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Apples, BEAUTIFUL as ever, nice teeth too.

Jessica, wtg on the 5 lbs.

Laura, hugs and a get better wish.

Kelly, The Christmas Pickle is a German tradition. It has different meanings but the person who finds it will have a year of good luck, get an extra present or be the first to open a present. That seems to be the gist of the pickle as far as I read.

Lori, have a wonderful time with your DD, you won't regret it.

My mom and I have gone to lunch on fridays for over 20 years. We do miss some times if something comes up for either of us. It didn't matter where I was working she would come and have lunch. She used to work 2nd shift and that was about the only time we would have to catch up with each other, as I have always worked days.


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I am new to this site My name is Kay and I had lap band 14 mos ago.I have only lost 30 lbs and I HATE this so called weight loss tool. I feel it is one big hoax Not one of mt you helptest results have improvks Kayed in fact some are worse I am still on insulin, oxygen and all my other meds I am so depressed I get sick, I get hungry I have had 5 fills Can you help me My doc can;t nor can the weight loss center

Thanks Kay

Hey Kay...welcome. You sounds VERY disgusted. The only thing I can tell you is what I know for sure....life with the LapBand takes being very vigilant on a daily basis. Journaling food intake, exercise and making sure to not have trigger foods in the pantry. Eating Protein first for a meal and then whatever fruit and veggies until you are satisfied (not full but satisfied).

Tell us what you are eating on a regular basis, what type of exercise you are getting, etc.

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lly whatever

Hey Kay...welcome. You sounds VERY disgusted. The only thing I can tell you is what I know for sure....life with the LapBand ty outa some menus plankes being very vigilant on a daily basis. Journaling forood intake, exercise and making sure to not have trigger foods in the pantry. Eating Protein first for a meal and then whatever fruit and veggies until you are satisfied (not full bI ate in the pastut satisfied). oing to be opeI am gng this

Tell us what you are eating on a regular basis, what type of exercise you are getting, etc.

Well, first I am hoping this will be turning over a new leaf so I am going to be open and listen. Now because I found it didn't matter what i ate or didn't eat I couldn't lose weight so I basically eat whatever I want. whenever.. I do get sick quite often on various foods never the same. I have a bad back which I control the pain daily with Vicodin so my exercise is limited to riding a stationary bike for 30 min 3-4 times a week Please lay out some menu plans that have worked for[ you

Again thank you Kay

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Hey Kay...welcome. You sounds VERY disgusted. The only thing I can tell you is what I know for sure....life with the LapBand ty outa some menus plankes being very vigilant on a daily basis. Journaling forood intake, exercise and making sure to not have trigger foods in the pantry. Eating Protein first for a meal and then whatever fruit and veggies until you are satisfied (not full bI ate in the pastut satisfied). oing to be opeI am gng this

Tell us what you are eating on a regular basis, what type of exercise you are getting, etc.

Well, first I am hoping this will be turning over a new leaf so I am going to be open and listen. Now because I found it didn't matter what i ate or didn't eat I couldn't lose weight so I basically eat whatever I want. whenever.. I do get sick quite often on various foods never the same. I have a bad back which I control the pain daily with Vicodin so my exercise is limited to riding a stationary bike for 30 min 3-4 times a week Please lay out some menu plans that have worked for[ you

Again thank you Kay

Kay...sorry to hear of your bad back. It is tough when you are physically limited with exercise. What I am going to do with your request for menu plans is I am going to give you the basics of what I did/ate during the weightloss stage. I am also going to call on others here to put their 2 cents worth in on this to give you some idea and a variety.

I basically cut out all "white" potatoes, any white flour, white potatoes, white rice. Each meal consisted of 3-4 oz of hard protien (eggs, chicken, fish, some beef) and then veggies and fruit if I needed something else. Snacks were beef Jerky, soy nuts, 1/2 Protein Bar, raw veggies. I stuck to this plan and was true to it. If there was a special event and I had treats like birthday cake, I only allowed it if it was within my caloric intake plan. I was very strick with sticking to my plan and believe that this helped me in the long run.

