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Oh I am not bailing just trying to figure out what I should do.

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Eva, that 10 minutes threw me, too. Like I said, take what you like that works for you, and leave the rest!

Man, I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to swallow some Water. Big mistake. I was up for an hour. Everytime I tried to lay down I pb'd so there's something to the shifting that happens internally that definitely affects the band. I was up at least half an hour waiting for the tightness and pain to subside.

I'm back to sip and burp, sip and burp. This is the tightest I've ever been. I had the warm coffee and milk first this morning while I got ready for work and then drank my Protein Drink on the way to school. Doing some mushies today. Refried chorizo Beans with low-fat taco cheese for supper. Lived on that after my surgery and I still love it. Two Protein Drinks and chocalate-raspberry yoghurt parfait.

I can eat a teaspoonful of dried sunflower seeds here and there as long as I chew them well. I use them to reward the kids. They love them. As I pour a spoonful of seeds into their little hands, I always feel like a mama bird. LOL. I grab a spoonful here and there during the day. Really keeps the hunger at bay. Supposed to be good for ADHD and highly nutricious.

Choir tonight. Some really great numbers. Singing Sunday.

So, I'm hoping for a good night's sleep. No more pbing on a Vitamin before bed and no pbing on a drink during the night.


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Sorry Lori, missed the word Sundy...that'll teach me to pay attention. I'm not leaving Sunday. Will be in Florida until Tuesday.

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Hello...........I'm behind again... Just finished reading... Life is crazy for me.... Had my PT today and then a bit of shopping and home again... Lots to do as we have to leave in the morning for Duluth, MN..... 480 miles and the weather isn't supposed to be great... My aunt passed and her funeral is on Saturday.... DH is coming along and we are taking my mother.... Lots of other family going from around here, too..... So, now I'm getting ready for a quick trip while trying to get ready for our trip to FL...... I'm okay with everything... Moonfish or whatever... Melissa my flight gets in at 2:20 pm ............

Well, have to go get my kitchen cleaned up before morning.. and pack our bag and about a dozen other things... You all take care and don't expect me back until Sunday sometime, unless I get time to check in the morning before we leave.... Hoping for a restful night so I can be alert enough to drive some tomorrow.... bye now...... Julie

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Julie, have a very safe trip. Say hi to Brenda in Duluth for me. She used to live here.

Okay, so what do you guys do to get ready for a trip?

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Good morning all~

Tightness must be in the air! Yesterday had liquids all day, then tried to eat a yogurt with tiny bits of granola in it- just air escaping the whole time. You know the kind that is not a burp per se but an involuntary air thing? After attempting 3 small bites I had to put it down. Just from that I needed 3 tums and another prilosec. I am drinking liquids fine. Only thing that I did yesterday was take a second dose of my allergy medicine. Antihistamines do "dry" mucosa and maybe that's what it is. Cheri, do you take anything?

When DH is on call, I don't cook. The times when I have cooked for him- he gets stuck at the hospital until 2am. When I don't cook... he was home by 7! I had a cold chick fil a sandwich for him..LOL and some bean salad I made yesterday. He was thrilled to be home and glad I didn't cook. : )

My Dad is having surgery today. The urologist wants to re do the stint and check things out in the ureter. They are considering taking out the nephrostomy tube and they want to see if the tumor is shrinking b/c they cannot do a CT scan with contrast. (His kidney can't handle the contrast). His case is scheduled for 10 this morning. Fingers crossed.

Melissa, I checked flights for you, cheapest is $350. I think you can do the drive! And we would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you!!! So don't bail and you don't smell! LOL

Janet~ I hope your weekend goes well. Know that we are thinking about you!

Julie~ hugs and have a safe trip! Hope you slept well.

Eva~ Congrats! That's awesome with your NSV. Mine recently was being able to buy a bra off the rack and it fit. I was ordering mine online for a year or so. Those small things mean so much.

