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SherylJane quit worrying about skiing! It's so much easier than snowboarding. I personally could not imagine trying to go down a mountain without both feet on the ground. I am telling the truth here when I say that after one lesson, I was skiing with my husband who had been skiing all his life. After you learn to stop and turn, it's all practice. He may have been ahead of me, but I went down the same trails.

I guess I am going to Portland again. This guy I met last time I was there and I have been talking on the phone. My friend is going there for her grand baby's baby shower and I can ride with her. So I can see my grand daughter and go out on a date with this new guy while I am there. I talked to him tonight and he's really happy I am coming. This is going to happen early in Jan.

This might just be enough to keep me out of the junk food from now until then.

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Day 17 Insanity: been feeling particularly fatigued the past couple days, and getting a stitch in my side right away at the start of the workout. I don't eat prior so I'm unsure what this is about..

Been trying to find a place to live in Seattle, apparently anyone making less than $60K qualifies for low-income housing!!

SherylJane - so you went out and had a carefree evening with an interesting man, cry me a river. Champagne problems, no pun intended, you really are blowing this out of proportion. Have you discussed your control issues with your therapist? I think control is a huge issue with bariatric patients, our success is predicated upon a neurotic level of control and that control can then, ironically, spin out of control. I hope I'm not being too short with you, today is Christmas Eve and this is unbelievably difficult, I cried in the shower yesterday.

I can't indulge in any of these treats y'all mention, beyond guilt over bad eating, if I eat anything that isn't pure and clean I am plunged into physical anguish and no, that's not hyperbole; shooting needle pain in my muscles, extreme fatigue, extreme dopiness ... it's terrifying.

If I were home ... home what is home ... if I were home, I would be preparing our Christmas Eve hors d'oeuvres; I took over Christmas feast prep once I was done with Santa Claus (I was old, like 11). We always go to midnight mass so I long ago made the executive decision to save the big feast for Christmas day and instead make some light treats for a very late snack before we left for church. Another rule is that I ALWAYS cook from Christmas from the Heart of the Home, by Susan Branch. hors d'oeuvres in the past have included baked brie in puff pastry, hot mulled wine, citrus salad, chicken liver pate, charcuterie, and my very special hot cocoa: I make it from scratch using Ghirardelli powder and whole milk (oh yeah), I make my own whipped cream too with crushed peppermints, I put a peppermint chocolate wedge on the bottom of each cup and put a peppermint stick in each cup to stir with. This is the traditional Christmas Eve drink. then Christmas morning I make "candied bacon" - thick cut bacon drizzled with a mustard/brown sugar mix.

And don't forget 24 hours of a Christmas Story! Starts Christmas Eve, and we keep it on the whole 24 hours!

Stockings are my favorite part of Christmas, always have been.

I'm at work right now, having to listen to some gun nuts waxing on, telling their fairytales of need to gun tote. I'm so over this lifestyle.

I ate some chocolate covered pretzels last night that were delicious but caused great pain which is depressing.

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{{{{{Florinda}}}}} I'm so sorry so much is terrifying and upsetting. Big hugs your way, hun. Hang in there. <3

Love and hugs, again, to all of you. Thinking of you and just preparing for xmas and the eating that will ensue. Just made pumpkin pie (gluten free) for my Boy, he loves it. GF stuffing also underway and turkey bobbing in brine.

Happy xmas, all. <3

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Got up early †ø soak in a ba†h, Have the oven preheating. Im making an apple tar†, organic blueberry creamcheese †ar† and a pineapple upside down cake... trying †ø use all whole grain, low sugar and good quali†¥... still will have some serious calories bu† should be filling....we usually meet for late christmas eve dinner and presents, bu† someone in †he family is working, so we will meet for a brunch today and christmas out tomorrow. Don't know where all the funny font is coming from....?

Now that I am a bird nut I was looking at the website of a local wildlife rescue place that I have taken injured birds to in the past... they posted they need paper towels and toilet paper... they use them to line the many many boxes they use to put the little birds in.... so I bought some and took them out there... got semi lost, took me an hour driving all around , but that place is so cool. Its located in an old airforce base... McClellan AFB, in the old raidar building... which is a funny rounded topped shape, so I could see it from afar, but a maize to get there... I got there wi†hin minu†es of closing †ime.

