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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Jamie-no harm as long as it is not on your stomach! Have fun!!:thumbup:

My mom scared me away from getting a tattoo this weekend. She said if, by some small chance, I were to get an infection, then I probably wouldn't be able to have my surgery - even if it was just a small infection on my ankle. Whether or not there's any truth to it, it definitely scared me straight and made me reconsider. Mom says when I reach my goal weight (whenever that is) we'll go together - me for an ankle tat and her for a belly ring. :)

Ok, I saw a couple people mention research, but what kind of research? I must have missed a post somewhere! Or had a blonde moment!:frown:

If you're anything like me, blonde moments are a regular part of your day! :tt2:

Hey Guys!

I did it!!! I really did it!!!

AND sadly, I didn't see Mal or Brandy! There were only about 70,000 people! The first race at 7am, for Women only had 31,000! Can you imagine? Here is a pic of my daughter and me AFTER the race! See, I'm still alive! AND not a sweaty mess!

I found this really nice couple, a father - walking for his wife and his daughter. He had a cane! I told my daughter, "he's my pace car - like at the Indie 500." We made sure we were always with him or a little faster than him. His daughter got a kick out of us! I am going to do it again next year! AND I'm going to get my friends to do it too! If they come to your town, join in!

WTG Dee!! CONGRATS!!! You and your daughter are just beautiful, and look so happy!!

Well, I've taken up lying! Nice, huh? I'm mean and I lie! I have so much issues with Water retention right now, that I am not going to tell anyone my weight (of course except you guys!) because they make ugly faces and say, "that's all? maybe you need a fill!" Shut up! It's not your place to tell me I need a fill!"

I know what you're going through, however, the people at my work just want to know how much I've lost and why haven't I lost more!

No one is every pleased with us Fluffy Folks!

Fluffy Folks! I love it :frown:

Thanks! It's one of those "hold the camera above our heads and click" type pictures! Maybe I should take all my pics this way - it lessened my double chin!

I call those "Obligatory Myspace Pictures" because all those youngsters on Myspace now take their own pictures, and they're always up high or down low and at weird angles. :frown: I don't see a double chin! Wachoo talkin' 'bout???

Deb~Buster said to tell Tucker to watch for his package today! Hope he is doing well

Mal! She posted a few pages back, it was one of Saturday's posts, saying she got the package and a few other things. I didn't quote her though - go back and check it out!

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OK I'm finally caught up on all the posts I missed this weekend. Man, if I stay gone for even a day around here, I get so behind! I hate it! You ladies are so chatty, LOL.

Today is the first day of my self-imposed month-long pre-op low-carb diet. I am officially restricting myself to one soda a day beginning today. Next week I'll cut it to every other day, etc. In two (or maybe three) weeks I should be soda free! Then I'll start cutting back on the beer...LOL. But, I'm doing low-carb foods every day, so hopefully before surgery I can drop this 15lbs I seem to have gained over the last month during my Last Supper Syndrome. :)

So I went to the beach this weekend with my broken pinky toe, and guess what? Mom and I went parasailing!!! I'll post a picture once the website puts them up. Walking across the beach though, I managed to cut my other foot on something sharp - so I've got this small gash in the arch of my right foot, and a broken pinky toe on my left foot. But that's OK, I had a blast! I had never gone parasailing before, it was freaking awesome!!! :tt2:

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Thanks, Jmegirl, I need to go back and catch up on some posts...

good luck! took me almost an hour, haha. what a great way to spend my time at work... :)

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Hey, Mal, Tucker wants to thank Buster soooo much for the presents!!:frown::thumbup::tt2::w00t::) He LOVES the treats! Man, oh, man....and the JRT's are jealous! The tag is darling!! He can't wear a collar now, but I am going to put it on a long ribbon and wear it on special occasions:rolleyes2: I might be able to figure out something for him, too, but I don't want him to lose it.

Thanks again; you are so thoughtful.

WOW, Tucker got his package early. That is great! Those are Buster's favorite treats. Did you read the bag? Our local pet store has those, they are cute. I hope Tucker will share...lol

Take care

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good luck! took me almost an hour, haha. what a great way to spend my time at work... :)

Now, I am wondering what else I have missed! :tt2:

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Ladies, I started looking at flights for when I get my first fill, and I nearly choked on my Water. :thumbup: Expensive! I guess it's because it's the first week of December and getting close to Christmas.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me a ride to Dr. K's office and/or pick me up from Dr. K's office on Friday December 5th or Friday December 12th? Either day, the flights have me getting into Denver at 9:45a and leaving at 3:45p, and my appt. with Dr. K would be around 11a. I'd be eternally grateful if someone could give me a ride. Even if I can only get a ride one-way, that would still save me money on a taxi or a rental car for the whole day.