Off to get Nelson to school. CBL... peas....aka laura

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Good morning, up bright and early today. Maybe I'm a little nervous about my little job today. I am afraid she thinks I am more computer literate than I am and that I am not going to be able to do what she wants me to do without a lot of help. Tonight DH, DD, DS & I are all heading for the hills. DD got us a free or very cheap hotel room in Glenwood springs through her job and the guys are going flyfishing and DD & I are visiting the hot springs. It was to be our last mini family vacation before DD's wedding.

Melissa, where do you live and would you be flying from? I forget.

Eva, to get ready for a trip I don't do too much. My quirk is I have to have all the laundry in the basket done before I can pack. That way I have all my options and if I decide to take something it's not in the wash. LOL However, I don't pack til the night before a trip or in this case morning of. I am leaving for a weekend in Glenwood springs today and haven't even gotten out my suitcase yet.

Apples, how was the flea market, did you get any fleas?? LOL

Laura, maybe you are also tight due the stress you are under with your Dad many people say stress affects them. I can just see our waiter at Moonfish with a bunch of bandsters ordering dinner. And then if we are all tight. Maybe we can all share one entree. LOL What's good there? I am assuming seafood??

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Good morning, Just a quick post from me. I am going to take the nursing entrance exam in about an hour. Send good thoughts my way. Gotta get going.

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Laura, fingers crossed for your Dad. And buying stuff off the racks is a big deal. I buy my bras at Lane Bryant. They have a style that doesn't have underwires and I've been wearing them for years. For a while there, I couldn't find them in my size and tried a couple of other brands, but these are still my favorite and now they carry an assortment of sizes and colors.

I've been up since 4:30...6 hours sleep. I've been getting around this much all week and I know I'm going to crash big time here soon. I also have motor mouth lately and it isn't the coffee. I'm excited that I'm finally losing weight again. This fill seems to be helping and I'm motivated right now. Just staying this way is the trick.

Okay, off to work. I'm going to have a facial after work, so I need to get in a little early so I can leave early. FNSC is tonight...so depending on how late we are there, I'll probably check in tomorrow again.

Have a great day everyone.


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Jessica....GOOD LUCK!!

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Good morning, up bright and early today. Maybe I'm a little nervous about my little job today. I am afraid she thinks I am more computer literate than I am and that I am not going to be able to do what she wants me to do without a lot of help. Tonight DH, DD, DS & I are all heading for the hills. DD got us a free or very cheap hotel room in Glenwood springs through her job and the guys are going flyfishing and DD & I are visiting the hot springs. It was to be our last mini family vacation before DD's wedding.

Melissa, where do you live and would you be flying from? I forget.

Eva, to get ready for a trip I don't do too much. My quirk is I have to have all the laundry in the basket done before I can pack. That way I have all my options and if I decide to take something it's not in the wash. LOL However, I don't pack til the night before a trip or in this case morning of. I am leaving for a weekend in Glenwood springs today and haven't even gotten out my suitcase yet.

Apples, how was the flea market, did you get any fleas?? LOL

Laura, maybe you are also tight due the stress you are under with your Dad many people say stress affects them. I can just see our waiter at Moonfish with a bunch of bandsters ordering dinner. And then if we are all tight. Maybe we can all share one entree. LOL What's good there? I am assuming seafood??

I think it is so awesome that your family goes on mini vacations together. After my kids graduated from high school they either headed for college or the military. We still get together for holidays and birthdays. I hope y'all have a great time.

I am headed out to get blood work done for Dr. Davis. I go the 18th. I really need a fill. I am not losing even though I am journaling my food. I did start using the exercise bike.

I hope all of you have a great weekend!

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Laura, maybe you are also tight due the stress you are under with your Dad many people say stress affects them. I can just see our waiter at Moonfish with a bunch of bandsters ordering dinner. And then if we are all tight. Maybe we can all share one entree. LOL What's good there? I am assuming seafood??

yeah, maybe you are right. Although I don't feel stressed really. So strange. Even weirder is that both tight days I was planning on making an appt for a fill! My last fill was June 09. Last week there were a few days I was WIDE open. I am PMSing/menopausing- skipped my period 2 weeks ago and am feeling bloated.

