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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I've already told them about my vacation plans so they know...hopefully when I come back from Florida in early July, I'll be coming back to a NEW JOB! :wink2:

Hey, me too! Where in Florida will y'all be? We're going to a little town called "Seagrove Beach"

I think my ex-bf just flirted with me. Damn...Three years ago I left VA and him, and at the time he said he didn't miss me, nothing was wrong and life goes on - see ya.

We've kept in contact every now and then and remained friendly, but I just got a creep vibe from him.

He’s taking the Metro to DC on Sunday morning to take a train to Boston. He hasn’t used the system in years and sent a "metro sucks" email. I replied with "Want me to drive you?" Then I explained how I’d be in town over the weekend and could just drive him to the train.

So, he replied with: "Drive me? Is that anything like ride me?"

I said back to him: "LOL…it’s a little different.

He just replied: Just a little?

Um..yeah, okay - A LOT DIFFERENT!!!

1/2 of me is like, HUH? and the other 1/2 is kinda happy. I want to rub it in that he DOES miss me! And I DON'T miss him!!!

Is that wrong?

Glouc, please refrain from sharing details of our personal conversations with the rest of LBT. Thanks.

PJTP - having non-band related issues... i suck...

Well THAT's a bit of a "teaser" post!!

PJTP, I should be busy preparing for a moving sale next weekend, and packing for our move in two weeks. But, instead, what I am I doing? Playing around on LBT and Facebook and not accomplishing a darn thing.

Woot!! Join the procrastination club.....tomorrow.

I forgot about Wal Mart.

HF, that is blasphemy. You can actually be jailed for saying that where I live.

You have all been busy posting...I'll never get caught up.

Hey, tap's back!!

We received sad news yesterday about an old friend from high school. Her and her husband had encountered some pretty serious financial problems after having been fairly well off. Apparently, he couldn't handle it anymore and killed her, their two children and then himself. That is such a tragedy. I am in shock.

WTF?!? What is wrong with people?

mmmmm...I just had some fried green tomatoes. I love them and had not had any since before I was banded last yr. I forgot how good they are!

Hells yes!! Now you're speaking my language!

Not even going to pretend to catch up on the last few hundred pages.. but wanted to jump back in..and post.. just to post.

Lawra's back!! Hooray!!

Edited by plain

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"heartfire=I forgot about Wal Mart."

HF, that is blasphemy. You can actually be jailed for saying that where I live.

Look, just because your town's so small your hospital is housed in one doesn't mean the rest of us are all Wal-mart all the time.

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In Atlanta, Texas, Wal-Mart is the socioeconomic hub. Also, they're slashing already low, low prices.

BTW, periodically, my Wal-Mart has live music inside. I sh*t you not. Also, since I've been a night worker for many years, I go in Wal-Mart at odd times. Sometimes, the manager and workers of my Wal-Mart engage in this weird group "pep rally" thing where they get in a circle and do these cheers. Again, I sh*t you not. I tried to slowly sneak into the group and do the cheers, but an "associate" told me it was for employees only.

Edited by plain

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My DH and I think she'll probably blame us..."my parents don't have enough money to send me" :eek:

But didn't you know? It's ALWAYS the parents' fault!! LOL! That's why there's so much therapy!

Morning all!!

Welcome back!! Sorry you're sick tho. :frown:

PJTP: My mother is having angioplasty tomorrow for a seriously clogged abdominal aorta as well as the femoral artery in one of her legs.

So sorry to hear about your mom. It's hard when you're so far away! I hope everything went well. Let us know!

We received sad news yesterday about an old friend from high school.

OH MY GOSH! That is horrible! Prayers for all of you and their families!

I managed yesterday to get a Protein smoothie and pudding down by last evening. Today seems better,

Oh good! Prayers that things continue to relax and you get better soon!

mmmmm...I just had some fried green tomatoes.

Never had 'em. Always wanted to try them.

Job update: They just emailed me and asked for my references! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

I think that means they want me!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

Such spectacular, wonderful, fantastic, amazing news! Prayers that you hear positive news ASAP!!!!

hey all -

Whoo Hoo!! Sounds like you're having fun!

Not even going to pretend to catch up on the last few hundred pages.. but wanted to jump back in..and post.. just to post.

HI!! Gorgeous baby!!

I forgot about Wal Mart.QUOTE]

HF, that is blasphemy. You can actually be jailed for saying that where I live.

LOL! Considering that the nearest Wal Mart is ONE HOUR from my house and it SUCKS!!! then yes, I'd forget about it!! LOL!!! I do shop in Wal Marts in other areas and those have always been fine. And my MIL is a dept. manager at one. Hers isn't too bad but still drives me nuts! LOL!

Oh, almost forgot....by popular demand:

Pwn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Man, it's a burden on me that I have to be the hip, young cool dude dealing with all you fogies.:wink2:

I'm not sure if that helps or not! :wink2:

Ummm, excuse me younger-than-me-by-one-year man! I think I'm offended! :)

Look, just because your town's so small your hospital is housed in one doesn't mean the rest of us are all Wal-mart all the time.

Thank you!!! LOL!!!

