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Couch To 5K

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I forgot to mention that I use an app called "runkeeper" for my iphone to track my running activity. I tried a few others and I like this one the best. Any runkeeper users who want to friend each other for support please PM me and I will give you my username. It nice to share support and encouragement from others.

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I started with sole to soul sisters several weeks ago... The key for me was that the pace was super slow in the beginning, the jog was about the same pace as a speed walk (I am pre-op). Katrina, my leader and a co-founder of the group (which is awesome and free! Anyone interested in starting a program can contact sole to soul on the website ) has tweeked the program to avaoid the huge jumos at weeks 4 and 5... she said over tha last few groups she noticed a huge decline in participation at certain "jumps" in the program. I will attach the link to the schedule we follow. She also advised in the first couple weeks NEVER to run back to back days and spread it out.

Unfortunately I have been having foot problems... just go a cortizone injection yesterday and am hoping to get back in the next couple weeks. Also if you have a smart phone the app "Run Now" is great to time your intervals during your run. Good Luck!! You can do this!!!


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Is this a crazy idea? I'm losing well with just my two dog walks a day, about 30 to 45 minutes total. I think I will wait to increase my exercise when I get to a plateau. There's an hour long walk with lots of hills that I do sometimes, and then there's this couch to 5K that I find intriguing as well. I think I will wait and add the higher intensity walk when I hit my first plateau, and then add the c25k when I hit another plateau.

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I just started this today. I actually tried a couple of years go when I was 40 pounds heavier and it was next to impossible for me. Today was GREAT. I completed it with no stopping, no cheating... just did it all the way through. Is anyone doing it now or do you want to start it back up? I'd love a virtual run buddy. (And trust me, anyone can do this. I'm 5'11, weight 285 pounds, I have osteoarthritis in both knees and I'm 43 years old.... AND I DID IT!!)

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I tried this tonight for the first time and my problem was once I switched from running to walking, I had a hard time starting back up the running.. I only did 20 mins. of this tonight.. Its a start right? :(

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Trust me... my run was more of a clumsy fast walk. I figure any kind of movement is an improvement compared o what I've been doing. :)

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You can do it!!!!! This is you WOW!!! Moment in your journey to weight loss. Who cares if you don't "run" the 5k is the determination of you getting out there and doing it in the first place. I applaud you in you ambition to try.

I signed up for a tough Mudder event in October. This is a 12 mile 29 obstacle event. I don't care if I run all 12 miles, I just want to finish.

Keep up the work and everything else will take care of itself.

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I completed the C25K program last summer. It helped me get from 288 to 250. I loved it! My only problem is I wouldn't take a day off between runs so I developed tendinitis in my hips. Oops. The doc told me I had to quit until it stopped hurting and I never started back up :( Once I am banded on the 27th and recover I hope to get back into it. My husband was a runner and I would like to have that be a healty activity we do together.

Now just the waiting game! 10 days until surgery!

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I have started the c25k on Monday, it is had but hoping it will help jump start some weight loss :)

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Ive run the first week twice because I am not confident to move forward, but its doable! The apps work great and it doesnt interrupt your music too much. I run on the treadmill, and Im heavier than the last time I did the c25k about 8 years ago, so I find that I might have to alternate with an elliptical to ease my knees and ankles a bit better before extended periods of running start up.

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