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Blog Comments posted by Sharpie

  1. Hi Donna I am 66, yes I wish I had done it when I was younger but my insurance probably would not have covered it.. I was diabetic, hypertensive and had high cholestrol.. arthritis in knees and back.. or at least my knees and back hurt all the time.. @ 5'0 and almost 200bs I was almost immobile..Since being banded in Jan. I no longer have to take diabetic meds , high cholesterol med has been cut in half and my blood pressure is normal..I have not felt this good in many years.. I believe the band has saved my life.. I am about 20 lbs or so from my goal and I have not had any problems.. good luck and I wish you success..

  2. wow so you have concerns about being 45.. lol wish I was only 45 again.. but my daughter reminds me that every day is a gift.. She treats terminal cancer patients every day.. so when I whine about getting old or whatever she brings me back to what is really important in life.. and if you can even wear a bikini you are 90 % luckier than most of us.. I will never be able to wear another bikini.. too old for one thing and too flabby for another.. gravity is a b...so you go strut yourself on the beach and enjoy..

  3. at 3 weeks post op I was barely on regular foods... throwing up is not a good thing, but hopefully it will be a reminder.. I know we all eat too fast sometimes.. I have really worked on that.. I have been stuck just a few times but it's painful and I now have slowed down alot... I also realized that even though I may have something left on my plate, I dont have to eat it .. it's better in the trash than in my already full stomach...

  4. Sounds like you have a great attitude.. I have to work out alone too.. we live in a little town, I go to the local gym, no pool but my daughter has a pool so I use hers.. have you checked into the YMCA? sometimes they have pools and workout equipment.. 80 a mo. is expensive..Keep on your path you will meet your goals...

  5. I think it's part of the addiction... I also did that in prior attempts to lose.. If the scale didn't read the right # I would go on a binge.. If people said oh you're doing good with your weight loss, I somehow took that to mean go ahead and eat...I think it's a fear of failure or success not sure which... maybe a psychologists can figure it out.. however, since being banded I am in more control than ever before.. You can do it.. just concentrate on your victories and imagine yourself in a new smaller outfit... work food is the worse.. I am lucky I don't have to face that anymore.. I work at home but I have managed to keep the bad stuff to a minimum...

  6. That poor woman needs to kick him to the curb.. My husband started out 37 years ago with a 93 lb wife.. I got to 200 lbs.. he never complained.. he was concerned for my health but never once acted embarrassed or made rude comments.. He knows how much I wanted to lose weight.. he has stuck with me through every crazy diet plan I ever wanted to do... If I gained it back he'd just say well honey you will have to try again if that's what you want to do.. sounds like this guy is a jack ass... we all can't have wonderful husbands I guess... I am blessed..sounds like you are too.

  7. So sorry for your loss... it sounds like a overwhelming time for you... recovering from surgery is difficult enough without the added stress.. You know why you had the surgery and how important it will be to your boys to have you around.. Everything will be fine with time.. losing your loved one's is one of the hardest things one can go through.. we have lost two children and a son in law in about 5 years time so I speak from experience... Take care of yourself first , the rest will follow. You are in my prayers...

  8. I am sorry that someone was rude to you in that way.. Sadly I think our current society has some of the rudest and disrespectful people in it ever. I took grandkids to a rodeo one night.. grown men sitting behind us were f'ing this and f'ing that.. I finally had enough and stood up and asked them if they did not see the children? or do they kiss their mama with those mouths? they started to get smart with me about the time my 6'4 " son in law walked up... lol they shut up and moved..You hate to have confrontation with people but I think people are too scared to say anything to rude people.. thank goodness your friend wasn't scared... that's okay you know in your heart who is the best person and Karma is a interesting thing.. what goes around comes around eventually...

  9. I am sorry to hear about your issue with Lobster.. I love it too but have not tried it.. maybe I won't now... I have eaten shrimp and of course fish .. wonder why the lobster got stuck? maybe it was dry? do you think it was too dry or maybe too big of bites? I really would like to try some but I want to stay away from being stuck...

