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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. I already posted this in the revision area but I am running out of time so I am going to post it here to (please ignore if you’ve already responded I am scheduled for sleeve to SADI revision in 12 days and as I go over the book with the stages returned to eating I got a little concerned that it is gonna be extra hard for me since they are only operating on the bowel and not the stomach. Since I already had the sleeve part and my stomach is healed and hunger has returned, I will be expected to live on 2-4 tbsp meals while never feeling full and maintaining the hunger hormone that has already returned. This is going to be very hard. Anyways, researching this I finally came across some people that had this revision and they seemed to be struggling in the beginning with the diet and then with weight loss but I don’t see any follow-up posts. Please let me know how the post op diet period went as well as how you are doing now if you had sleeve revision to SADI or DS. Dod you lose as much as you hoped? Do you wish you had gone with Bypass. I still have option to switch to bypass but not for long.
  2. I am scheduled for sleeve to SADI revision in 12 days and as I go over the book with the stages returned to eating I got a little concerned that it is gonna be extra hard for me since they are only operating on the bowel and not the stomach. Since I already had the sleeve part and my stomach is healed and hunger has returned, I will be expected to live on 2-4 tbsp meals while never feeling full and maintaining full hunger. This is going to be very hard. Anyways, researching this I finally came across some people that had this revision and they seemed to be struggling in the beginning but I don’t see any follow-up posts. Please let me know how this period went as well as how you are doing now if you had sleeve revision to SADI or DS. I still have option to switch to bypass but not for long.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Revision to SADI

    I am scheduled to have the same revision in 12 days and I am seriously stating to freak about whether the bypass would actually be better for me. I am concerned about the post op diet like you but I suppose I can tough it out if I’m allowed 3 shakes a day plus the tiny meals they suggest for the virgin surgery. Please let me know how you are doing. Whether you felt the weight loss was adequate. How much torture was the post op diet while still having your hunger hormone? Do you wish you had done bypass instead?!
  4. ShoppGirl

    Revision to SADI

    I am scheduled to have the same revision in 12 days and I am seriously stating to freak about whether the bypass would actually be better for me. I am concerned about the post op diet like you but I suppose I can tough it out if I’m allowed 3 shakes a day plus the tiny meals they suggest for the virgin surgery. Please let me know how you are doing. Whether you felt the weight loss was adequate. How much torture was the post op diet while still having your hunger hormone? Do you wish you had done bypass instead?!
  5. ShoppGirl

    Lets talk about food!

    My thing is that this time I will FEEL like I can get anything down and never feel full because they are not touching my already sleeved and HEALED stomach and my hunger has already returned. BUT I need to follow the same protocol to protect my healing intestines. I think I will feel just as hungry as I do now and be able to stomach eating like normal but i must be good and follow the staged return to eating protocol anyways. i am sure it’s not going to be easy but of course I don’t want to hurt myself. It should be okay if I can have three shakes because I am doing two a day now on the LSD and it’s enough to sustain me so I am thinking maybe he will say I can do three shakes to keep me full plus eat those little tiny meals to go through the stages. I know it’s a little more calorie wise but I just don’t see me making it on two tablespoons of food when I still have my hunger and my stomach is not full. I really need to talk to him more about this before I leave the hospital because the normal by the book diet just isn’t going to work for me. But it definitely Sounds like maybe to play it safe I should just wait until i am closer to the next stage to have any yogurt.
  6. Yea. I think now that we are In a time that we can get most things delivered in two days, if not same day or overnight, a lot of that we can wait to see if we actually do need it. Maybe add to cart and save for later is a way to feel less anxious without spending all the money.
  7. ShoppGirl

    How long?

    Ii haven’t had my revision yet but for the sleeve I was told about 6 weeks and I could do exercise. For the revision it’s a little more complex so at the skull part group meeting we were talking about fitness and I said that I needed to do core exercises and the PA said that 6 weeks was fine for them too and the surgeon was right there and didn’t correct him so I took that for myself as it means I’m pretty much cleared at that point for most things. I think they do say to wait a bit longer for weight lifting and one girl asked about roller derby 3.5 years ago. But outside full contact stuff and weights it seems to be 6 weeks that we are healed enough to be safe from outside stuff so I would imagine all swelling and stuff would be gone by then for sure.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Lets talk about food!

    That mixing pudding into the yogurt is a good idea. Especially since I usually find it to be tart. I wonder if that would be okay on the full liquid diet when I am first allowed yogurt. Maybe I shouldn’t push it since that’s already thicker than the shakes and stuff.
  9. Are you talking about them souper cubes or a generic version of them? I have the larger ones from before surgery for freezing chili. They are so handy. I know they have smaller sizes. Even ice cube sized ones would probably be good for our serving sizes. Then you can pop out how ever many cubes depending on how much you can eat through the stages. It works probably thaw faster too.
  10. ShoppGirl

    I may be the only one...

