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Kim, you are a gem - thank you so much for the re-posting of our names list - I was feeling rude not mentioning folks by name.

Wanda, I think taking things a little bit at a time is a grand idea - I have two little glass horseradish jars that have pennies in them - in one - how many lbs I have to go, and how many I have lost in the other - I should do a big jar with the total number of lbs with pretty stones or something - but when I look at how many lbs I have left to lose to get to my goal - it inst many when I see a physical manifestation of the number. 23...a whole lot less than 178.

For some reason this post really inspires me - it is the second post down by Kdiamond - yes she is a lot younger than I am, a lot smaller but for some reason it inspires me that it took her 18 months to get a small amount of weight off - that she shows her transformation over a number of years - not mere months - and her ongoing commitment to improving over time.

It helps me to look at pictures of people who are my short height - 5'3".


"Still 5'4" 110 pounds - now I am 35 years old

Took 18 months to lose the weight from this point *actually was down to 100 pounds but it was too skinny*, another 2-3 years to gain muscle and lose body fat and feel good about myself. Still improving every month and challenging myself to new goals."

I would love to get to the low end of the BMI scale - which is loooow for me - between 100-115 I think - last time I weighed that I think I must have been about 6 years old haha! I know I was 125 when I was 12.

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Hi guys! Just caught up and I am so glad I am up to date with this busy thread - I get busy during the day and tell myself I need to login or I am going to have a heck of a time catching up - I am sure is it the same for us all.

Okay first off - does anyone have our list of names - I spent 45 minutes one day trying to dig through our massive thread and find it to no avail - I would be hugely grateful if anyone could share :) Or even give me an idea of what number of pages it might be located.

Coops thanks so much for the Amazon link to the menopause book - I am going through it though I still am having somewhat regular periods - gonna be 50 this year in October woo ;) It really feels like an emotional rollercoaster somedays - just like I have lost my mind haha.

Beautiful corsets ladies - Feed and Jane you look lovely! I am still getting used to having anything touch my middle with clothing - I spent so long in tent-sized clothing, right at the edge of 5x and needing specialty clothes that I think that only now am I realizing what clothing that actually fits looks and feels like - even things that fit perfectly sometimes make me feel very exposed and afraid people will stare and make fun on me (when my squishy is very well hidden in clothes.)

As hubby says "no more hobo clothes" (you must image the little designer from The Incredibles saying this lol.)

Sarah - I am so sad to hear that your dear friend is struggling with drugs. My ex before my husband, whom I was with for many years was a recovering heroin addict - we lived in NYC and I experienced him falling off the sobriety/clean wagon which was agony for all of us around him (an episode of Intervention is about the level of madness I am talking about). I also grew up in a home with alcoholic family members - I seriously believe I am an addict with food - its just my drug of choice. Know that she is the one who has to want it - no matter what, she will be the one that does it for herself.

I know that if I can quit smoking after 28 years of 2 packs a day then anyone on the face of this earth can stop their addictions too. One day at a time.

That same partner also came out of the closet during that time - (I call this time my floral dress era - desperately trying to feel pretty again) and within a year he had contracted AIDS - he is still living with aids but doing much better - living in L.A. and seems happy. I feel like I dodged a serous bullet with that one.

Speaking of one day at a time - I went to my very first Overeaters Anonymous meeting last weekend. I enjoyed it very much and plan to keep going - I was inspired by the honesty and sharing of the group - when I spoke I bawled like a little baby haha (maybe its those pesky menopause demons) and the group was very accepting of the fact that I had surgery - they were very interested in hearing about my experience. There were big folks and little ones - many had lost 100's of lbs and gained them back - some had maintained - just like all of us. I will check out other meetings around my area and see what those are like - it felt like a good reboot and have been seriously detoxing from the sugar since that meeting last Saturday.

Here's a question, what are your guys bounces ranges and how to do determine them?

Florinda - I am sorry you felt that you had to conceal your losses, but I am thrilled that you have lost your regain and then some! Learning to be kind to ourselves is just as big a part of all of this as anything. Lets all work on seeing how far we have come - I know I look to all of you as wonderful, inspiring successes, each and everyone one I can confide in and reveal the best and worst - the hardest of my struggles.

I had great success off the bat with 5:2 then have struggled a lot with the holidays - it is my own fault really - it has been an orgy of baked carbs...I never used to like this stuff, but now it is the easiest thin to crunch up and goes down easy -I then I get lightheaded and woozy, oftentimes sick...just like a needle in the arm lol.

I never got a goal weight from my docs or nutritionists, but one of them did mentioned that he thought I would end up at around 175. So that has been my upper limit with this recent gaining frenzy - or I should say that is my freak out weight lol.

My husband just wants me to be happy at any weight around where I am - he seems to love my body - squishy and all - trying to come around to his viewpoint.

