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I wanna flat tummy

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Well, slept last night without the binder. Felt funny at first, but did okay. Today wearing just something like Spanx, with jeans (very loose fitting). I feel almost 100%. The fatigue has been hitting around 5:30 pm each day, but that is better than earlier in the week when it was around 3:00 pm. So day by day I see imporovement.

I want to go to Texas to see my Grandson. He turned one in July, and he is a chunk. My son told me at the last doc visit he weighed 30lbs. So I call my PS yesterday to see when I could lift 30lbs, because I wanna hold him when I go see him. He said not until after I was 8 weeks out. So 4 more weeks to go. Planning a trip to TX the end of Sep. I can't wait, I miss that little bugger.

I can see that I still have a small amount of swelling. Still wathching the salt, more so since I am out of the binder. I so want to drop these last 5 lbs. I wanted to do it by the end of this month. We shall see.... hard to do when you cannot exercise much. PS said only a slow walk at this point. Day by day..........

Take care all,


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Laura, your keeping us informed of your energy level and exercise ability is so important. It is really helping me with my planning. Congrats on being binderless!!!!


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how much did everyones Tummy Tuck cost?

Nazzy - my total for the TT was $6,175, I think I got one hell of a deal!!! I just love my new flat tummy. Would of been willing to pay much more if I had know just how well it was gonna turn out, LOL.

Take care,


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Nazzy - my total for the TT was $6,175, I think I got one hell of a deal!!! I just love my new flat tummy. Would of been willing to pay much more if I had know just how well it was gonna turn out, LOL.

Take care,


Hi Laura!

Thanks so much for sharing this...give me some ballpark figures for planning.

How did you decide on your goal weight? I ask, because I'm 5' 10" tall, and originally I set my goal at 155 lbs. I'm thinking that might be a bit low, but I just dunno...did some searches on makemeheal last night, but couldn't find too many people at my height. I think I'll be fine, but...I don't want to be fashion-model thin...that is not my goal. I DO want to have a flat tummy for the first time in a long time. When I put things around my waist (and ignore the ever-present flab) I can see that my bone structure allows for a small waist, I've just never given my body a chance to show it.

Do the doctors use a chart or some such to help you determine your goal weight? My surgeon left it up to me - hasn't commented a lot on my goal yet. I was planning on waiting a year after I reached my goal weight to allow my body time to 'settle down' before having surgery - did your surgeon have a recommended time frame? I've heard 3 months, 6 months, etc.

I'm so glad you're willing to share (have I said that lately?)...:thumbup:

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how much did everyones Tummy Tuck cost?


Here in the Boston area hospitals and surgeons are very expensive. Even though I had almost 2/3 coverage by insurance (panniculectomy coverage), I had almost $7,000 out of pocket costs. My portion had to be paid in advance of the surgery.

I hope you live somewhere that the medicine is just as good, but at a lower cost.

Like Laura, I think it was worth every cent!


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hey laura wtggggggggg,how much weight did u lose all togther before u went to find out about tt?so happy 4 you,some how some way im gonna get 1 to when im all done losing,so hoping nxt year sometime,you so lucky

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Hi Laura!

Thanks so much for sharing this...give me some ballpark figures for planning.

How did you decide on your goal weight? I ask, because I'm 5' 10" tall, and originally I set my goal at 155 lbs. I'm thinking that might be a bit low, but I just dunno...did some searches on makemeheal last night, but couldn't find too many people at my height. I think I'll be fine, but...I don't want to be fashion-model thin...that is not my goal. I DO want to have a flat tummy for the first time in a long time. When I put things around my waist (and ignore the ever-present flab) I can see that my bone structure allows for a small waist, I've just never given my body a chance to show it.

Do the doctors use a chart or some such to help you determine your goal weight? My surgeon left it up to me - hasn't commented a lot on my goal yet. I was planning on waiting a year after I reached my goal weight to allow my body time to 'settle down' before having surgery - did your surgeon have a recommended time frame? I've heard 3 months, 6 months, etc.

