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As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole coach factory outlet online family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age.   There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some people claim that keeping pets coach factory outlet is a good thing to do. They say that the car provides the most convenient form of transportation. Besides, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in winter. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night.Others, however, hold the opposite view.   They say that there are many disadvantages to owning a car. For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase coach factory store online and run a car. For another, owning a car can also cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. What is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.




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Deuxièmement, la stagnation de Froid. Froide Pathogènes Envahit le corps de, das La perte De sang, dans les méridiens Yang très invitant, leichte à bloquer Lakoagulation DU, sang, Verzögerung astringentes déraisonnable, Pas de Douleur, donc La douleur est une Caractéristique Importante de Froid pathogènes pathogènes. Douleur froide VA gagner, Parce Que le site ne viole Pas le Froid pathogènes mêmes, de Sorte que les symptômes varient. Si le muscle le froid de table, stagner, à Sohnausflug, Est le erstes organe de la Douleur du membre, Si le Droit dans le Froid pathogène, l' Luft-blockieren Sie, puis La poitrine, l' Abdomen, ou-DES crampes abdominales Lengtong. Troisièmement, l' argument de Clôture froid. Froid revenu Hauptcité, les revenus cités, Cer qui signifie que la contraction de la traction. 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Ainsi, Latranspiration und Krankheiten exogènes froide letraitement des ein longtemps été La méthode couramment utilisée en médecine. Ces méthodes incluent La sudation rôti, l' exercice und Latranspiration sudation Windsack und Ainsi de suite. Que Cer soit l' incidence du corps humain, La clé ladroiture du corps Est gießen une apparence saine und vigoureuse. Dans les mêmes Zustände, quelques cas humains, certaines personnes Ne sont Pas-La maladie, La principale différence est la Résistance du corps moncler jacken damen à La maladie, qui est-La médecine chinoise appelée „Dépôt de Juste, le Mal ne peut Pas faire." Stellen Sie conséquent, la Saison de Neige gleich, das wichtige Au chaud est particulièrement lefroid. Seule l' importance du Changement climatique externes gießen Adapter leur propre Gerechtigkeit, à DES-Krankheiten autour d' eux.




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Day 3 Of Preop Diet

went to see Dr Lavin today in Metarie, LA. He is such a nice guy. Made me feel very good about doing this surgery. I was hoping that I would get a surgery date today, but apparently the office in Covington, LA schedules those. So I should hear something in the next 3-5 days. I REALLY want to get this thing in December. I want to start my new year off on the right foot. Before I left the Drs office I asked about any special diet, and the nurse said no, just clear liquids the day before surgery. She said they want me to lose a few pounds before the surgery, but did not specify any certain amount. I am still going to do as much liquid as I can so its not such a shock to my body and my appetite. GETTING CLOSER!!! IM EXCITED!




Starting Pre Op Diet Wednesday

I have my Dr's visit on wednesday & will get all my stuff for the pre-op and then next Monday I have a mandatory lap band class. Has anyone else had to do this? Or is it just unique to my surgeons office---they said if I didnt attend, I couldnt have the surgery. In the meantime--I am counting down the last days at work. I told my co-workers I am having surgery & they asked why, but I am NOT telling them. I just dont want to deal with the "how are you doing?" "how much weight have you lost?" or my worse case scenario--I fail & have to live with the fact I had surgery & still couldnt lose weight. Too much pressure!! I know that this surgery wont make me prettier, younger etc--but what I will get is even better! I cant wait to buy/wear fashionable clothes. I can go horseback riding again!!! I can pursue all the athletic activities Ive missed. and thats why this is a new chapter in my life!

new chapter in life

new chapter in life


Encouraged And Motivated Again....

A few days ago I blogged some discouragement. I have to say, after encouraging words and advice from my banded friends I'm feeling super encouraged and motivated. I have followed Diane's advice to stick strictly to the rules and I've found myself feeling less hungry and irritable. Thanks Diane Going for my 2nd fill tomorrow. I'm excited about it even if it is Thanksgiving. To me Thanksgiving is about family, friends and being thankful. I don't have to glut to celebrate. Having said that I am thankful for my lap band talk family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving and God's blessings upon you.