Take care today ladies, enjoy †˙e bounty and remember those who aren't as fortunate.

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Day 17 Insanity: been feeling particularly fatigued the past couple days, and getting a stitch in my side right away at the start of the workout. I don't eat prior so I'm unsure what this is about..

Been trying to find a place to live in Seattle, apparently anyone making less than $60K qualifies for low-income housing!!

SherylJane - so you went out and had a carefree evening with an interesting man, cry me a river. Champagne problems, no pun intended, you really are blowing this out of proportion. Have you discussed your control issues with your therapist? I think control is a huge issue with bariatric patients, our success is predicated upon a neurotic level of control and that control can then, ironically, spin out of control. I hope I'm not being too short with you, today is Christmas Eve and this is unbelievably difficult, I cried in the shower yesterday.

I can't indulge in any of these treats y'all mention, beyond guilt over bad eating, if I eat anything that isn't pure and clean I am plunged into physical anguish and no, that's not hyperbole; shooting needle pain in my muscles, extreme fatigue, extreme dopiness ... it's terrifying.

If I were home ... home what is home ... if I were home, I would be preparing our Christmas Eve hors d'oeuvres; I took over Christmas feast prep once I was done with Santa Claus (I was old, like 11). We always go to midnight mass so I long ago made the executive decision to save the big feast for Christmas day and instead make some light treats for a very late snack before we left for church. Another rule is that I ALWAYS cook from Christmas from the Heart of the Home, by Susan Branch. hors d'oeuvres in the past have included baked brie in puff pastry, hot mulled wine, citrus salad, chicken liver pate, charcuterie, and my very special hot cocoa: I make it from scratch using Ghirardelli powder and whole milk (oh yeah), I make my own whipped cream too with crushed peppermints, I put a peppermint chocolate wedge on the bottom of each cup and put a peppermint stick in each cup to stir with. This is the traditional Christmas Eve drink. then Christmas morning I make "candied bacon" - thick cut bacon drizzled with a mustard/brown sugar mix.

And don't forget 24 hours of a Christmas Story! Starts Christmas Eve, and we keep it on the whole 24 hours!

Stockings are my favorite part of Christmas, always have been.

I'm at work right now, having to listen to some gun nuts waxing on, telling their fairytales of need to gun tote. I'm so over this lifestyle.

I ate some chocolate covered pretzels last night that were delicious but caused great pain which is depressing.

You have some serious †radi†ôn

globe! Sounds really nice. Our traditions are changing too, mom and dad, who usually have taken on the duties of bringing everyone together are getting older, and can no longer make it happen. My nephew is taking things on, bless his heart, and everyone pitches in with food and whatever is needed.(money). Its good, and a little sad, the passing of an erra. You take care now, and enjoy what you have... you and your gun loving co-workers... Merry Christmas and EEE-Haw! I can only imagine the crew that is there with you. Adventurers?

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Here is a pic of the place I went to yesterday, once inside you go up †he stars and †hey care for all †he birds up in the "globe" cool building...



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Kim, cool picture! Looks really neat, I would love to see it!

Denise, congrats on your new granddaughter! Have fun on your date...I think some of these guys should come to you. That, to me anyway, would be a true gentleman.

Dee, your meal sounds delicious! Enjoy.

Florinda, thinking of you today.

Christmas Eve...I'm going to do some baking with the boys today. My youngest wants to make cut out Cookies. Not sure what else I will bake. Our tradition on Christmas Eve is to open presents at night. My sister and her son come over and spend the evening with us. We always order Chinese food from the same place every year and then we go out and look at Christmas lights.

The regular Christmas with my extended family won't be until Friday this year because my daughter has to work on Christmas so she won't get in town until Thursday morning.

My fast day yesterday was fine. It will probably be the only one I get in this week and I am fine with that. Holding steady at my new low weight so I hope that will continue through the week.

Trying to stay happy today, so hard for me this year.

Thinking of all of you today.

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Globe hang in there girl things can only go up from our lowest points. And I like the island of misfits :)

Wow girls the cooking and baking! I'm feeling guilty as I've not done much of either. Kim, can we come to your house! :P

I did buy a ham for Christmas and some veggies and new potatos.. But I might pick up some kind of dessert, I hadn't really thought of that because it's just us four here. And the kids will have their stockings with candy.

