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Blog Comments posted by ajoneen

  1. Im glad you, your family and home are in good shape. Don't go refilling that freezer with tempting stuff.

    I think it has been said before- you probably would have gained a lot more quitting without the band. You know you can make the band work for you now it is time to put it to work again.

    Get out and walk. Then report back. We are waiting for an update.


  2. It sucks when folks don't do their job as expected.

    Take this time to wrap your mind around the band. Ha? Ya I said that. Go over to the pre-op, nutrition, exercise & fitness, post-op boards. Write down your questions to take to the first consult. You should have questions. Also- What are your expectations? What do you think the band will do for you? What are you willing to do for the band? You should have the answers to those questions because any Dr worth anything will ask you something like that.

    Redirect the frustration you are having to empower yourself to succeed with your decision. That will help with the depression too.

  3. OK Im going to give you some tough love:


    Why are you testing your band? Do you want to have problems? What are your food guidelines?

    Remember protein first & small portions. You are not looking to eat until you feel full at a meal. You are looking to not be hungry. Learn the difference and you will have success!

    OK Im done.

    Good luck on your journey.

  4. That is such great news!!

    Try to keep a journal or this blog. Write down your ups, your reasons, questions, answers. Then when you have a down (& we all do) you will have something to go to that will reinforce and refocus your decision and moral.

    good luck on your journey,


  5. It might feel like all the other times but this time you probably won't gain it all + more back.

    As for the bypass- ya it's faster but the other stuff-malnutrition, gas, constipation, stinky poop, stinky farts. Nope I'll take the band over that any day.

    Im a slow loser too. I hate looking at those scars too. But we are here now. You have to trust that you made the most correct decision at the time. Work with what you have. Get another fill. Talk to your Dr.

    Good luck on your journey,


  6. When it rains it pours. Im sorry about your Aunt. Remember you are doing a great thing by visiting and listening to her.

    As for your sister. It sucks that she has to blame others like that, even a plant. Give her some space, if you aren't there you can't be the focus of her rage.

    I'm proud of you too. Knowing you have a problem with stress eating and actually not eating while stressed is a great thing. Try to do something for yourself. Manicure? Good book? Weekend away? Get out and walk. Exercise is a great mood elevator. It also gives you something to do to be away from the sister from hell.

    Good luck on your journey.

    Keep blogging & I'll keep reading.


  7. You've done really well this past 5 weeks!!

    Wow a horse of your own! I volunteer at a horse therapy program. Wonderful "beasties".

    Keep your chin up. You should be very proud of your progress. Don't worry about the anorexic thoughts. You are just becoming more aware of your food intake and impatient to get to your goal.

    Have you had a fill yet?

  8. About the clear liquids for a WHOLE week. A.. might I suggest you don't push it. Low fat yes. Liquids yes. But to restrict yourself to clear liquids for a WEEK is just asking for failure. Really.

    You will have to follow a post op diet that is very restrictive but it will be easer because you probably won't want much more then what is recommended.

    Sorry about your grandma. Cancer is hard on everyone.

    Good luck on your journey.


  9. I too had some doubts right after being banded. I think alot of folks do. It's a big change of lifestyle. Your stomach was really swollen after the surgery so you had tons of restriction. Now since you haven't had a fill you are working on willpower. Granted the band is in place and if you tried to eat a huge meal you would feel discomfort. Believe me on this and don't try to "test" the band.

    Your body can not sustain the kind of loss you had in the first week. Some weeks there will be a loss some not. You are looking for the average over a long period of time. It took time to get obese it will take time to get slim.

    Did your Dr give you a food plan? Are you keeping a food journal?

    There are a quite a few calorie counting websites. Thedailyplate.com is just one. In this new period of your life you will need to do some things differently them you have been doing them. Keeping a food journal or making a food plan(setting up your meals for the week ahead of time) and exercise are the keys to your new lifestyle. If you are not willing to do these you will probably not succeed with the band. I know that is harsh but none the less true.

    What made you want to get the band? Write those reasons down and go back and read them when you need motivation.

    Set some realistic goals, both for weight and personal.

    For me one was to complete a Triathlon. Well I did it.

    Your mind is a powerful thing. Keep telling yourself you can become a healthier person. You can keep a food journal. You will increase your exercise.

    OK, sermon over.

    Good luck with your journey!! Keep blogging. Keep in touch.


  10. It is great to hear that you are healing so well. I remember going over to full liquids- I pureed some chicken w/ veggie soup. It was like manna from God after all the sweet protein shakes.

    Good luck on your journey


  11. What do you do? You keep no doing what you are doing. Which by the way is working, for you.

    Try to remember the what you say to yourself is powerful so keep it positive.

    You've lost 5.4lbs .

    You're getting out and exercising for 30 minutes everyday.

    You are taking control of your future and getting healthier each day!

    Keep up the good work.


  12. I disagree that the band is not working until the first fill. You might not feel restriction until you have a fill or three but the band is in place and you will have problems if you over eat or under chew.

    Did your Dr/nutritionist give you a food plan? You need to stick with it.

    Your stomach is losing the swellig it had after the surgery so yes you do have less restriction.

    Protein is the key to feeling full longer. You have to get your protein in first at meals and get 60g or more a day.

    You are going through bandster hell. It is hell for a reason. cravings, scale jumps, maybe even a little depression.

    Just stick with it. Now is a good time to start your exercise program.

    Good luck on your journey.


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