9 Days To Go...

9 Days till surgery and I am down 11 pounds since Nov 1st. I am so happy about this!! That is about 1/2 a pound a day!! Woot Woot!! I am getting a little sick of the shakes though. Do you think adding some instant coffee to a chocolate shake to make a mocha is a bad idea??   We went to my husband's Christmas party on Saturday, I did well with eating (yes, I cheated) I had some turkey, house salad, and broccoli. And 3 glasses of red wine.... No one from his work knows what I am doing so I had to play "normal" for a night. The next morning I was up 3 pounds... Oops, but after a day of shakes and water I was down 4!! Woot Woot!!!   I have a nasty cough that I hope will be gone b4 surgery or my belly is going to be hurting after surgery with the coughing... I am drinking hot water and lemon, tea, and tons of water to try and loosen up whatever is causing this horribleness.   My goal for the next 9 days is another 5 pounds down. Wish me luck!!!!   PS: Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!!! <3




New Need Help!

Hi everyone,   I'm new to this blog. I've been lurking and made my 1st entry the other day because I was sleeved Tuesday Nov. 15th. My question is, how do you add the weight tickers to your profile? I think those are great!




Tired Of Going To The Plus Size Department!

I went to Macy's the other day and walked around the clothes department. As I walked through the dress department, I secretly picked out clothes that I want to be able to wear one day. And then I made my way to the plus size department, or "Women's" as they call it. What? The small women aren't women or what? Anyway, I am so tired of having to shop there. For the last year or more I've had to buy 2X and size 18. I can remember when I only occasionally bought an XL just because I wanted my sweater or shirt to fit loose. Ha! Nothing is fitting loose anymore and I'm wearing 2X. Knowing I am having the surgery soon saved on my wallet though; there wasn't any sense in buying things that hopefully will be too big on me in a few months. I've got enough stuff in my closet to get me through the holidays and then I can start shopping smaller for the spring!! At least, that's my plan. I'm also looking forward to next summer when hopefully I have lost enough weight to really show! We bought a pontoon boat last year and while I loved inviting people to go boating with us, I was so embarrassed to wear my bathing suit where it all just hangs out! There's no hiding with tunic tops or capri pants when you want to sunbathe and swim. Anyway, I am just looking forward to feeling good about myself again. I haven't been there in a long time! I'm probably about 2 months away from having my surgery, but it couldn't be soon enough. Although, it will be nice to be able to go through the holidays and not worry about the post-op diet stuff. Here's to a new year....and becoming fit at 60!   Debbie

Fit in my 60's

Fit in my 60's


Really ?!!! Am I Alone?

ok so I am 5 days post surgery and I get home today and my husband pulls out a box of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies ... and says look what some lady at Starbucks gave me.....my only response was "you just can't help yourself can you?" and he then gets mad at me saying it was something he wanted to share with me.........really? WTF? I understand that he didn't sign up for this but I haven't told him not to bring anything home just to not flaunt it in my face......I am so sad ... I want to cry ... Its only day 5 and it seems he keeps trying to tempt me ... Yesterday it was popcorn... he knew I had to go do something last night , couldn't he have waited till I left to make it?   I want to be strong but it seems the people closest to me are trying to sabatoge me... I feel alone and angry that he dosen't understand. Any attempt at me trying to explain this to him winds up in me in tears and upset (which does wonders for the horrible reflux I have right now) and him screaming and telling me that I'm selfish.   What's the divorce rate amoung couples where 1 partner has WLS and the other dosen't.   Please someone shed some light on this for me. Am I being unreasonable or mean?




Day 2 Of Presurgery Diet

I've done pretty good so far today. I managed to make banana pancakes and sausage for my family AND watch them eat while i had my coffee and protein shake. YEY ME! I had another shake for lunch, but i did go manage to talk myself into eating 3 turkey meatballs with marina over about 12 penne pasta. I am having another shake for snack before bed... and no wine :-( sad face. I go to see Dr Lavine tomorrow morning at 9 am. I am very excited to discover when we get to do the surgery. p.s.. I can hear my husband crunching on potatoe chips while I type this.... I can see we are going to have a talk. lol




Heading Back To Work Tomorrow And Almost 1 Month Out

Well tomorrow I head back to work. I chose to take 3 weeks off so that I would be past all of the crazy eating stages. some time before I was scheduled to be off I was chosen for a new position at work and had been a little scared to tell my new boss about me going out on leave. Well he was completly wonderful told me not to worry about anything that we would work on getting me trained once i came back, and that I just needed to take care of myself right now. I am glad i have some super supportive people i work with my boss being one also another supervisor who also had the lap band, and some great friends. I an kinda excited to be heading back because it will give me somthing to do but I am also sad. I would to not have to work but then the bills would not get paid lol...... I was blessed to have the 3 weeks off the last week I was able to soend it with my twin bc she had the lap band on 11/10. She teaches and i dont so there is hardly ever a time where we are both off for an extended time.   This thursday happend to not only be thanksgiving but also my 1 mo mark since surgery. I have stalled a little since surgery the day of surgery when i went in i weighed 349 after i got down to as little as 340 but have gone up a little ever since changing back to mushies and now solids. as of this morning i am sitting at about 345ish I pray with the fill coming up actually on 11/30 that it will jump start my weight loss again. I know I still need to watch the choices that i am choosing to eat.   Well I am calling it a night I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.