Sue KFC! Aw man that place would get me about once a year pre sleeve! It always smelled so good but then you'd buy some eat and get sick from the grease and be good for another year.

We might take the kids to the Hobbit today or go to the beach for a walk sunny California!

Oh I'm going to fast today I now it's weird to do it on Christmas Eve, but I don't think it'll be hard because we have no temptations laying around.

But we shall see.

I love each and every one of you..

And I don't think I would be as happy or successful at this crazy ride without you :)

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Happy Christmas to you all or as we say here in Wales; 'Nadolig LLawen i chi!'

So, Christmas Eve here in Cooperville has been uneventful - did a bit of last minute shopping and managed to get out scar free! The kids are older now, so not as excited... but still looking forward to the day. Me and Betty will start to prepare the veggies soon. Steve is working this evening, tomorrow evening and boxing day night - that is what you get being married to a police officer, but it is first heavy Christmas shift in ten years so we can't complain!

I'm sending loving thoughts to you all; especially those who find this time of year hard. I know it brings up a lot of emotions and feelings... I suppose I am lucky at the moment as they only hit me in fleeting moments. I'm sure that will change as I get older and my life changes too.

I agree with Laura; I love you ladies to bits - wouldn't be without you, warts and all!


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Happy Christmas to one and all.

Coops glad you survived the storms, some parts of Wales were deluged weren't they?

I have had a nice quiet Christmas Eve, food shopping was complete yesterday, wrapped today but I will be busy tomorrow with the food. The meat does not take long though as my husband and boys have chateaubriand (cooked rare) and MIL and I have turkey breast. The males in the family decided about 3 years ago that they did not want turkey so opted for steak instead and as I do not really like steak stuck with the turkey. We eat our main meal at lunchtime so any turkey leftovers will be turned into sandwiches later. Even though they have steak they like to have all the accompaniments for the turkey - pigs in blankets etc. only 5 for lunch but no doubt enough food for 10.

When do you do your presents? We do ours after lunch. When the children were small Santa presents were left at the end of the bed and tree presents were done after eating. We did this so that they realised Santa didn't bring everything.

It's amazing how many extra things come into the house at the holiday time, I have brought all the things I normally do but in much smaller quantities. I have done this so that they disappear quickly and so the rest of the family don't feel that they have missed out.

I hope you all have a nice day, wherever and with whomever you spend it and that the peace of the season enters all your lives.

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Read all the posts and just been lazing around with the "Grands" today watching Christmas movies. I got the last of my 10 vanilla wafer cakes delivered last night and that clears out all but part of one left here at home. :).

Fiona go to the movies tonight and see "saving mr banks." We open present in the morning and then go out to Breakfast. Since daughter and the kids will leave early afternoon to go to the "other" grandparents house, it will all be "over" pretty much by 3pm here. Kinda sad that we don't have all family together in one house and place for holidays but I'm blessed! 5 days from two years sobriety and whole was for my wonderful son! Best present a Mom could receive

I'll repeat it, too! Love all of you! Grateful for our band of misfits!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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Ok we are going up to San Francisco today because my son likes china town and all the different foods. So much for the fast :P

Good day girls :)

Now I want Chinese! Maybe Ill do a stir fry. Had carbs layered in carbs covered with carbs sprinkled with sugar for brunch... it was good, but mostly pie shaped! I need to get in some veggies and Protein right away! Was a nice visit with family, 4 little kids who were lovely. lunch out tomorrow with the same family and a few stragglers as well.

Have a nice evening and tomorrow all, enjoy and take care!

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I think we are going to go to the Casino for Christmas dinner tomorrow. I am a bad mother. I don't feel like cooking. My daughter is so tired from being up all night nursing a baby, so I know she won't help clean up, and my DIL even though I love her, is an airhead, so she wouldn't help either. My SIL would probably help clean up but I just decided no mess no fuss sounds a lot better.

We open presents in the morning, but I let my 5 yr old grandson open his RC car so he would have something to play with today. My son DIL and their 4 yr old are on their way from Portland so they won't be here for 4 hours.

So far I have managed not to gain anything, but tomorrow might be another story. I am so determined not to gain over the holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone! And don't forget Florinda, you can always stay here for awhile till you get an idea of your further plans. Seattle is a very expensive place to live . Portland is way cheaper, but you said there are no jobs for you there.

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