I'm so glad you're willing to share (have I said that lately?)...:thumbup:

Hey there Ebony! I am the same height as you and my doc had originally said my goal weight was 170. I am now at 159 and feel great. I am booked for ps on december 14. I think goal weight is when you feel your best. I felt awesome at 170 but for me 159 is the place i feel my best. Good luck!

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Hey there Ebony! I am the same height as you and my doc had originally said my goal weight was 170. I am now at 159 and feel great. I am booked for ps on december 14. I think goal weight is when you feel your best. I felt awesome at 170 but for me 159 is the place i feel my best. Good luck!

Hi Allie!

Long time no talk to...I forgot you and I were the same height! That's really cool that you're at your goal weight - congrats! Are you going to chronicle your journey to surgery like Laura did? December 14th is NOT that far off - what an awesome Christmas present to give yourself!

Sounds like my original goal of 155 might still be okay - I'll be very curious to see how you're doing as you reach your date and afterward. :biggrin:

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Hi Allie!

Long time no talk to...I forgot you and I were the same height! That's really cool that you're at your goal weight - congrats! Are you going to chronicle your journey to surgery like Laura did? December 14th is NOT that far off - what an awesome Christmas present to give yourself!

Sounds like my original goal of 155 might still be okay - I'll be very curious to see how you're doing as you reach your date and afterward. :)

Hey there Ebony, I do plan on blogging about my journey. I am really excited about it. I do find myself falling into some bad routines. I get hit on and I end up eating! I need to figure out why that happens. It stresses me so much. I am happily married and I am a super friendly person, when I was heavy people took it like it is, I was friendly and huggy, now men take it as I am into them. So friggin weird! The same people who used to look at me as a best friend and never thought I was attracted to them all of a sudden are asking me out even though they know I am happily married. I haven't changed my behavior and now realize I have to. I can no longer be the friendly happy go lucky person. I have to figure out how to put a wall up.. ugghh.. I never even thought this would be a problem. oh well, any ideas?

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Hi Allie!

Hey there Ebony, I do plan on blogging about my journey. I am really excited about it. I do find myself falling into some bad routines. I get hit on and I end up eating! I need to figure out why that happens.

Allie - it could possibly be because you're not used to that type of attention, and on some level, it kinda feels good! We've been told so often that we shouldn't enjoy attention like that, so it raises conflicts...

It stresses me so much. I am happily married and I am a super friendly person, when I was heavy people took it like it is, I was friendly and huggy, now men take it as I am into them. So friggin weird! The same people who used to look at me as a best friend and never thought I was attracted to them all of a sudden are asking me out even though they know I am happily married.

I understand...it's entirely possible too that when you were heavier, men were still "into you" but didn't want to show it - the whole socially acceptable thing - it was easier to see you in an asexual way because you were heavier. Now that you're thinner, they are seeing you differently. It's nothing that YOU did, it's the way they are SEEING you that is the difference. Them asking you out is over the line, but that's nothing that YOU did wrong - they don't know how to handle their feelings for you, and that's the only thing they know how to do. Some guys also assume that you lose weight BECAUSE you want to play around...you know how to shut that mess down without destroying their egos...look them straight in the eye and tell them you are not interested in anything but their friendship. Don't blink, don't smile and don't soften your tone...you don't have to speak loudly, just firmly. If they are not looking you in the eye when you say it, call their attention back so you know they are hearing you and then say what you have to say. It's a bit confrontational, but they will have NO QUESTION where you stand, and that's what you want.

I haven't changed my behavior and now realize I have to. I can no longer be the friendly happy go lucky person. I have to figure out how to put a wall up.. ugghh.. I never even thought this would be a problem. oh well, any ideas?

Unfortunately, some men are unable to control their impulses...and they feel they are paying you a compliment by hitting on you. My theory is that if you weren't interested in me when I was heavy, I'm NOT interested in you now that I'm not. Besides, you're happily married! I bet your hubby is thrilled with the "new" you...and I bet he's happy that YOU are happy.