Grits : Food Of The Gods

Ok so today is post op day 4 or 5 depending on if you count the day of surgery. I have to say that I thank my dad for instilling a love of grits in me.... They may have saved me tonight...I have been so hungry and needing something (maybe a mental thing) I ate a bowl of grits which are on my approved "full liquid" diet ... and they were amazing!!!! Can I just tell you that I never thought I would be in a position to write a whole partagraph on grits, but I guess the band changes us in many ways....   On another note I had a dream about hotdogs and nachos at the movie theater .... wow ... I must be a real adict if I am dreaming about food!!! Its like a whole new me....Lets hope tomorrow is even better thank today !!!




Day 9 Of Many

Purple for the Raven's win today people...   Ahh. The weekend is over, but there's still one more day of work. Ughh. Not looking forward to it. I've been eating a little too much at work, a little too much "bad" stuff. I have an appt with my counselor at the Bariatric practice soon. Its stress right now, I'm moving, having bf issues, money issues, etc. It shouldn't be an excuse for me to not follow the plan. I'm probably headed down the road of screwing up if I don't break off now.   Anyone else out there struggle with this?    




Day Six And Still Standing

Hi All,   Today I joined Lap Band Talk to save myself. My surgery was 11/14/11.   Can you imagine? I get paid for advice and empathy and yet I'm here feeling so unsure. I went shopping for the holiday this morning after going to the gym with my husband. I ran 1 1/2 miles and I felt so good. During our shopping spree I came up with every excuse to purchase corn chips for my "dog". Perhaps I am not adjusting mentally to this liquid phase. So why did I have to try six chips and now I am waiting for the consequences to come on? I feel sad, concerned and unsure of why I acted in such a self-defeating manner. Perhaps I was seeking to join a group just like this : )   Something tells me that this self-discovery process is going to be rocky (not rockly road ice cream). I'm down 14lb during the last three weeks. I gotta stay focused. I want to loose another 10lbs befor X-Mas.     ~ Fivey




Nutritional Supplements -- Worth The Issues?

I had problems with my first laband surgery (band was too small and I had horrible reflux, throwing up in my sleep, etc.). It took a year after the total unfill to get insurance to pay for the removal and replacement of the band. In the interim, I gained back all that I had lost plus another 60 lbs... almost 100 pounds. You can say I lost my mind when I found I could eat, but I was also very, VERY busy stuffing my feelings down my throat with food. I was extremely unhappy and felt unsafe in my own home. So, I guess I felt by adding more "layers," I was trying to protect myself, but to be honest, I've always dealt with stressful situations with comforting myself with food... especially late night snacking to the extreme.   Anyway, by the time I had the 2nd surgery, I had gained not only a lot of weight but a lot of new health woes. I had to have knee surgery to fix my knee cap. I had horrible, HORRIBLE acid reflux to the point that I felt like I was having a heart attack again. My diabetes went from type 2 to type 1 and I wear an insulin pump and a constant blood glucose monitoring system (my husband teases me that I'm almost the bionic woman, what with my lapband and its port, my insulin pump with it's "inset," and my Dexcom's sensor embedded in my skin. I had to start using a cPAP machine at night when I slept because of sleep apnea, and I was having some horrible interactions with some of my prescription drugs. Seems I'm anti-chlorgenic, which means certain drugs in my system will adversely interact with others, and my sleeping pill was making me have symptoms of early onset dementia.   Yeah... I was a mess. The new surgery stopped the throwing up for a time, but it didn't resolve the reflux. I'm still taking 40 mg of prescription Omeprezole daily. After my last fill, the "explosive" spit-up is back. I sleep with a hand towel again. But at this point, I'm not quite willing to give up. I have been depending on the band to keep me from over-eating and it does, but I haven't been living by band rules. That has to stop, and now I try not to eat anything at least 2 hours before bedtime (tough, because I have always been a night-time snacker), and I only drink water 2 hours before. At least that way, the spitup doesn't taste like whatever it was I drinking before.   ANYWAY... I haven't been on here obviously for some time, but am having some other weird issues and I wanted to come see if anybody else is having them. I had a doctor tell me that because I had weight loss surgery and have fibromyalgia, I needed to take SAM-e, probiotics, and liquid B complex. But when I do, something in that mix beats the 40mg of Omeprezole up and the heart burn flares horribly in the middle of the night. So I'm reduced to taking ANOTHER 40 mg!!! Good grief, it is hard enough to get the insurance company to pay for one 40mg a day! After two days of waking up in bad pain from reflux, I dropped the SAM-e, probiotics, and liquid B, but I have this sneaking suspicion it is the probiotic, because I've taken B complex before with no problem. Today I added back the liquid B vitamins and the SAM-e, because I really need help with lack of energy and depression, but I don't want to go back on anti-depressants with all the problems they gave me.   My weight loss is stuck at 70 pounds, but I need a fill, and will go get another in January, and no, I won't be telling them about the reflux. It seems as long as I stick to the band rules (no eating 2 hour before bedtime), and switch to water, I have very little problems... but I still sleep with the hand towel to save my expensive sheets!   Has anyone else heard that people who have had weight loss (specifically lap band) surgery need probiotics, SAM-e, Magnesium, d-ribose, and ATF? I did read an article today about a study where they studied "weight loss surgery" patients who took probiotics tended to lose more weight, but they didn't specify whether those subjects had lapband or RNY.