I have been in the maintenance stage for over 2 yrs and find it very easy once I got to where I wanted to be. It's a day by day challenge throughout this entire journey.

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I totally agree with Apples, you may also want to journal, I count calories, and write down everything I put in my mouth....how many grams of protien, what time of day etc..there are a lot of people on this forum who can give you some really good, sound advice,,,,,,,Pretty soon you will change your name from "Ihatemylapband" to "Ilovemy lapband"!

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I can give you my diet for the last week I am low carb.



turkey and cheese

egg omlete with sausage and cheese

Sugar free candy


Protein shake

shrimp and salad

Chicken, lettuce, sour cream and cheese (kinda like a taco salad)

Sugar free popsicle


Potein shake




Protein Shake

Fish, salad



Egg and cheese

tuna, soy crisp

Bunless cheese burger, soy crisp


Protein shake


Wings are in the oven as I type.

I keep this all written down which has made the differnce in me losing weight and yoyoing.

I also have done atleast 30 min of exercise each day. I run a 5k every other day but on my off days I play wii, or tennis or ride a bike. It is kinda my optional day where I get to pick and choose. Keeps it fresh.

I hope you can start fresh and not let the past hold you down.

I have lost 6 pounds since saturday. Also had a visit with my suregeon and opted not to get a fill.

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Good Evening gang! I got all of my Christmas decorating done.......and finished shopping. All I have to do now is make Texas Trash( Chex Mix) for my five kids. Counting inlaws and outlaws I think I need to make about twelve 4 cup containers. I started buying the Cereal last week.

Today has not been a good food day for me. I didn't get to journal. Ugh! I really don't do well unless I write it down. Okay, that is my confession for the day. I hope all of you did better than I did.


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Good Afternoon Everyone!

Well I am on a walking streak, twice a day for 8 days straight...Wow if you would have told I'd be spending a hour a day walking up and down the road with my weiny dog back in July I would have not believed it. But I gotta say I'm loving it! I guess its all those happy hormones that are released when you exercise!

It's kinda overcast here, so don't know how the weather is going to be tomorrow. Hopefully just fine!

I am going to bid a fond adu, it is 4:00 and that means it is my mom's computer time,,,,,,so Adios all!

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My earlier post is missing. Just wanted to say to Julie that Sjogren's Syndrome is what I was diagnosed with. So now we have the Myofascial Syndrome and the Sjogren's Syndrome in common. I have a lot less pain and need less meds since going on the fake quinine they treat it with. Gotta go to bed. In survival mode.


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Hi...again have no freaken idea....how to navigate this site....and no time to fiddle with it....so sorry everyone for the typical font and reply style. lol so unlike me which is the reason for the apology.

Its been a week since posting and well.....it hasnt been a great week for food, exercize or Water....but am getting back on the saddle tomorrow AM....rather the seat of the cycle at the gym. Foods havent been horrid just eating Proteins and shakes and not enough vegetables and water.....Ive been so busy running around buying presents and supervising that I have no idea if im coming or going.....I thought this would be the easiest holiday to deal with but......I realize its so much easier to shop, cook and have off from work but nooooo going to work run around after looking for presents in a million different places and going to one party and celebration at this ones house or that ones...or dinners out etc has taken its toll and im just plain tired!!! Of course its a wonderful holiday...but all the running....and partying and its only just begun...eight more nights!! I am just thankful there is school all day otherwise...in addition to busy and tired Id be totally broke with a babyisitter in addtion to all the presents and goings on...lol

This weekend we are going to our synaguage for chanuka dinner tomorow night....that should be fun and nice. Sat lunch is at another shul. That should be fun too....if course this means I wont have anything to eat good for me....but I have prepared one of Phyllis what I call famous BBQ chickens!! Thanks again..saving me. So at least I know ill go home and eat if there is nada...and I know what shabbos dinners are about soooo I know there wont be anything for me.

