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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Morning everyone. Sorry I was absent all weekend, but this week is a little slower, next week...not so much. My brain is tired. I looked at those bras and they look great.

Got a call from the CPA and found out the figure she quoted on my tax return was wrong, by about 1/2, so no new floor this year. So I will pay off the phone bill and medical bills and that's about it. A little bummed, but oh well, at least I have enough to pay off bills, it could be worse.

Tonight I hope to do a little sewing, just enough to feed the soul, then back at it on Tuesday.

Tomorrow have a fill appt. Should be interesting.


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Good Morning Peeps !!!

Karla - I would hate writing too - Yep you need a little down time. At least you will be able to pay off the bills and that will give you more $$ each month .. Take that $$ and put it in a vacation fund..

Not much to report - Andrew stopped by and visited.. Watched the Oscars - Went to bed around 9:30.. I think I am going to have new computer when I get to work.. Have been warned that they may be monitoring my interenet use.. So I might have to be careful for a while ;0) guess it's a good thing cuz I should be working not surfing the net LOL

Well off to the shower - everyone have a good day..

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OH Janet; good luck with the new computer!!! Most companies do monitor INTERNET useage by their employees... so keep your guard up. We don`t want you losing your job because you are chatting with US.

Nice relaxing weekend here, weather is getting milder, and the snow mountains on the sides of the road are starting to melt... YEAH SPRING IS COMING!!!

Then last night a light snowfall, just enough to pretty up the place... I hate when everything turns brown and crusty. Karla, you know what I mean.... then I need to start a new quilt project....

got my budget numbers all punched in for FEB.... yeah!

Phyl, how is Earl feeling today? I had a sinus thingy yest. thought I was gonna be really sick and then this a.m. nothing!!!! whoo-hoo for me.

Music Practise on WEd, and then Sat. we have another gig... learning some more new material... fun.

Steph and Karri where are you gals???

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Good Evening Gang..

Back from gym - Idrise said I looked like I lost weight - that was nice - don't know if it's true - scales were 136 last week - but it was nice to hear..

Phyl - Yep how's Earl... What did you do today... Suppose to be in the 80 this weekend ;0) - Saw on fb - mobile dog groomer ;0)

Karla - How did school go today - how's your tummy...

Candice - It's funny that they are going to start watching us - when the President got a virus cuz he was surffing the net LOL - it's ok for them but not us - Ya right - Well, I'm too busy w/new computer - it locked up a few times and I can't attach emails - so was busy doing nothing - spun my wheels all day - didn't really get anything done - it's a bitch that I can't get emails that are attached to my clients accounts ..

My week - Boot Camp tomorrow - Wed off - Thrus off - Friday gym - hair Sat a.m early - got bills paid yesterday - and guess this weekend will clean for my company coming on the following weekend ;0)

Well gotta go feed the dogs... See what I'm going to eat - either lamb from last night - or left overs from lunch - shrimp & veggies...

Karri - Have you been able to keep any food down??

Steph - What's up ....


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I'm doing well, school was okay. Just trying to get ahead a little with homework. I have to interview students and write up the results, but I have to write the interview questions first, as well as a bunch of other stuff. Plus I plan on taking one day off this weekend to quilt. I need a brain break. So working every night until 9 pm and then doing some fun reading. Speaking of which, have any of you read books by Robyn Carr? I was looking at one for my kindle that was reasonable priced and was just wondering if you all have ever read any. For any of your DHs & DS, The Wet Desert by Gary Hansen is a great read.

Great job Janet on the weight!!! Yep squirrel those pounds away so that when you are all together you can have a treat!!!

Alexa (DD#5) called an old friend of mine and told her that I could use a shoulder and someone to vent to, and the friend came to school after the kids left and we had a nice visit. I got to do a little ranting,etc. so I feel much better. Plus I have just accepted life.

You all have a good evening. I'm going to have a little snack, then hit the bed. Too much reading on the Ethics of using humans in research projects. Since our thesis involves our students, we have to take a course on ethical research practices with human subjects...let's just say, NOT all that interesting!!!

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Morning ladies, Bailey, the cat, has decided to help me type, not her usual style. At her age she prefers sitting on the heat register to get her aching bones warmed up for the morning. Candice you sent us your snow. We got about 4 inches today. Looks much better, but a pain in the butt for driving.