Let me know! I haven't booked the flight yet (but the flights are still open) and I haven't made the appointment with Dr. K yet (but he has appts available) so as soon as I know I've got transportation I'll start booking everything.

If you can give me a ride, lunch is on me!!! :eek: :angry: And I promise I don't bite (too hard). However, I can't guarantee I won't have a little gas at one month post-op. :)

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Drive by...

I DID IT!!! I ran my first 5k, not 100 percent sure about the time, but somewhere like 30-35 minutes. I cried like a baby crossing the finish line and couldn't stop running, just kept going like Forest Gump...LOL

Oh yeah, the date on my camera was not set!


I love your pictures! AND the pictures of your Mom are just beautiful! I cried a lot during the race. I would read someone's bib and I'd cry! I started crying when they blew the horn to start the race. I thought of my friend Sandra and how badly she wanted to win the battle! I'm so proud of you and your Son, Mal! I am sending you a High 5!

Congratulations Dee, I am so proud of you. You and your daughter look FAB! Your daughter looks so much like you, she has your sweet smile.

Chris and I did the first race, I know...I told him to pretend to be woman. I saw a lot of men in that race. I WAS a sweaty mess, but it was a great feeling.

I left my phone in my car, so I couldn't hook up with anyone. I even lost Chris and Mike and had to ask a stranger if I could use his phone so I could find them.

YAY for us!

Actually, there were quite a few men doing that race. I saw! Who cares! No one minded! I loved seeing all the husbands, fathers and sons there to support and honor the women they love! It was all very heartwarming! We took the Light Rail at Lincoln. It was my first time. When we returned to the Lincoln depot, the lady on the speaker said, "This is the end of the road, you must leave the train now." I thought in my head, "This is just the beginning of the road!" I still can't believe I did it!"

My mom scared me away from getting a tattoo this weekend. She said if, by some small chance, I were to get an infection, then I probably wouldn't be able to have my surgery - even if it was just a small infection on my ankle. Whether or not there's any truth to it, it definitely scared me straight and made me reconsider. Mom says when I reach my goal weight (whenever that is) we'll go together - me for an ankle tat and her for a belly ring. :angry:

If you're anything like me, blonde moments are a regular part of your day! :wink2:

WTG Dee!! CONGRATS!!! You and your daughter are just beautiful, and look so happy!!

Fluffy Folks! I love it :w00t:

I call those "Obligatory Myspace Pictures" because all those youngsters on Myspace now take their own pictures, and they're always up high or down low and at weird angles. :tt2: I don't see a double chin! Wachoo talkin' 'bout???

Mal! She posted a few pages back, it was one of Saturday's posts, saying she got the package and a few other things. I didn't quote her though - go back and check it out!

Thanks Jaime! All of my daughter's pics on her My Space are done that way! They are so cute! It's true that is a very common My Space pose.

Ladies, I started looking at flights for when I get my first fill, and I nearly choked on my Water. :thumbup: Expensive! I guess it's because it's the first week of December and getting close to Christmas.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me a ride to Dr. K's office and/or pick me up from Dr. K's office on Friday December 5th or Friday December 12th? Either day, the flights have me getting into Denver at 9:45a and leaving at 3:45p, and my appt. with Dr. K would be around 11a. I'd be eternally grateful if someone could give me a ride. Even if I can only get a ride one-way, that would still save me money on a taxi or a rental car for the whole day.

Let me know! I haven't booked the flight yet (but the flights are still open) and I haven't made the appointment with Dr. K yet (but he has appts available) so as soon as I know I've got transportation I'll start booking everything.

If you can give me a ride, lunch is on me!!! :eek: :tt2: And I promise I don't bite (too hard). However, I can't guarantee I won't have a little gas at one month post-op. :)

I can pick you up at the airport. BUT let me get back with you about the date. I am doing my schedule at work on Wed morning at 1201am. (I'm greedy and want to be the first to put my schedule in) Maybe I could make my fill for the same day and we could hold each other's hands! I'll do my schedule and come on here and write you to let you know which date worked. Okay? AND about the gas! You're taking your life in your hands -- remember what Shelbi said about ME?

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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I can pick you up at the airport. BUT let me get back with you about the date. I am doing my schedule at work on Wed morning at 1201am. (I'm greedy and want to be the first to put my schedule in) Maybe I could make my fill for the same day and we could hold each other's hands! I'll do my schedule and come on here and write you to let you know which date worked. Okay? AND about the gas! You're taking your life in your hands -- remember what Shelbi said about ME?