PJTP: UGH! What a couple of days it's been! Had a meeting in the city last night. Left DD home with sitters/friends. We didn't get home til after 10 and DD had only been asleep for about 1/2 an hour. But she WAS asleep and so that was good!

DD started Preschool today! Summer session at our church. She wasn't going to start til fall but they decided to do a summer session so we signed her up. She LOVES it!! We'll see how much she still likes it after a week or two of going 3 days a week for 3 1/2 hrs a day! LOL!

Tonight had Bunco at a friend's house. So fun! It's at my house next month! I'm going to need at least a couple of subs if any of y'all wanna come play!!

None of us slept good last night so we're exhausted. DD went down fairly easy tonight and I'm headed to bed soon.

Note to Beth, got back out in the neighborhood and walked yesterday and today! UGH!! Totally regretting the 8 days of not walking tho! The 2 days back have about killed me!! YUCK!!

Okay, I'm outta here! 'Night!!

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Not even going to pretend to catch up on the last few hundred pages.. but wanted to jump back in..and post.. just to post.

You have a beautiful baby!

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In Atlanta, Texas, Wal-Mart is the socioeconomic hub. Also, they're slashing already low, low prices.

BTW, periodically, my Wal-Mart has live music inside. I sh*t you not. Also, since I've been a night worker for many years, I go in Wal-Mart at odd times. Sometimes, the manager and workers of my Wal-Mart engage in this weird group "pep rally" thing where they get in a circle and do these cheers. Again, I sh*t you not. I tried to slowly sneak into the group and do the cheers, but an "associate" told me it was for employees only.

I think the "cheer" is done at all Wal-Mart stores. As a previous "associate", we did the "cheer" every opening morning (pre 24/7 days here).:wink2:

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Well hello strangers! Some one mentioned this thread on Facebook recently so I thought I'd drop in and say hi! Sorry I've not been around for ages, but I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with this thread because I couldn't access it at work (when of course I should be on the net and not doing work LOL).

I'm pretty active on facebook, so if you send me a PM here with your email or FB name, I'll try to check back in more regularly and I'll add you :wink2:

Hope all of you I'm not already friends with on FB and can follow there are well and wonderful!

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mmmmm...I just had some fried green tomatoes. I love them and had not had any since before I was banded last yr. I forgot how good they are!7_4_12.gif:wink2:

Have never tried them - but they sound good!

G4E - that brings back such memories! My mom always had a garden in the lot next to our house in Detroit, where I grew

Job update: They just emailed me and asked for my references! :):w00t::wink2::w00t:

I think that means they want me!!!!! :eek::w00t::frown::w00t:


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! Ooooooh, girl, you's gonna have a new job!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

What she said.

i have no idea when i'm coming home, DH lets me know what's going on in stages. we are doing a road trip around TX......and many frosty beverages.< /p>

it's 105 degrees right now, and the good news the band is working great countering those frosty beverages w/being able to eat little.

Sounds wonderful - enjoy!

I am so glad that you are having fun, luluc! I am living vicariously through you right now so drink one for me! ;o)


Not even going to pretend to catch up on the last few hundred pages.. but wanted to jump back in..and post.. just to post.

Welcome Back...and what a beautiful baby!

BTW, periodically, my Wal-Mart has live music inside. I sh*t you not. Also, since I've been a night worker for many years, I go in Wal-Mart at odd times. Sometimes, the manager and workers of my Wal-Mart engage in this weird group "pep rally" thing where they get in a circle and do these cheers..

Live music at Walmart - that's new to me! But the ritual cheer - that's part of the corporate culture.

Tonight had Bunco at a friend's house. So fun!

got back out in the neighborhood and walked yesterday and today! UGH!! Totally regretting the 8 days of not walking tho! The 2 days back have about killed me!! YUCK!!

Bunco? I don't know that game. Gotta get back into the routine heartfire...

Well hello strangers! Some one mentioned this thread on Facebook recently so I thought I'd drop in and say hi! Sorry I've not been around for ages, but I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with this thread because I couldn't access it at work (when of course I should be on the net and not doing work LOL).

She smiles is back..........yeah!!! Another LBT-er lost to Facebook...Tap frowns!

Morning all. Got through yesterday without PB'ing, so perhaps everything has settled down. The challenge will be to try some 'real food' today and see how that goes.

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Hi She!

Tap, I am glad that you had a PB free night. Maybe your tummy just needed a bit of a rest. It seems they are bound and determined to make us Facebook. I have coworkers and family that Facebook. I am not sure I want to mingle my lapband life with them.

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Job update: They just emailed me and asked for my references! :eek::w00t::frown::w00t:

I think that means they want me!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

Sweet!! I am so excited for you! :):wink2::wink2::w00t::w00t:

i have no idea when i'm coming home, DH lets me know what's going on in stages. we are doing a road trip around TX.......for those on FB, your able to catch up some w/my goofy pics & commentary.....and many frosty beverages.< p>it's 105 degrees right now, and the good news the band is working great countering those frosty beverages w/being able to eat little.

try to catch up when i land again...:w00t:

Sounds like you guys are having a blast!! I am enjoying the pictures on Facebook, they are great.