Fill appt today, so will need to drive to town. Elyse is really sick, morning sickness. I guess she is vomiting about twice an hour. She is probably dehydrated, so hopefully she gets it checked out.

Woke up with a huge zit next to my nose, looks like a mountain, at almost 52, you'd think I was beyond acne. grr.

Well best get to it, Oh Janet, our computers saves every keystroke and web address for 3 years. That is why I don't check in at work. It will always be there if they want to get rid of you. The district used that 'evidence' to fire a superintendent, in the middle of the year. Unfortunately he sued and the district lost and ended up paying him a huge settlement. I have to say, the superintendent was wrongly accused. TTFN

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Good Morning

Karla - LOL on the zit - i got one on my chin last week and I'm 56 I haven't had one in a very long time .... Poor Elsye w/the morning sickness - I was lucky never had it - just pee'd every 10 minutes ;0)... and heart burn that was it.. Yep she needs to see a doc... Hugs on all that school work - Bravo for doing it - yep you need 1 day for you - Glad you got to talk to someone in person ;0) - I know you have us but having someone in person is diff.

Weight - well it's just what it is - I really don't stress too much about it now a days - I eat but keep in mind what I'm eating most of the time and I hit the gym... I really think it's that I have been wearing baggy stuff and yesterday had on a pair of tighter pants & top - it was just nice for guy to say something nice to me ;0) you understand that one - I love having Idrise in my life - he's my guy - yep we fight at times but if he gives you a complement you know it's for REAL he's not the kind to blow smoke ;0)

Phyl - Where are you taking care of Earl...

Candice good luck on your practices..

Karla - they aren't going to fire me - I'm not even worried about that - just don't want to get in trouble - that's all plus I have been too busy lately..

Well off to the shower ck in tonite - Love & Hugs too All

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Good Evening Gang..Back from gym - Idrise said I looked like I lost weight - that was nice - don't know if it's true - scales were 136 last week - but it was nice to hear..

Phyl - Yep how's Earl... What did you do today... Suppose to be in the 80 this weekend ;0) - Saw on fb - mobile dog groomer ;0)

Karla - How did school go today - how's your tummy...

Candice - It's funny that they are going to start watching us - when the President got a virus cuz he was surffing the net LOL - it's ok for them but not us - Ya right - Well, I'm too busy w/new computer - it locked up a few times and I can't attach emails - so was busy doing nothing - spun my wheels all day - didn't really get anything done - it's a bitch that I can't get emails that are attached to my clients accounts ..

My week - Boot Camp tomorrow - Wed off - Thrus off - Friday gym - hair Sat a.m early - got bills paid yesterday - and guess this weekend will clean for my company coming on the following weekend ;0)

Well gotta go feed the dogs... See what I'm going to eat - either lamb from last night - or left overs from lunch - shrimp & veggies...

Karri - Have you been able to keep any food down??

Steph - What's up ....cbl

Good Morning!

You ARE lookin' good! And doing great on holding your weight where you want it!

Yesterday was very busy. We are now in charge of Sky Valley WA state get-togethers and yesterday we had our first ever here in the park. They usually just do a pot luck in the summer, but with people scattered all over the state, last summer they asked if we could have one here, too. So I set it up for yesteday at noon.... at the club house. So that pretty much kept me busy from 9 a.m. until after 2 p.m. Guys set up the tables...but, up ther early organizing... coffee, cups, sugar, etc...... planning... who is going to say what, do what, etc. Earl is so sick, and then lost his voice, so had to last minute recruit another guy to help me moderate at the mike... I was pretty nervous about how it was going to go.... especially after I heard that OR state potluck the day before less than 30 people showed up. We personally delivered 65 flyers all over the park, everywhere we saw WA state license plates!! So... Earl set up 8 tables of 8.... 64 chairs. But a little before noon we were scrambling to set up two more tables, more chairs, table cloths, etc.! We had 80 people show up!! It was amazing!! I had a couple of ladies sing some songs, had a birthday cake for one of them.... 74 yesterday, and celebrating 11th wedding anniversary, too. So... we had a good time and it went very well. I was tickled pink!

Groomer was out in front for a while, but Zoey just got done about 10 days ago, so she wasn't on the agenda. Molly, across the street, was getting a new "do" and Zoey was watching the process out the window! And Earl took her out to say "hello" to the groomers.