Sat night im the car pool mom, my turn to drive to and from Bat Mitzvah about 45 min away....where I will be twiddling my thumbs wating around for three hours....probably go shopping for more presents at that time....

Sunday is our family chanuka party at my brothers house....I am hoping for some serious alcohol or other to help with the drama that im sure will happen at that party!

Of course its all in the spirit of chanuka ....so im sucking it all up and running, running, running!!!

I see everyone is getting ready for Christmas....and I love reading about all your plans....jealous of the great decorating and table settings and the gettings ready....cant wait to hear about all the fabulous christmas eve and morning stories with everyone and their families....


must run its late and exhausted.....welcome to the newbys....and have a great holiday...and remember


Okay....have a great night......


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Hello all. I just wanted to stop in really quick and say "hello". Long day today at work, and even longer one tomorrow. I can barely keep my eyes open. I've been doing better the last 2 days with what I've been eating. Thank goodness! I was getting worried. Spoke to my dietitian last night and she suggested that I just maintain until we can figure out what the plan is on the 11th instead of worrying about losing and stressing about that. I feel so much better. It is hard for me with no restriction to lose. Cannot wait until the the appointment so I can find out when I'm getting this fixed! Ok, I needed to go to bed about an hour ago.

Night, Meredith

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Hello Everyone - I got to see my new nephew last night he is so cute. Except now I think i am getting a cold which my sister has. Ugg i am trying to take stuff to battle it early. ANyways he is 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches long. My sister asked me not to post a picture this is her first child and she is being internet protective which I can understand.

Well I was alseep then woke up at 2:30am stuffy with a sore throat I just took some motrin but I wanted to say quick hello before going back to bed in case I can't post today. Hugs to all

Also I attached Janets sample menu for everyone that was asking

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Good Morning....

Jodi...Happy Chanukah. I see you spell it differently than most. Gosh...your post about everything going on during these days just makes me want to learn more about your traditions, etc. I feel like I'm taking a peek into a whole different world. Take care of yourself. Don't get run down. Sounds like you do not have troubles turning down food that you feel you should not have. Good for you. Hopefully you can fit the gym in somewhere like you want to. Sounds like a crazy/busy week for you. At least your time is limited to a number of days...the rest of us drag out Chrismas for way too long.

Melissa...congrats on the new nephew. Hope you don't wake up sick from that cold.

Meredith...advice your nutritionist gave you sounds like a plan. Don't over do though...you don't want that to be your ticket to overeat...your "Get out of Jail Free" card. It would be nice to hear that you do not need band repair but it sounds like that is what the plan is. We'll all be here for you holding your hand throughout this.

Kelly...wish we were neighbors...I would absolutely love to go on walks a couple of times a day with you. It's so bitter cold here that there is no going out to walk or ride bike. I have a nice treadmill but just not the same and have a hard time forcing myself to walk on it. In a month we will be in warmer weather and plan on working off some of this stress with walking. If I bundled up, I could walk but we have so much ice under the snow that it's not worth a fall.

We sure do miss Janet, don't we? Hope she is having a great time.

Phyll...are you down and out with the cold????

"Hi" to everyone else and good morning.

Have a busy day ahead. Some Christmas baking, some decorating, some cleaning, some bookwork, some laundry. Have to take DH to doc in early afternoon to have a growth cut out of his face by his eye. He did have an appt at 4pm and then we were going to stick around town and go out for dinner. Well, appt was changed to 1pm and will just come home. I doubt we will get out once we get home. Just so hard to force ourselves to go out in this cold. And, just heard a severe winter storm is expected for our area for later this afternoon. DON'T WORRY, GREAT, IF YOU ARE READING THIS. MPLS IS NOT IN THE WARNING...JUST SNOW FLURRIES LATE IN THE AFTERNOON.