OK that's no problem. It doesn't look like the flights are full at all, so I shouldn't have a problem waiting a few days. That would be awesome if you got your fill on the same day. I will definitely need someone holding my hand. :thumbup: I am so squeamish around needles, I'm really wondering if I should ask him for anesthesia, haha. Just reading you ladies' posts about fill docs poking two or three times around your port and missing etc. makes me cringe. Shoot, I'm cringing now just typing it. I'm such a wuss :)

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OK that's no problem. It doesn't look like the flights are full at all, so I shouldn't have a problem waiting a few days. That would be awesome if you got your fill on the same day. I will definitely need someone holding my hand. :thumbup: I am so squeamish around needles, I'm really wondering if I should ask him for anesthesia, haha. Just reading you ladies' posts about fill docs poking two or three times around your port and missing etc. makes me cringe. Shoot, I'm cringing now just typing it. I'm such a wuss :)

One of Dr K's PA students held my hand for my first fill and then my BFF held my hand for the second fill. She's one of his band patients, so she knew how it felt! It helped a lot having someone there!

We can't do our schedules until Wednesday, I'm going to stay up until 1201, so I can get the schedule I want! But I have to do my weekend requirement, that's why I'm not sure which Friday I'll be off. Promise, I'll get back with you!

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One of Dr K's PA students held my hand for my first fill and then my BFF held my hand for the second fill. She's one of his band patients, so she knew how it felt! It helped a lot having someone there!

We can't do our schedules until Wednesday, I'm going to stay up until 1201, so I can get the schedule I want! But I have to do my weekend requirement, that's why I'm not sure which Friday I'll be off. Promise, I'll get back with you!

You are awesome!!! :)

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WTH? How rude can people be! I would respond "Thanks so much for your concern about my health. I have a MD who I am working closely with", and then turn and walk away!!!

You can't win...people either want to be rude about you being overweight, or rude about you losing weight. MYOB to those morons! My girlfriend in Florida had the same thing after she worked her butt off to lose 100 lbs on weight watchers and lots of exercise. Her managing partners at her firm took her aside to address her eating disorder. She politely told them she was a normal BMI and that they should MYOB.

I honestly don't think they were trying to be rude on purpose, they just seemed concerned. But still!! I know what you mean!! And like you said, you can't win...fat or skinny!:)

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Okay, so both Effexor and Pristiq block reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, essentially increasing their action in the brain. Norepinephrine is part of the "fight or flight" system and contributes to physiological arousal so the increased heart rate, BP, shakiness etc make sense. Were you quite a bit heavier when you were taking Effexor? Maybe this had a bigger effect because you're smaller!

As for the weight loss thing . . . maybe you're just at one of those points where your body is changing a lot and it's very noticable. Have you told people you had surgery?


Yes, I was probably about 40 pounds heavier when I stopped taking Effexor in February, maybe a bit heavier than that. That is a good thought. I am going to try starting it today again now that I am not working and see what happens. But, I need something to calm DOWN my fight or flight (which is pretty much going constantly lately because of the neighbors), not rev it up!

And yes, everyone under the sun knows I have had surgery, including my shrink! Are they missing the point that I paid lots of money to lose weight or is it just me? :)

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Hey Guys!

I did it!!! I really did it!!!

AND sadly, I didn't see Mal or Brandy! There were only about 70,000 people! The first race at 7am, for Women only had 31,000! Can you imagine? Here is a pic of my daughter and me AFTER the race! See, I'm still alive! AND not a sweaty mess!

I found this really nice couple, a father - walking for his wife and his daughter. He had a cane! I told my daughter, "he's my pace car - like at the Indie 500." We made sure we were always with him or a little faster than him. His daughter got a kick out of us! I am going to do it again next year! AND I'm going to get my friends to do it too! If they come to your town, join in!

I'm proud of you Dee!! And I love the pic! Any day that I get to see a pic of my smiling Dee is a good day! :)

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Well, I've taken up lying! Nice, huh? I'm mean and I lie! I have so much issues with Water retention right now, that I am not going to tell anyone my weight (of course except you guys!) because they make ugly faces and say, "that's all? maybe you need a fill!" Shut up! It's not your place to tell me I need a fill!"

I know what you're going through, however, the people at my work just want to know how much I've lost and why haven't I lost more!

No one is every pleased with us Fluffy Folks!

Yep, you are right. Us Fluffy Folks can't win, can we? You are making me laugh....Dee mean and a liar???? Come on!!! Not in this lifetime!!!! I want to come to Colorado and kick that mom and that nurses butt STILL!!!

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