  10. track your calories.. make sure you are not eating more than the 1 cup of food at each meal, get your protein in and lots of water. the band will not necessarily make you lose weight.. it's a tool to help you eat smaller amounts and keep you satisfied longer... myfitnesspal.com will work for tracking calories.. you would be surprised how that will help you...

  11. very nice anniversary Terry ... my husband of 37 years has always been pretty good with gifts til the last few years.. we just don't need much.. he does do flowers sometimes and used to do candy but that of course is not going to happen now.. we buy each other weed eaters and stuff like that now.. not romantic but practical.. at 15 years we were way more romantic and I was way cuter.. lol

  12. Teens are pretty selfish.. they aren't concerned with our health just how much "fun" they have. I wouldn't worry much about those comments.. they don't understand the struggle especially if she is a size 3... You might remind your family that you would like to stay around for them and that is why you are trying to do something about your health... but once you start losing I am sure they will be happy for you.. My grandchildren who are teens noticed recently my 40 lb loss.. and they are really happy for me... hang in there..

  13. I think it's unfortunate that some people have to drone on and on about their misfortune. I have found nothing but good advice and encouragement on this group... no one has purported themselves to be experts.. That being said I do find it easier to take information from successful people on here than people who have a hard time understanding the rules.. I don't think everyone who has had problems is at fault but I do think there is a fair percentage just like anything else that like to place blame on anyone but themselves. so, my advice to you is to go to another board where you can whine and gripe... we've all seen and heard enough negativity and frankly it's tiresome.. so if you are happy then act like it and move on..

  14. Our family constantly celebrates... lol.. every event involves food.. however, since being banded, I just eat what we have in a very small amount or bring my own food.. my family has been so supportive and they try (bless their hearts) to make healthy food but they all still love bbq and lasagne and burritos, etc. so, I haven't stopped living I just make better choices where food is concerned.. I am very happy these days not worrying about my weight 24/7...

  15. I think they make more $$$ performing the sleeve.. not sure but it seems to be the newest fad. I looked at that option but my surgeon said I would be a good candidate for the band. I also wanted the option of reversing if I needed to. There is no reversing sleeve surgery.. HOwever, the band does require participation by the patient and not simply being a bystander.. I am hoping my band will help me continue to be more aware of what and how I am eating.

  16. I don't think it's just fat people who do this.. I am sure alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. have the same thoughts.. well I had one drink so I might as well get drunk,,, I think some of it is just human nature.. I used to weigh myself, if I had gained I would spend the day eating what I wanted cause I thought what the hell.. self punishment I guess.. now a days I weigh in the morning and I take it and go.. if I haven't lost oh well I will see if I need to change something like drinking more water or skipping a carb.. I have not gained anything since surgery so I am lucky.. I feel confident that this will work and I do not feel deprived...

  17. Terry you made the right choice... even if you had eaten yourself silly and perhaps endangered your health, how would that have helped your family member with their issue? I know firsthand about trying to medicate yourself to avoid the pain.. We lost 3 family (daughter, son and son in law) in the past few years.. it's the worst kind of pain ever losing your children.. but my eating and even going back to smoking for a short time could not fix it... it gets better with time . I am able to cope better through this process of making myself healthy and realizing that my life is still worth living.. Take care of yourself so you can help your loved ones.. I will pray for you and your family member.

  18. awesome... I thought about how much time I spent eating crap... in the past.. since being banded in January, my outlook on food has changed.. I even have a hard time thinking of something to eat when I grocery shop.. but the great part is that food no longer has a hold on me.. when I get bored I do something like laundry or vacuum.. I also started trying to get some exercise going.. I joined the gym this week and will try to go every day or at least 3 times a week... mostly to use the treadmill and bicycle.. The band is worth it and I hope you have continued success and a longer, healthier life...

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