Have fun with your DD, Great. Times like this, I wish I had a daughter to do things with...No...would be dangerous with both of us shopping.

Trying to plan a girls night for me and my friend and get out of Dodge for a bit. She is in a real funk (relationship breakup, moved, financial stress, was laid off 18 months ago and still not a job) and needs a break from it. Well, the only night that works for both of us is Tuesday. Soooooooooooo gotta figure out some things to do that do not involve spending $$$ and a Tuesday night not much entertainment options. My plan so for us to rent a Holiday Inn room (my Chrismas gift to her and she Ok'd it....didn't want her to feel bad), pack a picnic lunch, bring a couple of board games and cards and a bottle of wine (gosh...almost sounds like I should be taking DH instead), and just giggle and have fun and hopefully leave our troubles along the way.

Better get moving...been up for 1 1/2 hours and the only thing I have accomplished is to make coffee and oatmeal...You all have a great day.

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Kelly...wish we were neighbors...I would absolutely love to go on walks a couple of times a day with you. It's so bitter cold here that there is no going out to walk or ride bike. I have a nice treadmill but just not the same and have a hard time forcing myself to walk on it. In a month we will be in warmer weather and plan on working off some of this stress with walking. If I bundled up, I could walk but we have so much ice under the snow that it's not worth a fall.

Apples, I am the same way. Maybe try putting your treadmill right in front of the picture window. I find if I can daydream out the window the treadmill becomes easier for me. I know, I know, it isn’t very attractive to have a big old clunky treadmill in the frontroom but who cares? Remember, it’s all about you. Your girls night out sounds wonderful! Don’t forget your swimming suits – the hot tub is wonderful this time of year.

I am doing great. I haven’t posted much lately because I have been really busy Christmas shopping and going to exercise. I have the shopping almost done. We still have some kids to buy for from the letters to Santa program out local paper runs. My husband gets such a thrill from this. I enjoy it too but it has special meaning for him because when he was a child he received presents through the church and sadly, those were the only presents he received. His family was very poor. Believe it or not, this program makes his Christmas! He even buys extra presents to take to the school just in case a child does not have their letter answered. It warms my heart to see this side of DH.

Exercise has been going well. I have worked with my trainer 2X a week since April and I can’t believe the difference it has made in me. I can’t believe how weak and out of shape I had become. I am so grateful for the trainer I have. I feel like she has given me a new life. What am I saying, she has given me a new life. The little things amaze me and make me happy. For instance, I went to Sam’s club to get dog food yesterday and I was able to pick up the bag and put it in the car without asking for help. It has been many years since I could do that. Silly, I know, but it thrilled me.

I am going to start TRX classes. My trainer teaches them at our gym and she told me yesterday that the classes were hard but I was ready for them. Who would have ever thought I would be taking “hard” classes. I have to think of a good Christmas gift for this girl.:D

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Good morning gang! I got up early. Apples, I had my oatmeal too, but I am going to go Protein the rest of the day. What a cool "girls day" for you and your friend. I have a friend in the same situation on she has a marriage of 28 years that is up in the air. Why do old farts near sixty start thinking they look forty? UGH! I pray God will restore her marriage. She is such a sweet giving person. Her DH is stuck in a fantasy. He needs a reality check. Sorry to vent.....she is on my mind.

Meredith.......Hang in there! Keep journaling. You will stay on track.

Melissa......Congrats on the new nephew. I hope you got that cold stopped.

Kelly.......I want to walk with you too! Sounds beautiful.

Sndy......are you still training for anymore 5k's?

Jessica.......thanks for your menu.....reminded me to eat more Protein.< /span>

Jodi......have a great weekend! Just Celebrate and enjoy! You know what you can eat and what you can't.

Off to the dog groomers! Then we bought my mother a TV. We may go across the city and take it to her. Later!

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