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A New Day

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Hi all! Nothing works today except the iPhone. What a pain to type on, so hi bye love you all. Will try again later.

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Back to the veterinary hospital this morning for Sushi to have a follow up. Her heart murmur has improved significantly, so she has responded well to the treatments to date. Even beyond what the vet hoped for. We are fortunate she is still with us.

We went back to the gym last night for the first time I injured my foot, though all I did was use the recumbent bicycle. It was enough to add just over 4,000 steps to my day, did not reach 10,000 since injuring my foot.

Still no scale...I'll have to wait until my appointment with the surgeon next week. Jack, my food police, who observes me daily (we are together for every meal since his retirement) tells me that I have not increased my portions, and am still eating proper foods. So we will see...

Dee...you are such an amazing woman...your spirit and being down to earth. I admire you and the work that you do.

Terri, what is the weather like on the coast today? Last night we had a major electrical storm here, almost had me believing we were back in Central Florida, the lightening capital of the world.

Janet...I hope, like Dee mentioned that you were able to relax with your toes in that beautiful white sugar sand along the beaches.

Michelle...hope you have a good week at work, and that the temperatures moderate for you.

Diane, I sincerely hope you have a sane and good week. Try to do some deep breathing...it helps. No doubt you know this...sending you positive energy!

Hugs to you all...

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Hello all...

I hope the heat isnt getting the best of you Mini !!!

Dawn...no more missing out on anything !!!

Ok big news for me today was...I went for my second pre test to take a GED test.....WOW i never liked math and i still dont...out of 25 questions I got 19 wrong...and i told the instrector...the ones I got right were just lucky guesses....lol.....it might as well been in chinese...i didnt understand any of it...but I maybe a lil late but i AM going to get a GED !!!! just may take awhile

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Dee you are continuing to amaze me! I will help with the math when I see you!

Carole, it has rained all day here. Flash floods in Durham yesterday. This is definitely not our usual summer!

Janet.. How was the trip?

Mini and Cawanna stay inside!

Dawn hope things continue to go well in your new job!

Diane hope things are quiet!

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Evening all!

Another wave of storms tonight all my east coast friends button the hatches. Teri I could not believe Chapel Hill was flooded. Stay on high ground friend.

Yeah, Carole found the scales. Now stay off them! Once a week only while your losing. The granite counter tips sound awesome. I cannot wait to see pictures of this kitchen. How is the reflux ?

Dee you amaze me, you will get that GED. You are so inspirational to all if us. You are an Angel on earth and I fell honored to call you my friend.

Mini I all too well remember this high temps from my7 years I. kansas, we on the east coast have no idea what hot really is. Those 100+ temps in the mid west and west are hot as hell. Stay protected and drink plenty of liquids.

Dawn, when is ur move?

Janet are u back did you have fun?

Cawannna we hope ur ok! We miss you! Has anyone talked other?

Short week for me, good weekend but busy. Mom loses more and more of her cognitive abilities daily. So sad ;-(. I have to drop the nighttime sitter, we can't afford it and I need the money for her bills and day care. I will just make the best of it for now. She is cooperative, liking day care and with me controlling the alcohol and change in meds the delirium and hallucinations have subsided . I think the antidepressant is starting to work, she is more manageable the past week except for Friday. Part of me thinks she has given up fighting with me because I am relentless and don't give up easily. That's me bossy and in control , god I think they gives meds for that also . Lol

I am in organization mode, work is getting very stressful. Lost a director so my life just got thrown back into the clinical management arena for a while along with my administrator duties. I will try to keep up , just know I am here if you need me even if slow to respond.

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Hi, Ladies. Great news Carole. :) See, you are doing it. No obstacles have been able to stop you! You are a strong mama!!!

Di, that's great news about your mother too. I am glad things have gone well these past several days. You definitely are a strong person and it has made you the amazing person you are today. If you ever wanna do what you do and travel the world or work part-time, the Joint is always looking for people as fabulously talented, experienced and driven as you. imho ;) I am looking to move late fall. I am still hopeful I can do my job remotely and will broach that topic late next month. Today, our director told us of some new processes we are implementing in the next 2 weeks so that all our folders are electronic and no more physically routing them around the office to enable people to work remotely. ;-) One step closer to this being feasible. :)

Dee, I am so proud of you in so many ways. and you going after your GED is just one more way!!! I have 3 classes to finish for my Associates and I have to take a Math placement test beforehand. I am dreading it. I used to do very well in Math; however, not having taken it in over 20 years I am lost! So I feel your pain. You truly are amazing.

