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hi girls

been catching up on posts but im lost think i need to read back a bit or check up on you lot alot more but you all seem to be doing well,

was a bit alarmed to realise the one year anniversary only 4 months and im not really where i would have liked to have got to and now because of pregnancy im bloody terrified of gaining too much back of the weight i have lost its fluctuating madly at the moment ,but today its at lower weight so mood good:) and of course my treatment only paid up until december then im on my own and i pay 300 euro per fill/unfill or any complications.found other board on here for pregnant bandsters which been great .. the ones who dont unfill until late on after 7 months dont gain much ,but the early unfills pile it on :faint:so dont want to even consult clinic .

boo boo....take care of you... i know how you feel ,i hope things work out for the best (the way you want them too )big cuddles xxxx

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Just popping in to say hi. It is hard to believe it is almost a year. My goal is to have lost 100 pounds in the first year, I think I will make it....check that I WILL make it! I am getting hungry...quite hungry....so it must be time for a fill. Have to arrange flights etc and get that taken care of. Proud of you all, you are doing great. xox

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I have so happy to know that our one yr is coming up I am finally losing 1-2 lbs a wk my doc is so slow about giving fills I just now have 2.0 cc in my band that will hold 4.0 but that is his way

ladies we are all doing awesome all walking or doing some sort of activity when i think back on how lazy i used to be i know why I am so fat

Ladies I Hade NSV yesterday bought a juniors sz xl for jcpennys and it fits awesome never since 2003 when I took crash and burn diet pills have I worn junior size anything happy happy

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my workouts are going good. I jogged 3x this week not including my 2 hour soccer practice. I also swam laps.

I am actually liking jogging. weird.

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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I pigged out so bad this weekend too Sweethot! Oh I have I got to get motivated. I am not sure this slight unfill was a good idea. I can eat too much. But before I was PB constantly. I ate Chinese food all weekend. Ordered it at work and ate the garlic beef all day sat and sunday. I did give some of it away but not much and I ate the whole container but I didnt eat the rice. Oh well before it would have been one meal instead of 4 and I would have had the rice too, and probably an egg roll, oh yea and a couple of crab ragoon thingys. =) LOL I think all that MSG did something to my brain I actually feel a little quesy from eating for 2 days! My goal is going to include no more Chinese until after my bandiversary! I really need a renewed focas. I think I am going to start counting carbs and Protein again instead of guessing in my head whether I am eating too much. 26 more pounds before 12-12-07~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jill

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So good to hear from Nikki, Bandiva, and Jill - hi ya girls!!!

Its so good to be focused again. I was walking with my neice the other night and she's lost 12 lbs since we started 3 weeks ago, she said that even better then the weight loss is the feeling of control. I said I KNOW!!! me too! I feel so much better just by being in control of myself again. The walking, tracking... it all just makes me feel like my life is mine and I'm controling it.

Question for you joggers (sweethot, Kay...anyone else out there) .. this sounds gross but I need to know. Doesn't your fat flap? My jelly belly flaps like a flag when I jog, I have to hold it. You can hear it slapping with every bounce. I tried a girdle panty but it rubbed around my leg, crotch area and so I didnt' try that one again. We (me and neice) both wear long shorts or capris to walk in bc the short creep up and you have to keep pulling them down. Her dh said to her one night .. why did you change, you had shorts on.. I said she didn't want to start a fire, all that friction and we could combust at any moment. LOL Its a joke for us, but I still haven't conquered the fat flapping.

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no Boo I didn't know he left you like that. Jerk! He needs some marriage counciling! ASAP - seriously hon, he sounds pretty self centered. I'd like to see how he reacts if the shoe was on the other foot! You do deserve better. I think you need to have a really good talk with him about how he treats you. My dh was a jerk at one time too. We all walked on egg shells around his moods - but we did do counciling and he got on anti-depressants - world of difference. He's on a high stress job now and I told him if he starts getting grouchy he's going back on his meds. :car:

I don't know if men just need an extra 30 years to grow up or what. Why are you alone this week - is he working away or have you seperated?

No, he went away for a week up north with his friends. He is on medication, and refuses counceling, so I think life is gonna suck until I leave him. Everything is always always my fault. He makes me hate myself,which I shouldn't be!