My mom used to say that it's all in your tone of voice - you can shut someone down and put them in their place without being loud or obnoxious about it. Be firm but gently - leave his ego intact if you can, but if the offender persists, then get loud and ugly as you need to for others to hear the exchange and know that he stepped over the line. You've only got to embarass one or two of them for the rest to get the message and back the heck off.

I don't hesitate to hurt their feelings if it's called for - and it takes a lot to make me go there, because I don't like having my feelings hurt, but I'd rather hurt them than to have rumors chasing around about me or to have my DH have ONE MOMENT of doubt about where my heart lies.

Let me know if you need any more suggestions - or if you need me to ride up there and watch your back!:sad::)

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hey laura wtggggggggg,how much weight did u lose all togther before u went to find out about tt?so happy 4 you,some how some way im gonna get 1 to when im all done losing,so hoping nxt year sometime,you so lucky


Thanks....I was right at 15lbs from my goal weight before I talked to the PS. He told me that was a good place to start.

Good luck,


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You could be talking about me when you talk about someone who is uncomfortable with advances from other men. Through counseling and self understanding I realised a long time ago that I had put on my weight to protect myself from such advances. Long story....but it involved some inappropriate sexual advance when I was a young girl. So needless to say I have struggled with being uncomfortable with men and any kind of advances from them. Talking with my DH has helped me so much. Just telling him about how I felt, about other men making me feel uncomfortable. He told me that men sometimes just dont think, just because they look, or even say something does not mean that they are ready to jump your bones. They just like to look. I am very lucky to have him, he has helped me feel comfortable in my own skin. I know that I could have never gotten my TT with have this great level of comfort. Have you tried talking to you DH about it. It sure helped me.

Take care,


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Hi LauraP,


You could be talking about me when you talk about someone who is uncomfortable with advances from other men. Through counseling and self understanding I realised a long time ago that I had put on my weight to protect myself from such advances. Long story....but it involved some inappropriate sexual advance when I was a young girl.

Like you, I've been down that road as well...equally long story, I'm sure, but it does make for an "interesting" state of mind, shall we say...

So needless to say I have struggled with being uncomfortable with men and any kind of advances from them.

Yep, right there with ya...

Talking with my DH has helped me so much. Just telling him about how I felt, about other men making me feel uncomfortable. He told me that men sometimes just dont think, just because they look, or even say something does not mean that they are ready to jump your bones. They just like to look. I am very lucky to have him, he has helped me feel comfortable in my own skin. I know that I could have never gotten my TT with have this great level of comfort. Have you tried talking to you DH about it. It sure helped me.

Take care,


I'm glad your DH has been such a help to you...my DH knows my history as well, and he's been wonderful for me. I've found that it depends on the guy - some will "try" just to see what happens, some are all bluster and blowhard with no intention of anything really happening. I guess I'm also, unfortunately, used to the ones that will just keep coming if you don't shut them down HARD. That's why I gave Allie the advice that I did.

Once people (specifically guys who don't recognize boundaries) see / hear you do that to one of them, the others are less likely to approach you in the wrong way.

I wish they just understood how to give a compliment without the other crap that sometimes follows...compliments aren't bad at all! ;)

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Hey there Laura and Ebony! Thanks for your advice, I went through some VERY inappropriate sexual advances when I was young and I see how much the weight helped me hide from it. Isn't it funny how we protect ourselves.. gosh Ebony I wish I had your gumption. I am very lucky to be married to a man who understands that I am super sensitive to men and has never raised his voice to me. I am terrified of making a man angry, because of my father and the above which unfortunately are the same person. uggh.. anyway, I thought I had worked through it all but obviously not. I find myself not being able to be confrontational with men. My hubby has been stepping in and doing it for me but seriously is he going to go everywhere with me lol. I am going to try your advice ebony and start slowly but hopefully I can do it. please say a prayer to make me a tougher person lol. I no longer have a relationship with either of my parents thank god and I really felt I had come so far. What a kick in the pants! Have a great day!

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