Earl still quite sick, coughing a lot. I'm a lot better. For some reason.... right knee now a problem! I know it needs surgery, but pain has not previously been this bad, and pain doesn't seem tobe in the right place. This is the 3rd day I am limping so don't know what is going on. Didn't do aything to aggravate it.. just walking around costco and Walmart and the theater on Saturday. Not really enough to aggravate it for three days! Going to the pool today for the first time in about 2 weeks I think! We'll see if I can exercise.

Morning ladies, Bailey, the cat, has decided to help me type, not her usual style. At her age she prefers sitting on the heat register to get her aching bones warmed up for the morning. Candice you sent us your snow. We got about 4 inches today. Looks much better, but a pain in the butt for driving.

Fill appt today, so will need to drive to town. Elyse is really sick, morning sickness. I guess she is vomiting about twice an hour. She is probably dehydrated, so hopefully she gets it checked out.

Woke up with a huge zit next to my nose, looks like a mountain, at almost 52, you'd think I was beyond acne. grr.

Well best get to it, Oh Janet, our computers saves every keystroke and web address for 3 years. That is why I don't check in at work. It will always be there if they want to get rid of you. The district used that 'evidence' to fire a superintendent, in the middle of the year. Unfortunately he sued and the district lost and ended up paying him a huge settlement. I have to say, the superintendent was wrongly accused. TTFN

Zoey and candy both have been helping Earl type! And helping me bead!! Beads went flying everywhere two days ago when Zoey suddenly jumped from Earl's lap over to me on the couch! I made Earl help me pick up the mess because it was his fault!! He was getting annoyed with her so he told her "Go see mommy!" And she did!

Sorry Elyse is having such a bad time. Hope she goes to the doc soon.

Good Morning

Karla - LOL on the zit - i got one on my chin last week and I'm 56 I haven't had one in a very long time .... Poor Elsye w/the morning sickness - I was lucky never had it - just pee'd every 10 minutes ;0)... and heart burn that was it.. Yep she needs to see a doc... Hugs on all that school work - Bravo for doing it - yep you need 1 day for you - Glad you got to talk to someone in person ;0) - I know you have us but having someone in person is diff.

Weight - well it's just what it is - I really don't stress too much about it now a days - I eat but keep in mind what I'm eating most of the time and I hit the gym... I really think it's that I have been wearing baggy stuff and yesterday had on a pair of tighter pants & top - it was just nice for guy to say something nice to me ;0) you understand that one - I love having Idrise in my life - he's my guy - yep we fight at times but if he gives you a complement you know it's for REAL he's not the kind to blow smoke ;0)

Phyl - Where are you taking care of Earl...

Candice good luck on your practices..

Karla - they aren't going to fire me - I'm not even worried about that - just don't want to get in trouble - that's all plus I have been too busy lately..

Well off to the shower ck in tonite - Love & Hugs too All

Uh oh.... 8:30 a.m. and Earl keeps looking at the clock. He's not going to the pool, but apparently he is concerned about me being "late"!!

Gotta go get ready. Hope you all have a GREAT day! CBL!!

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Hi Girls, busy here.... went and had my nails done this a.m. then at 2 p.m. had to take my QUEEN/KING quilt to the long arm quilters... it`ll be 3 wks until they are finished it... just as I get home from Cali...she`s gonna do it for Cash, so I save on the taxes... yeah"!!

GREAT news, got another GIG on Sunday, in Collingwood. Singing at a Benefit Brunch for a new school in Haiti... its gonna be awesome. We do an hour, then another entertainer comes on... all going from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. all local area talent... should really be fun. »good exposure for us too!

THEN, I got another phone call from a lady who works for the TOWN of Was. Beach... she has hired us to play for 2 hours at JAZZ IN THE PARK, the end of July... its an outside Gazebo stage, amongst the trees... should be really nice... and GREAT MONEY!!! whoo-hoo... then I got a lecture from Peter that i didn`t ask for enough money!!! Crap, when did he die and become God!!!???? always second guessing me... the other week he told me what JOKES to telll during our gig... so I handed HIM the microphone.... ha,ha,ha.... put him and his BIG MOUTH on the spot... OH I did enjoy watching him squirm!! It was divine!!!!...

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Candice, you go girl, that will teach Peter to put his nose in your business, you don't tell him how to play!!

