery is done. But I totally get your way of thinking. Had my blood work not come back like it did I may have even done the same but that scared the sh*t outta me because it is something I had been trying to avoid for years now.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