Progress Slowly

Hi all, My name is Crystal. I am 34yrs old. Just had a birthday. I am new to this blogging stuff. Me and my husband had lap band surgery. I had my surgery on May 10th 2011. My starting weight was 289lbs. I am now at 238.5lbs. I have been stuck at 240 for 4wks. I am looking for ideas on meal planning. We have 3 kids (16,13,9). Also in need of protein intake ideas. I am now starting to lose my hair. Not Good! Any help or tips??? Blessings on your day!




Sunday...day 10!

Today is Sunday...day 10 post op...I have lost 19 lbs, I am very excited/nervous. The nervous id from knowing that I can eat REAL food...can I keep losing? Stay tuned for updates!

Robin Brown

Robin Brown


What A Day!

Have spent the day baking. I was supposed to be packing up my household stuff, in anticipation of my move back home the end of this month, but I just CAN'T get into packing. I keep thinking "what if I need this before I move, I 'll just have to unpack it and then pack it again". So I don't pack it to begin with.   My husband arrives in three days, (To help me move home) and he is going to be disappointed that I am not farther along than I am. I am a travel nurse and have been living in California for the past 13 months, and now am moving home to the frozen tundras of Iowa for the winter. YUCK! I hate Iowa in the winter. But he is so lonely and wants me to come home. So what can I do?   So to kill the day, I spent the entire day baking. I made three different kinds of cookies, and a puff pastry creation know (in Iowa) as Dutch Letters. They are a puff pastry with sweet almond filling. And to make matters worse, I sampled some of each one! Here I am, trying my best to reach my weight goal, and I am baking like a fiend! I have GOT to quit baking and eating! The Dutch Letters by the way were fantastic. They are labor intensive, and I don't make them very often, but today seemed the day to do it! (At least when I got done baking, I took the cookies and Dutch Letters to the hospital where I am working and left them in the break room for everyone to eat. There is NO way I could eat all that stuff, although some days I think I might give it a try.)   Anyway, I was so gratified to get on the scale this morning and see that I have lost four pounds this week. I am within 19 pounds of my original goal weight. But now am thinking of revising my goal down another 10-20 pounds. Is that crazy? I am five months post op, as of yesterday, and as I get closer to my goal, I think about being thinner than I originally planned. I am down from a size 26-28 to a size 12, and size 10 is getting closer all the time. In fact I can get a size 10 on, it is just tight. Of course if I keep baking and eating I can kiss size ten goodbye for good.   Some days the "Head Hunger" just gets to me. I think that is what today was all about. I was hungry and I didn't know what I was hungry for. So I just started baking and sampling what I had baked. And to top it all off, I re-watched "Julia and Julie" on DVD while I was baking. That doesn't do a lot to encourage me not to eat!   Enough of my ramblings about baking, food and watching TV. I am going to bed. Happy weekend all you VSGs!