I have noticed that cutting out even a bit of the sugar has helped tremendously this week with cravings - I have a milk issue with lattes, and when you get right down to it milk is a carb/sugar even if it is loaded with good stuff - I swear I would go drink milk from a cow on the side of the road if it was an emergency haha. I feel very successful at not having latte's on the way to work, at work, or on the way home from work every day this week - remember this is Seattle, that is a HUGE deal haha :)

Love you guys :)

Wow!!!! I'm glad you took the time to write out this post! I enjoyed reading it completely. Girl, you DID doge a big bullet!!

And the sugar cravings - this is so true - if I even start eating sugar I want more and more and more. Now, my thing is PB cheese crackers! It's like crack to me!! Seriously!!!

It is a struggle to be happy with our bodies - even now at lower than I've ever been as an adult. I don't think my surgeon ever mentioned a goal to me either. I just knew I wanted to be at least 150 - a good weight for my height and that would be a 100 pound loss. Another goal I set for myself.

Glad you found OA. I think I would like a support group - problem is - I don't think I'd like it enough to give up my TIME! Ha!

I have had a sick granddaughter ALL WEEK since my daughter has so much on her plate (full time job, nursing school and 2 girls) If my husband hadn't retired last year and could help out during the day, I don't know what we would have done. "all things work together for good". This viral thing she has had is a killer. Finally took her to Dr. yesterday after almost a week of hacking and throwing up. Not flu just strong virus. So between work, sick kids, feeding the homeless this week (been doing it for five years once a month) and small group, I'm TIRED!!!! LOL The "old gray mare" aint what she used to be!!!! (Well, there's not GRAY now, anyway!! LOL)

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Swizzly when I started 5:2 I dindnt lose for months. I stopped around thr holidays then started again. I think the thing that helped was adding hours to the fasting window. Not eating anything till late afternoon on fast days then only liquids after diner on the fast evening. Cyber hugs to you. Its hard to lose weight with so much stress in your life. Great news getting back into apt. I am sure your life is heading back to normal. Hang tight


Thanks to everyone for the thoughts about goals. Not sure long rang but for now looking at 10 pounds at a time. That's realistic. Small goals. Small steps. The hardest part about curves is leaving the office on time to get there. This is the part that takes the discipline. I am commiting to three months of curves. BrownDoesAll has to do something for herself!! Good night.

Wanda, I agree with Kim and others.  I think you need to set a goal for yourself even if it is in increments - like "10 pounds lost by Easter" or something.  I believe we do better if we have a goal to push toward.  At least, for me, that's true.  And your overall goal anyway is your health!   I truly believe YOU can be in the "onederland" group, too!!!!!   It's only fifty pounds!   Yep, that's right ONLY 50!!!   Wow, what perseverance you've had!   You've finally made it work for you!!!   That's awesome! 

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OMG 110lbs - that is 7 stone 8lbs in Brit speak - that is soooo small.  I am 155lbs at 5 2 at I just cannot see where I could even lose 45lbs - I just don't know where it would come from and besides, I think that would make me look old, ill and frankly frail - not the look I am going for...lol. I know it suits some and that is fine.  I think the most I could lose and still look nice and not too old is 125?  Dunno it is that long since I was that light I don't even remember how it feels...


However, regardless of weight I love the perseverance - and can completely relate. When I was in my longest stall (remember that time when I didn't lose weight for nearly two years and it almost drove me crazy) I never gave up, well, not completely. So, fair play to her.

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I think it might have been Cathy who posted the BMI + Age chart a while back - that resonated so deeply with me that I printed it out and brought it to one of my appts with my surgical team when I was over a year out - I think it had an upper range of 158 for one of my age and height...I will go look for it again. 


I dunno - will I look like the Cryptkeeper at my goal weight haha? I had a really fat neck before - I looked like someone had squeezed my head out of a tube - like a blob of toothpaste lol. - there is a lot of turkey wobble going on with my neck :)


Its funny - I always feel like I am doing something wrong if I examine a possible new goal weight that is higher than an old one - I am so entrenched with what I "should" be, "should" do etc. that change is a challenge. I love the mindset of coming at all of this from health - not what that number is. Heck, when I was in high school, and 130-135 and incredibly active I always thought I was fat - that I should weight 100 lbs. well back in the those days (early 80's - that was a bit more - before everyone started to really get big).


I like what Florinda said - I think it was her - that she wants no one to identify her with being overweight - that seems like a good thing - I suppose even if one is slim as a reed there are folks that would consider the reed-thin, a plump reed.


/looking for the mama bear chair...

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Georgia, 'ole gray mare' - I love that ... dunno why,

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I had plastics at 150. I can gain or lose 15# without messing with results. 135 would put me at about 22 BMI I think and would be amazing as long as my face still looks good and I keep an ass. Lots of squats etc and I am getting more shape back there. Also found amazing compression garment that gives me a cuter butt...just worry that is where the weight will come from.

