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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmberFL

  1. AmberFL

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    oooo yesss!!!! lemme know how it goes!
  2. AmberFL


    ooooo pepperoni! yummy!
  3. AmberFL


    I love the sargento cheese sticks for 45 cal and pairing it with mini archer beef sticks for 45calories. Its such a perfect little 90calorie snack. hahaha I wish i would forget to eat hahah
  4. I cannot do pasta so I usually just do the sauce and some 93% lean ground beef. if I do noodles I do shirataki noodles
  5. AmberFL


    The only way I can tell I am hungry is that I am tired or dizzy. Rarely do I actually feel hungry. I actually eat every 1.5-2hours. Small high protein snacks through out the day with 3 smaller more balanced meals (veggies, fruit, carbs ect). Its super important to feed your body so you can sustain workouts, working, or life lol I would try and make it a habit of eating more often. idk if you like to meal prep but egg cups for bfast, lunch chicken salad or a bowl of some time, snacks can be yogurt and granola, cheese stick and jerky...
  6. soooooooo I am about 10m post op and I am getting plastics at 1yr just for my boobies lol I have been weight lifting and I will say it TRANSFORMS your body. I have skin that will never tighten up no matter how much I do and eventually I will get that taken care of, but for now I have no chest area and its really really really bothering me. So FOR ME I am getting those done. I have maintained my weight within +/- 5ish lbs for about 2 months and I will continue to do so forever. In the mean time I am lifting like a mad woman and trying to tighten up LOL
  7. AmberFL

    Body Dysmorphia

    sooooo I am with you right now, there has been a lot going on this week, and I know I am going to start my period soon so its heightening everything I am feeling. But I told my boyfriend I feel fat...he looked at me and said "what part of you are you fat?!" I have maintained my weight for the past month and a half ish? upped my weights at the gym and cardio. Idk I have never been in maintenance so I feel weird. I keep wondering okay when will I start gaining again. I look in the mirror and I see 300lb me and start ripping my body apart. I wonder if I really look better or if I look worse. This journey is a total mind EFF!
  8. Are you gaining weight? Are you active? if so, how much? Not everyone has the same restriction.
  9. oh no I live in CA, the most expensive state UGH! I do Whole Foods sometimes and Trader Joes. I go to the neighborhood Walmart and Costco. Ill have to start couponing for sure
  10. wow!!! that is awesome! I need to check out Amazon Fresh too! I have 5 people in our household and we spend easily 1200-1500 a month on groceries, its so heart breaking LOL Its not in my area....how sad! Im jelly over here!
  11. girl I am an A in VS LOL!!!! I am going to bring different type of shirts to see what looks good. I literally have nothing so anything is going to look good! lol
  12. Hi all! So I am working on Maintenance, I feel good, I *think* I look good, health is great, I am eating anywhere from 1800-2000 calories a day. I am burning around 500-700calories for my workout and walking over 10k steps a day usually hitting 11,500 steps. I am maintaining which is great! I am hungry or I get lethargic which when I eat helps a lot! My obese mind set is slightly freaking out. and I am scared because I'm still within the year of my surgery I am messing it up. I have tried all week to stay within the 1500-1700 calories, 140g carbs, 40g fat that my bariatric packet tells me, and its IMPOSSIBLE. I know I have done well on this journey, I am just terrified of going back and eating too much and ruining all this progress. My approximate daily macros: 1700-2000 calories 100-150g carbs 130-175g protein 65-80g fat Just need reassurance I am not alone in this journey.
  13. Thank you so much!! I do think about pre WLS and there are so many times where I would shove my face at work then go home and eat dinner and just not work out because I "will start next week" I do not do that. I track all my food, I will have nibbles here and there and then the weekend I indulge but I work out on Saturdays and stay active on Sundays. Ugh this journey is so weird! I have never been in maintenance so I know its going to take some getting used to. Again thank you for words! they mean alot!
  14. AmberFL

    New Clothes

    it is the best feeling ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl I went from a 18/20 to size 4, sometimes 2. Tops 2x/3x to a S/M and there are times when I do laundry Im like whose clothes are these? or getting pants from the closet then look to put them on and just feel like "no way these are fitting" and they slip right on! I am so so so proud of you!!! enjoy these highs!
  15. At 6 months I started to incorporate more carbs, but now at 8months post op this is what I do: Morning weight lifting Post work out -Protein ice coffee Breakfast- Egg White Turkey Sausage Bowl Snack: Nuts and fruit Lunch: This week is a chicken teriyaki bowl (I meal prep every weekend so bfast and lunches are always prepped) Post cardio snack: mini archer beef stick and sargento light cheese stick I have a yogurt with granola before I go home so I am not munching on junk while making dinner Dinner: is whatever I make the family just mine is smaller and instead of a lot of carbs Ill load up on the protein and veggies. Dessert: I made these chocolate pumpkin almond butter yogurt bites that are DELISH! I am not perfect by any means I am eating around 1800-2000 calories a day, 150g + protein, 120-160g carbs and 40-70g of fat. I have been able to maintain my weight -/+ 3lbs this month by doing this. Also, I weight list for 30-45min in morning and run 3miles in the afternoon M-F and Saturday I do HIIT workout for 35-40min and cardio for 35min. Which is why I eat a lot. I am coming to terms with it, last week I had a slight panic but this group is awesome. They gave me the advise do this for a month and see how it plays out. if I gain then I need to tighten up the rains, If I still lose (which I have not) then go up in 100calories increments.
  16. @ShoppGirl I did the rice test and the size I wanted I reached out tot he consultant and she said that is a big implant LOL so I must not being doing something right. She said they have sizers that I will try on with the surgeon, and that him and I will determine the size. I just know I want my big boobies back LOL these itty bitty making me feel like I am a teenage boy and I did not work this damn hard to not look like a woman hahah!
  17. hahahhaha!!! I am def with you on the cappuccinos boobies. an A does not fit I just wear them to make it look like I am not a 13yr old boy lol I am getting a lift and implants. I am wanting a full DD so I am thinking I will either really fill out the smalls or have to go up to Mediums...hmmmmm
  18. its so hard!!! but i am going to take your guys advice as your seasoned vets! Just gonna stick with it and see how it plays out then adjust if I need to. Thank you!
  19. I was thinking that...I have been lifting heavier and more reps so I am getting more muscular in my thighs LOL I am a size 4 in my thighs and booty but have space in my waist....cant find good pair of jeans. So that makes sense, however I do not like seeing the scale up anyways LOL Oh! I did want to ask, when you got your boobies did you shirts/sports bras get bigger? I am getting mine on Dec 30th and I am holding back buying more tops because I'm not sure if I will go up a size..
  20. That's a great idea, I think I am scared is if I do gain weight I'll say eff it, and just keep it going like I used to. Getting out of this mind set is the hardest part! Your right I have to eat in order to fuel my activity. I have realized that as of today I am officially a year out from my first appt to start this process and its been quite a year. I have made it a full year of working out and changing my diet. I can do this for even longer!
  21. I think my reasoning is because I am low key freaking out because I am *done* losing weight and maintaining and I have never ever ever ever been in this position. Always losing or gaining. So eating close to 2000 calories a day and only being 8months post op, my mind is telling me that I am going to start gaining and this is not sustainable. I have never stayed this active this long either lol Its just a new life that I am not used to, and this week I am panicking (WEIRD!) I am sure that I need to talk to a therapist LOL but you guys are it for me at this moment. 🤣
  22. the 25cal tortillas are a staple in my house! I use them for everything, Nachos, cinnamon Sugar bowls, pizzas, everything!
  23. just here to say that the tuna melt sounds super good! lol

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