Moonfish Menu has seafood and steaks. They are known for their "sauces", they charge extra for them though. Their portions are supposed to be really big, so it might work to split. Or order appetizer for dinner. They have good reviews but many are shocked at the price, it is on the pricey side. They have a sep. room, I wonder how many people you have to have to reserve the room. Then we could dance on the tables and not get kicked out...LOL

Have a good trip with your family!


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Good Morning Gang Drive by post - I'm at work and don't want to get in caught ;0)

Jessice - Good Luck - think you will do just fine

Laura - Prayer for Dad

10 minutes - that's just freaking stupid !!!! Tiny bites, chew and eat slowly - 10 minutes is wolfing it down - STUPID !!!

Melissa - you better come you need some me time :0)

Julie - Hugs on Aunt passing - safe trip

Great - I have been to Glenwood Springs - beautiful - my DSS lived in Grand Junction - we put his bro in a dextoc facility in glenwood - we ate breaksfast there - then drove back to cali - it was a quick trip - beautiful place though.. Have fun

Charlene - When can you get a fill - this tweak that I had has done the trick.. I really think that this last yr - I have done well on changing my eating habits - as my restriction is now like it use to be 2 yrs ago -

Well gang - Visit going well - they are afraid of me - usually it's my sis the one who's mad at me - well this time the tables were reversed and I don't think she liked it - they keep joking about me letting them stay w/me - It's all good - we are having a great time - stayed up til 10:30 last night talking - then they were both up before I left for work..

So gang - I doubt I am on much this weekend - Eva doesn't take but a minute to pack - the problem is what to take :0) but that will all work out - I have to get nails done and bank but it will all work out..

Hugs to all - I will try and ck in when I can

Love & Hugs to you all.. !!!!

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Charlene - When can you get a fill - this tweak that I had has done the trick.. I really think that this last yr - I have done well on changing my eating habits - as my restriction is now like it use to be 2 yrs ago -

Janet, I go on the 18th for a fill....and I need one! It is crunch time! DH weighed this morning and he is getting close to my weight. That is a first.

After I practiced on the egg white pancake I got the recipe down.....it is good. South Beach has one with cottage cheese and fruit in it. A friend of mine said it is awesome. I might try it too.

I really think this new medicine I am on is crimping my weight loss, but I need it right now.

I am glad you and your sis are having a good visit. Just remember ....."fish and company start to stink after three days".....lol......my 86yr old mother told me that. She says that when I ask her to stay longer.

HUGS .......thanks! for all the encouragement!

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Hi all, I checked out the Moon Fish menu on line -- sounds yummy, but yeah, the size of their portions HUGE - like 24 oz. steaks wow! You could split 6 ways!

We are heading to West Des Moines late this afternoon for an appt. so will be eating out - I think we'll go to Joe's Crab Shack -- sounds good -- we used to enjoy the one in Long Beach, so think we'll give it a try. I like their grilled Dunguness crab.

Laura, hugs on your Dad's surgery -- I hope you get some good news from this. Yes, I do think stress does make our bands tighter. I couldn't eat much last night - I got home from work, DSD and DGD and DSS there and arguing with DH about something and I took 1 bite of fish and that was that. Lori, have fun on your mini vacation --sounds like fun. You're like me, I always pack at the last minute as well.

I've been busy here at work -- started this hours ago. Can't have dinner at Joe's Crab Shack afterall cause now DSS is going with us - I'm not paying for him to eat good seafood. That doesn't sound nice but when you can't keep a job at Walmart I don't think you deserve to eat expensive seafood.

Julie, have a safe trip to Duluth - I lived there one year, June, 1970 until June, 1971 -- always wanted to go back and visit. Need to make that trip some day. It's about 9 hours from here.

Eva, I get all "wound up and hyper" when I exercise a lot too - I find I sleep less and less the more I do. I think that had something to do with my sleep issues the past few weeks -- I hadn't thought of that before, but it seemed to coincide with when I started exercising again after surgery.

Hope you all have a great weekend and if you're football fans you enjoy the SuperBowl.

Jessica, great job on your test (using positive imaging here for you)!

Apples, hope you are enjoying the sunshine -- snowing here, but LIGHTLY and not sticking to main roads - 33 degrees - so it's ALMOST spring like. LOL.

CBL. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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