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I do love you pic! Dam I keep forgetting to do my squats, I want to get rid of the 2 smiley faces under my cheeks.....LOL

Sheryl I think you look great already now! :P

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Hi All!

I am Denise, and I am not on the list.

Anyway, I have been MIA because Bill has been staying with me. He was here for 3 days. I have been in heaven!

Florinda, I am estatic for you that you've lost 30 lbs! That's fabulous. I am sure you posted that while I was MIA. I don't get notifications for some strange reason on this thread. I was shocked at how many pages I was behind.

The way I picked my goal weight was from a picture. I was holding my daughter who was about a year old at the time, and I was pissed off that I had not lost all my baby weight. But after surgery, when I looked at pictures, I knew I weighed around 135-140 in that picture. I was so surprised that I looked so good in that picture, cause I remember thinking I was SO fat. I weighed 237 7 years ago, and I was hoping I could lose 100 lbs. Now, I have no clue what my bmi is. I couldn't care less. I am so thrilled that I lost my 15 lb regain. I seem to be maintaining easily here now.

Chimera and Sheryl, you guys should get together. I didn't realize you were both from Seattle.

Regarding menopause, I went through it at 50 and I am 61 now. I went without HRT for about 5 years before I decided I wanted to get on them. I take bioidentical hormones which are supposed to be safer. I sure hope so. I never want to go off of them. I feel so much better.

Dorrie, if you're serious about a face lift, I would research on OH on the plastics board. I love the way I look and I get a lot of compliments on how young I look. I hate the way it feels. It's horrible for my grand kids to kiss my cheeks and i can't feel it. I have no idea if this is just from my ps, or if it's common for face lift to have numbness that does not go away. I really hated my turkey neck, so it was a real trade off.

I can't even imagine buying glasses online. I have the progressive and they have to measure where to put the transition from bifocals to distance. I've gotten them before where they screwed that up , and they had to remake them. How do they measure like that to do that online? I would love to get sunglasses, but my glasses are about $200

This thread does move really fast, and that's why I haven't invited Queen of Crops. Plus my mind has definitely been somewhere else. I still plan to message Legal and Butter and see if they wants to stay in, since they have never posted.

It's been really hard on Bill to break up with the woman he was seeing. They really have not been dating all that long, and he tells me they have had some really miserable nasty fights. He was so worried about hurting her though. I hated to see him in pain. I finally got through to him when i told him that he was not only hurting her, he was hurting all 3 of us. He was completely miserable, and I was a complete nervous wreck because I knew I had to be patient and he had to do it his own way.

But it's all over now, and we are together, and he treats me like a princess. I haven't been this happy in years!!

Edited by Oregondaisy

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Denise, so happy it has worked out for you and Bill.

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Georgia u sound like me doing a lot hard to find time to do one more thing.


OD glad things are going well with Bill. Ahh new love, enjoy!


10 pounds by a certain date? I would feel like a failure if I didn't make it. I have struggled to lose 5 sEems like forever. I do see the logic in putting a time limit. Gives be more of an incentive to push. Hmmm?? Gotta spin that around in the brain. For now just looking at 10 pounds instead of 50 which seems daunting. At 10 I will treat myself to a weekend alone. Family gave me that treat for motherss day last year and I reallly enjoyed that.


Chimera OA. Takes courage to spill your guts about eating and weight. Good for you. Let me know any tips for stopping the blind mindless eating spells we vet int from time to time. My son suggested tying a ribbon aroung the handles on the fridge at night. That way I would think as I was un tying it and not bother. We haven't gone there yet but its a thought


Off to work! Headed for the weekend. Hosting a baby shower for a cousin. I like the shower games.


Good eating ladies!

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Denise, it is fab to see you so happy - this Bill really does sound like a treat! It is great smiling from ear to ear isn't it! Glad things have been sorted for you... happy days, I has all come together for you my lovely!

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Denise that is wonderful!

And I am seeing Steven again tonight. If we could maintain at once a week I will be quite happy for now.

I have been over eating...stress over my EX.

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Sheryl, just dawned on me - my hubby is Steven - only with a 'ph' - Stephen... so I am seeing a 'Steve' tonight too...lol... sometimes with his shift pattern and my work commitments we just manage to see each other once during the week... life can be so fast!

Well, after a week of not eating properly (did get two really good fast days in) and not having much of an appetite I am really hungry today and looking to fill my face with whatever I can! Obviously, I am getting better... headache all but gone which is a relief and not as tired - did have a nanna nap but that is the first nap in the day in 3 days. Just want my energy restored and I'll be happy!

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I had a really bad eating day yesterday. I ate crackers, really salty crackers all day. I am up 2 pounds, I know it is just the salt... but... it doesn't feel good.

I am falling back on food to cope I think. It is early on, I can get this back under control the first step is my ex and his crackers, bread and BACON need to be gone...LOL

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