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hi girls

been catching up on posts but im lost think i need to read back a bit or check up on you lot alot more but you all seem to be doing well,

was a bit alarmed to realise the one year anniversary only 4 months and im not really where i would have liked to have got to and now because of pregnancy im bloody terrified of gaining too much back of the weight i have lost its fluctuating madly at the moment ,but today its at lower weight so mood good:) and of course my treatment only paid up until december then im on my own and i pay 300 euro per fill/unfill or any complications.found other board on here for pregnant bandsters which been great .. the ones who dont unfill until late on after 7 months dont gain much ,but the early unfills pile it on :faint:so dont want to even consult clinic .

boo boo....take care of you... i know how you feel ,i hope things work out for the best (the way you want them too )big cuddles xxxx

Hey Nikki

DO NOT sweat about your weight girlie! You have 2 to think of now! SO your weight should be the last think of right now! You will do great. Remember the rules we learned about Portion Control and what is good and not good to eat. Even though youi are pregnant, it is not the time to reach for the junk food. If the baby wants it, tell them they have to wait to eat until they are old anough on their own to chew it! :car:

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ok, for real girls -- it is back in the saddle for me today.

It took me a damn week to recover from my vacation... Ugh!

I ate alot this weekend. Kind of on purpose though. I had to get my energy levels back up and I HAD to get to feeling better. It seems to have worked. I feel very much like my normal self today. So, tonight I am headed home from work and going to get this lazy ass back on the bike.

And these lazy muscles are going back to the weight, crunches, and stability ball.

BREAK IS OVER. ONE WEEK is more than enough.

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So good to hear from Nikki, Bandiva, and Jill - hi ya girls!!!

Question for you joggers (sweethot, Kay...anyone else out there) .. this sounds gross but I need to know. Doesn't your fat flap? My jelly belly flaps like a flag when I jog, I have to hold it. You can hear it slapping with every bounce. I tried a girdle panty but it rubbed around my leg, crotch area and so I didnt' try that one again. We (me and neice) both wear long shorts or capris to walk in bc the short creep up and you have to keep pulling them down. Her dh said to her one night .. why did you change, you had shorts on.. I said she didn't want to start a fire, all that friction and we could combust at any moment. LOL Its a joke for us, but I still haven't conquered the fat flapping.

I wear these awsome underarmour short things, like biking spandex under my pants and they keep the flapping under control. lol

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{{{{{{BRANDY}}}}} You absolutely should NOT be hating yourself!! You are a wonderful, beautiful, strong woman!! Hang in there sweetie....you know we're here for you!

As for me...well, had my party on Sat. The jackass brought his new GF w/him but didn't even have the courtesy to tell me he was bringing her, so I was totally caught off guard. Not very nice. Anyways, now there is all this drama b/c the GF found out from a friend of mine that something happened between us in CA so she dumped Him yesterday, but then took him back and is supposedly giving him a second chance (b/c he didn't tell her the WHOLE truth about what happened, but my friend has since set her straight, so who knows what will happen next!)..now it's all a big mess! And in the process I've lost a best friend and that's whats most depressing of all. But I wonder if I ever really knew him b/c he doesn't seem to be acting the way I knew him to act. Oh well, i guess its neither here nor there....I just need to figure out how to move onwards w/my life w/out him in it. UGH....and then we had a potluck at lunch today and I was a complete PIG!!! Talk about stress eating! UGH....

Anyways, I'm not doing great eating wise......but am really trying to get myself back on track, but this emotional rollercoaster has thrown me for a loop! Some moments I'm angry, some I'm sad, some I'm like "F you, I'm movin on"....UGH!!! Seriously....MEN...can't live with 'em, can't live w/out 'em!!!

Are there ANY Decent guys left out there??? I'm seriously beginning to wonder.

BMAN....Glad to hear you're back on track!!

SWEETHOt.....Do you have a link or something to the underarmour shorts you wear?? I'd love to check them out b/c the jiggling thing is part of the reason I don't run either! (thanks Steph for bringing it up!) :car:

STEPH...glad to hear you're back on track too!! YOU GO GIRl!!

JILL....step away from the chinese food !:D I don't know how you eat it b/c that is one thing that I just seem to have a really hard time getting down no matter what so I think I've only had it 2x since December! Hang in there and hopefully you've gotten it out of your 'system' for a while. Remember that all that sodium also makes you retain Water so drink lots to get it out of your system.

BK....congrats on your NSV!! That is awesome! :Banane20:

Ok, I think I'm caught up....will catch you hot Ladies Later! :Banane20:

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No, he went away for a week up north with his friends. He is on medication, and refuses counceling, so I think life is gonna suck until I leave him. Everything is always always my fault. He makes me hate myself,which I shouldn't be!