Back to the fill doc, for a 3rd try. We are going VERY conservatory, only 1/2 a cc at a time. They gave me a great deal on fills. If I pay cash I get 40 % off, so my fills are only $60. It was $120 in Kalispell plus gas. He asked me how much I wanted since I was totally empty, my response, "What ever you think is right, I learned my lesson. It only took 2 ER visits but I am no longer going to push it. The rough thing...I gained another 2 pounds, so I am up 6 pounds. So tonight, I start fresh, even though I was tired I have dinner in the oven and lunch for tomorrow. Diet lean ground beef and black Beans with a little FF cream of mushroom and a SMALL sprinkle of cheese. Once I get moving, I know the weight will fall off, but it is frustrating.

Back to work for me!!! Have a good evening, Oh Elyse has her doc appt tomorrow, so we will know due date, etc.

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Good Evening Peeps...

Candice you are going to need an agent pretty soon ;0) WTG on the gigs... Ya you should have given Peter the mike LOL.. I saw an email from you when I was cleaning them up - you know deleting the spam and priceline ones - will look at it later.

Phyl - Glad your pot luck was a hit ... Sheba like to get in the way at times - and Bella scratches my leg wanting up but then won't sit still.. Hugs on the knee issue - sometime things just get a kink in them hopefully it works out soon

Karla - Yep once you can get out and walk - move those lbs will come off..

Well I'm back from boot camp - whooped !!! Idol tonite - so gotta get the dogs fed dinner warmed up so I can watch..

Work - OMG my boss ask how's it going - tell him ok but I can't attach emails - so he tell IT/Controller who then sends me an email - do you want your old computer back (like I got her in trouble) I said no that this new one is so much faster - so later I go ask if I sign on someone elses computer could I attach my emails - she said no that she would have to set up my email at that workstation and that some pple don't attach for months - I said well that's one thing I follow the rules about and try and keep my emails attached - I said no biggie just thought it might work - so then I'm talking to gf - she comes in and sorta pissy - the proceeds to tell me that Sagitta (our system at work) won't support Office 2010 - so we won't be using it - WTH - If you know this then why didn't you tell me - I'm trying to learn it for what - we aren't going to be able to use it - I guess we are going to office 2007 (we have 2003) I have 2 weeks till I'm on vacation - have to have my desk caught up.. Well with all this back and forth - it's going to be a bitch for the next 2 weeks..

Well Gang - Talk to you in the morning Hugs & Love

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Sorry I haven't checked in. I have been in bed most of the time. I go to work, come home do some school work and then go to bed. When I am sleeping I am not hungry and not in discomfort. I can't say that I am in pain (though sometimes I am) but just discomfort if I eat or drink. The other day was pretty bad. I know I should just go on liquids and stay there but I am hungry...This isn't like real restriction where you can eat and get full for a long time. This is you eat, throw it up and are still hungry. Occasionally I can eat and it stays down. Just really wonky.

I had to write a paper this weekend about my educational philosophy which should have been incredibly easy...it wasn't. One...I have a hard time concentrating because of food issues, and second, I have all but abandoned my philosophies at school so I was just frustrated the entire time I was trying to write. Not a good experience. However I did put in my resignation on Friday so that made me feel a little better in one way. We may still be homeless next year, but at least I won't be compromising my morals!!

Well I am exhausted and going to bed!


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Good Morning Gang...

Karri - Hugs on not being able to eat that would freak me out - I still love food ;0) You will land on your feet (job wise) you always have... You will find a good fit for you..

Well not much to report - Watch Idol - I didn't think I would like the rocker - but he's good (still don't remember names yet lol) He reminds me of Adam Lambert (but he's not gay) ... Can't wait for the girls tonite - there are a couple who I liked from hollywood week..

Have a good day peeps - I'll ck in tonite ....

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Quick check in, woke up to no power, so had to go to school (they are on a different electric network) to get groomed and tea. Couldn't check the email, etc. But I am alive and kicking, check in tonight!~

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Good Evening Gang...

Karla - Sorry about no electricty - OMG No coffee - Well I could take a shower cuz I have gas Water heater - but couldn't blow dry hair...

No much to report - busy at work - hopefully tomorrow will get my email back but now have like 100 emails to attach to diff clients..

Food - BF what did I have don't remember - I might not had anything Oh I had pistachio ... lunch cobb salad - dinner fish and veggie - Idol tonite girls !!!

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