Not even going to pretend to catch up on the last few hundred pages.. but wanted to jump back in..and post.. just to post.

That baby just gets cuter and cuter!

Whoo Hoo!! Sounds like you're having fun!

HI!! Gorgeous baby!!

Tonight had Bunco at a friend's house. So fun! It's at my house next month! I'm going to need at least a couple of subs if any of y'all wanna come play!!

What is Bunco? I have heard several people talk about it on FB and they always sound like they have a ton of fun playing it.

She smiles is back..........yeah!!! Another LBT-er lost to Facebook...Tap frowns!

Morning all. Got through yesterday without PB'ing, so perhaps everything has settled down. The challenge will be to try some 'real food' today and see how that goes.

Taps, give in and get on Facebook already!!!! I am glad you had a PB free day yesterday, heres hoping that continues!

It seems they are bound and determined to make us Facebook. I have coworkers and family that Facebook. I am not sure I want to mingle my lapband life with them.

You need to get on there too. Actually, all of us with bands/sleeves on FB are pretty cognizent (sp?) of the fact that many of us want to keep that aspect of our lives separate from FB. So, unless you mention it personally, pretty much no one ever brings it up there.

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PJTP...it's a beautiful sunny day in Ebony Rose's neighborhood and I'm in high spirits! :wink2:

FairyFacade - I agree, the baby is gorgeous,:w00t: and welcome back!

Tap - hope your tummy stays quiet and relaxed today. Somehow the chicken I ate late yesterday didn't agree with me, so I had a bad tummy afternoon, but the upside is that I lost those 2 pounds I'd regained! Now if I could only do it without the sliming and PB'ing, it'd be great! :wink2:

Lulu - your vacation sounds WONDERFUL...and I agree, we are living vicariously through you...keep updating us!

SheSmiles - Glad to see you back...look for a pm from me - I'm a Facebooker as well...

Heartfire - yep, you're right...it's "all my parents' fault"...*sigh* :)

Saw a Yahoo story about a high school in Maine that wouldn't let a young man have his diploma because he waved to his friends and blew a kiss to his mom when he went on stage. :eek: They called it "fooling around" and said there was a zero tolerance policy for it. I think I'd go ballistic...I sincerely hope my DD DOES wave at us and blow me a kiss - I know I'm going to act a fool when she goes up and I hear her name...cheering, yelling, waving, etc...

Let them try and stop me!:frown:

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Wow! You guys have been busy! I'm just dropping by to say hi!

Took a trip over the weekend back to VA and I know I'll never be able to move back. Too much Water under the bridge. Tx is definitely my home now! :wink2: And, it's glad to be back.

Band-wise, the mini-vacation went well. I ate crap foods, but packing and moving my friend's furniture worked it all off. :)

I did get to drive by the house I grew up in, my grandparents' house that was sold after they died and is now in foreclosure. I'm bummed, but I at least had some closure over it. I even snuck inside, since a back door was open, but the smell and condition told me squatters were living there so I didn't stay long.

I also stole part of the metal door that had my grandparent's last name on it!

LOL So, yeah...this weekend, what did I do? I larsoned, I trespassed and I entered a home illegally.

Just like high school.

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Wow! You guys have been busy! I'm just dropping by to say hi!

Took a trip over the weekend back to VA and I know I'll never be able to move back. Too much Water under the bridge. Tx is definitely my home now! :) And, it's glad to be back.

Hi Glouc! I kinda feel that way about Detroit...I could never move back there. Even if the economy wasn't in such a state, I've moved on...literally!

Band-wise, the mini-vacation went well. I ate crap foods, but packing and moving my friend's furniture worked it all off. :wink2:

Moving furniture does burn quite a few calories!

I did get to drive by the house I grew up in, my grandparents' house that was sold after they died and is now in foreclosure. I'm bummed, but I at least had some closure over it. I even snuck inside, since a back door was open, but the smell and condition told me squatters were living there so I didn't stay long.

I also stole part of the metal door that had my grandparent's last name on it!

Good for you! Memories are important...

LOL So, yeah...this weekend, what did I do? I larsoned, I trespassed and I entered a home illegally.

Just like high school.

Or even after high school! I found the house I'm living in now by doing pretty much the same thing...used to walk around the block for exercise when I worked in Norwich, saw the house, got nosy, went up the driveway and into the open back door. Yep, squatters were living there, but they were gone when I made my visit (good thing, too).

Saw the high ceilings, wood floors, and even through the grime and trash, it was still a potentially beautiful house. About 3100 sq feet, big columns out front, tall windows, etc. Tracked down the owner, bought it from him for a song (he was in foreclosure). Paid some back taxes, put about 50K into it, and for a total investment of around 65K, had a house that was appraised at over $275k several years ago.

Of course, lots has changed since then, so I know the value has dropped some, but it's still MY house and I love it dearly...and it all started with trespassing! :wink2:


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Note to Beth, got back out in the neighborhood and walked yesterday and today! UGH!! Totally regretting the 8 days of not walking tho! The 2 days back have about killed me!! YUCK!!


Y'know, I need to really do those happy dances. Then at least I would be getting in some exercise. :wink2:

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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