    Yes, please don’t be embarrassed to talk to your team. They understand onesity is complex. When I finally went back to my team I weighed more than when i started out before my sleeve and they did nothing but want to help me figure out a plan. For me the only option really was revision but you get to avoid that if you make the steps now. I know you can do this. Just take ONE step today. Even if it’s just setting a reminder to call the Dr. tomorrow.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Post op day 2

    I almost forgot one thing that may help is clear protein drinks. Run it by your team but it should be allowed and it should count as fluids and protein
  12. ShoppGirl

    Post op day 2

    Some people are more swollen and tender the others. It’s doesn’t take much in an already small space to make a lot less room. Just keep sipping as best as you can. Not everyone hits their goals right away but try your best. Sometimes people find that it goes down easier at different temperatures. Like room temp, cold or warm (not hot). Also try different flavor enhancers. Everything, even broth or popsicles count towards your goal so try everything on that list and just keep doing whatever seems to get the most down. It should get a little easier day by day, hour by hour by hour even, as the inflammation goes down. Hang in there.
  13. There is a dr who covers these meds from just about every angle in his podcasts. His name is Dr Matthew Weiner and he is a bariatric surgeon who prescribes the meds to patients before to try to prevent surgery as well as after if they can’t reach their goal or experience regain. He wrote a book about nutrition called pound of cure and if I remember correctly that is the name of his website as well. I subscribed years ago so I get emails about the podcasts and they cover a few things on each epksode but there is almost always something about these meds lately.
  14. ShoppGirl

    I may be the only one...

    @SleeveToBypass2023 pretty much covered what you need to change so I won’t repeat that. I will add though that I got to a simlar point a little later than you when I was discouraged I didn’t reach the goal I secretly had in my mind for myself. I had stopped losing and stalled about 18 pounds shy of it for about three months then I started letting bad habits slip in and I started to gain and honestly I never stopped gaining. 3.5 years later here I am pending revision. I was also embarrassed to see my dr or even post on here and that only made things worse. I could’ve nipped it on the budd before I got to this point like you still can. Go back to your team and explain your struggles. See what they have to offer you to help get you back on track. Maybe even talk to a therapist to try to work out why you feel this way. It sounds like you really have only been off track for a little bit and you’re still early enough out that it’s not too late to turn this around. You just have to start taking steps.
  15. Okay I am a second timer. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/21 and I gained it back. I am considering the SADI and I am looking for information about it. I have posted on the revision forums and the duodenal switch forum without response. Is this just a really rare procedure or am I posting in the wrong place? I worry that even if this is the right surgery for me I may regret it if I can’t find the support along the way because it is less common.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Sadi is so lonely

    Okay I googled it and that third thing @Hiddenroses is just a type of endoscope that looks at the esophagus, duodenum and the stomach. It can be diagnostic as well as to fix some things. I just had an upper endoscopy done by this surgeon so that’s why I’m assuming it’s to check stuff during the surgery. Unless he forgot he already did it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  17. ShoppGirl

    Sadi is so lonely

    Hopefully @Rosslyn will have something closer on her paperwork because that’s definitely not how mine is worded for the revision. The third letter in SADI does stand for duodenal though. It’s Single Anastmosis Duodenal ileal bypass and the SADI-S just means with sleeve from what I can gather. Mine says “robotic single anastomosis duodenal switch with intra operative esophagastroduodenoscopy” So that last part is the same for us. I think that’s just a scope to check that things are okay before they close. The “single anastomosis” part is what makes it a SADI vs a traditional Dudodenal Switch or DS. It’s means one anastomosis or connection instead of two. The one connection is what makes the SADI a little safer than the traditional DS because that connection is where you could get a leak. I would probably call their office to verify but The first part of yours MAY be a sleeve gastrectomy and the second part COULD BE the part I’m getting done (just the intestine bypass part) but I’m not sure why it says REPAIR? The third again I THINK is just a scope with a camera to check something. The extra ADEK should be for both the SADI and the DS. My vitamin for post op says SADI/DS on it. And it had a bit more iron and adds the ADEK plus a couple other things that don’t absorb as well.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Sadi is so lonely