I went through that too, everything was always my fault! It drove my mom and sister crazy - I don't know what to tell you - I think everyone has to choose whats right for them but like I told Nikki things can get better and divorce is not always the answer. Don't hate yourself, just keep surrounding yourself with people you love and support you - like us Steadies - and remember you are a smart, beautiful woman and he is probably feeling threatened by you.. maybe threatened isnt' the right word.. inferior.. yes he feels inferior to you. I'm glad he's on meds but if he won't go to counceling you should tell him that you are going and if he wants to keep his marriage he needs to go too. I said to my dh, whats more important your pride or your marriage. The biggest thing for us - me - was when he asked me where do I see myself in 10 years. At the time my kids were early to mid teens, I had been thinking I was young enough to start over - which is true - you are, but do you want to? I didn't want to start over (lord only knows what jerk is waiting to be next in line) or you can work through it and hope it gets better. It got better for me, its better everyday. Now the kids are older, we don't have financial stress like we did then, which was 90% of our problems, and we have time for each other, its like it was when we first got married. So just think about it good and hard. And btw did you see the Sandra Bullock movie Premonition? If not rent it and then think about why you fell in love with him to begin with.

((((VA)))) - Hon get out the wooden cross and hang the garlic!!! That man is pure evil. Bringing her to your party - what a jackass!!! Consider yourself lucky that you are not her!!! What was he thinking and where is his brains? Does he think that much of himself that he can just toy with your (both of you) affections? You are a beautiful loving sweet fun woman and the man that figures that out will be one lucky man!! Don't cry over him, he is not worth your tears - if you must use emotion over him use the anger emotion.

Bman baby - good to hear you are back with us! Get going on the bike its been missing you!!! We have too - you always inspire us to do better. I'm glad you found yourself during your vaca - it sounds like it was a good time.

Sweethot - thank you thank you thank you!!! I never thought about the under armor stuff!!! I'm going into town tonight and get me some. My son used to wear them for different sports stuff and I never thought about it for myself!!! No more slap slap slap - the deer won't hear me coming now. :D

Jill - I love chinese food too - I eat it about once a month and I stay away from the noodles and rice and it goes down good. I don't think you did so bad if you ate it over a course of 4 meals!!! We should be able to eat the things we love but in MODERATION - like you said preband you would've at the whole carton in one meal - I think thats moderation. I will confess I still eat all the foods I love (except for the ones that my band hates) but I track them - if I eat a candy bar I track it in fitday - or chips - I track it - which is probably why I don't lose as fast as everyone else - I'm always at 1300 calories/day. But if I walk 300 calories off - that brings me down to 1000/day - so I should be able to lose 1-2 lbs a week on that and I am! I love mexican food and we have a great place here - I get a chalupa for a whopping $5 and then I eat half of it and take the other half home. Damn I'm a cheap date!!! Although this last weekend dh ate my other half and I didn't get to enjoy leftovers later. But if we aren't over eating shouldn't we be able to eat tasty food?

Ok - sorry for the extra long post - making up for Nat being gone. :car:

OH BK - wtg on the nsv!!! You little junior girl!!! I'm proud of you!!!!

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Under Armour Performance - Speed Boy Short

that's the closest thing I could find. mine are a bit longer halfway down my thigh, so when i wear my soccer shorts, my fat fat thighs don't scare everyone off!

so i jogged a whole mile without stopping last night! wow!

and not just a regular mile. the hill i live on is huge huge huge and long about half a mile. so i jogged 1/2 down hill and 1/2 up hill. I usally have been doing 2 miles but maybe 1/4 of that jogging. but i have a pretty bad cold right now so i felt like crap. I have a bad headache.

I'm going to help some people move and get their house cleaned today, they have 7 children! so I think I'm in for a workout.

VA- seriously man, that guy is not your best friend, a best friend would never treat you like that. It sounds as if he likes being the "man" and having you on the side to toy with, "just in case" things don't work out iwth the other girl. He is so not worth your time. I would tell him that too. "look guy, I am sick of you toying with my emotions, and I'm not having it anymore. I deserve better than you. We are obviously not friends, friends don't treat each other this way. Please just leave me alone, stop calling me. Give your attention to your girlfriend, where it should be. Treat her right"

have a great day today girlies!

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SWEETHOT...thanks for the link! I may have to invest in some! That and a good sports Bra! ;-) LOL Congrats on running a mile! That is awesome!! You are right...he's NOT my best friend. He is scum. Our friendship is completely over now and I will likely never speak to him again, except cordially in passing. Sucks. The man I thought I knew is not who he is now :-( Oh well. Time to move on.

STEPH....i'm angry...SOOO angry that he is such a jackass and that he is a complete phony and fake! But I'm also so incredibly hurt by the things he did to me, but I know I will move on. I know I deserve way better than him!

Thanks to all of you ladies for being so supportive!! Its so nice to know that I can come here and vent! you all ROCK!!!

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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