Terri, stay safe in the storms...

Michelle and Nicole, I hope you aren't melting (unless it's just fat). ;-)

Janet, how was the trip?? :)

Damn it, all you ladies are! That's why you're my FABULOUS friends.

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Hi' date=' Ladies. Great news Carole. :) See, you are doing it. No obstacles have been able to stop you! You are a strong mama!!!

Di, that's great news about your mother too. I am glad things have gone well these past several days. You definitely are a strong person and it has made you the amazing person you are today. If you ever wanna do what you do and travel the world or work part-time, the Joint is always looking for people as fabulously talented, experienced and driven as you. imho ;) I am looking to move late fall. I am still hopeful I can do my job remotely and will broach that topic late next month. Today, our director told us of some new processes we are implementing in the next 2 weeks so that all our folders are electronic and no more physically routing them around the office to enable people to work remotely. ;-) One step closer to this being feasible. :)

Dee, I am so proud of you in so many ways. and you going after your GED is just one more way!!! I have 3 classes to finish for my Associates and I have to take a Math placement test beforehand. I am dreading it. I used to do very well in Math; however, not having taken it in over 20 years I am lost! So I feel your pain. You truly are amazing.

Terri, stay safe in the storms...

Michelle and Nicole, I hope you aren't melting (unless it's just fat). ;-)

Janet, how was the trip?? :)

Damn it, all you ladies are! That's why you're my FABULOUS friends.[/quote']


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So Sunday morning my cheek bone below my eye started to hurt, like I had been punched in the face. It progressively got worse until I was in a lot of discomfort by nighttime. Monday I go to work in such pain like I've never felt. Whole side of head is just a killer!!

I get in to see a dentist and they say that I don't have any cavities, put me on antibiotics and Vicodin and refer me to an oral surgeon who is better equips to find the cause.

From that appointment I go for my monthly LB check in. I opted not to have a fill. I lost 6 lbs this month AND my BMI is at 31!!!

From there I ran to costco to fill my prescription. My liquid children's Advil had kicked in a little. An off duty C H P i the next checkout was making googlie eyes at me... heehee ( wow it took me some time to figure it out. It's been a while)

Got home around 6:30. Took meds and my liquid hydrocodone. Fell asleep of course and just woke up in so much pain again! Took more meds and I'm just waiting for them to...

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Just kidding .... To kick in.

So happy day and miserable day all wrapped in one!

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Michelle...pain in the mouth is one of the worst to me. I certainly hope they dental specialists discover the origin of your pain fast. Could it be related to sinus issues?regardless, feel better...

Dawn...always great to see you back! And great news to the possibility of being able to work remotely from home. I'm glad you will be relocated before the winter weather and ice return.

Diane, glad that you are discovering better ways to cope with your stress...you will prevail through this. Keep the faith!

Dee, how awesome that you are going forward with your GED...we are never too late or old to pursue learning! It reads to me that this is yet another goal you wanted to achieve for awhile and set aside. So good to read that your self confidence is at a level to ensure success! Keep us posted on your progress...

Terri, has your weather improved yet? We've had 2" of rain in our rain gauge for the past 2 evenings. We've also been told by long time residents that the weather here is also unusual this year.

Hope Nicole is doing well...has she voluntarily left our island?

Janet, I hope you had a great time on your trip...the sand along the panhandle beaches is second to perhaps only the Bahamas. You have been missed!

Back to boxes in my office today...I wonder what else I am missing that is soon to be discovered? The box the scale was in was marked for my office and labeled "books". Needless to say, Jack is not the best person for details.

Never a dull moment...I hope everyone has a great day!

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Michelle...pain in the mouth is one of the worst to me. I certainly hope they dental specialists discover the origin of your pain fast. Could it be related to sinus issues?regardless' date=' feel better...