    Oh I’m so excited for you to have gotten your authorization. I asked my Dr yesterday about the Colace since I was there and he say I could go ahead and start it too. I don’t remember constipation being an issue last time but maybe it’s something in the protein shakes that can cause it when you have so many in the day? If you mean your bariatric vitamin I would definitely call. My book says to START them with the LSD. I’m obviously already on them because I had the sleeve but the book is for the general audience who hasn’t been on them for years. 😆 OMG the pincushion thing happens to me too. I wonder if our veins are harder to see because of our weight and that will get better. I have started to actually get a little anxious when I go because it’s always such an ordeal. They usually do a butterfly needle in my hand and then the girl always complains because it just dripping and sticks me again. This time I was like idk how long it takes veins to recover but I have surgery soon and they are gonna need a vein so please let it drip. It will fill up eventually. A friend of mine said they always have a hard time at drs offices and she has much better luck at stand-alone labs. Kinda makes sense since they do nothing but draw blood all day whereas a nurse only does it when a patient needs it. I assume you are allowed protein shakes. If so take your meds immediately as you finish one of those. I take my bariatric multi that way and it makes me nauseated without enough in my stomach but with a FULL shake I am fine. I tried to get in a hurry one time and took it when I had only finished half so I could get out the door and it came right back up but I have taken it forever with the full one and it’s fine. The protein in the shakes is actually quite satiating physically. It’s the head hunger that will get you and the jello does help with that. So do the sugar free popsicles if you are allowed those. It just feels good to sorta chew after a while. As long as you are conscious of the fact that you may be a little testy because of your diet you should be okay. You could tell your family ahead of time to tell you if they feel like you are not yourself if you think that would help. I am on day two and as long as I keep busy it’s really not THAT bad. Now ask me Again on day 16 and it may be a different story.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Odd presurgery diet

    I had to do Gatorade start 4 hours before surgery and finish within a hour so by 3 hours before and they said it helps with nausea post surgery. Mine had to be regular one which has sugar so not certain if it’s for the same thing.
  20. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Yea. It’s almost meditative for me. I never would’ve believed that if someone else told me but a therapist suggested I try some kind of craft and a friend of mine in assisted living said she always wished that she had learned knitting or crochet when she was younger so she would have something to do and I figured what the heck I will give it a try. I am hoping it will work as an alternate behavior when I have head hunger post op. 🤞
  21. ShoppGirl

    Odd presurgery diet

    I am on a similar diet now. Two shakes and then a low carb dinner of the same portions of lean meat and veggies (mine adds non fat sugars free snacks and a small amount of fruit or starchy veggies). I do that for two weeks, BUT, two days before I switch to a liquid diet and then the night before (it doesn’t specify the time) I drink only clear liquids and after midnight it’s nothing (excepts a few hours before I drink a really small amount of Gatorade). Everyone is a bit differnt but I agree witb you that actual food six hours before doesn’t sound right at all. I would call. I was given the wrong info about my diet too. Personally I would ask to hear it from the dr or a medial assistant. I was given the wrong info about the need for the Liver Shrink Portion alltogether. The front desk seconded what the nurse that did my paperwork told me but I still didn’t trust it. Yesterday I met with the dr to clarify and it was good I trusted my gut because I am in fact supposed to do it and it started yesterday.
  22. I had the Sleeve 3.5 years ago and I’m pending revision to SADI or bypass (Bypass if he gets in there a can’t do SADI for some reason). From what I have seen on these boards the post op pain level for the sleeve and bypass is pretty similar year still different from person to person. I think the main difference between someone with an easy vs tough recovery depends on whether any air gets trapped in there and causes gas pain. I was really fortunate with the sleeve that I didn’t have any gas pain at all and my recovery was quite easy. I was up a couple hours after being back to my room Bugging then nurses with questions about my urine output 🤣 At one point I even questioned whether they had somehow forgotten to do the surgery. I did feel like I had done about 1000 crunches. And I had to use the bed rails to assist in sitting up for the first day but if I was just lying or standing I felt normal. I even said I didn’t need pain meds right away. They said they suggested they wean me down because I was already on some and may not know it if I’m in pain. I went home the next day on just Tylenol but with a pain script just in case. I did feel fatigued for a while so I took naps daily and I waited the full two weeks before I did much as instructed but I FELT like I could do most things if I had tried. It is an adjustment to remember all the vitamins and figure out what to drink or “eat” and when but I set alarms on my phone and that helped quite a bit. I actually just created alarms for every half hour and then toggled them on as needed to plan my day. You are a step ahead of the game that you are already here and established where you can get support and ask questions if you have any I didn’t find this site until a couple of days before so I was still figuring out how the thing even worked while working through the rest of it. The people here are incredibly helpful to answer questions, cheer you on or just let you vent if you have a bad day. The main thing to keep in mind is your goals and your reasons why you are doing the surgery and that will get you through it. If you ask everyone if they have any regrets about Weight loss Surgery the most common response it that they only wish they had done it sooner. After a few months you should be in your new groove, just losing weight and noticing that you can already do things you haven’t been able to do. If you haven’t already, Check out the “weirdest non scale victories” thread on this site. It sorta turned to just normal non scale victories but it’s pretty inspiring
  23. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    How long have you been doing it? I guess it’s been about a year for me now. I belong to a group that meets weekly with people who knit and crochet with a lot more experience. They all say that I will want to try knitting at some point and most of them do both. I actually picked up the hooks for Tunesian Crochet but haven’t done anything with them. Maybe I will give that a go during recovery. It may be a better distraction since it’s new and will take more focus. Does anyone else have any cool hobbies they plan to use when they need a distraction in this process?

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