Helen the Cat

Helen the Cat


My Lap Band Experience So Far

So my first visit to True Results was September 28th. At that appointment they told me I what I needed to do to be able to have surgery before Christmas. My insurance is Aetna POS and I needed 3 weight loss visits (they told me my visit that day counted as one, I had my second one on October 31st) 2 nutritional visits (had one the first visit also, will have my second one on my third appointment), a psych appointment (had that on November 4th) and weight history from my doctors (called 1week after my initial appointment and they already had everything they needed). My third appointment is scheduled for Nov 30th, at this appointment I will see the Nutritionist again, have blood work, an EKG and a breathing test. I am assuming they will submit my paperwork to insurance at this time.   Has anyone who has Aetna POS insurance gone down this road? I am curious how long it took to get approved. And then once you were approved how quickly was your surgery scheduled?

Cara K.

Cara K.


Bariatric Advantage Pre-op Diet

Hello Everyone, Today I started my 10 day pre-op diet. My diet consists of four protein shakes (each 160 cal) using the Bariatric Advantage powder; I recommend the chocolate flavor; the orange creamsicle tastes like fouride! I am also allowed to have two cups of low-starch low-cal fruits and vegetables (such as apricots, squash, salad etc).   I started my day out strong. Had a shake. Loved the shake. Slept in more (lol). 12 pm Got going again, had a shake and got my butt going. Went to the gym for an hour doing some cardio, crunches, and heavy lifting. Drank 31 oz. of unsweetened tea. Felt a little hungry so I had some tomato soup and found out afterwards that although it didn't have milk, it did have rice syrup in it! WHOOPS! I when you feel like you're doing so great and you make a stupid mistake. not cool. Back on the wagon.   Did some chores, took a post-workout shower, and had shake number 3 @ 5:30 pm. Went to the opening of a new bookstore in my town and I started to feel hungry. Something about capitalism, consumerism, and browsing in a store (even a store without food) makes us hungry; i think it's our hunter/gatherer instincts making us think we need something to hunt and eat. BUT THEN I WENT FOOD SHOPPING wit my mom to get some things (vegetables I can have on diet) at Giant food stores. TALK ABOUT TEMPTATION! My mom had to get some things on her list so I was forced to brave the bread and bakery section. At this point I'm STARVING and all i can smell is yeast and bleached flower and I want to dive in and start ripping open the nearest loaf and devouring it. BUT I DIDN'T I just got what I needed and got ouutta there.   For my second vegetable of the day I had spaggetti squash SO GOOD. you just scrape out the seeds, cover it with plastic wrap, and pop it into the micro on a plate for 20 min. It has the taste and texture of spagettii so it's a good filler when you can't have what you want.   Now I'm trying to down my 4th shake but it just tastes like crap now. I WANT REAL FOOD.But I have to remind myself that the pre-op DIET IS FOR A PURPOSE. TO GET THE SURGERY AND GET HEALTHY GET THIN. good luck to everyone on this journey!

Hopeful to be full

Hopeful to be full


Week 5: Back To The Grind

I am coming to the end of my fifth week. I can't believe its already five whole weeks since surgery. It went by super fast and now I'm back to work. Part of me didn't want to go back. If only we could get paid to be on vacation all year...   The one thing that work has helped a lot with this week is keeping on a schedule. I was having difficulty staying on a set schedule when I was off. The first two weeks, I was exhausted. I was sleeping or napping constantly. The third and fourth weeks were okay, but still had an off day or two with fluids or protein. This week I've managed to get all vitamins in and all fluids/protein in every day. Another goal met! I also had another small victory this week. I went to my second post-op appointment yesterday and I am down about 26 pounds and have lost 5 inches from my waist. Ecstatic!!! My weight had stalled a bit during the 3rd-4th week and this week I managed to somehow lose 4lbs. It definitely makes me want to stay motivated and positive! I also had a birthday last weekend. My mom bought me some new scrubs for work as a gift, and they are a size smaller. I also got the ok from my nutritionist to nix the protein shakes. Finally! I'm allowed to have one every now and then but he wants me to try and get all my protein from food intake. So far, so good. I don't know if I've recommended this to you guys or not, but you should try the Calcet Creamy Bites as your calcium citrate supplement..they are so good! I've tried both flavors and its like having a little treat or dessert. Its easier to get the vitamins in when they are tasty.   I'm glad to get this weekend started. I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing.      




Am I Hungry

ok so my stomach is growleing and I hate my husband for making rice tonight but I cant tell if I am hungry or not....I don't "feel" hungry but I think I am fighting a mental thing. I drank 2 protein shakes today whick took me the better part of 2 hours each to get down ... and a little broth which felt good going down all warm ... and some water ... I am afraid of being dehydrated so I keep trying to cram fluids... even if it is just water .....took a little walk with my kids today trying to get moving but think I will skip the gym for a few more days......



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