Dawn...always great to see you back! And great news to the possibility of being able to work remotely from home. I'm glad you will be relocated before the winter weather and ice return.

Diane, glad that you are discovering better ways to cope with your stress...you will prevail through this. Keep the faith!

Dee, how awesome that you are going forward with your GED...we are never too late or old to pursue learning! It reads to me that this is yet another goal you wanted to achieve for awhile and set aside. So good to read that your self confidence is at a level to ensure success! Keep us posted on your progress...

Terri, has your weather improved yet? We've had 2" of rain in our rain gauge for the past 2 evenings. We've also been told by long time residents that the weather here is also unusual this year.

Hope Nicole is doing well...has she voluntarily left our island?

Janet, I hope you had a great time on your trip...the sand along the panhandle beaches is second to perhaps only the Bahamas. You have been missed!

Back to boxes in my office today...I wonder what else I am missing that is soon to be discovered? The box the scale was in was marked for my office and labeled "books". Needless to say, Jack is not the best person for details.

Never a dull moment...I hope everyone has a great day!


I agree. But with holiday coming up I decided that a dental team could diagnose. It's harder to get to a dentist on a holiday weekend than to urgent care or er.

Sorry I haven't comment on all of your posts. I'm pretty out of it. You guys are great! Thanks for all of your support!

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post-208874-13813135196657_thumb.jpg post-208874-13813135197045_thumb.jpg post-208874-13813135197422_thumb.jpg post-208874-13813135197807_thumb.jpgHello my BFF's, I've missed you all. I just got done catching up on everyone. So much has happened, it seems like I've been gone forever.

I had a very good time. The weather was iffy, but did have sometime around pool and the beach. The food was excellent. Dave was very good at making sure I was comfortable and happy (not really like him), lol. Iactually got him to wear a wedding band after 40+yrs. We went into the Harley store in Pensacola and they had a gold mens band with a Harley logo etch in the center, with a small diamond on each side. It was on sale and he really liked it, so I bought it for him. I quess we're officially a couple now, lmao.

The airports killed my knee's, especially when we practically had to run to catch connecting flight in Atlanta. I know it was a good mile between planes. We just made it. ATLANTA AIRPORT IS A ZOO!!!!

Got home to a flood garden, again. Had to wade threw the ick and rescue plants, again. The Water was up to my ass. Rained all day yesterday and I had to go out and rescue the rest of the plants I thought were safe. All this did not help my knee's either.

The weather called for more rain today, but so far, so good. The tide in garden has gone down almost a foot. Calling for rain until July4th and I keep praying for mercy.

Today is Maddy's Independence Day, she left the NICU 12 yrs ago today after spending her first 10mths there. She laughed all the way out the door and the drive home.

Terri, I hope you have a nice time on the coast.

Carole, Glad the foot is ok. The granite sounds amazing. Yeah for the scale. Continuing good thoughts on the barium test.

Dawn, Have a good time with Brad and kids. Prayers for safe travel.

Mini, So sorry about your pain. I was wondering about Shingles???? Hope they get tothe bottom of it and find you relief.

Also hoping for relief from the unbearable heatwave you and Nicole are facing.

Dee, So proud of who you are!!!!! Next time you take that test, please ask for prayers....

Glad you are having a wonderful time with the kids. Hugs, angel!

Diane, Hang in there GF. One day you will be on the beach with your hub.

Anyone who is as dedicated as you, will be blessed.

Nicole, I hope things are going well.I'm sure you are exhausted returning back to the work force, after a major life change.

Oh, I forgot, congratulations Mini on the 6 lbs down. You rock!

Dawn, you do not take after your c mom when it comes to drinking.

The only alcohol that can knock my socks off, is Vodka and I stay way far away from it. Jagermeister- I can drink anyone under the table on, no effect at all.

I did have a couple Long Island Ice Tea's this trip, thought it was made with ice tea, NOT. Vodka, tequila, rum, gin, triple sec, sweet and sour mix and a splash of coke (what, coke?????), very, very little coke. No effect. Stomach made of steel, that only stress can get to, go figure.lol





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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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